Gods of New York City Recruitment Thread

Started by himawari, September 30, 2023, 07:07:53 AM

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Here is an attempted CSheet


Mortal Identity: Adrian Cole
Pantheon: Greek
Portfolio: Sun, Music, Prophecy
Gender: male
Apparent Age: late 20s
Occupation: Rock Star
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair color: dark blonde
Eye color: blue
General Appearance: Adrian has an athletic build, toned from his stage performances and outdoor adventures. His skin is sun-kissed, perpetually glowing with a warm tan. His hair flows like molten gold, often styled in a windswept manner. Adrian's eyes are the color of a clear summer sky, filled with a spark of mischief and wisdom. He often adorns himself in stylish and fashionable clothing, embracing the rock star persona, with the addition of multiple tattoos including one of a sun in his back.
Faceclaim: N/A

Origin and Background:

Apollo was born of Zeus, the king of the gods, and Leto, a mortal woman, but his entrance into the world was far from ordinary. His mother, Leto, endured tremendous hardships due to the relentless jealousy of Hera, Zeus's wife. Hunted by Hera's wrath, Leto roamed the earth, desperately seeking a place to give birth. It was on the floating island of Delos that she finally found refuge, and there, beneath the radiant sun, Apollo was born with his twin sister, Artemis. As the sun god, each day, Apollo would harness his golden chariot, pulled by magnificent celestial horses, and ride across the sky, illuminating the world with the warmth of the sun. His daily journey was a symbol of the perpetual cycle of day and night.

His affinity for music was also legendary. His instrument of choice was the lyre, a stringed instrument whose melodious strains had the power to soothe the gods on Mount Olympus and inspire mortals to greatness.

Finally, as the god of prophecy, Apollo's most famous oracle was located at Delphi. Here, Pythia, the priestess of Apollo, would enter a trance-like state and deliver prophecies to seekers from across the ancient world. Apollo's wisdom guided the fates of many, and his words were both revered and feared.

During the Trojan War, Apollo, the Warrior Bard aided the Greeks and fought alongside them. His divine arrows rained destruction upon the enemy, and his valor was celebrated in epic tales of heroism.

In this era, Apollo, now Adrian Cole, has channeled his divine essence into the persona of a rock star. This modern path is an extension of his age-old mission to bring light and enlightenment to humanity through the power of music, sun, and prophecy. Each note played, each ray of light casted on stage, and each word sung carries the essence of an ancient deity striving to inspire, heal, and illuminate the world once more.

Godly Gifts:
Solar Radiance: Adrian can harness the power of the sun, using it to emit blinding light or summoning flames at will.
Musical Prowess: His music possesses a supernatural quality, capable of captivating and inspiring those who hear it.
Prophecy: Adrian retains the gift of foresight, providing him with insight into future events, though the visions can be cryptic and subject to interpretation.

Skills and Talents:
Songwriting and Composition: Adrian is a prolific songwriter, crafting songs that resonate with people on a deep emotional level.
Archery: He excels in archery, a skill inherited from his twin sister Artemis.
Charisma: His divine aura and charm make him a magnetic presence.

Immortal Equipment:
Ethereal strings from his lyre, that he adapted to a particular electric guitar.

Personality and Motivations:
Adrian is a charismatic and outgoing individual, always ready to bring joy and positivity to those around him. He is passionate about music and art, seeing them as powerful tools for healing and self-expression. He is known for his unwavering optimism and belief in the potential for good in both gods and mortals.

His primary motivation is to use his talents and gifts to inspire and uplift humanity. Adrian also retains his sense of duty to uphold justice and protect the innocent, a trait carried over from his mythological persona.

Weaknesses and Flaws:
Vulnerability to Darkness: As a god of the sun, Apollo is weakened in environments of extreme darkness or shadow.
Hubris: Apollo's confidence can sometimes border on arrogance, leading him to underestimate certain challenges.
Protective Instinct: His attachment to humanity may lead him to act impulsively in their defense, potentially putting him in risky situations.

Ons/Offs: DM for more.

Marie Reynolds

  I am interested in this and  thinking of bringing Aglaea The goddess of Beauty, Splendor, Glory and Adornment. However I am not sure how to handle her being the second wife of Hephaestus  and including an element of how she has openly discussed her newest  interest in bondage for its artistic applications  and be a way to explore new expressions of Beauty Splendor and Adornment and for the glory aspect she has also developed an interest in Escape challenge bondage videos and would have set up an studio to explore these things as a new way experience them and garner praise without  the old trappings of cults and religion with her husband  Hephaestus but I worry about detailing that element of there openness and touching on the dynamics of their relationship and how they still love each other and might be based more in emotional intimacy and despite her indulging in this interest she discovered.                                                                                                                                                                                   
    I  don't want to step on someone's toes in case they take up Hephaestus but  I am torn on leaving it  unmentioned and I don't really want to play into the whole  nasty Marital drama that runs rampant in the Greek Pantheon.  Though I am not sure how much creative license we are to take with the Myths and Legends of the gods, Cause if I can I guess another option is to write the character up that particular part of  the Legends involving  Aglaea and Hephaestus were not true and fabrications of the Humans the worshiped the Greek gods would also be possible. Any advice or suggestions would be welcome on this point for building a Origin story for Aglaea for this game would be greatly appreciated.


Rainy, you took my idea...so I will be tossing in Oya once I finish her...

HIma--here's Oya/Ora

Oda Oya
Oda Oya

Mortal Identity: Ora Olivia
Pantheon: Orisha (Yoruba Pantheon- African Diety)
Portfolio: Wind, lightning, violent storms, fertility, fire, rebirth, and magic.
Gender: Female
Apparent Age: late 20's
Occupation: Exotic Dancer
Sexual Orientation: Pan and Polyamorous

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 137 lbs
Hair color: Darkest Black
Eye color: Darkest Brown
General Appearance: Ora is built thick and curvy with the musculature of a physically active young woman in the prime of her life. Caramel-shaded skin, long dark curls that seem to writhe on their own, deep dark eyes, and a wicked smirk are all par for the course whenever Ora arrives on the scene. A dancer by trade (and inclination), Ora is bright and boisterous with a husky contralto meant to whisper filth and a cheerful laugh meant to inspire fun.

Faceclaim: Rosa Acosta

Origin and Background:
Many a many, Oya and her brother Shango were born to the Great Sea Mother, the goddess Yemaya, but it’s not clear who their father was. As she aged and grew into her power, Oya gave birth to NINE stillborn children and suffered great mental anguish and depression. However, she took a sacred cloth with the colors of the rainbow and made a sacrifice out of it before offering it to Oshunmare. As a result, she miraculously gave birth to 9 children: four sets of twins and the ninth child, Egungun. This is why she came to be known as the ‘mother of nine’.

Due to the fierceness of her temperament and the connections she had made with various others, Oya was eventually venerated as the Orisha in charge of winds, storms, and lightning and embodies the forces of change, renewal, and transformation. She kept to the Niger River when not required, and though her moods were as changeable as the river she guarded, she was as quick to forgive as she was to rage. However, her veneration faded as the world grew to encompass more than just the small cities and villages that met at her banks.  So she moved, first to Latin America and then into the continental US, setting up shop by natural waterways.

She came to NYC about five years ago by way of Miami and owns two upscale gentleman's clubs-- one of which she headlines at as an exotic dancer.

Godly Gifts:

  • Calm the Storm: Though she no longer holds the power to stop gale-force winds that are manufactured via tornados, hurricanes, and the like, Ora can cause thunderstorms to die down if she concentrates on them. This area effect (about one city block) lasts only as long as she can hold the thought in mind.
  • Ride the Lightning: She can not MAKE lightning (not anymore), but she can control it. Ora has been known to direct it away from people or places she loves. Doing so charges her up and strengthens her physically, though that only lasts as long as the storm does.
  • Dance of Desire: When Ora dances, she can (and does) encourage sexuality of all kinds. She can also encourage fertility with but a touch, though the effect lasts only a night.

Skills and Talents:

  • Dance: Ora has ALWAYS felt drawn to rhythm, and it shows in the way she moves. Since losing most of her connection to her homeland and taking on Aspects offered up by Santeria, this Orisha has become a master at movement and has studied tap, ballet, hip-hop, and ballroom styles.
  • An excellent cook: She tends to thrive on seafood of all sorts and loves spices; therefore, gumbos, jambalaya, stews, and soups are her dishes of choice, but she can cook just about anything.
  • Knife fighting: Pretty much self explanatory.

Immortal Equipment: N/A

Personality and Motivations: The Ora you meet depends upon a number of things. Is it business, and is she drunk or depressed? In her everyday life, Ora is perceptive, adaptable, and gregarious, but that changes whenever cash is involved. Therefore, in business matters, she is shrewd, calculating, and discerning.  However, when she is drunk or depressed, she becomes vindictive, abusive, and moody. As variable as the storms she used to call and the river she claimed long and long ago, Ora can beckon like the greatest of lovers or burn you with a glance. Tread carefully.

Just like her personality, Ora's Motivations are as variable as the wind. If one were to ask, they might receive various answers, all of which start with--"The children" or "The women." In point of fact, Ora has no real motivation beyond survival, and even THAT is a "sometime" sort of thing. Who wants to live forever when depression and alcohol make you wish you were dead?

Weaknesses and Flaws:

  • Depression (severe): Due to all of her losses, Ora sometimes collapses into severe depression. These episodes can last weeks to months and always come on like a storm, with no real warning.
  • Alcoholic: Sweet red wine is her libation of choice, but she will drink ANYTHING. This gets worse when the depressive episodes hit.
  • Violent: Drinking does not help the temper she's always had. Ora can erupt into physical abuse and altercations for no reason beyond a rude look or snide remark.

Ons/Offs: Not important at this time. If it becomes important, we can discuss it.

Extras: Ora is her best self around small children and has a special fondness for pregnant women. She also runs a halfway house for ex-strippers, hookers, and addicts who have had legal trouble. This is unknown to many, and she'd prefer to keep it that way.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Quote from: Wolfling72 on October 01, 2023, 12:51:59 PM
Rainy, you took my idea...so I will be tossing in Oya once I finish her...

She is the patron of the Niger River, known to the Yoruba as the Odò-Ọya, and she is the Orisha of wind, lightning, violent storms, fertility, fire, rebirth, and magic.

Just an FYI...

Ahh... I'm sorry, Wolfie. Great minds definitely do think alike, it seems~
Perhaps Oya and Oshun could have a connection?
If I remember right, their origins intertwine a few times. 👀
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Ooo, this looks very interesting!!

Could I put a tentative flag in Brigid? She is a Celtic Goddess of many things but I think I'd narrow it down to fire and prophecy  :3

You know you want something like this, so check out Ama's graphic commissions!


Quote from: RainyHigh on October 01, 2023, 12:58:27 PM
Ahh... I'm sorry, Wolfie. Great minds definitely do think alike, it seems~
Perhaps Oya and Oshun could have a connection?
If I remember right, their origins intertwine a few times. 👀

Yes ma'am. SOon as I have her under control, and if she's accepted, we will work it out...*nods, nods*
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


I’m tentatively going to put a claim in on Thor.


-Ponders- An Anubis or a Nyx, maybe. Either way, interested. Will see if I can come up with something fun.



I'm looking at Hachiman or Inari, though I was initially considering Sekmet or Bast. But, it looks like we're getting enough ladies already ;)
Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh



Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Mortal Identity: Nathaniel Castle
Pantheon: Pan-American
Portfolio: Deception, Song, Dance, Luck, Sexual Inhibition
Gender: Male
Apparent Age: 37
Occupation: Tutor / Social Activist
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195lbs.
Hair color: Black peppered with silver
Eye color: Brown
General Appearance:   In his current mortal guise, Coyote has an eclectic style. He dresses for comfort and to seem welcoming rather than for style. He borders on unkempt, but always seems fresh out of the shower.
Faceclaim: Taika Waititi

Origin and Background: For as many peoples as there are in lands, there are stories about a Trickster who helped inspire the creation of the world only to seek to corrupt it. Some call him a force of evil. Some a prankster. For a good many, he rebels against the other gods to help humanity. He gives them the gift of fire. He wants to see them rise, but due to his capricious nature he also plays cruel tricks on them.

The Atec people knew well the duality of their dieties. They could see his love of music, and dance. They knew of his love of women and how he sought to inspire inhibition. And they knew that he could be cruel. He could inspire deceipt, sew discord and inspire wars.

Coyote has traveled the lands and crossed the seas. He has been among many people and often wears the guise of their own dieties in order to play his pranks. After all, why just deceive people when you can make them blame their own gods?

In the modern era, where people are paradoxically less aware of the gods and more prone to seeing through their guises, Coyote is leading a more subtle life. While he has been expelled from several campuses for leading protests he makes his living as a tutor. He specialises in college level philosophy and takes on exclusively female clientele. Young woman who he turns towards counter-culture, and whose couches and eventually beds he winds up in. Some might call him a rake. He prefers to think of himself as a liberator.

When he is not inspiring rebelious attitudes among impressionable college students Coyote volunters with various outreach programs. He is a regular among the interstitial communities beneath the city and brings them resources he tricks the wealthy into giving up.

Godly Gifts:

Shapeshifter: Coyote can take on many forms, be they human or animal. Though in his natural form he is an anthromorphic coyote, it has been some time since he wore that guise. He has worn so many masks over the years he often forgets what it is to be himself.

Medical Muse: Though it is a lesser known quality of his, Coyote can inspire the healers of the mortal world to acts of miraculous healing.

Skills and Talents:

Empathy: Coyote is a keen judge of mortal behaviour. Though he might be at times cruel, he is a keen judge of mortals' state of mind.

Well Traveled: Coyote knows the lore and languages of many peoples, having spent a good deal of his existance travelling the world.

Immortal Equipment:

Stolen Fire: Coyote once stole fire from the gods themselves to give to the people. He keeps a spark of that first fire in a battered Zippo he carries in his back pocket.

Personality and Motivations:

Coyote is mercurial in his nature. These days he saves his cruelty for those who think themselves better than others, but that part of his nature still remains. He is quick to fall in love, but just as quick to flit on to the next amusement. But if he finds a cause he stays with it and gives of himself deeply.

Weaknesses and Flaws: (Minimum 2 weaknesses):

Rebelious Spirit: Coyote cannot resist sticking it to 'the man'. He might not be a criminal, but he chafes at rules and flaunts them any time he can.

Deceiver: No lesson Coyote tells can be plainly spoken. There is always some hint of deceipt to his words, an ulterior motive. He may teach a lesson, but never directly.

Ons/Offs: See Signatue

Marie Reynolds

I hope this works out okay let me know if you need me to change anything with the mentions of Hephateus.

Mortal Identity: Sommer Giselle Maddocks
Pantheon: Greek/Olympus
Portfolio: Aglaea The goddess of Beauty, Splendor, Glory and Adornment
Gender: Female
Apparent Age: 36
Occupation: Bondage Model/Bondage Studio owner.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Demisexual Polyamourous

Height: 5'7”(1.52M)
Weight: 132LBS(60kg)
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Green
General Appearance: Sommer has a lithe yet athletic body. Sommer tends to have her hair down around her shoulders but  when needed she will put it up in a pony tail or a lose bun. She has a variety of tastes in clothing from simple jeans and T-shirts to simple dresses and fancy gowns. She has been even known to wear gothic clothing and many other styles of alternative clothing styles.. Sommer tends to have fair skin and maybe because she is more than meets the eye she  seems to unexplainably never  sun burn.
Faceclaim: Bryce Dallas Howard

Origin and Background: Aglaea time as a goddess was as one of three Graces, That served Aphrodite as attendants as the age of gods passed and time passed the Graces were left to their own devices and the Three sisters decided to go their different ways. Well despite  the stories she was never married to  Hephateus but was known to on occasion be a confidant and friend to Hephateus after him and Aphrodite had their separation as husband and wife she did it cause she felt the god of the forge could just use a friendly face. Though eventually in her travels through out the world and in her journeys she learned about bondage and became intrigued by it and settled on going to New York where she heard some other gods took up residence and decided to open a studio to promote artistic bondage like Shibari and what other artistic applications of a variety of bondage she could come up with and even found an interest in doing amateur escape challenge videos as well. She did not really focus on the sex part but just the bondage some photo shots and videos where clothed or done naked but never involved actual sex.

Godly Gifts:
1. Aura of Beauty and Splendor: This aura helps those around her  see the beauty and splendor in them selves and others around her.
2.    The Muse's whisper, This allows her to inspire others to be creative and inspired and find the courage to create art.

Skills and Talents: Sommer had a knack for inspiring others like all the graces. Though in her travels in the mortal world she learned a lot of different styles of arts and theatre and by shear luck discovered the world of bondage. She started attending classes and researching anything she could on the topic of bondage. She learned how to tie and even learned how to craft and  make a few restraints herself. She even took some  time to learn about business and the entertainment industry to  learn how to manage talent. She did this by spending some time in college.

Immortal Equipment: None

Personality and Motivations: Sommer has a very warm and welcoming personality and she has a reall knack for helping others see the glory and splendor that lies just out of site to even themselves. Her motivations are to gather new experiences that will garner her attention for her beauty, glory and splendor for herself and  others. This is a new way of keeping her divine  essence thriving by experience Glory, Beauty and Splendor for herself and for those that come to work at her new studio alongside her instead of being worshiped or sent out to inspire at the beck and call  of the gods.

Weaknesses and Flaws:
1. The mantle of the Handmaiden:  Bound by  the nature of being a grace to tend to the needs of Aphrodite when she calls.
2. Hard to resist  the call of a festival. Old habits die hard and can't resist helping and encouraging  festivals to be planned and thrive in a community.

Ons/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=292486.msg14358084#msg14358084

Sommer's Mansion

Sommer's Townhome floor plans
If you would like me to add the individual rooms of the Townhome I can do so just let  me know if you want them.


Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Marie Reynolds

Yep Xerial I do love you Coyote character. Kind of reminds of the  Coyote from Midnight Occult civil servants anime.

Lets be honest I think all the characters submitted so far are all pretty cool.


There are so many gorgeous Character concepts here.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


whoa gimme time to look through the characters.

Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


Quote from: himawari on October 01, 2023, 08:39:19 PM
whoa gimme time to look through the characters.

Your fault for creating such an intriguing concept.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Marie, Xerial, Wolfling, Mainsnoires - your characters have been accepted.

TheFluffyOne, Alleron, Aethyrium, Primarch, Kuroneko - your gods/goddesses have been reserved.

Quote**Do note: everyone is only entitled ONE character for now. You can add one more as soon as the RP progresses a bit further.**
Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


Quote from: himawari on October 01, 2023, 08:57:35 PM
Marie, Xerial, Wolfling, Mainsnoires - your characters have been accepted.

TheFluffyOne, Alleron, Aethyrium, Primarch, Kuroneko - your gods/goddesses have been reserved.

SWEET. Thank you
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.

Marie Reynolds

Cool Thank Himawari. Looking forward to being apart of the fun!


Quote from: himawari on October 01, 2023, 08:57:35 PM
Marie, Xerial, Wolfling, Mainsnoires - your characters have been accepted.

TheFluffyOne, Alleron, Aethyrium, Primarch, Kuroneko - your gods/goddesses have been reserved.

Excellent, I'm so happy I was inspired not to apply as a flatulence god!

Quote from: Kuroneko on October 01, 2023, 05:25:41 PM
Xerial, I love your Coyote.

Thanks! :D

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on October 01, 2023, 05:30:52 PM
Yep Xerial I do love you Coyote character. Kind of reminds of the  Coyote from Midnight Occult civil servants anime.

Lets be honest I think all the characters submitted so far are all pretty cool.

There are so many good characters for sure. I'm humbled to be in such good company.


Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


*Drops off a flag of interest before bed*

Hmmmm, maybe Hephaestus.