(Closed) Interest check - The Children of the Light - want to join a cult?

Started by Ssieth, June 24, 2023, 07:02:36 AM

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Name: Ethan Hershkowitz
Age: 19
Sexual orientation:Hetero
Physical appearance: Six foot two and lean, light brown hair and grey blue eyes. Generally goes clean shaven, but in this difficult world it's not easy to avoid building up a couple days stubble. Has tattoos covering his left arm and shoulder.
Face claim: Jonathan Keltz (but I'm opening that up to debate!)

Ons and offs:
- Rough sex
- Clothed sex
- Giving and receiving oral
- Breastplay/Titfucking
- Embarassing shy girls/coercing them into things that make them nervous
- Group play

- I've absolutely no idea how relevant it's gonna be to this story, and it's not a huge deal, but I'll make mention of my fully-clothed wetlook kink here which is well detailed in my O/O's ^_^

Absolute offs: I have pretty much no hard 'OFFs'. There are things that might not do it for me, but if someone else is gonna enjoy them, I'm happy for them to be included.

Background:  He was lucky to be born into an enclave, and pursued a trade maintaining the water facilities. Competent, though hardly prodigious, Ethan always wanted to find a way to stand out in a world where only the remarkable and the uniquely useful were guaranteed security. So he proposed an upgrade to the enclave's hot water system, and thanks to a relative on the council, was given a chance to go ahead with it. But he made mistakes and his changes resulted in a disastrous cistern rupture, flooding part of a distinct and causing significant damage. Although Ethan wasn't threatened with expulsion, he knew that he'd never be given a second chance at becoming something exceptional, so he decided to strike out in search of the cult, where he could try to shine without being burdened by his previous mistake.
Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Quote from: tobisquestion on June 27, 2023, 03:41:19 AM
- I've absolutely no idea how relevant it's gonna be to this story, and it's not a huge deal, but I'll make mention of my fully-clothed wetlook kink here with is well detailed in my O/O's ^_^[/font]

I'm sure that we can fit something in somehow :)
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My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


An amazing set of characters so far :)  Thank you to everyone for all of your efforts and if you have any pre kick-off questions, do feel free to prod me :)
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
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Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: snuff doll on June 26, 2023, 07:05:53 PM
oh I didn't see this comment before doubling down on it lol

it's not a huge issue, can totally drop it if it is to someone
I am the same about Game World Offs, if it impacts someone's entire participation I'm happy to discuss to see if we can fit it in somehow.


Quote from: tobisquestion on June 27, 2023, 03:16:36 AM
I'm about to post my CS, conscious as I am that I'll be the only male character in the group. I'm informed that my taste in guys looks is unconventional, so if anyone wants to suggest an alternative to the face claim I go with, please feel free to speak up! :) No point having a sole male character that none of the female characters find attractive.

(Jonathan Keltz)
He has facial hair so wouldn't work with Melanie I am sorry to say, but by all means use that face if you like it.


Right - let me talk about 'system'.  In that respect the game is freeform systemless more or less but I want to give you guys a mechanism to overtly nudge my side of things in directions you want it to go for your characters. 

You don't need to do anything with this info right now but I thought that I would share it so that you have it in mind up-front.

And so... we're going to have 'cards'.  When we kick off, I'll ask each player to pick three cards.  The cards will either be Top or Tail.  You can pick any combination of three that you want - two of one and one of another or three all the same.   There will be obvious opportunities to play cards that I will prompt you for.  Top cards will push your character into situations where they have an opportunity to be more dommy/in-charge/free/on top of the social dynamic.  Tail cards are the opposite.   

You also aren't confined to me saying "And you might want to consider a card play here" or the like, please feel free to play them at any point that you want to influence any of the elements of the story that I'm controlling.

What happens when you run out of cards?  At a convenient moment after that, usually at what feels like a natural end to 'the scene', I'll invite you to select three new cards.  At any point you can throw away cards to prompt a sooner refresh.

What do I hope to achieve with this?  Firstly, I know that this is a game where NPCs have an outsized influence over everyone's lives and I want to give you a means of steering that to your tastes.  The notion of it being cards rather than just expressing a preference directly is that making you pick three ahead of time gives me a good notion of where you want the balance of the story to be for your character a little way ahead.   Feel free to express preferences regardless of the cards :)  I want them to be a supplement to communication rather than a replacement for it.

Aaand... speaking of communication - if folks want to talk to me outside of Elli, I'm ssieth on discord and can provide your my email in PM if you want it.  I'm also happy to set up a discord server for OOC discussion if folks would like.  Definitely not pushing anyone that direction if you don't want but thought I'd make the offer :)
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
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Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Just to let everyone know I don't do Discord, so I'd prefer an OOC here please, unless that's going to wreck things.


Quote from: Haibane on June 27, 2023, 05:50:12 AM
Just to let everyone know I don't do Discord, so I'd prefer an OOC here please, unless that's going to wreck things.

That's absolutely fine.   Just wanted to make the offer in case we were an all-discord group :)

I'll set up an OOC thread when I set up the main game thread :)
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
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One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Okay, here is my idea! Open to questions/suggestions - hope she fits in well. Looking forward to writing with you all!

Name: Kathrine ‘Katie’ Lee
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Bi, with her relationships up to this point mostly being with women
Physical appearance: 5 foot 2, slim. Dark slightly wavy hair. Katie has two amateur tattoos, done with a friend and hidden from her parents. One of the extinction rebellion symbol on her left rib just below the armpit and the other of the firefly symbol (from the Last of Us) slightly below her sternum, between her breasts. They are both fairly small, black ink. She doesn’t know what the symbols mean exactly - just that they are from rebellious groups from the past. 

Face claim:
Xaria Dotson

Ons and offs: 
Any/all vanilla sex
Power imbalance
Forced clothing or nudity
Secret Romance
I’m sure many other things that I am forgetting to include

Fairly open to whatever happens happening, though I’d rather no intense gore or anything of that nature.

Absolute offs:
 Scat play

Background:  Katie grew up in the saftey of an enclave, her father had a fairly prominent role in one of the corporations. She always pushed back on that, and was fascinated with the world as it once was, before the climate went belly-up. She blamed her father and corporate greed, and found little ways to rebel. Then, she heard about it. I news story, a flier - something that clued her in to the Children of the Light. That was the way it was supposed to be, the way good people did things - and she knew she had to make it there, to find her people.


Fantastic - another great character to round out the list :)

So - for things that absolutely won't be in the game we have:

  • PC death
  • Watersports
  • Cabibalism
  • Mutilation
  • Vore
  • Coprophilia
  • Scat
  • Snuff in general (as a sexual element - some NPCs may die in the making of this story)

If anyone wants to add to the red list either now, or later, then you are most welcome to do so.  Apologies if I missed anything whilst compiling the list, I assure you that it's entirely me being a doofus if I did, and not some conspiracy to sneak something in... poke me and I'll sort it.

I'll try and get an OOC thread up ASAP so that you guys can copy your character profiles there and I can put up a maintainable red list :)  I'll then work on an opening scene :)

And again - thank you all for taking the time and effort to come up with such an excellent cast :)  Oh - and do feel free to tweak stuff about characters at this stage and in the early stages of actual play.  So long as we don't get big contradictions creeping into the story, I've no objection to updates top character pictures, backgrounds etc. 
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


And the OOC thread is up :)

It will probably be this evening before I start to work on an intro scene and maybe tomorrow if RL demands my evening from me :)  If any of you want a longer pause before we start - let us know in the OOC thread and we can hold back.
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


I'm also marking the title of this thread to make it clear that we now have our cast :)
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Haibane on June 27, 2023, 05:23:42 AM
He has facial hair so wouldn't work with Melanie I am sorry to say, but by all means use that face if you like it.

How about a compromise - I've updated my CS with an extra picture of the same guy clean-shaven. Maybe at some points in the RP he'll have stubble, other times he'll be able to shave. We might even be able to make a plot point out of it! Like, "Damn...she seemed into me a couple days ago, what's changed?" *rubs stubble contemplatively*
Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Character images inspiration: Female - Male


Oooh - photoshop skills!  Now.... Jenna Coleman as a catgirl  :P
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


LOL, my work is crude and obvious but I enjoy messing about with images. tobisquestion, we can still play the stubble running gag if you like, until/if Melanie makes her preferences clear. Mel likes shaving guys in other places too...


Better than my photoshop skills, which more resemble a 5 year old with MSPaint...
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


To be fair 90% of my work is removing pubes :P


Quote from: Haibane on June 27, 2023, 09:06:26 AM
To be fair 90% of my work is removing pubes :P

That is a sentence I did not expect to read or hear today...
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Haibane on June 27, 2023, 09:06:26 AM
To be fair 90% of my work is removing pubes :P

This tells me you're a graphic designer, an esthetician, or a cleaner.
Character images inspiration: Female - Male


I just love smooth girls and dislike pubes!

BTW, was there anyone wanting face claims? I've got stacks of pics on my BDSMLR account but I can upload more if people can give me some guidelines (like ethnicity, hair colour, gender, body type, etc). Ssieth I could probably dig up some NPC faces if you need them.


I'm sorted for NPCs for the immediate future (some will be text description only but really major ones will get faceclaims).   I may come to you, later, though - especially in cases where an NPC's role grows in a way that is unexpected by me.
Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.


Quote from: Ssieth on June 27, 2023, 09:20:01 AM
in cases where an NPC's role grows in a way that is unexpected by me.

I can give adding dicks to girls a go, sure!


Posting Status: Hoping for 1-3 per week / game
My ONs and OFFs Page (8th April 2024)
One-on-one ideas (8th April 2024)
Possible Absences (2nd May 2024)

My Tampermonkey Script for Elliquiy

PM me here or find me as ssieth on discord.