Scorpion's Bride (Thirsty Sword Lesbians inspired)

Started by MadPanda, April 30, 2023, 11:18:42 AM

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Probably Light, can go Bondage if wanted.

Definitely slow-burn shojo-ai / romance.

(A little background! This has its genesis in a playtest game for Thirsty Sword Lesbians that used the Sword Lesbians of the Three Houses scenario setting...but this is freeform, and while it's inspired by that project, the only character who is actually carried forward to this is my Infamous. Sekhmet was an awful lot of fun to write!)

QuoteThe War of Three Banners ended almost ten years ago. The deaths of two heads of state in the last battle forced a peace that left none satisfied, but led to the establishment of the Academy of Hope. There, the younger members of the nobility could meet and form bonds that would make future wars less likely. And in truth, for a time, the central idea worked.

Now, Queen Elinor sends a kinswoman of hers on a top secret mission to the court of the Suzerain, ruler of the drylands under the banner of the Yellow Scorpion. The younger woman bears a simple message in Elinor's own hand for the other ruler's own eyes alone, unaware of the peculiar turn her destiny is about to take: she is being offered as a bridal candidate for the most infamous villain of the War, the sole surviving Champion of the three kingdoms, and a personal rival of Elinor's...Lady Sekhmet.

That Sekhmet has no idea that this is happening? Seems to be all part of some jest on the Suzerain's part.

Looking for someone willing to play the bridal candidate, with an eye to a slow burn romance.

An alternate forward even further, to a steampunk sort of setting, and it's a bridal candidate from the drylands who arrives to court a kinswoman of the current Queen, bringing with her the legendary sword Abjure-Injustice, claimed as spoils at the end of the War of Three Banners as a token of respect and sincerity. Working title for this one is likely to be The Scorpion Bride.
Voluptas ailuri fulgentis decretum est!
Omnis nimis, temperantia ob coenobitae.
(Jes, tiuj frazoj estas malĝustaj. Pandoj fakte ne komprenas la latinan!)

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