The Academy of Heroines (Again)

Started by Sabby, April 20, 2009, 03:50:20 PM

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Sure :) I'll still need to hear back from Silk and Aeval.


Quote from: Sabby on April 20, 2009, 07:01:20 PM
Sure :) I'll still need to hear back from Silk and Aeval.
Of course. I'll outline a personality and history skeleton, that's it.


I will bow out so you guys can play as a three if that will be better for you sabby :)


I haven't heard back from Aeval yet sweety :) I'll post Cassandra's character while you guys are busy on yours.

Cassandra was born in Asher's Down, a city nestled on the outskirts of a long dead volcano which still sends ash into the air, blanketing the city and spreading certain deseases. The place is notorious for its crime rings and criminal inhabitants. No one goes there unless their running from someone or need to buy or sell something very illegal.

Cassandra was born there with her younger sister, a street rat unwanted by a murderer and a whore, doing all she could to carve a small existance for her and her sister. Up until the age of 15, she had managed to avoid the fate of many girls her age, walking the streets and selling their bodies for money. When the corrupt leaders of Ashers Down decided to stomp out her particular section of the town (Crackdowns were not uncommon) she lost her innocence. In protection of her sister against the violent guards, she murdered two people. One, she had rammed to the ground and beat to death with a slab of concrete. The second had had his throat severed as she fumbled with a dead mans sword to fight him off.

Shaken and horrified by what she had done, her actions were noticed by a passing Heroine, who took her and her sister away from that dreadful place. This woman knew that Cassandra had potential, and if left in Down, she would become another simple murderer, thief or whore.

Leaving her sister in good care, she came to the Academy at age 16, and has dutifully studied the arts of combat and magic from that point on, learning to read and play small musical instruments, two things that she simply could not do in Ashers Down.

She is 18 and well on her way to becoming a great Heroine. Small for her age, her athletic, toned body hides many developed muscles. Her skin is very pale from living under the ashen sky, hair a very light blond, cut into a basin. Her large eyes are a deep blue, kind and focused, lips so pale they seem the same colour as her skin. In her short time here, she has blossumed into a rather beautiful young woman, chest filling out into a round, handful bosom, behind becoming fleshy and round as well.

Of the different uniform options at the Academy, she favours the short sleeved top and calve length skirt with boots. Fighting in a more gladitorial style to take advantage of her strength (utilizing rams and shoves, but also very nimble on her feet), she uses a round shield and short sword as her primary weapons, though there are many different weapons and styles that interest her. Her shortcoming is ranged attacks, but she makes up for it somewhat by using small throwing weapons concealed in her clothing.

Keeping to an upfront and physical style, her magic is limited but very practical. Bringing light to her hand, she can blind her enemy or discharge it as a way of staggering a blocking an opponant. Fire can be summoned to her blade, thrown in small amounts and called from the ground in sheets to give her space.

So, Cassandra is a very sweet a loyal person who comes from a dreadful background and feels she has to be everything she can (friend, big sister, Heroine) she favors simple gladitorial brawling but has a few tricks to bring out if she needs it.


Oh, just so your all aware, your welcome to bring in lesser characters if you like :) I know Cassandra is kind of focused/plain, but don't let her example stamp on your creativity XD one of the major things about the Academy is self taught styles, so feel free to have crazy elder students with overkill move sets.



Name: Milo d'Egyron bar Eamiri Haus Udana (Milo of Egyron, son of Eamiri of the House Udana), simplified as Milo Udana.
Age: 16
Height: 5'9"
Weight 143lbs

Milo is an all around average man. On the cusp of adulthood, he is in that awkward age where he's realizing his abilities as an adult, and at the same time, his fond memories of a carefree childhood still entrance him with simpler times. He's an intelligent man, quick to adapt to new surroundings, he's had a successful youth, blessed with a moderately successful merchant father and independent forward thinking mother to foster his talents. As such, he's in possession of a modicum of knowledge most recruits of the Academy are void of when first they arrive.

He was raised around good girls, raised to be seen and not heard. His parents had arranged a marriage to the daughter of a wealthy Zambwini merchant family, in return the two families, holding local monopolies on trade, would merge and form a new powerhouse in the great families. The daughter, an olive skinned beauty by the name of Tinashe Utajiri (Tinashe des Zambwini bar Taonga Haus Utajiri), was haughty and horribly attractive, even in her budding womanhood. Milo was smitten with a horrible infatuation the minute he saw her, at the age of 13. In fact, she was his first lover, both of them sharing in the awkward advances and ferociousness of feeling of their sexes joined, one stretching, one squeezing.

When he was fourteen, his father officially apprenticed him to the family business, teaching him the skills of mathematics, business, and the less-than-lovely life skills. He discovered that while the public often expected it, men were rarely faithful to their betrothed, and women were rarely faithful in return. His father encouraged him to seek out women, to experience the world. He couldn't see how the detached view of sex was healthy to a couple, but when he inevitably was confronted with sexually free women, and was bedded, he could see the appeal. He couldn't help feeling guilty after, however, feeling as though he was betraying Tinashe.

It was only mere months ago, during the Autumn Garnish, mere weeks before Milo was to wed Tinashe, tragedy fell on the tropical island of Asesica, purchased for Milo and Tinashe as the two families wedding gift. Men in the employ of the Merchant Fallon stormed the mansion, burning and killing as they went. Milo and Tinashe had been in the grotto, a natural formation under the palace and exiting in to the warm Asesian sea, sharing their love. It was the only reason they had survived the initial attack, and their families had perished. It was then the White Man, a well know, ruthless cutthroat, entered, from the far side of the grotto, seeing the two naked youths, the female quivering on top of the boy.

Tinashe had developed far beyond her fifteen years, shaming many a grown woman with her curves. The White Man, he saw her lustful beauty, and knew he would have her.

Milo put up a pitiful fight, stunned as he was from his recent climax, and was easily disarmed. The White Man's sword pierced his right shoulder, dipped in a lethal poison, which lit his veins white, crawling across his chest to his left bicep and running up his neck to his jowl. He then felt the rush of salt in his wound as he realized he had been thrown in to the sea, left for dead for the sharks.

It was where he was discovered, barely alive, by the master of the Academy. She was returning from the main island of Ferness, where protocol required her to attend the coronation of the new Autumn Queen. Initially passing him off as a simple street rat, unlucky enough to be the victim of a sword, she was quickly taken aback by the lethal wound on his shoulder and the strange poison that had spread across his chest. The poison the White Man used was known to kill a man within minutes of exposure, but these wounds were hours old. The only known survivors were those Heroines lucky enough to escape confrontation and seek medical aid.

She could not understand what had made this boy special, but she vowed she would find out. So, already having toyed with the idea in the past, resolved to bring this boy to the Academy to train him as a Hero.


Wayyyy too in depth XD you've got a whole other roleplay set up right there. Wouldn't it make more sense and be simpler if a rival merchant had the merger 'snuffed out'


Quote from: Sabby on April 22, 2009, 07:21:06 PM
Wayyyy too in depth XD you've got a whole other roleplay set up right there. Wouldn't it make more sense and be simpler if a rival merchant had the merger 'snuffed out'
Probably. :P

I mean, it's nothing that needs to be actually fulfilled in this roleplay. He wouldn't be able to do anything about the White Man for years, and we may want to continue this at a later point. It also explains why there's a man in the Academy of Heroines. If it's fine, I'd like to keep it like that. However, if a compromise is required, we could say that the Mistress treated the wound and altered his memory, effectively making him believe it was a rival merchant family. That way, he could live without the burden of being this great man.

Pwease. >.>


Awww, dun do the puppy eyes on meh. It just seems like too much. Some personal tragedy that leaves him a soul survivor is key to the story, but what you've layed out is a little overkill.


Name: Silk
Age: 17
Height: 4'12"

Born into a clan of gypsies, who for a long time traveled the plains of the region, Silk was born of what is considered cursed blood that was shared by the entire gypsy camp. Not often seen as a major issue Silk was born with gnomish blood coursing through her veins, this gave her a shorter stature than usual normally several inches shorter than most over girls.

But her height was not the only thing that her gnomish ancestry had given her, for she had a powerful talent for Illusion magic as well as a urge to craft. Until her 16Th she was living happily when a traveling heroine of the academy sensed her potential, and took her to the academy where she was invited to join. Taking up the offer she has now started the long road to becoming a heroine.



Quote from: Sabby on April 23, 2009, 03:10:12 AM
Awww, dun do the puppy eyes on meh. It just seems like too much. Some personal tragedy that leaves him a soul survivor is key to the story, but what you've layed out is a little overkill.
I'll change it to a rival merchant family. Took away the supernatural evilness of it, but kept the idea the same.

And, fyi Silk, four feet twelve inches is five feet...


Thanks for pointing that out it was a typo, ment 4'11 not 4'12


Well, Aeval hasn't responded yet. I'll give her a day, and if I don't hear from her, I'll set up an opening post :)


Mortal Kombat-MOVIE (Part5)

Skip right to 7:15, and you'll see Bear, or Guardian Bear, the Weapons Master. Tribal Warrior, master of almost every concievable weapon and absolutely deadly unarmed. His people amass names as they make achievements in their life. He has dozens, but Guardian Bear was one of his first, for killing a Bear with a knife when it attacked his youngest sister.

Strict but a good man with a very strong sense of honor. Truly cares about all of his students, and even accepts them into his Pack and grants them their Tribal Names, based on some event in their life, usually the one that lead them here. Cassandra is Ash Flower, as she grew pure and true in a stinking bed of ash where nothing good grows.

Ps - Its the black guy




It coming along XD work hit me like a road face plant. and then I hit the road... *fell off his scooter after a horrid day at work*


Okay, the flu got me and I've been very sick... I also have to somehow manage work. I promise that the opening post and the OOC will be set up on the Weekend.