Cursed Tales: Cleaning up the City [Recruitment][LGBTA+ Friendly]

Started by Drowned Vandal, April 24, 2023, 03:38:08 PM

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Drowned Vandal

Folk tales and myths, they've lasted for a reason.
We tell them over and over because we keep finding truths in them,
and we keep finding life in them.

-Patrick Ness


It started in Boston. Always seems to be the case, doesn't it? Those old cities soaked in blood and old lore, with alleyways that seem to stretch forever into the yawning dark. Superstition you'd have called it, once. Boston is a great city, you told family worried about crime rates--or hell, maybe you grew up round these parts. Maybe Boston is your home turf, and nothing and no one was gonna change that. Maybe you were brought here for work or the rich nightlife, a city of old brick and banked fire made up of the most pretentious of citizens... and the sleaziest. One of the top ten cities to live on the east coast, if you ask Google.

Whatever your particular case, that's all you expected of it. A northeastern city, large enough to have a draw but sleepy enough you aren’t tripping over people like New York. For most people, that's all it ever is. Maybe those other people, they listen to their instincts a little more. Cause when that little monkey brain in the back of your head starts gibbering, when you look around and realize there are no kids, no people, and it's strangely dark? It's time to leave. But once, just once... you don't. You take that shortcut, you pass through the dark, you ignore the signs. The flickering lights, the dimming phone screen.

You ignore your instincts, and your life is changed forever. But hey, take solace in the fact it could be worse.

Welcome to Boston. Welcome to Cursed Tales.

From the moment we learn to speak, we know what it is to curse someone. To beg for their downfall, to hope for their pain. Little things, usually. For an arrogant classmate to get a D just once, for a bully to trip down the stairs, for a coworker to be fired. Idle thoughts, often not even meant. Who hasn't had a thought or two, or even said something, that they regretted immediately after? And luckily for us all, normally, nothing happens with those wishes or words. No force strikes out, bounding from idle hands. Normally. Unfortunately that's not true for every case. There are people that live in plain sight, unaware of the power they wield. Their words linger, infused with the power of their hurt and anger. Those they wish harm to befall often end up wounded, or worse. And it would be simple, perhaps, if that was the end of it.

But these people have no idea what they're doing. It's an accident, unconscious. It's magic sent out into the void, looking for purchase. And once their purpose has been expended? That magic has nowhere to go. So it stays, lingering like a miasma, functioning in the only way it can. And it is one of these persisting curses that you run afoul of. Ludicrous, you might say. An easily dismissed folk tale or urban legend. People go missing all the time, what says it has to involve magic? But now, when it becomes your life, you can't dismiss it as idle fancy. As fun little stories, told by bored teenagers to scare those with weaker constitution or to create an artificial thrill.

Really, you'll think looking back. The people that vanished while searching for the slender man should have drawn more eyes. But it's easy to justify it for what you want it to be: a coincidence. No one wants to consider the alternative. The reality, though? The truth you don't want to admit to, and now have no choice? Folk tales are born of curses that have grown beyond their station; or maybe curses are born of folk tales, the lingering magic shaping to the lore of an area. It's a bit of a chicken and egg question, isn't it? But it doesn't really matter. Not for you.

These curses, now, exist for one purpose only: to hunt. And you walk right
through one. What a curse seeks to feed on depends on the legend itself, stories shaping a curse. The longer it persists without being cleaned from an area, the more stories of it are told, the stronger it gets. Some curses might simply relish your misfortune, while others want only your death. Some seek to scare, or thrill. Whatever the case, what's clear is that you escape your encounter... altered. Changed.

You survived an encounter with one of the creatures and if it was skill, luck, or something else entirely your life will never be the same. Their magic caused something to awaken in you, bringing out a power you didn’t know you had and perhaps at times wish you didn’t. It’s something that you can choose to grow or ignore entirely, either way the curses always come back for what they lost. It’s up to you how ready you want to be when they come home to roost.

Luckily for you, you're not alone in dealing with your new problem. There's a company that helps clean streets of these curses. For every problem there is a solution, and the solution to this problem are the Cleaners. For a price, of course. You end up recruited (or press-ganged, take your pick) into their ranks. It isn't as if you have many choices. The curse will come back for you, to take the power you stole. The Cleaners can train you to use your newfound power, keep you safe, and don't even ask for much in return--you just work for them. And there's more in it for you than a janitor uniform. Cleaning Curses comes with some perks, including infusing your power to strengthen it... or even creating curseforged equipment to help you in the field. Not bad when the other option is death.

Interested? Good. You might survive.


Still with me? Great! Glad to hear it, genuinely. You're probably wondering what this actually is, and in essence it's a group of people who go through something arguably traumatic, find out they have a new power (which we'll talk about later!) and then join up with a corporation of curse-cleaners for protection, and to make sure it never happens to anyone else. You'll be working with them to cleanse areas of curses-turned folk tales, some of which will be quite deadly. As you cleanse curses you'll be able to take wisps--remnants of curse power--back to the Cleaners and use it to augment or infuse your power to make it stronger, get new powers, or even make equipment and weapons!

This is not, however, meant to be a system game. There's not going to be any dice rolling or things for you to keep track of, and part of the reason characters are only starting with a few powers is to make it easier for people to join and play. There will be DM plots, but I also encourage all of you to come to the game with ideas for your characters. Things you want to explore or build on, drama, relationships, etc. How does this experience change you? Does it impact your 'mundane' life or responsibilities? What about your old career? How is it living on campus compared to where you were?

No game can be built solely on the back of the DM, so it's important you take that into account as you make your character and add things that interest you that you want to explore in Boston or the surrounding areas. You were all, up until the path that lead you to being cursed, human. And now everything is different. Imagine that level of shift in your own life, and the things you would need to deal with. Thankfully, you'll have plenty of friends to help you through it.

Which segues into the question of 'How many people am I accepting?' and the answer to that is going to be 'As many as apply'. I'm hoping to turn this into a game of exploring the setting, the curses, yourselves, and the human condition. Your characters are going to grow and change and deal with difficult situations, and this is your chance to really stretch yourselves as writers.

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me!



Being touched by a curse has awoken something in you. You have gained new abilities to match your new world view. Four in fact! The first three are your standard offensive, defensive, and utility abilities. The last one is something called a signature.

Signature Your special snowflake power. This is a passive ability that augments your other abilities. For example: Fire abilities burn with purple flame that burns much hotter than it would otherwise. This ability is unique to your character.

Abilities at first glance seem to have no cost. You could just throw fireballs all day if you wanted… though there are two things holding you back. Using abilities emits cursed magic into the air around you. If you excessively use your abilities without a curse nearby to mask them you are basically announcing your presence to every curse in Boston. There is also a risk in exposing the cleaners to the city, the organization is keeping your safe until you put it in jeopardy. No one is surprised knowing the cleaners will take out the trash when necessary.

Rituals, Items, and Pets

Magics that have less risk to them but cannot be cast freely. These all have a cost that comes from your pool. Rituals are spells that come standard to cleaners, everyone is taught them or shall we say can be taught.

Items are cursed objects that can have cursed energy channeled through them for effects, these effects can be one time use or something designed to be used indefinitely. Pets are actually minor curses reforged into servants, the often have abilities that draw on your pool to use. Items and Pets can be forged under certain conditions but often require a permanent pool sacrifice to be bound.

Types of Cleaners

How your powers manifest is all dependent on what was going through your mind when you made your escape from your first curse. It was your will to do whatever that shaped the magic you awakened. Everyone is put into Four main categories: Power washers (You were thinking of one thing and one thing only, killing the beast in front of you), Scrubbers (You didn’t give a crap if you got out or not, there was someone or something else you were trying to protect), Sanitizers (You were a selfish little thing that only cared about himself, maybe you didn’t mean to be but instinct is a hell of a thing to fight against), and Sweepers (Your brain was in left field, thinking of anything else other than what was happening. Maybe you were in denial or maybe you are just batshit).

The various awakening categories give the following bonuses:
Power Washer: +2 Display -1 Sight -1 Hinderance
Power washers must also take one of the following: an extra offensive ability but if they do they must select a cursed stat out of Sight or hindrance that gets a -1 modifier  -or- select a trait of Physical or Mental and take +1 to that stat)
Scrubbers: +1 Hinderance +1 Sight -1 Control -1 Display
Scrubber must also take one of the following: 1. an extra defensive ability but if they do they must select a cursed stat out of Hinderance or Control that gets a -1 modifier -or-  select a blessed trait of Social or mental and take +1
Sanitizers: +2 Pool -2 Sight
Sanitizers must also take one of the following: 1. an extra defensive ability but if they do they must select a  cursed stat out of Sight or Control that gets a -1 modifier  -or-  select a trait of  Mental or Physical that gets a +1 modifier
Sweepers: +2 Control -1 Sight -1 Hinderance
Sweepers must also take one of the following: 1. An extra utility ability but if they do they must select a cursed stat out of Hinderance or Display that gets a -1 modifier -or- select a trait of Physical or Social that gets a + 1 modifier

Please PM Your completed Character sheet for approval.

[float=right][img height=250 padding=3][/img][/float]
[b]Character Name:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Also Known By:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]Birthday | Age:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Height:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Eye Color:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Birthplace / Home:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Gender | Sexuality:[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Economic Background:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]Character Faceclaim:[/b] [i][/i]’
[b]Character Appearance:[/b] [i]Anything that differs from the FC image.[/i]

[hr][center][size=12pt][b]Human Statistics[/b][/size][/center][hr]

[i]Each stat begins at 1. You have 6 points to spend among these stats, but no stat can be brought above 5. For reference, 3 is considered Average.[/i]

[b]Physical:[/b] [i]1[/i]
[b]Social:[/b] [i]1[/i]
[b]Mental:[/b] [i]1[/i]

[hr][center][size=12pt][b]Cursed Statistics[/b][/size][/center][hr]

[i]Each stat begins at 0, except for Pool which begins at 4. You have 10 points to spend among these stats.[/i]
[b]Display (How impactful spells will be):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Hindrance (How must resistance you have to incoming magics):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Sight (Your ability to detect curses and magic around you):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Pool (How many consumables or non-ability magics you can wield; a mana pool):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Control (How impactful cursed items, weapons or pets will be):[/b] [i][/i]

[hr][center][size=12pt][b]Associated Curse & Description[/b][/size][/center][hr]

[float=right][img height=250 padding=3][/img][/float][b]What does your curse look like? Please include a photo. This could be nearly anything, but is the form your curse takes as it stalks you. It might be a miasma, a creature, something everyday and normal, a type of terrain… Be creative:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]What legends surround your curse?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]What was it like being attacked by your curse?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]How did you respond?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]What type of Cleaner are you?:[/b] [i]Consult the list in the recruitment thread. Any additional stats should not be directly added to your cursed stat, but instead featured after the base stat in the following format: (+x) or (-X). For example: “Display: 3 (-1)”. Keep in mind the type of cleaner you are is dependent on how your character responded to seeing a curse for the first time.[/i]


[b]Signature (A passive ability that should have an effect that can run through your abilities):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Offensive (An ability of average power that is offensive in nature):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Defensive (An ability of average power that is defensive in nature):[/b] [i][/i]
[b]Utility (An ability of average power that is utility oriented in nature):[/b] [i][/i]

[hr][center][size=12pt][b]Objects & Pets[/b][/size][/center][hr]

[float=right][img height=250 padding=3][/img][/float][i]A place for you to note any one-off consumables you have, weapons, pets, or anything else. Ignore this during character creation.[/i]


[b]Where did you work before becoming cursed? What were your responsibilities?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]Do you have any commitments outside of work?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]Tell me about a time you didn’t get along with a friend or a coworker, and how you got through it.:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]Where do you see yourself in five years?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]List your four greatest strengths when it comes to this particular job. Four areas you need improvement on?:[/b] [i][/i]

[b]What is your greatest concern with this job?:[/b] [i][/i]


[i]A place for you to list connections your character has formed to other PCs or to NPCs, businesses, factions, etc.[/i]

[hr][center][size=12pt][b]Player Notes & Other[/b][/size][/center][hr]

[i]Anything else you’d like to note.[/i]


  • No OOC drama. Seriously. If you have a problem, bring it to me. We are all adults here and able to separate character drama from player drama.
  • In keeping with E's rules, characters must be 16 years of age or older. Character art must appear to be 18 years of age or older.
  • The game is all inclusive so if you would like to play a gay, bi, straight, trans or other form of character you may, regardless of your gender as a writer.
  • Event posts will be made every five days during periods of active plot threads.
  • If you know you will be absent, please communicate with me.
  • Don't control the actions of anyone else, worry about your own character. IE, don’t godmode.
  • Post length is flexible but try to give people room to react to things without also skipping too far forward.
  • Posts should be made in third person. Please take into account spelling and grammar.
  • If you have a question, please don't hesitate to contact me or post in the OOC thread or Discord (or here, while the game is forming).
  • This game is going to be set in the extreme category out of precaution.
  • If you leave the game your character will be made into an NPC under my control and possibly killed violently, depending on game needs.

Even in merely reading a fairytale, we
must let go our daylight convictions
and trust ourselves to be guided by
dark figures, in silence; and when we
come back, it may be very hard to
describe where we have been.

-Ursula K. Le Guin

Example sheet
Character Name: Christopher Beckett
Also Known By: Teach, Prof, Professor, Chris

Birthday | Age: February 14th, 1993 | 34
Height: 5’7
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace / Home: New Bedford, Massachusetts; currently resides south of the city at 3149 Washington St, Boston, MA 02130.
Gender | Sexuality: Male | Gay, Semi-Closeted
Economic Background: Low

Character Faceclaim: Jamie Dornan
Character Appearance: Chris has a small tattoo just slightly above his right buttcheek. In celebration for graduating and becoming a teacher his friends took him out to get drunk, and he got talked into a tattoo. The only thing he managed to convince them of was to make it slightly teacher-esque, which is why he has a small apple and script that says ‘inspire’ inked into his skin. It’s corny, but still makes him smile–even if it is bittersweet.

Human Statistics

Each stat begins at 1. You have 6 points to spend among these stats, but no stat can be brought above 5. For reference, 3 is considered Average.

Physical: 2
Social: 3
Mental: 4

Cursed Statistics

Each stat begins at 0, except for Pool which begins at 4. You have 10 points to spend among these stats.
Display: 5(-1)
Hindrance: 2(+1)
Sight: 3(+1)
Pool: 4
Control: 0(-2)

Associated Curse & Description

What does your curse look like? Please include a photo. This could be nearly anything, but is the form your curse takes as it stalks you. It might be a miasma, a creature, something everyday and normal, a type of terrain… Be creative: A decaying man covered in spiny black feathers and possessing a giant raven’s skull, he wields a khopesh in either hand and wears the torn clothing remnants of the corpses he’s fed from. The valravn’s eerie chant follows wherever he goes, a deep, droning noise that only ends as he feeds.

What legends surround your curse?: According to Danish folklore recorded in the late 1800s, when a king or chieftain was killed in battle and not found and buried, ravens came and ate him. The ravens became valravne. The valravne that ate the king's heart gained human knowledge and could perform great malicious acts, could lead people astray, had superhuman powers, and were "terrible animals".

In another account, a valravn is described as a peaceless soul in search of redemption that flies by night (but never day) and can only free itself from its animal countenance by consuming the blood of a child. This is reflected in a Danish traditional song that describes how, after refusing offers of riches, the Valravn makes an agreement with a maiden to take her to her betrothed after she promises the valravn her first born son. After the agreement, the valravn flies away. In time, the couple have a child and the Valravn returns, and asks the maiden if she has forgotten her promise. The valravn takes the child away, and tears into the chest of his won wager and consumes the blood contained within the child's heart. As a result, the valravn transforms into a knight.

Other accounts describe valravns as monsters that are half-wolf and half-raven.

Ultimately the aspect I’m trying to play up is their aspect of knowledge eaters, creatures that gain memories and information from eating corpses.

What was it like being attacked by your curse?: Terrifying. Who could honestly expect to be attacked going down an alleyway? Chris had been walking a student home, not wanting them to risk going alone, when the pair stumbled across the curse eating a body. The creature’s song echoed off the stone and raised goosebumps, and when it turned and leapt… well. Things rapidly devolved.

How did you respond?: By pushing the student out of the way and telling them to run. Chris’ only concern was protecting the student, and took a cut to the shoulder for his bravery. The valravn was fast, and it was all Chris could do to throw himself to the side to avoid the curse’s attacks. He ended up bruised, terrified out of his wits, escaping more by dumb luck than anything.

What type of Cleaner are you?: Scrubber


Signature: Scrolling runes of red ink are worked into all of Chris’ spells. In the case of his paper capabilities, these take the form of large red Fs denoting a failed grade. Upon being touched they explode, though in the case of low level abilities it’s more akin to a small firework going off than any sort of explosive device.
Offensive: Chris sends out an animated origami animal, upon approaching its target the animal makes a noise fitting for the type of animal and then explodes.
Defensive: Chris leaps backwards and leaves a perfect clone of himself behind, it’s only on contact that the color leeches from it to reveal the fact it’s made entirely of paper; and covered with his Signature.
Defensive: Chris is able to throw a hand out and send swirling sheets of densely packed paper to surround and protect an ally; attacks against them see his Signature flaring outward against attackers.
Utility: Chris is able to create large wings of paper which he can utilize to fly or glide around the battlefield. As always the paper is covered in scrawling red, making it a risky prospect to attack him in the air.

Objects & Pets

A place for you to note any one-off consumables you have, weapons, pets, or anything else. Ignore this during character creation.


Where did you work before becoming cursed? What were your responsibilities?: Chris worked as an English teacher at James P. Timilty Middle School (205 Roxbury St, Roxbury, MA 02119). His responsibilities included the day to day teaching and managing of various classes, and more or less anything that was needed of him. With the school being of a poorer demographic, it was up to the teachers to provide as much as they could for the classrooms. For many of the students this was the only stability–and the only meal of the day–they had.

Do you have any commitments outside of work?: Chris has a nine year old ragdoll-mix cat, as well as several plants within his apartment that need to be watered. For the most part he’s either fallen out with friends and family, or they’ve moved on. Occasional Facebook messages hardly count as a commitment.

Tell me about a time you didn’t get along with a friend or a coworker, and how you got through it.: Chris fully believes the Science teacher hates him, and the pair have had something of a cold war going on over which of their subjects is more important. Science has its place, but reading allows one to escape and broaden the mind, learn of other cultures, gain empathy, and otherwise improve the self. For the most part Chris simply tries to be as polite as possible, but the man’s comments still manage to get under his skin and he occasionally ends up in a sniping match.

Where do you see yourself in five years?: He might dream of occasionally working at a University, but if pressed to be a realist he’d probably say he doesn’t see his life changing. He’ll probably grow old in Boston, keep teaching, and die at his desk. It’s a cynical outlook, maybe, but he doesn’t want to leave his kids and he likes to try to help improve their lives–he of all people knows how difficult it is to get out of poverty, and to feel like no one is in your corner.

List your four greatest strengths when it comes to this particular job. Four areas you need improvement on?: 1. Chris is tired, and older than the usual ‘hero’ gig tends to draw in; in short, he’s seen it all. He’s used to ridiculous requests or comments from his students, used to arguing with parents, used to the high crime rate… it takes a lot to rattle him.

2. Chris is smart. He’s able to draw on past experiences, look at little bits of information, and put together an answer.

3. Chris is used to working with very little. Sometimes you just have to make do, and low resources or help are just part of the game. It doesn’t stop him from putting his head down and working.

4. Chris is, unfortunately, used to ignoring his own discomfort. Whether it be hunger or pain, well. He didn’t have a great childhood, nor has he ever been ‘comfortable’. Sometimes you have to choose between rent and food. It means he’s both very giving in what he has, as well as able to keep going because well, someone has to.

1. Chris’ stamina isn’t the greatest in the world. He’s never taken up a gym routine, and being a teacher isn’t particularly physically demanding.

2. Chris is quite likely depressed. Some days are harder than others, and sometimes he feels like he’s just going through the motions.

3. Chris is a cynic. A realist, he’d say, but sometimes he can get bogged down in his thoughts and wonder at the point of it all. Especially as day after day he sees students come in dirty or hungry or with parents too busy or unable to care.

4. Chris can have a bit of a temper. It’s hard to rouse, but once it is he tends to be quite pissy and can hold a grudge better than anyone.

What is your greatest concern with this job?: He’s not exactly in the greatest shape, nor is he a soldier. Fighting curses seems like something for a hero of a fantasy story, and Chris has never been that. Also, he’s being forced to leave his kids behind. Who knows what a substitute is doing to his classes?


A place for you to list connections your character has formed to other PCs or to NPCs, businesses, factions, etc.

Player Notes & Other

Anything else you’d like to note.

Drowned Vandal




Tentatively interested if I can come up with a character concept!

M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


Ons & Offs//Requests//Where is the Black Cat?
Current Posting Time - Once a Week or More

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art" ~ Oscar Wilde
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream" ~ Vincent Van Gogh


If we're coloring people that are interested I'm a rainbow!

You're welcome. ;3

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies

Drowned Vandal

Quote from: Xurtan on April 24, 2023, 03:39:49 PM
*plops down interest*

Oh shit! Its Xurtan hide your stash!

Quote from: Envious on April 24, 2023, 04:02:51 PM
Yes, please.

Officially a party!

Quote from: Amaris on April 24, 2023, 04:36:11 PM
*waves* hello!


Quote from: Lyron on April 24, 2023, 05:33:30 PM
Tentatively interested if I can come up with a character concept!

Glad to have your tentative interest, let me know if I can help in anyway!

Quote from: Kuroneko on April 24, 2023, 05:56:57 PM
Color me interested.

Glad the prompt interests you. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


I only got a few episodes into Jujutsu Kaisen before learning I have cancer.  I get hints of that and Chainsaw Man, which I loved and finished what little anime is out so far.

So, I had a rather crazy idea for an ability that allows for line of sight teleportation of groups.  This is very high level but ends up only being used as a sort of emergency beam out because the retro static (or what you will) is huge and it’s hard to have good LOS outside of a skyscraper.  I imagine she’s more set to recon and listen through the radio, but if someone needs yanked out, she can pull them to her and then blink to another home base to get them to a healer.

I can’t decide if this is a cool or ridiculous power or not, but with the high power level needed, I know it won’t be used often.
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Out of curiosity, what year is this set? And what does the cleaner's hierarchy look like? Obviously we're bottom of the totem pole, but y'know. *snicker*

Drowned Vandal

Quote from: Amarlo on April 24, 2023, 07:15:30 PM
If we're coloring people that are interested I'm a rainbow!

You're welcome. ;3

I am very welcome!

Quote from: AndyZ on April 24, 2023, 07:25:56 PM
So, I had a rather crazy idea for an ability that allows for line of sight teleportation of groups.  This is very high level but ends up only being used as a sort of emergency beam out because the retro static (or what you will) is huge and it’s hard to have good LOS outside of a skyscraper.  I imagine she’s more set to recon and listen through the radio, but if someone needs yanked out, she can pull them to her and then blink to another home base to get them to a healer.

I can’t decide if this is a cool or ridiculous power or not, but with the high power level needed, I know it won’t be used often.

I’m okay with spatial magic I would say group teleportation is probably out of the scope of what a new cleaner would be capable of. Especially early on the cleaners will be facing more of an uphill battle that’s why the stats end up so low during character creation. Hope that helps!

Quote from: Xurtan on April 25, 2023, 06:57:48 AM
Out of curiosity, what year is this set? And what does the cleaner's hierarchy look like? Obviously we're bottom of the totem pole, but y'know. *snicker*

2027 is the year. As far as hierarchy I’d say it more complex than a straight line  buutt: You have normies —> intern cleaners (you are here) —> Cleaners —> senior cleaners —> Shift leads —- > Branch manager —-> Owner


A cursed internship, hmm, I didn't know there were any other kinds :-)
"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”
Ons, Offs and Stuff   
Story Ideas
Apologies and Absences



Quote from: Drowned Vandal on April 25, 2023, 11:37:52 AM
I am very welcome!

I’m okay with spatial magic I would say group teleportation is probably out of the scope of what a new cleaner would be capable of. Especially early on the cleaners will be facing more of an uphill battle that’s why the stats end up so low during character creation. Hope that helps!

2027 is the year. As far as hierarchy I’d say it more complex than a straight line  buutt: You have normies —> intern cleaners (you are here) —> Cleaners —> senior cleaners —> Shift leads —- > Branch manager —-> Owner

Ultra helps.  Thank you.
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I also want to ask: my muse wants to write the character sheet as written up by a supervisor J. Evans from the Pittsburgh site, a recent transfer for whatever reason the GM might say would make for a good transfer.   I don’t HAVE to do this but I ask permission because that’s what my brain is writing.
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Drowned Vandal

Quote from: AndyZ on April 25, 2023, 04:31:54 PM
I also want to ask: my muse wants to write the character sheet as written up by a supervisor J. Evans from the Pittsburgh site, a recent transfer for whatever reason the GM might say would make for a good transfer.   I don’t HAVE to do this but I ask permission because that’s what my brain is writing.

Interesting idea. Hmm. My instinct is to preserve the character sheet formatting, I want to keep things easy to reference so I can easily plot for everyone. Since everyone is starting super fresh (ie. They will be having their first mission when the game starts) it might be hard to have someone vouch for the skills of someone else.

Down to talk further in pms if you’d like of course.

Drowned Vandal

Quote from: Wyatt on April 25, 2023, 12:23:01 PM
A cursed internship, hmm, I didn't know there were any other kinds :-)

Yeah but think of all that sweet sweet experience you will be paid!

Quote from: Yukina on April 25, 2023, 01:09:10 PM
Nice to see you again, Van. :) *plants interest flag*

Hey Yuki glad to be back and nice to see you as well!




You know it!


I have a very specific thought I wonder if anyone is interested in.

I very much like the idea of my character and her SO being cursed as they're breaking up with each other in a violent screaming match. And then getting back together for a short time because shared trauma and great sex. But they're horrible for each other and it quickly goes south again. Feel free to PM me if that type of shenanigan interests you >_>


Quote from: Envious on April 25, 2023, 05:49:42 PM
You know it!


I have a very specific thought I wonder if anyone is interested in.

I very much like the idea of my character and her SO being cursed as they're breaking up with each other in a violent screaming match. And then getting back together for a short time because shared trauma and great sex. But they're horrible for each other and it quickly goes south again. Feel free to PM me if that type of shenanigan interests you >_>

...Nnng. T-T

Seduce my mind and my body will follow.
Amarlo's O&Os
Absences and Apologies

Intimate Ink



Quote from: Envious on April 25, 2023, 05:49:42 PM
You know it!


I have a very specific thought I wonder if anyone is interested in.

I very much like the idea of my character and her SO being cursed as they're breaking up with each other in a violent screaming match. And then getting back together for a short time because shared trauma and great sex. But they're horrible for each other and it quickly goes south again. Feel free to PM me if that type of shenanigan interests you >_>

Not personally interested but I think it’s called a Vending Machine Romance after Seinfeld, how you can’t just knock over a vending machine with a single push.
It's all good, and it's all in fun.  Now get in the pit and try to love someone.

Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.