The Sky Knights of Aard - D&D 5e CLOSED

Started by pdragon, March 31, 2023, 03:22:48 AM

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Quote from: pdragon on April 01, 2023, 02:11:40 PM

I like him. A former criminal using the Sky Knights as a way to reform is good idea, and I think helps embody the spirit of the group. And admittedly the idea of a tiny halfling riding on a giant flying mount is just delightfully entertaining.

Glad to hear it! I'll get something more substantial written up soon
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


This has really been blowing up.  Could I ask for a rundown of what classes have NOT been taken already?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Glynwraek Casilltenirra High Elf Male Wizard (School of Transmutation)
Coros Yrjinn Changeling Male Battlemaster Artificer
Kaz Sunbeam Aasimar Female Horizon Walker Ranger
??? Lightfoot Halfling Male, Rogue Swashbuckler
Lucia Kirst Human (Variant) Hermaphroditic female Cavalier Fighter
Fintan, Barbarian/Goliath
Vashe Highroot Variant Human Shadow Sorcerer
Dirk Goblin Male Paladin (Oath of Love) (possibly dropped)
Narla Female Slime Wizard (Chronurgy)

Warlock, cleric and bard haven't been submitted yet. And the one paladin possibly dropped.


IIRC Muse had mentioned a Palalock character, but there's been no submission yet. Right now I would say make what you feel is cool.


queenkam234 dropped a human warlock near the start. Without clicking on sheet link easy to miss though.

Although given not everyone's going to be chosen make what you want to play. That said we do seem to be lacking folks with the ability to smack hp back into folk. Maybe?


Laughing Hyena

Oh this looks like a fun roster to pick from. :)



Quote from: AndyZ on April 01, 2023, 09:38:37 PM
This has really been blowing up.  Could I ask for a rundown of what classes have NOT been taken already?
No classes have been taken because no one has been picked yet.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Ha! There is that, too. But I tried the closest thing to a useful answer I could make. Plus, it's kind of neat to see everything that's been proposed so far.


Thank you c0i9z.  Pdragon, I should have said "applied for."

Also Pdragon, this is kind of just a basic idea right now but I'm going to pitch it to you to see if this is as funny as it has been in my head or if it's just a shudder and a no.

I had the idea of a young woman, an aspirant Bard, who died in unfortunate circumstances just before her wedding.  She met Madame Muerta and was inconsolable at first, explaining how true love could not be denied and getting perfectly rational responses like how they'll see each other again in the afterlife.  This is when my character gets desperate enough to try going Full Bard™ and smooching Madame Muerta.

One does not simply kiss Madame Muerta.  A few have throughout the ages, but only those with true mental fortitude withstand the horrors to come, the nightmares, the simple truth that comes with reality.  That's not your average bard.
My character doesn't remember anything after that beyond waking up with fractured memories back in the skinlands.

Naturally she ran to the house of her beloved, only to get the usual treatment of someone who doesn't expect her at night: screaming, throwing of holy water, and slamming the door.  Since then she's bathed, changed clothes, and got all the stink of death off of her, but the damage to her heart was done.

Joining the Sky Knights was a simple enough matter when she needed people to recognize that very pale skin and (dependant upon picture) frost white hair don't actually make her a vampire.  (Barging in uninvited you'd think would calm them down because it proves she isn't one, but OH NO!)  After she's gotten a name for herself, it's likewise helped her entertaining take off because her appearance gets distinctive.

The specifics and fine details I'm still tuning, but I figured I should ask if the very idea is okay, since it's not a usual one...
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

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They don't have any navel ports as far as the actual coasts go, since no one who's gone below the sea of clouds ever came back (before they cleared up), but they've done a few air excursions here and there. Aard is far enough away, and air travel expensive enough, that establishing trade with other continents usually isn't worth it, though Tortolheim has done so on occasion.

I don't think it's a bad idea in general, but I don't think it really works for the setting. Madama Muerta simply doesn't work that way. She kisses everyone when she greets them in death, it's what allows her to see into their lives and know how they died. It has nothing to do with giving people nightmares or revealing forbidden knowledge or anything like that. Also as the Goddess of death her goal is to see people into the afterlife, so there's no interaction with her that would lead to someone getting sent back to the living unless there was a third party interfering (like Cass does in Second Chance Club).

I do think it's a cool concept, offending death and getting kicked back as an undead as a result, but it doesn't fit for Madama Muerta specifically.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Alright, here we go, Davvon Goldwhistle the Halfling!

(Sheet note; I am well aware that as a Rogue, I would get a rapier or a shortsword. I am electing to ignore that because those weapons do not fit this character, I see him more as a speedy speed boy running around the battlefield and getting quick stabs in)

Halflings are as given to flights of fancy as any others, perhaps more so as they seem to be blessed with divine luck. Not quite so with Davvon. He played the flute primarily as a way to pass the time as a child, but constant praise from his family led him to try his luck at being a travelling performer. Well, he wasn't particularly terrible, but he never quite made it big or even moderately successful. Still, he kept at it, not wanting to return home completely empty handed and disappoint his family. Especially as amassing the amount of coin needed to ensure a return journey seemed further and further away with each passing day.

With guilt in his heart, he turned to crime to survive. Never stealing much, and always from those who clearly could afford it. Or grabbing an unsold loaf of bread that would go to waste. Just enough to get by. But with each picked pocket or swiped foodstuff, his guilt grew and grew. He was never caught, but he knew. He knew what he had become and hated himself for it. When he played a tune, his hands were shaky, his breath coming in gasps, and coin for his performances became less frequent.

Eventually he learned that the Sky Knights were recruiting, and decided well why not, at least they might feed him for a week before he washed out. Training was brutal, because that is simply the way of those winged champions, but there was something in the back of his mind that pushed him to keep trying harder when he felt he had no more left to give. Was it fear or anger at the thought of returning to a life of crime? A desire to atone for those crimes? The simple, brutal truth that he had no where to go if he failed here? Whatever pushed him on, he eventually revealed himself to not only be a crack shot with a bow, but a very skilled duelist who seemed to have an innate ability for slipping an attack into an unarmored portion of a foe, a fast fighter who could get in and out before even the best of the knights could respond (though despite his cheeky quick shots, they would usually quickly show him why they ARE the best).

Somehow, a decision made on a whim has become a new path in life, one he never expected to find. While he had played his flute in some brief moments of respite, the day he learned he would graduate to a fully fledged Sky Knight, he played songs of praise for every goddess he could think to thank for his second chance. He wonders sometimes if the goddess Supmark offered him this chance as a way to make up for what he's done, or what goddess in particular might have blessed him with these abilities, all he knows is that he's been given a chance and he will not squander it.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!

Rummy Tum Tum

@Pdragon Question: Do you have a max level/range in mind for this campaign?


Quote from: Rummy Tum Tum on April 02, 2023, 01:26:52 AM
@Pdragon Question: Do you have a max level/range in mind for this campaign?
Nope. We're just gonna go and see how far life takes us.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Quote from: pdragon on April 02, 2023, 01:56:22 AM
Nope. We're just gonna go and see how far life takes us.

Follow up to that then, is there a set plot or is this an open ended thing? If open ended, how open ended? Are we free to explore the world? Even if on a set plot, will there be plenty of mystery and intrigue, I find myself craving something less combat heavy suddenly. Not that combat is a problem at all. E just has me conditioned for plot heavy stuff I think.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
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Rummy Tum Tum


Quote from: shengami on April 02, 2023, 02:23:31 AM
Follow up to that then, is there a set plot or is this an open ended thing? If open ended, how open ended? Are we free to explore the world? Even if on a set plot, will there be plenty of mystery and intrigue, I find myself craving something less combat heavy suddenly. Not that combat is a problem at all. E just has me conditioned for plot heavy stuff I think.
The plot will be pretty open. I intend to start the game with a short intro quest for everyone to finish their training and be officially knighted. From there the idea is that your group will be sent out on your own to establish your own Sky Knight outpost and reassert the Sky Knights' presence in that area. What direction you plan to set out in will determine what islands and cities you'll come across, which in turn will determine what quests and plot hooks you can potentially find. The main focus will be on helping the locals (citizens and/or governments) and building up your base. Or at least that's the initial premise, if the party finds themselves wanting to ignore that to go explore the surface, or insert themselves in some political drama, or anything else really, then that's for you all to decide.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


[Floatleft][/float]Concept:Wyng | Druid: Circle of the Moon.

Wyng grew up helping tend and raise the mighty beasts the Sky Knights employed.  Not content with such a simple life, she dreamt of becoming one of the valiant Knights which her pa told fanciful tales about.  Follower of Ava the Lifebringer and Aardia, Wyng was taught more than the basic care for their sacred charges and was inducted into her tribe's Druid Circle.  Despite the years of training, her dream never faltered and she finally gained permission from the Archdruid to chase after it.  She became an applicant and endured a new set of trials .  She works hard to become knighted, and ensures her mount - along with any others gets the best care possible.   She believes that by becoming a Sky Knight she can best protect the Floating Isles, and the lands below.


You seem kinda full on applications now, unless I'm very much mistaken.


Are there any sort of racial bonuses for using one of your custom races? Or what would the "base" race be for them if we wanted to use one?

Also, is there any sort of entity that would give a Clockwork Soul Sorc their power? Or should we just assume the plane of Mechanus is still a thing and it comes from there?


As I mentioned before I was open to 2 more submissions before calling it. I said I wanted to avoid having 12+ submissions to choose from, and Hexed and Aribeth's submissions have put us at 11 so.

character applications are now closed

Sorry for anyone who missed the cut off, but I'm already gonna have to disappoint enough people as it is picking from the submissions we already have. I'll try to have a final group picked out by the end of the day, and from there start passing out discord invites and get the OOC and Character threads going.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Definitely understand.  Enjoy the game and please keep me in mind if you lose folks.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


  I'm going to do a dwarf cleric! 

  She could be a cleric of Aradia with the thunder domain, but maybe there's a good goddess to grant the sun domain?  Can you sugest someone, P-dragon? 

Maybe it started a few generations back with a bitter moment?  When Fi'tala fell to the undead a priestess of Aradia was angry that the Sky Goddess didn't give her the strength to destroy the undead so she converted her family to a sun goddess? 

  Oh, look!  This thread has the gods. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)