Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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VERY much NOT guilty.

The next person watches GLEE, religiously.



The next person finds that confounding.
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


Not Guilty,

The next person thinks that glee is WAY over rated and is nother spectacular like people try to make it out out be.
Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heart beat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you are just as pretty without makeup, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you, the one who turns to his friends and says, "That's her."
O/Os (currently under construction)


Not guilty. I have never seen it, so can't really call it overrated.

The next person is an Twin Peaks-fan.


Not guilty. That is one that I've never heard of.

The next person sometimes listens to music on something older than CDs (cassettes, 8 tracks, records, etc...).


Guilty. Have both cassettes and LP's laying around the house, and put them on from time to time.

The next person has no idea what an 8-track is.

Story Tale

I have heard of it, but can't say I've ever put my hands on one before.

The next person thinks the old ways of listening to music might be romantic, especially vinyl, but really the quality is much better now.


Not Guilty. SOME of them have better quality but on some I feel that the quality has been lost.

The next person likes Saturday more than Sunday.



The next person has served on jury duty.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Not guilty. I have managed to get out of it 3 times.

The next person has blue eyes.


Bloody hell. I got two threads mixed up. My guilty or not guilty question is:

The next person has fallen asleep at work before (and not during break/lunch).


Not guilty.

The next person have been up for 48 hours or more.


Not guilty.

The next person sneaked out of their parents home at night when they were grounded.

Story Tale

Not guilty. I don't think my parents ever grounded me.. I did sneak out while they were sleeping though.

The next person snuck some of their parents alcohol.


Not guilty. My parents haven't drank since I was 4.

The next person likes to sleep naked.

Story Tale


The next person likes to walk around their house naked.


Hehe. Yeah. Racing to the curtains to shut them is especially exciting.  ;D

The next person has more than one credit card.


They're like dandelions!

The next person is a shameless flirt.
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


Not guilty.

To the next person, have you ever been to another country?


Not Guilty. I mean, seriously, I lived in upper Michigan for a while and I never even put a toe into Canadian territory. Sad, right?

The next person talks in their sleep.


No comment.  O:)

The next person always finds that comment as accepting guilt.
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.


Guilty as charged.

The next person has at some point in their life driven while intoxicated.


Not guilty.

The next person already knows who their voting for in the next election.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP



The next person thinks change didn't really come.
The sphere was solid with Plunkett, and only waited for someone to be in; like, like the meaning of a word waiting for a word to be the meaning of. - John Crowley, Engine Summer.

To manipulate a man is a careful project. Too light a hand, and he follows his own whim; too heavy a hand, and he will turn on you. - Thief II: The Metal Age.



The next person occupied Wall Street (or really, really wanted to).