Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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not guilty.

Ever answer questions wrong on purpose?
Sex is hereditary - if your parents didn't have it, chances are you won't either!



Guilty on a few questions in the exams.. :D

Ever slept through the full exam and then woke up just before it ends and still somehow pass?
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not guilty

ever felt like you were the exam?
Sex is hereditary - if your parents didn't have it, chances are you won't either!



Haha Nope.

Ever handed in the exam while it was still blank?
PM me if you want to add me on skype/msn/aim/YIM :P I give free hugs/cookies/cuddles/kisses/more cookies/etc...



ever wish exams were over?
Sex is hereditary - if your parents didn't have it, chances are you won't either!


Izzie Aditi

Ever flirted your way to a good grade?
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”


Not guilty.. Opposite.. >.> Annoyed the teacher too much.. failed me in that language.. lol

Every Asked a teacher (male or female) out to the movies?
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Sex is hereditary - if your parents didn't have it, chances are you won't either!


Izzie Aditi

Not guilty.
Ever sang along to your Ipod when walking on the street?
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”



Have you thrown something important away and had to dig it out of the trash?
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki



ever stopped singing when you saw someone coming?
Sex is hereditary - if your parents didn't have it, chances are you won't either!




Ever had your ipod stolen?
PM me if you want to add me on skype/msn/aim/YIM :P I give free hugs/cookies/cuddles/kisses/more cookies/etc...


Not Guilty, but if I did someone would be in for a world of hurt. Music = my life blood.

Have you ever gotten attacked by a bee and made a fool of yourself trying to get away?
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Guilty :D

Ever been stung by hornets?
PM me if you want to add me on skype/msn/aim/YIM :P I give free hugs/cookies/cuddles/kisses/more cookies/etc...

Alex Young

Not guilty

Ever given money to a homeless person?


Not Guilty: HOWEVER: I have given them food.

Have you ever had you lunch stolen?
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CRAVING!: Dark Fantasy & Warhammer 40k Roleplay! Please PM if you want to RP~



Ever stolen someone's lunch?
PM me if you want to add me on skype/msn/aim/YIM :P I give free hugs/cookies/cuddles/kisses/more cookies/etc...



But they stole my lunch so it made it fair game  :-X

Ever had someone buy you lunch out of the blue?
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CRAVING!: Dark Fantasy & Warhammer 40k Roleplay! Please PM if you want to RP~



Ever bought someone lunch out of the blue? :D
PM me if you want to add me on skype/msn/aim/YIM :P I give free hugs/cookies/cuddles/kisses/more cookies/etc...


Yes, guilty.

Even offered flowers to someone you had never seen before, but found her gorgeous?

Izzie Aditi

Not guilty.
Ever went out on a date after meeting someone in public transport just once?
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”



Ever hated a guy/girl then ended up dating them a few years down the road?
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CRAVING!: Dark Fantasy & Warhammer 40k Roleplay! Please PM if you want to RP~

Izzie Aditi

Not guilty.
Ever got back together with someone you swore you would never get back together with?
“Redheads are said to be children of the moon, thwarted by the sun, and addicted to sex and sugar.”


Not guilty.

Ever forget your date's name midway through an introduction?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Not Guilty

Ever date someone with the same first name as your ex?
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CRAVING!: Dark Fantasy & Warhammer 40k Roleplay! Please PM if you want to RP~