Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Acid Lips


Had you ever been nude in front of a webcam for someone on another part of the world?


Guilty, if you count 1,600 miles away as another part of the world.

Have you ever watched someone getting naked on webcam without doing it in return?



Ever had a long distance relationship that worked?


Not guilty, never bothered with one since I personally can not handle one.

Ever have a crush on someone you where NOT supposed to have a crush on?
(Opposite sex, family member, best friend's so, etc etc)


Not guilty

Have you ever strung someone along because it boosted your ego?


Not really...I hardly have ego problems.

Have you ever loved someone who was taller than you?


Guilty, I think I would look funny with someone shorter then me.

Have you ever dated someone shorter then you?


Lots of times ;D

Have you ever hidden whilst out on a date so friends wouldn't recognise you?

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Have you ever been paranoid about a family member spotting you on a date?


Not Guilty

Ever thought someone was cute only to find out they are somehow family?


Not guilty.

Have you ever gotten into trouble out of sheer boredom?


Not Guilty....unless you count boredom leading to drinking....then that leading to trouble.

Have you ever used children's Bathroom Finger Paint in the shower? (And I mean as an adult not a a kid)


Not Guilty.

Have you ever had to explain to your parents, back in the day, why the police were knocking on your front door?
Ons & Offs

Boy, “If I and a slice of pizza fall in the water, which do you save?

Girl, wipes grease off her chin, “Why'd you let my pizza fall in the water?”



Next person tryed to flirt with a cop to get out a ticket?


I don't know if I flirted, but... I've been stopped about 5 times, and never once have I received a ticket, only warnings.  (speeding and/or running a red light!  :p ) Will say "Not Guilty".   LOL

Have you ever lied to get out of jury duty?


No. The one time I did get on jury duty, it was a tragic family dispute and we found the man guilty, but it was so depressing.

Have you ever actually played spin the bottle?
Ons & Offs

Boy, “If I and a slice of pizza fall in the water, which do you save?

Girl, wipes grease off her chin, “Why'd you let my pizza fall in the water?”

Acid Lips

Yep it was fun

Had you ever went someplace else that you did not wanted to go only to comply with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?


Guilty - golfing :-\

Have you ever made an obscene phone call?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


VERY Guilty ;)

Ever get done with an obscene phone call and say "Wow, didn't expect that to go so far."?


Guilty   :P

Ever bite you tongue?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


in which sense?  but either way Guilty

ever think you went to far only to find out they wanted more?


Guilty as charged.

Ever share a shower to save water?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Acid Lips

Mmm I do it for something else than saving water, can you actually save water by doing that? :P

Same question


Shared a shower, but I'm pretty sure we were in there longer than had we each taken separate showers.

Ever have an intimate moment interrupted (weather in person or on the phone or web cam)?


Who hasn't?  Guilty!

Ever worn clothing intended for the opposite gender?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP