Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Ever snuck into a second movie after your first was finished?

Mistress Maro

Guilty! =)

Ever take Halloween candy from a kid?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock



Ever impersonated a cop just to scare the hell outta someone?


Not Guilty

Ever had a party crashed by a cop that you thought was a stripper-gram?


Not guilty, but close

Ever hit on an officer who pulled you over?

Mistress Maro

Oh Almost. But not guilty.

Ever got out of a ticket by flirting?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Not Guilty

Ever almost cry after getting pulled over?


Guilty. Almost got out of it by crying but it was a rookie cop and his supervisor was in the effing car.

Ever made a promise you'd sleep with someone and never fulfilled it?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-

Mistress Maro

Not guilty

Ever have a cop flirt with you?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Not guilty

Ever hit on a fast food employee?


*looks at my husband* guilty!

Ever watched a movie and dreamt of it that night?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-



Ever watched a movie and sided with the villain?



Ever woken up next to someone and have no idea what their name is... or where they came from...



Ever woken up to a Coyote Ugly?
*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


Not guilty

Ever woken up to someone dancing around your head?


Not Guilty

Ever stared at an avatar on here and then realized yo uweren't seeing what you should've?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-



Ever got turned on by an avatar on this site?



Ever tried to google for the source of an avatar from this site?

Mistress Maro

Not guilty.

Ever got caught by your other in a sexual rp and they had a problem with it?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock



Ever wondered if someone messaged you BECAUSE of your avatar?


Not Guilty (They told me they messaged me because of the avatar.)

Ever felt guilty because of a sexual RP your partner didn't know about?


Not guilty.

Ever wondered if someone messaged you because of your *ahem* size?
Ons and Offs

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?


Not guilty

Ever read RP's that were not yours just because they were that good?

Mistress Maro


Ever had to promise to do what was written in the rp to your other?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Not Guilty

Ever read other people's stories to get ideas for your own?