Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Unfortunately no, I was engaged by the time Grape turned me onto ladies clubs lol.

Have you ever had a night with a member of the same sex?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-


Nope. Although I have been in the same room as it occurring, and didn't know it till the next day.

Ever wished to steal someone's name?


*shakes head* No I actually like my name lol. Well...we will be stealing a last name at some point i hate the one i just married into lol.

Have you ever watched Titanic and begged Rose to let Jack up on the door?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-


Only once, it was on TV in the hospital and I was so hopped up on pain meds that I thought it was real. I talked to the movie the whole time answering every question any character said, often in a language never heard on this earth O_O

Ever eaten peanut butter from a jar with your finger?

Mistress Maro

Guilty. I do it all the time.

Ever given a dog peanut butter?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Yeah we give our Babygirl (look in pet picture threads lol) some when giving her a pill.

Ever faked sick to get out of work/school?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-


Of course!

Ever drank the family's juice/milk/soda out of the container and put it back in the fridge?


Who hasn't?

Ever drank the family's juice/milk/soda out of the container and not put it back in the fridge?
Ons and Offs

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?


Oh yeah, I'm a guy. Guilty.

Ever pleased yourself with someone else in the room who was unaware of the festivities?



Ever sell something that belonged to your sibling without asking first?


This would be followed by death. Not guilty.

Ever been beaten to within an inch of your life by a sibling and then thanked him for it?
Ons and Offs

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?


Not guilty

Ever woken a sibling up by leaping on them from a high surface?


Coincidentally, this is what brought on the beating.



Ever leaped from a roof onto the back of a horse?
Ons and Offs

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?


Not guilty.. Don't even like going on a horse.. That's how afraid of heights I am..

Ever slept on the bed and woke up on the floor?

Mistress Maro


Ever dare your sibling to do something you were to scared to do?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock



Were you afraid of not surviving the next twenty minutes?



Ever had a sexy moment ruined by a huge embarrassment?



Ever had a sexy moment ruined by a friend's 'humorous' message on your answering machine?


"Hey, dickface, stop wackin' off and pick up your damn phone!"

Ever been in a really nice relationship, but still couldn't help but miss your ex?
Ons and Offs

How can I be lost,
If I've got nowhere to go?
Search for seas of gold
How come it's got so cold?
How can I be lost?
In remembrance I relive.
And how can I blame you
When it's me I can't forgive?


Not guilty

Ever figured out someone was a horrible person AFTER you had sex with them?


Sadly guilty of it.

Ever thought of someone else while having sex with someone?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-



Ever accidentally called out the wrong name in bed?

Mistress Maro

Not guilty.

Ever talked about having sex with someone, but then turned around and told them that you would never have sex with them?
~The Shammy keeps the Maro's heart with him and the Maro keeps the Shammy's heart with her <3~

I don't like laundromats because I don't want people to know what my underwear would look like if they could fly.... or if they were caught in a really small tornado-- C&H

In short, life is made into a nonstop, commerically prepackaged masturbational fantasy.--Bloom

I thought I would create something that I would personally like to listen to because a very large portion of this world's art sucks beyond description. Yet I feel that, it's a waste of time to pass judgement and who the fuck am I to declare myself an authority who's cerified, one who has the right to critique. -Kurt Cobain.

Only dumb people try to impress smart people. Smart people just do what they do.
Chris Rock


Not Guilty.

Ever read a book that was so hot its all you could think about?
-Je suis belle, incroyable, sexy et un esclave. Je suis ce que vous désirez et vous le savez.-


Not Guilty

Ever slept throughout the entire day?

BTW: Whoa... I just typed this to realize it was just posted: Terribly Guilty

Ever say the wrong name during said festivities?