Hogwarts MuggleNet - LGBTQIA2S Inclusive

Started by Kendra, January 17, 2023, 05:47:02 PM

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In the summer of 1997 quite a few muggle families were either hiding, keeping to themselves, or trying to live relatively normal lives without being detected. Voldemort took control of the government in August of that year and a month later when students were returning to Hogwarts the Muggle Registration Committee was set up to be run by Dolores Umbridge.

Muggleborns were accused of stealing magic and so were invited to attend an interview, register as a muggle born where they could give an account of themselves. They were subsequently put on trial, those who were not accused openly of stealing magic, simply had their wands removed and stripped of their job and ended up homeless while others were sent to Azkaban and more exterminated. Any muggleborn that did not attend willingly for an interview was rounded up by Snatchers. Attendance at Hogwarts became mandatory for every eligible student so that the ministry and Umbridge could weed out all the muggleborn students there and half-blood students that could not prove their magical heritage.

Even muggleborn first year students were forced to attend the MBRC for interrogation. Some go into hiding while those caught are sent to Azkaban. Given a number while their photograph is taken, this number is painstakingly tattoo’d onto the back of their neck. They are thrown into a small cell that holds roughly ten students. They’ve been stripped of their uniform and given striped clothing to wear as if they are real prisoners. Dementors no longer ward Azkaban, but the place is no less depressing and dangerous without them. Some Snatchers are given the position of prison wardens and are often brutal and cruel to the inmates, more often than not however they simply ignore them, leave them to rot. But there are rumours, there are stories of terrible terrible crimes against humanity enacted against the inmates. Two buckets are placed into the cell at the start of the day and changed the following morning one with water and the other for them to defecate into. Students are terrified, hungry and mortified that they are treated lower than animals.

Severus Snape was appointed Headmaster, though he faced fierce opposition from Minerva McGonagall and other professors, as well as the remaining members of Dumbledore's Army. They encouraged rebellion, saved students from detention, and eventually stopped attending classes and took up residence in the Room of Requirement. The Carrows were also there at the school, with Amycus Carrow teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts, though in reality, he taught the Dark Arts. There were many favoured students, such as Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who were encouraged to practice the Cruciatus Curse on rule-breakers. His sister, Alecto, took over the now mandatory Muggle Studies, though the course became a brainwashing of the superiority of wizard-kind over Muggles.

It is not long before Harry Potter, the boy who lived does the unthinkable, unimaginable, and vanquished Voldemort once and for all. The great battle at Hogwarts in May 1998 left its mark and took its toll, many died that day and others lived. A new minister, Kingsley Shacklebolt began the difficult task of sorting out the country, Azkaban was emptied, and people were allowed to leave. But where were they to go? They had nothing, their wands had been taken, and their money and property confiscated. Some ministers wanted them to be obliviated so they would not remember what had happened, instead ... the near destruction and annihilation of muggle-borns was hushed up, and the government decided it was best for the country to put on a smiling face, put their best foot forward, begin rebuilding the country and not dwell on the past. People could be rehoused, found jobs, and given something in compensation ... they just had to sign a contract that they would not talk about it. As if the muggle-born registration committee had never existed. Those who had not been sent to Azkaban, those who had not been in hiding terrified for their lives did not know, and now ... did not care. There was simply too much to do, Hogwarts students who had spent time in Azkaban were allowed to retake their previous year with the proper curriculum if they wanted, or the minister for education would give them an honorary pass.

It will not be an easy year, many students were made to begin without a wand, with little more than the clothing on their back. There is no trust, but much anger. For many of these believe that they are still on their road to perdition, the torture and punishment never ends. It is daily with them or appears instead in nightmares that drain their very soul. Will they redeem themselves by seeking revenge upon those that hurt them, or will they turn the other cheek and offer forgiveness ... possibly allowing the cycle of hatred to continue again, and again.

The theme is dark but full of wonderful characters.

This is a sandbox game BUT there are GM plots and sub-plots to help move the game along.
No player is under any obligation to be part of these game narratives -
Players have the choice of opting their characters in to any of these if they so wish.
If however the game narrative is too dark, Players do have the option of using non-extreme areas to play in.
There are warning tags as well so that players who would rather not read darker stuff, won't have to!

There are grownup characters in game such as shopkeepers and faculty members run by players.

Classes are not mandatory attendance in the game - characters can simply say in their own sandbox game that they have
attended - but there are classes there for extra rpage fun.

The professors in-game are also a means for more rp fun and players do not have to feel that they must rp classes or
have a continuous dialogue with aggrieved students.

Players do need to remember that not every scene is possible to rp - so just because the headmaster, deputy, professors
or Aurors are not making themselves visible in every thread - does not mean that they are not doing their duty.

Information that Players have should not spill over into information that characters have.

The Game is now into October, and we have much to look forward to.

  • Support Group - Professor Aisha Oni facilitates
  • MuggleNet Support Group - comes on line
  • Dr. Reinhold arrives at Hogwarts
  • Monster Ball - the students get to unleash their pent-up frustrations at a masquerade Halloween party
  • More classes and mayhem
  • Advanced DADA class begins
  • News of Foreign student programme breaks
  • Letting off steam at the Camp Fire
  • Lots of Hogsmeade visits
  • Gossip rag strikes again
  • Hogwarts newspaper unleashes its latest edition

Quote from: Flower on June 17, 2023, 08:48:50 AM
Ministry of Magic Shakes Up Wizarding World with Revolutionary Foreign Student Program!
In a groundbreaking move that will shape the future of magical education, the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt, has announced the initiation of a transformative Foreign Student Program, MagiGlobe. Prepare to welcome a new era of cross-cultural wizarding collaboration!

The Ministry, in collaboration with esteemed magical institutions worldwide, has devised a visionary program, MagiGlobe, that invites talented students from different magical schools to experience the wonders of British wizarding education. The MagiGlobe initiative fosters international cooperation, cultural exchange, and a deeper understanding of magical practices across borders. Never before has the wizarding community witnessed such an ambitious endeavor! This program promises to ignite the flame of curiosity and unity among young witches and wizards, transcending geographical boundaries and forging lifelong connections.

Shacklebolt, in a statement to the Daily Prophet, expressed profound enthusiasm for this unprecedented initiative, stating, "MagiGlobe marks a new chapter in our magical community, where borders no longer limit the pursuit of knowledge and collaboration. We believe in the power of diversity and the strength it brings to our shared magical heritage."

With Shacklebolt's unwavering commitment to fostering global connections, MagiGlobe promises to shape the future of magical education, bringing wizards and witches worldwide together on a unified platform.

Dear Potential Writer,

Welcome to Mugglenet! We are delighted to extend an invitation for you to join our world and explore a new character type. As you may have read in the article above, the Ministry of Magic has initiated the MagiGlobe program, granting students from different corners of the world the opportunity to attend Hogwarts. The reasons driving your character's desire to participate in this program are entirely open to your imagination.

While your character won't make an immediate appearance at Hogwarts, they will engage in daily correspondence with a randomly selected Hogwarts student. Through these letters, we hope your character will establish a friendship that eases their transition from one school to another.

However, your character won't be limited to letter writing alone. We encourage you to chronicle your character's adventures and friendships back at their original school for the time being. Your character will also interact with other characters from their school until they all travel to Hogwarts to complete a term of school.

Furthermore, we invite you to create a Hogwarts character as well. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the intricate history and plot points of Mugglenet. For instance, your foreign exchange student might be unaware of the true reason behind the Ministry of Magic's program initiative (as schools in the Potterverse aren't always forthcoming with information). However, a Hogwarts student might come to the conclusion that the program aims to divert attention from an upcoming controversial trial involving Umbridge, who committed numerous crimes under Voldemort's rule. If you are interested in writing a Hogwarts student, please consult this post.

We hope this invitation entices you to join our writing community. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to post them here or contact Flower/Kendra. We look forward to your creative contributions at Mugglenet!

In addition to canon school offerings, our illustrious GM, Kendra, created several unique non-canon options for your perusal.
These schools are Dagrun, Neilos, Wananga, and Kanata. 
Please take a peek at those as a lot of love and care went into their creation.
Also, thank you, Rustic, for the non-canon school graphics.


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Somewhere in the Pyrenees

Mainland Europe and Mediterranean countries



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The far north of Europe

Eastern European countries only



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Mount Greylock in Massachusetts

North America



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Amazon Rainforest, Brazil

South America



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Minami Iwo Jima, Japan




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Mountains of the Moon, Uganda



Dagrun Galdr Skola

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Northern European countries

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Dagrun Galdr Skola : ᛞᚨᚷᚱᚢᚾ ᚷᚨᛚᛞᚱ ᛋᚴᛟᛚᚨ

While Hogwarts supported education on the British Isles, Beauxbatons in the Mediterranean countries and Durmstrang in the Eastern European countries  - there is a fourth European school that supports education in the North of Europe, the Scandinavian countries, serving Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands. This is Dagrun Galdr Skola - The Secret Knowledge Magic School.

Established in 1720, it is a relatively small school boarding at most 200 students. All Scandinavian magiske børn (Magical Children) are home-schooled until the age of 14 years. There are small Fællesskabets magiske skole (community magical schools) for those aged 15 to 16 years. The Dagrun Galdr Skola is a specialist school for those aged 17 years to 21 years.

Subjects Taught at Dagrun

  • Runic Divination: Where other magic schools throughout the world are taught using one type of rune, those attending The Dagrun are taught using all the different types of runes.
  • Ancient Runes: As soon as Scandinavian magical children can speak, they are taught their runic alphabet. There are different ones and by the time they attend The Dagrun, they are well proficient. The Dagrun takes their knowledge of the runes to another level, they cast spells with runes, tell fortunes, write and read as others might any language.
  • Galdr Incantations: The Scandinavians do not believe in good or evil magic / light or dark - their incantations are not split into hexes, jinxes, curses and charms - they are collectively called Galdr incantations.
  • Laws & Science of Magic: To cast an incantation, it is always necessary to understand it. Every magic has laws that govern it's use in the world, in nature or on the astral plane. Without truly understanding what you are casting, you could unleash chaos into the universe.
  • Staff Craft: Scandinavian students at The Dagrun are not given wands but when they come of age at 17, they are sent on a staff quest into a nearby forest. Using runic divination they will find a tree that will willingly give them a branch that they must learn how to craft and hone with runic magic. Their staff is never fully complete as it learns with them, strengthens or diminishes depending on the life of the magisk væsen (magical being).
  • Wood Craft: Utilising anything of wood, tree, table, chair, staff, wand ... a proficient student of Dagrun will learn how to manipulate wood for their own need - whether a tool, a toy, a weapon. [/b]
In much the same way that the Scandinavian Magical community does not believe in light and dark magic, they also do not believe in blood lineage's having anything to do with magic. One is either Ægte magi - True Magic or Uden - no magic. They have lived by their own laws for hundreds of years, never interfering with any of the other countries and the international laws and way of treating other witches and wizards. However, they do draw the line with goblins, dwarves, elfs, giants, etc ... these they all term only as dyr (beasts) and do not recognise in them any magical abilities of worth.

Ganga Fróðleikr - the final exam at the age of 21 years to graduate from The Dagrun.
O - in honour of Odin - your grade is the most remarkable
F - in honour of Freya - your grade is exceptional
T - in honour of Thor - your grade is satisfactory
L - in honour of Loki - your grade requires much work

Uniforms: Warm Winter Whites - tunic and trousers, with fur lined boots // Navy blue for when the weather is warmer.
Headmistress: Kerstin Holmström
Deputy Head:  Sven Haglünd
Games: Quidditch is played at the school as is BrandyBoll - a cross between ice-hockey and quidditch. (pucks with similar specifications as the balls in quidditch are used, a player's staff and played on the ice. Flying is not allowed, but apparating within the playing field is. Most scores into the two hoops at the end of each side of the pitch wins. There is no snitch equivalent.)

The Harebell flower is the insignia on all uniforms.
Banner: Striped Navy and Red vertical banner with white harebell in it's centre.
There are no separate houses within the boarding school.

Neίlos Scholeίa Majik

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Neίlos Scholeίa Majik

Students begin their learning at home from a very young age. They do not wait until they attend magic school. Parents/ guardians begin teaching their children how to sign from the age of 2/3 years - simple words to begin with so that they become used to speaking and signing together. This makes their ability to cast later much easier.

The school is boards 400+ students; there is always a balance in the numbers between both houses.
There is a Principal over the entire school -- Principalem Malik Noor
And a Head Teacher over each House.
Students start at Neilos Scholeia Majik at the age of 14 years and graduate at the age of 20years.

- School Banner: Black flag with Golden Onion – to symbolise how darkness is overcome by eternal life
- School Emblem: Golden Onion – to represent eternal life and healing.
- The school was established in 1540, although it is unplottable, the school is known to be somewhere on the Nile, thanks largely in part to its name.
- The school is split into two quads – Ma’at  and   Isfet
- The Neilos Magic School specialises in Alchemy and Healing magic through herbology.
- This school only allows cats as familiars, in fact they have an entire subject entirely about cats.
- The students at the Neilos (Nile) Magic School do not use wands or other gimmicks to aid their magic, they use hand gestures, a magical sign language.
- When their familiars are close, their magic becomes amplified.

-- The student's familiar chooses which house their human belongs by simply turning towards that quad on entering on the first day.

- No set uniform but emblem for each house is worn while in school.
- When out of school, the School emblem is worn.
- They do not believe in blood purity as they are more concerned with life and death.

- Students do not fly on brooms but use magic carpets instead.
- Students do not play quidditch but prefer to play:  Sagitta - a magical archery tournament or Hasta - a magical javelin throwing tournament.
Their games are to test the individual but never the collective.

The House of Ma’at – Banner of White with a black outlined ostrich feather at its centre.
Head of House Ma'at -- Nura Jalal
Subjects for those in The House of Ma’at:

  • Cosmic Balance and Astronomy
  • Hieroglyphic Scriptorium - the study of the ancient language of Hieroglyphs
  • Laws of Magic (quite similar to Transfiguration & Alchemy -- a magical blend of physics and philosophy)
  • Truth Magic (Charms through chants)
  • Lingua Feles - language of cats - how to communicate, read, and care for your familiar.
  • Herbology and Healing
  • Scribing and the Art of Arithmancy
  • Maat – Transmission of emotions – similar to legilimancy but of emotions not thoughts (no manipulation)

    The House of Isfet – White banner with narrow 5-point star within a circle at its centre.
    Head of House Isfet -- Hassan Ammar
    Subjects for those in The House of Isfet

  • Chaos magic – dark magic
  • Moon magic – hydro-power - magic through the power of the moon and water element - wonderful healing magic
  • History of Magic - World magical history and Egyptian magical history
  • Lingua Feles - language of cats - how to communicate, read, and care for your familiar.
  • Daimones & Thiria – (similar to magical beasts but with a focus also on demons
  • Hieroglyphic Scriptorium - the study of the ancient language of Hieroglyphs
  • Medeam Mortuus – (communicating with the dead)
  • Is’fet – Transmission of emotions – similar to occlumency but of emotions not thoughts (persuasion)

Wananga Makutu

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New Zealand

New Zealand

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Wananga Makutu
There are only Tangata Makutu - magic people - they do not believe in blood purity.
They engage very well with magical beings and beasts but there have NEVER been cases of part-beings / part-beasts on the Islands.

Wananga Makutu - is the collective name for the three magic schools
School Banner: black with white image of kiwi in left top corner: This is used when all three of the magic schools host an island wide event.
All magic families are taught the Maori language, English language,  and the New Zealand sign language from an early age.

School Emblem: Each school has it's own emblem.
The first school was established in 1879 on the North Island but soon younger students and older students wanted something too.
The NZ magic school is now – a meeting house on the North Island, another meeting house on the South Island, and a boarding school under water between both islands.
Students are home-schooled prior to starting on the South Island magic school.

The day school on the South island is for students  aged between 7 and 13 years:
Uniform is checkered blue and white dress with peter-pan collar and white tennis shoes / or jeans, white shirt / blouse with blue stripe on collar.
Emblem : Hapuku fish -- worn as a pin.
The Hapuku Makutu (Magic Wand) teaches children:

  • History of Magic - this includes the New Zealand magical history as well as any that included Britain.
  • Wand magic - they are taught how to use a wand, all students are given general sycamore wands to learn how to cast wand magic.
  • Haka magic - the power of collective chants and incantations.
  • Herbology.
  • Potions.
  • Astronomy.
    Graduating Exam is known as Whakamatautau Tonga.
    The same grading that applies to Hogwarts, applies to Hapuku Makutu.

    The Tiaki Makutu is the North Island day school for students aged from 14yrs to 16 years.

    Uniform is casual but respectful  - no revealing clothing allowed.
    School emblem: - Kiwi -  to be worn at all times.
    Because this group are known to be volatile, hormonal and erratic, these two years are important in learning protection magic.
    Subjects taught:
  • Protection Potions
  • Protection Charms
  • Defence against the Dark Arts
  • Wordless magic
  • Occlumency - protect your mind.
    Graduating Exam is known as Whakamatautau Ki Te Raki.
    The same grading that applies to Hogwarts, applies to Tiaki Makutu.

    Whare Moana  (Sea House is the Underwater Magic School)
    The Underwater school is a boarding school for those aged 17 to 24.
    It has a large protective sphere that allows water, fish and other under water creatures to pass safely through  while at the same time, keeping the sea water out of any of the buildings.

    The Magic School specialises in water magic and earth based magic.
    The school emblem is a sea horse.

    There are no familiars.
    For every incantation that is learned and mastered, a symbol of that incantation is tattoo’d onto the student – size and place are ruled by the student and the Leader of Whare Moana.
    As New Zealand is under British rule – the same laws that apply to students at Hogwarts, apply to students at the Wananga Makutu.

    The mode of dress at Whare Moana is a suit that resembles a wet-suit but made from a specialised cloned fish scale that links together to help the student to walk, swim and breathe under water when outside the sphere of the Whare Moana.

    Subjects Taught:
  • Underwater Herbology
  • Magical Beasts and Beings
  • Mermish language
  • Sentient and Symbiotic Relationships
  • Makutu Wai - Water magic - the use of wordless and wandless magic to effectively hone water spells.
  • Makutu Whenua - Earth magic - the use of wordless and wandless magic to effectively use earth elemental magic

    Tino Uaua is the 'hardest' set of exams the students will ever have to take.
    The grades are the same as those for those at Hogwarts.

    - Underwater sports are encouraged:
    Kete Moana - is an underwater equivalent to quidditch that the school often play with the local Merpeople Village team.
    Eke Tohora - whale riding is again much like flying on a dragon but underwater.

Kanata de Magie

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Banff National Park of Canada


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In the beautiful Banff National Park of Canada
there are two magic schools hidden away from prying eyes.
Deep in the beautiful forestry lies the Junior School,
The Canadian Junior Magical Academy founded in 1925.

First year starts at age 11 much like the Hogwarts School of Magic in England.
Students can sit an exam in their 16th year, the ELIAS –
so named after the second highest mountain range in Canada.

The grading system at the CJM stands at :
A = Amazing. B = Brave attempt. C = Chronic.

A is the highest grade – above 60 to 100%.
B is a pass grade 40 – 60%   
and C is an outright fail – anything below 40%.

Subject choices at Junior School are:
  • Wandlore
  • Potions
  • Care of Magical Creatures – relatively safe classification levels
  • No-mage Studies
  • History of Magic
  • Charms
  • Defence against the Dark Arts
  • Astronomy
  • Herbology
  • Theory of Transfiguration.
  • Practical Transfiguration

    English and French are also taught as extra-curricular subjects.

    Canadian students must create, and bond with their
    own wand. They are taught in Junior school all about
    wand lore. The creation of their wand is very similar to the
    Staff quest that The Dagrun students are put through.

    School Emblem:  Whiskey Jack / Canada Jay
    School flag: White with red emblem

    Kanata de magie

    20 miles west of the Junior school lies Lake Moraine.
    On the shores of the lake stands another beautiful large log cabin
    that is home to 185 boarding students. Students range from 17 years to 24 years.
    Final exams are known collectively as The Logan exams –
    named after the Highest mountain range in Canada.

    The A, B, C grading also applies to the Kanata de Magie (Magic Village).

    The senior school was originally three separate senior schools. The Inuit
    had their own way of teaching their young, the French wizarding settlers
    also had their own method of passing on their wizarding heritage, and
    the British wizarding families likewise. The three came together under
    the one umbrella to share knowledge and community, when it seemed
    that the rest of the world was doing its best to wipe out the wizarding
    communities completely. 

    By 1820 Kanata de Magie was a fully recognised magic school, that
    specialised in the artful skill of animagus training. Canada has the
    highest rate of animagi in the world, and as it is part of the Kanata
    school training, none are registered. Students begin their transfiguration
    training in the junior school.

    Subjects at the school include:
  • Charms – with special emphasis on water, snow and ice incantations.
  • Herbology
  • Potions
  • Divination - Elemental Water Manipulation
  • Transfiguration - Animagus Training
  • Dark Magic

  • Ancient Languages
  • Curse Breaking
  • Alchemy
  • Care of Magical Creatures
  • Magical Law and Defence
  • Laws of Magic

    Students may take up to 5 subjects, and require a pass in 4 to graduate.

    Although Canada has quidditch teams,
    and students are taught how to fly when at school.
    The Canadian magical schools prefer their own sports and games.
  • Aputi racing – snow racing done on the backs of hippogriffs –
    no flying is allowed but try telling that to a hippogriff.
  • Ice hockey is played at the magic school –
    professors back in 1933 got together to help create a magical variation of the game.
    It is played all winter long when Lake Moraine freezes over.

    There are no uniforms at the school but they do have robes and hats
    that they wear if ever abroad or visiting another magic school.
    These are white fur or a lighter material for other seasons.
    School emblem: Bear
    School flag: White flag with black bear in centre

Example Character Sheet
Please PM sheets to Kendra and Flower.
If you would like to view more examples of character sheets or even find out more about existing students who might be from a school you are interested in making a character for, please click here.
If you are curious about face claims (who is available or not), please look here.

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Violet Summers


First Name: Pilar "Goes by Pepper"        
Middle Name:  Teresa
Last Name: Gomez Herrera

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual       
Birthday: October 10               
Country of Origin: Medellín, Colombia                   
Age:  18                             
Physical Appearance:  Stands at about 5'3 | Chestnut Brown Hair. Often wears it down or in a ponytail. | Hazel Eyes | Curvy Figure | No Tattoos | Ears Pierced

Blood Status:   Muggleborn
Name of School: Castelobruxo
Year: Seventh Year
Wand Information:             
Wand Wood: Ebony
Wand Core: Veela Hair
Wand Length: 10 ¾ inches
Wand Flexibility: Slightly Bendy
Magical Ability: Not Applicable
Apparation Ability: Yes
Patronus: No
Boggart: Being Homeless                                           

Complusive: Pepper finds it challenging to resist urges and impulses, often succumbing to the irresistible pull of her desires. Whether indulging in excessive drinking, engaging in risky activities, or pursuing instant gratification, Pepper's compulsions take hold with an intensity that is difficult for her to ignore.

Protective: Pepper possesses a remarkably protective nature, which becomes evident in her interactions with friends and family. While she may occasionally display a sharp tongue or be mean to her friends, she operates under the belief that she can tease and criticize them, but no one else has the right to harm or mistreat them.

Inconsistent: Pepper has a tendency to be inconsistent in her commitments and relationships. She may be enthusiastic and friendly towards someone one day but then abruptly ignore or distance herself from them the next. Similarly, her interests and activities can change rapidly as she moves from one trend or hobby to another, often losing interest just as quickly as she initially embraced them.

Lazy: Pepper prefers comfort and relaxation over exerting effort. She may have grown accustomed to a life of privilege and being pampered, which has nurtured her lazy streak. She avoids activities that require excessive effort and often seeks easy solutions and shortcuts. This laziness can occasionally hinder her progress or limit her potential.

Tactless: Pepper often lacks tact in her communication, frequently speaking without considering the impact of her words. She tends to be straightforward and direct, sometimes disregarding social conventions or the feelings of others. Her remarks can come across as insensitive or hurtful, even when she doesn't intend them to be.

Likes: Alcohol/Party Drugs/Weed, Fashion, Sports/Luxury Cars, Celebrities, Gossip (against others), Being Pampered, Easy Fixes, Coffee, Parties, Pretty People
Dislikes: Politics, Gossip (against her), Bras/Clothes (Nudist at heart), Rule Worshippers 
Habits: Coffee is life.  Naps are essential. Doesn't like to be cooped up in the house.                             
Hobbies and Interests:  Sex, Parties, Shopping (shoe collector), Football, Fitness, Gaming, Modeling, Traveling                 
Ticks & Quirks:  Tease Queen, Finger Drumming, Loves Eye Contact, Gesticulation, Doesn't respect personal space,                        
Skills & Abilities: Multilingual (Spanish, English, Portuguese), Decent with Charms/Transfiguration, Excellent Oral Skills

Code (Foreign Student Character Sheet) Select
[center][size=16pt][font=georgia][i]IN FULL CAPITALS PLACE CHARACTER NAME HERE[/i][/font][/size][/center]

[center][size=14pt][font=georgia][i]IN FULL CAPITALS PUT NAME OF SCHOOL HERE[/i][/font][/size][/center]

[float=left][center][img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img] [img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img]
[img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img] [img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img][/center][/float]

[font=times new roman][b]First Name:[/b][/font] Give name and meaning of name if you like         
[font=times new roman][b]Middle Name: [/b][/font]   Give name and meaning of name if you like 
[font=times new roman][b]Last Name:[/b][/font] Give name and meaning of family name if you like.
{Any family mottos can also be put here.}         

[font=times new roman][b]Gender: [/b][/font]   
[font=times new roman][b]Pronouns:[/b][/font]
[font=times new roman][b]Sexuality: [/b][/font]               
[font=times new roman][b]Birthday:[/b][/font]               
[font=times new roman][b]Country of Origin:[/b][/font]                         
[font=times new roman][b]Age:  [/b][/font]                           
[font=times new roman][b]Physical Appearance:  [/b][/font]   Please include hair colour, length, type (curly, straight etc) / eye colour, height, weight, body markings, etc   

[float=right][center][img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img] [img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img]
[img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img] [img height=200 padding=5]*insert image here[/img][/center][/float]
[font=times new roman][b]Blood Status: [/b][/font]    (please note that none of the foreign students will be pureblood or mixed blood)
[font=times new roman][b]Name of School:[/b][/font]                                                     
[font=times new roman][b]Year: [/b][/font]
[font=times new roman][b]Wand Information:[/b][/font] (if no wand then remove this portion of the CS)           
[b]Wand Wood:[/b]
[b]Wand Core:[/b]
[b]Wand Length:[/b]
[b]Wand Flexibility:[/b]
[font=times new roman][b]Broom:[/b][/font] (if no broom then remove this portion)
[font=times new roman][b]Magical Ability:[/b][/font]
[font=times new roman][b]Apparation Ability:[/b][/font]
[font=times new roman][b]Patronus:[/b][/font]
[font=times new roman][b]Boggart:[/b][/font] (biggest fear not a phobia)                                         

[font=times new roman][b]Personality:[/b][/font] List at least 5 personality traits - The back story of your character will be revealed through the personality traits of your character. So when you list your characters traits - please write up a paragraph (a few lines) for each one.

[font=times new roman][b]Likes: [/b][/font]                           
[font=times new roman][b]Dislikes:[/b][/font]                   
[font=times new roman][b]Habits:[/b][/font] (good and bad)                           
[font=times new roman][b]Hobbies and Interests:[/b][/font]                     
[font=times new roman][b]Ticks & Quirks:[/b][/font]                         
[font=times new roman][b]Skills & Abilities: [/b][/font]


As far as students and families are aware Hogwarts school is still not complete, and there is much work to be done. The students all received letters from the Ministry and the Board of Education, clearly stating that the younger students - 1st year to 6th year would be attending school in a secure location, unplottable, and protected. While the 7th year and those returning to complete their 7th year, received letters stating that they would be the only students at Hogwarts that year while repairs continued.

The ministry, however, and the Board of Directors of Hogwarts had deemed that it is time for a change. A big change. Things cannot go on as they were and a huge part of that lay in the segregation of students. The Minister for Magic believed that even if blood supremacy is taught in the home, it could be diminished or nipped in the bud when at school; But not if there was already rife segregation and favouritism of houses and lineages. So things were to change, but it could only be done with the help of its actual students. Did the ministry inform the students, or the parents/guardians? Of course not, all was done under secrecy. The 7th year group would be 'guinea pigs' - trialling the new way, in the hopes that if it worked Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would have its new beginning, its fresh start and would be known henceforth as Hogwarts School of Magic.

Each house has been disbanded, the ghosts in an uproar but once they listened to the plan, they too hope it will work. Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are no more - except in the hearts of those who had once been sorted. There is only one common area for 7th-year students to hang out in, and one wing for the 7th-year dormitories of single or double rooms. Toilets/bathrooms on corridors are not assigned to a specific gender, these too are communal (all dormitories have their own en-suite). The professors have their own individual living quarters throughout the school - but there is also a staff/faculty common room. The House-elves have the freedom to come and go throughout the castle, and food no longer magically appears - the house elves serve it. They no longer clean up completely after students, they tidy the dorms but students must do their own laundry.

On the train journey, Aurors from the ministry joined the students, but no one was told why. They were trained to deal with people, but for over a month they had been trained in dealing with teenagers, especially those with PTSD. They are to work as caretakers at Hogwarts for the duration of the school year. Some Aurors had specific classifications now, Auror Class 1, Auror Class 2 and Auror, besides the Head Auror himself. Shacklebolt had really shaken up the Ministry, making sure that anyone that had allegiances to Voldemort didn’t stick around for very long. Some were sent to Azkaban, others … people only guess at what became of them. Some say that Voldemort's followers swore they were under the Imperius curse, much like during the first wizarding war; others seemed to simply disappear.

With the Aurors on the train came three individuals, who had been homeschooled but with the incarceration and death of their family members, they applied to the ministry for permission to attend Hogwarts for their NEWTs. Permission is granted to them, and these three purebloods, who later come to be revealed as children of Death Eaters, have a plan.

With the Aurors on the train, comes also a ministry official from the Department of Mysteries - An Unspeakable - A Magical Empath who can manipulate people's thoughts and persuade people to do his bidding. He is there partly to ensure that the three pureblood students are calm but also because there is an Obscurial on board the train, and Archer Fornax wants nothing more than to get his hands on this individual. All hell breaks loose on the train, emotions and traumatic memories are brought to the fore and in this chaos - Fornax makes a discovery. There is another Empath, one that appears to feel the emotions of others, one that appears to see and communicate with spirits. An Extrasensory-based empath. Archer now wants both the Empath and the Obscurus but to what end?

The students arrive at Hogwarts to discover that it looks perfect, good as new - as if the war had never happened. They are confused but are so caught up with other emotions and details. The Great Hall has but two tables and on the top table, all the house banners are gone and in their place are the Hogwarts banners. The row of professors at the top table are all unfamiliar. Everyone except for Professor Binns (ghost) has gone to the other 'school' to teach the younger students so that they at least would have some continuity in their lives. It is hoped that the older students ranging in ages of 18 to 20, will not care whether there are new or old professors, or whether there will be a difference in how the school is run. For Minerva McGonagall is also going and in her place is ex-auror and professor, Myrillion Fawley. A therapist is in residence at the school in the event that any student wants to actually talk about their feelings - without revealing anything that the Ministry has told them not to say, because patient confidentiality really isn't what it will become.

And then the Wands happen - all students have been told that they will get their wand at Hogwarts, it was one of the main reasons that students signed the form with the ministry to not speak about what they had endured or their MBRC trials. The 7th-year students believe that their wands will be waiting for them but that is not so. They must endure the humiliation of being told they can wait till the following day. A riot almost breaks out in the Great Hall led by Johnathon Miracle and soon the ministry officials are brought in, with wands and paperwork. Some students found their wands, others found their wands only to discover that ownership had passed and their wand no longer recognised them; some students discovered that their wand had not been found or had been broken, and a few could not connect with any wands at all.

As if the students were not upset and emotional already, they left the Great Hall to be taken by a house elf to their new dorm - where again some found they had a room to themselves, or were sharing with someone they didn't know or from another house, or someone they didn't like. It was all becoming too much, and some could only cope by smoking weed, getting drunk, blasting things apart, flying recklessly or meeting with the therapist. Some students set up clubs to help their fellow students, believing that these clubs would help to bring some normality back into their lives, to help them forget even for a brief moment what they had endured.

The newspapers would have said a lot about the Ministry ShakeUp and how the new Minister for Magic was trying to clean house. The newspapers would also reveal when certain DE and Voldemort sympathisers especially those who had worked at the ministry were arrested, trialled and sent to Azkaban. However, on Thursday, September 30th lots of OWLs arrive at Hogwarts with copies of the Daily Prophet for everyone. No one knows who paid for them, or who sent them but every student, every professor, and every auror is sent their own copy. What could possibly be of interest in it? The aurors already know.
It is the true reason they are there at the school, and now everyone else will know too.

The date for the trial of Dolores Umbridge has been set, and the lawyers involved have stated to the reporter of the Daily Prophet that everyone that was in Azkaban was sworn to secrecy when they were released. They could not be told why at the time, but the reporter of the newspaper reveals that it is all to do with contaminating the case. If bias occurred during the court case towards Umbridge because of the truth of what really happened to the muggle-born population during the war, the case could be declared a mistrial and she would go free.

It is further revealed in the newspaper that the lawyers against Umbridge will require many of these people who had been incarcerated in Azkaban to act as witnesses at the trial which is expected to take weeks to get through. The date for the trial has been set for January 3rd 2000. The newspaper goes on to say that it is believed that many of those who were incarcerated were students. While those who are underage will not be expected to stand as witnesses against Umbridge, the older students  -the 7th years - who are in attendance at Hogwarts will be. The reporter goes on to reveal how they believe that these students are under the protection of the ministry until after the court case has concluded.


plants a flag of interest right here. You know..so you have an accurate accounting.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Appreciate the planted flag Wolfling  ;D


There are probably plenty of questions that people would like to ask but just don't want to be the first one so I will throw my own out there and answer those, and if there are still questions that need asking - please feel free to.

1) Does my character have to be a muggleborn?
No your character doesn't, but I would like anyone joining the game to have their first character be either a muggleborn or a halfblood that would have been seriously affected by the MBRC.

2) What do you mean they will be retaking their year without wands?
That was all part of my evil ... I mean interesting design. It was to cause more angst among the muggleborn / halfbloods that had their wands confiscated. At first they can't afford to get new wands, they apply for the return of their old wands but that is a losing red tape battle. Finally the government will think they are being very clever by bringing what spare wands they do have in their possession to Hogwarts on the first day back so that after sorting students can 'rummage' for their old wand. If their wand cannot be found among the batch, then they will be given a docket to get a second hand wand. Ollivanders shop had as you know been obliterated, and with it all the wands. So all that Old Ollivander has at his disposal are second hand wands the ministry collected from the dead. Ollivander will eventually make more but he is very old, and very frail now so it will be a while. Of course this will enrage those who had their wands taken from them. We like angst  >:)

3) How old will my student be because you know E rules an' all that?!
Well, we will be able to rp students returning to Hogwarts to repeat their final year which will put them at 19/20yrs and those just entering their final year 18 years. We won't have any 17 year olds.

4) Will I get to choose what house my character belongs to?
Yes and no - You will do up a character sheet and where it says house - you will put the house you would like to belong to, but if your character genuinely doesn't suit that house or does not have a reason for the sorting hat placing it there, then the character will be placed into a suitable house. Of course this is not likely to happen, but just in case  O:)

5) Can I play a teacher, a minister, a grown up?
Not right away, the game is about the school and the lasting effects of prejudice and hatred, and how having the school split into those particular 4 houses is not actually a good thing. I have created other Hogwarts games, and they get big too fast if everyone is suddenly making parents, shop owners, teachers etc etc etc. Let's keep it small and manageable (judging from interest that will not be a problem  ;D )

6) Will there be different areas to play in?
Absolutely. There will be a 'Flashback' area - where a lot of character building is going to happen in. Story arks get hammered out, friendships, memories, enemies etc all can be done here either in a one shot or rp'd with someone else.
There will be different areas of the school, the Houses, Classrooms, Grounds but as and when needed or asked for. Again, no point in spending forever creating and losing my mind when I could be rp'ing too.

7) Will the game have rules? Oh yeah, it must or we would all run amok and that just cannot happen on my watch. Of course the rules will be there so that the players can enjoy the game.

8) Won't it get confusing being in a game with one person and others enter the same thread / place to play too?
Sure it gets confusing but we will use tags like any other decent group game would to keep tabs on who is interacting with who.

9) Because of the timeline, there is obviously canon characters still very much around. Can I play a canon character?
Yes, they will be around but no, none of us will be playing them. Our characters will see them, maybe give a brief mention etc.
Any other interaction with a canon has to be run by the GM first and foremost and we will have an area where canon mentions should be noted. This is to prevent Mary from winking at Ginny in Transfiguration the same time that Tony is hitting her with a quaffle on the quidditch pitch.

10) Do we use face claims?
Yes, it has to be a model / actor and not a cartoon image of any sort. There will be a list compiled eventually of who has what person, because I genuinely go potty when I see three of the same actor from different times of their life being used by different characters in the same game.

11) Can my family come from Europe?
No, the only place your student /family can come from is England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales. There are other magical schools, attend those! Now, if for some reason you have an old character that you want to revamp but this character is from another country than those listed, then please make the reason they will be transferring to the school believable! Just because my dad got a new job at the ministry, doesn't mean the entire family up and moves. Why did he have to apply to another countries ministry? What happened? Make it believable!

12) How many characters can I make?
Start with 2, it gets really easy to get caught up in character creation and forget to actually play the character. It also becomes maddening when people only create a character to be with another character. Use your 2 wisely, build a solid character and play them!!

13) How many digits in the Muggle-born registration number? (Question courtesy of Caela)
The MBR number should have 4 numbers, then a dash - then the first 3 letters of the person's surname, a slash / with the initials after whether muggleborn - MB, half-blood = HB etc. So something like ...
person is called Mark Greyson muggleborn ----    3488-GRE/MB


"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Crash! Fab to see you again too.
It has been too long. Are you planting a flag too?
*Wink wink nudge nudge* :D


Okay. This looks really good. I am uncertain what I will have for time, but I want to plant a cute, very muggle-shaped queer flag of interest.

You've been missed Kendra, fantastic premise.  :-)


I always want to join a hp game but as mentioned they do tend to get very big fast so if this does stay small I would be interested
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Quote from: Haloriel on January 19, 2023, 04:00:29 PM
Okay. This looks really good. I am uncertain what I will have for time, but I want to plant a cute, very muggle-shaped queer flag of interest.

You've been missed Kendra, fantastic premise.  :-)

My favourite type of flag  ;D
And OMG! hey there <3

Quote from: Levi on January 20, 2023, 04:38:23 AM
I always want to join a hp game but as mentioned they do tend to get very big fast so if this does stay small I would be interested

I will reign it in as best I can, I promise. I don't have time anymore to devout to big :D


Tentatively interested.  I have wanted to make a sweet little cottage core lesbian for a while, so will work on her when you feel you have enough interest to start.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Great premise Kendra!!

Definitely interested.

Was wondering, with Ollivander getting so old, would it be possible (maybe) to make a granddaughter to has been learning his craft from him and attempting to help him remake a stock of beginner wands? They wouldn't be nearly as good as her grandfather can make them but would manage to be serviceable for classwork until students either find their original wands or save up enough to get a better quality wand from her grandfather.

Just a random thought that popped into my head.

Good to see you back!

EYA: Another random question, with as much as many of these muggleborn students would have been changed by their experiences, would it be possible that they could find their original wands only to discover that they are no longer a good fit for that wand? Perhaps the long lapse, combined with the personality changes from their abuse or time in hiding, weakens their bond with the wand and it no longer works nearly as well (or perhaps, stubbornly, not at all) for them?


Quote from: Crash on January 20, 2023, 12:25:41 PM
Tentatively interested.  I have wanted to make a sweet little cottage core lesbian for a while, so will work on her when you feel you have enough interest to start.

Fabulous. Brightens up the start of my week.

Quote from: Caela on January 23, 2023, 03:20:12 AM
Great premise Kendra!!

Definitely interested.

Was wondering, with Ollivander getting so old, would it be possible (maybe) to make a granddaughter to has been learning his craft from him and attempting to help him remake a stock of beginner wands? They wouldn't be nearly as good as her grandfather can make them but would manage to be serviceable for classwork until students either find their original wands or save up enough to get a better quality wand from her grandfather.

Just a random thought that popped into my head.

Good to see you back!

Caela, lovely to see you! Thank you for the welcome back.
It would I suppose depend on the age of the grand-daughter. For now I just want people to rp at the school, do the studenty things in an attempt to keep the game from expanding too quickly. If she is a student, maybe her last year - repeating it to get her NEWTs so that she can then help her grandfather to rebuild? She could use the restricted section of the library to get information regarding wands, cores etc that she hopes would help her grandfather and her own education into wandlore.


I will be posting up the character sheet template later today, so those waiting can get character building in the mean time.


Quote from: Kendra on January 23, 2023, 03:28:31 AM
Caela, lovely to see you! Thank you for the welcome back.
It would I suppose depend on the age of the grand-daughter. For now I just want people to rp at the school, do the studenty things in an attempt to keep the game from expanding too quickly. If she is a student, maybe her last year - repeating it to get her NEWTs so that she can then help her grandfather to rebuild? She could use the restricted section of the library to get information regarding wands, cores etc that she hopes would help her grandfather and her own education into wandlore.

Thanks! Look forward to making a sheet for her for you to be able to see what's brewing in my head lol.

Also have a loose thought for a muggleborn dealing with the added angst of perhaps finding her old wand, only to discover that who she is now, isn't who she was when the wand chose her, and her wand no longer wants to work well for her....just for the extra fun of tormenting my character...because I'm never mean to my characters!  >:)


Quote from: Caela on January 23, 2023, 04:19:23 AM
Thanks! Look forward to making a sheet for her for you to be able to see what's brewing in my head lol.

Also have a loose thought for a muggleborn dealing with the added angst of perhaps finding her old wand, only to discover that who she is now, isn't who she was when the wand chose her, and her wand no longer wants to work well for her....just for the extra fun of tormenting my character...because I'm never mean to my characters!  >:)

I love how your mind works  >:) >:)
Being nice to our own characters can be so over-rated  ;D

Can't wait to see your character ideas.


Quote from: Kendra on January 23, 2023, 05:36:01 AM
I love how your mind works  >:) >:)
Being nice to our own characters can be so over-rated  ;D

Can't wait to see your character ideas.

If I'm being nice to mine, it's probably a set up! Lol


Character sheet is here, I will add it to the first post as well for ease of access. Have fun and there is no rush.

Character Sheet

Face Claim: Write down the name of your character's FC.
Name: Your character's name

Nickname: Your character's nickname

Gender: What gender your character identified with

Age: Your character's age (as of 1st September)

Sexuality: Your character's sexual orientation

Birthplace: Where were they born and raised?

Blood Status: Muggle-born, Pure-blood, half-blood or mixed blood
Muggle-Born Registration Number: (GM will issue this to you if required).

Year: Are they repeating their seventh year or entering 7th year for the first time.
House: Self explanatory

Wand: Length, wand wood, and core – If your wand was confiscated please only state so.
Patronus: If applicable, what is their patronus
Apparation license: Yes or no

Physical Appearance: Write a brief description of their appearance. Include piercings, tattoos, hair styles and color, eye color, scars, and other markings especially those that they have as a result of Snatchers or Azkaban.

Personality Traits: Write a list of at least five traits. This can be written in bullet form, as a list, or in sentences. Include at least two negative traits because none of us are perfect.

Personal History: Provide as much or as little detailing your character's history. Small posts here will not give people the opportunity to understand where your character is coming from, or help you to flesh out your character in role play, so give as much as you can. You can always add more later. Be sure to include some insight into your character’s history during the wizarding war.

Family: Include the following information: Name, Age, Relationship to your character, occupation, and blood status. If they are deceased, please note it.
Likes: List at least four things your character likes.
Dislikes: List at least four things your character dislikes.
Strength: List something that your character is really good at!
Weakness: What is your characters kryptonite, fear or phobia?

Passing Grades
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
Failing Grades
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll

OWL Grades: (Fill out your character's grades from when they took their OWLs at age 15.)
Charms -
Transfiguration -
Herbology -
Defense Against the Dark Arts -
Ancient Runes -
Potions -
Care of Magical Creatures -
Astronomy -
Divination -
History of Magic -
Arithmancy -
Muggle Studies -

Familiar: If your character has a Familiar, list it here. Include its name, if you want to include an image you may.

On's and Off's: List or write out your character's on's and off's. Or, if you just want to include a link to your personal O/O, please link it here.

Extra: For any additional information you want to include, please put that here.

Code (character sheet) Select
[float=right][center][img height=300]insert image here[/img]
[img height=200]*insert character img here [/img] [img height=200]*insert character img here [/img] [img height=200]*insert character img here [/img][/center][/float]
[b]Face Claim:[/b] Write down the name of your character's FC.
[b]Name:[/b] Your character's name

[b]Nickname:[/b] Your character's nickname

[b]Gender:[/b] What gender your character identified with

[b]Age:[/b] Your character's age (as of 1st September)

[b]Sexuality:[/b] Your character's sexual orientation

[b]Birthplace:[/b] Where were they born and raised?

[b]Blood Status:[/b] Muggle-born, Pure-blood, half-blood or mixed blood
[b]Muggle-Born Registration Number:[/b] (GM will issue this to you if required).

[b]Year:[/b] Are they repeating their seventh year or entering 7th year for the first time.
[b]House:[/b] Self explanatory

[b]Wand:[/b] Length, wand wood, and core – If your wand was confiscated please only state so.
[b]Patronus:[/b] If applicable, what is their patronus
[b]Apparation license:[/b] Yes or no


[b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Write a brief description of their appearance. Include piercings, tattoos, hair styles and color, eye color, scars, and other markings especially those that they have as a result of Snatchers or Azkaban.

[b]Personality Traits:[/b] Write a list of at least five traits. This can be written in bullet form, as a list, or in sentences. Include at least two negative traits because none of us are perfect.

[b]Personal History:[/b] Provide as much or as little detailing your character's history. Small posts here will not give people the opportunity to understand where your character is coming from, or help you to flesh out your character in role play, so give as much as you can. You can always add more later. Be sure to include some insight into your character’s history during the wizarding war.

[b]Family:[/b] Include the following information: Name, Age, Relationship to your character, occupation, and blood status. If they are deceased, please note it.
[b]Likes:[/b] List at least four things your character likes.
[b]Dislikes:[/b] List at least four things your character dislikes.
[b]Strength:[/b] List something that your character is really good at!
[b]Weakness:[/b] What is your characters kryptonite, fear or phobia?

[spoiler=Marks][u]Passing Grades[/u]
O - Outstanding
E - Exceeds Expectations
A - Acceptable
[u]Failing Grades[/u]
P - Poor
D - Dreadful
T - Troll[/spoiler]

[b]OWL Grades:[/b] (Fill out your character's grades from when they took their OWLs at age 15.)
[i]Charms[/i] -
[i]Transfiguration[/i] -
[i]Herbology[/i] -
[i]Defense Against the Dark Arts[/i] -
[i]Ancient Runes[/i] -
[i]Potions[/i] -
[i]Care of Magical Creatures[/i] -
[i]Astronomy[/i] -
[i]Divination[/i] -
[i]History of Magic[/i] -
[i]Arithmancy[/i] -
[i]Muggle Studies[/i] -

[b]Familiar:[/b] If your character has a Familiar, list it here. Include its name, if you want to include an image you may.

[b]On's and Off's:[/b] List or write out your character's on's and off's. Or, if you just want to include a link to your personal O/O, please link it here.

[b]Extra:[/b] For any additional information you want to include, please put that here.


Quote from: Caela on January 23, 2023, 06:33:35 AM
If I'm being nice to mine, it's probably a set up! Lol

Your poor characters. love it  ;D


slips through to steal the character sheet as my poor lil homeless waif of a muggleborn who is now deeply involved with petty larceny needs a place to lay their head.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Gonna ask to save Dove Cameron for a face claim please. Not sure who the second will be yet...will add her when I start writing her up. Muggleborn first!

ETA: How many digits is the muggleborn registration number meant to be?


I'll be looking to create a Slytherin chap...approval pending of course.

And welcome back K.  Absolute pleasure to see you in the mix once more.


Quote from: Wolfling72 on January 23, 2023, 07:18:32 AM
slips through to steal the character sheet as my poor lil homeless waif of a muggleborn who is now deeply involved with petty larceny needs a place to lay their head.

OMG!! Trouble with a capital T.  ;D
Honestly, I am seriously looking forward to reading these character bios. 

Quote from: Caela on January 23, 2023, 08:18:41 AM
Gonna ask to save Dove Cameron for a face claim please. Not sure who the second will be yet...will add her when I start writing her up. Muggleborn first!

ETA: How many digits is the muggleborn registration number meant to be?

Will do, I was just popping back on to start a FC listing which is no harm to get started. Consider Dove marked.

The MBR number should have 4 numbers, then a dash - then the first 3 letters of the person's surname, a slash / with the initials after whether muggleborn - MB, half-blood = HB etc. So something like ...
person is called Mark Greyson muggleborn ----    3488-GRE/MB

Quote from: Praxis on January 23, 2023, 08:59:27 AM
I'll be looking to create a Slytherin chap...approval pending of course.

And welcome back K.  Absolute pleasure to see you in the mix once more.

Awesome Praxis, delighted to have you on board.
And thank you.



Kendra - Kristen Stewart
Kendra - Sam Claflin
Caela -  Dove Cameron
Praxis - Ross Lynch

Will also toss this up to first post  :-)


Got it! Thanks Kendra!

This girl is seriously angry in my head lol...which makes sense, but also means she's not really suited her her House anymore either. She's going to be so fun to torment in my writing!



Quote from: Caelaquote author=Praxis link=topic=348277.msg16386424#msg16386424 date=1674488142]
Face claim

Ross Lynch please.

Consider it done.

link=topic=348277.msg16386418#msg16386418 date=1674487553]
Got it! Thanks Kendra!

This girl is seriously angry in my head lol...which makes sense, but also means she's not really suited her her House anymore either. She's going to be so fun to torment in my writing!

Seriously, the excitement is killing me already :D

Sorry am on my phone now so iddy biddy screen lol


Quote from: Kendra on January 23, 2023, 09:41:27 AM
link=topic=348277.msg16386418#msg16386418 date=1674487553]
Got it! Thanks Kendra!

This girl is seriously angry in my head lol...which makes sense, but also means she's not really suited her her House anymore either. She's going to be so fun to torment in my writing!

Seriously, the excitement is killing me already :D

Sorry am on my phone now so iddy biddy screen lol

It's alright.  It's your first time doing something like this...     ::)

Nerves are understandable.