Tales of Obsession and Twisted Romance | F searching for Adv. Lit. M

Started by Wickd, October 23, 2022, 01:45:37 PM

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Hey application buddy~!
I have to say, I absolutely love your imagination. Quite.. interesting? No.. Enticing.
I would very much like a chance to fulfill some of your deviously wonderful desires.

Here's an example of my in-character writing. Obviously this sample is female-sub, but I assure you I'm well-versed in acting out both Genders in both persuasions.

Few questions we ought to discuss:
-What kind of post frequency are you looking for?
-What length of posts are ideal for you?
-Are there some common kinks that are an absolute no?
(You don't have to mention the most obvious like gore and whatnot. I'd stay away from that regardless.)
Love Me, Hate Me,
Stay With Me, Play With Me..
Just don't **** with me.



If it isn't the Meister of the Chuckles!
Thank you for reaching out!

First, I apologize about the post formatting, if you are reading on the phone, the sizes of fonts are completely messed up. Uch. Formatting is pain in the ass.
I will try to rush up my O/O thread, and share it here as soon as possible (today),

In the meanwhile, frequency: anywhere from multiple times per day, to multiple times per week - it really depends on the length of posts we settle upon. And, of course, life.
Length: my sweet spot is between 200 - 600 words. I think for these type of RPs, were dialogue is quite important, posts can be shorter.
Kinks: as mentioned, will share soon.

Which of the 2 plots tickled your fancy more? Dark or Light?


The frequency and length both sound great!
As far as the story line.. I really don't know. Definitely a hard choice. I find a lot of fascination in both of them, but obviously for different reasons. Are you more eager to try either one?
Love Me, Hate Me,
Stay With Me, Play With Me..
Just don't **** with me.


I guess... I think... I am leaning towards Dark...
LOL, I am always leaning towards anything dark :)

Here is my O/Os - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=346478.msg16319384#new
And here is a sample of my writing (individual, not RP) https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=346235.0


More questions/curiosities now that I've read your O/Os.
First off, Your desired dominant traits align very well with how I act them out! The only hang-up is appearance. I unfortunately would have trouble acting properly without at least a moderately attractive character. They don't have to be perfect models in any way, but not "unkempt and overweight" like you mentioned. Is that a problem?

Second thing, I do my best angry/twisted Dom when my character is Transexual, meaning generally female in appearance, but with male genitalia below the belt. I know this is much less desired than Male, so I'm 100% fine if you'd prefer the classic M/F

Lastly(for now), I can definitely do the dark one! Though I believe I'd be able to do it Much better if my character were MtF like I mentioned in the last paragraph. If you prefer full Male, I think I'd do a better job in the "Light" setting.

Let me know your preferences so we can work something out.

Quick examples of the kind of MtF character I'd use.

Love Me, Hate Me,
Stay With Me, Play With Me..
Just don't **** with me.


Quote from: Chucklemeister on October 24, 2022, 05:20:28 AM
More questions/curiosities now that I've read your O/Os.
First off, Your desired dominant traits align very well with how I act them out! The only hang-up is appearance. I unfortunately would have trouble acting properly without at least a moderately attractive character. They don't have to be perfect models in any way, but not "unkempt and overweight" like you mentioned. Is that a problem?

That's not a problem, I mentioned in the 'I would be into it' section that a handsome attractive guy is for sure something I'd be into too ;D
Quote from: Chucklemeister on October 24, 2022, 05:20:28 AM

Second thing, I do my best angry/twisted Dom when my character is Transexual, meaning generally female in appearance, but with male genitalia below the belt. I know this is much less desired than Male, so I'm 100% fine if you'd prefer the classic M/F

Lastly(for now), I can definitely do the dark one! Though I believe I'd be able to do it Much better if my character were MtF like I mentioned in the last paragraph. If you prefer full Male, I think I'd do a better job in the "Light" setting.

I would prefer the classic M/F, if it's OK ^^

Yeah, we can do the Light ;D What I envision for the light, and what makes it light, is this fish out of water humor. I've seen and been bored by many RPs that make character like a mafia boss kidnap, enslave and lock up his counterpart. But here, he is forced, by own volition, to endure the completely normal, modern day dating process, while still doing mafia things and injecting mafia boss mentality. I wrote this prompt first, before I came up with dark idea, and the original title for it was 'Mafia Boss v. Modern Dating World' which implies a combat that I find funny ;D


Haha, the light idea definitely sounds entertaining. I'll take a little time to think about either doing the light or using a man for the dark. I'd rather not rush into either  :-)
Love Me, Hate Me,
Stay With Me, Play With Me..
Just don't **** with me.


Lolz, that's OK with me ;D If you are not into it at all that's OK too. You're my buddy forever and ever  ^-^


I hate to admit it, but I think I have a bit too much on my plate to hop into another story ><
When I saw you made a post I was excited, but I'm a bit overwhelmed as is X_X
Very Sorry.
Love Me, Hate Me,
Stay With Me, Play With Me..
Just don't **** with me.