Cyberpunk, Contemporary, Star Wars, and a couple others - M lf F

Started by Kepesk, August 01, 2022, 03:22:32 PM

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Be sure and check out my Ons and Offs for bits about me, how I play, posting rate/length, what I like, and more!

There's a lot more to all of these, and I thrive on collaboration, so if any of this piques your interest, or even gives you another idea entirely, please don't hesitate to message me!

(The images are just for flavor. They don't have to have any bearing on the actual story.)

Cyberpunk Red

You're a bleeding-edge android. A highly illegal bleeding edge android. My character happens upon you while on a shadowrun, and boldly decides to 'liberate' you from whatever service they were planning for you, essentially transforming us into fugitives from not only the megacorps who want you, but the biotech facility that created you, a handful of gangs that wouldn't mind selling you off for parts or worse, and the authorities as well.
I do have a plot in mind for the main story, but it's one that could be played out in a number of different ways. The idea is that this would explore the relationship between our characters, specifically how my character rectifies how he feels about you. Are you 'just' an android? Or are you something more? This already has some Dominant/submissive tones built into it obviously, but doesn't necessarily need to be just that, of course.

The Assistant

You're the live-in Assistant to the creator/owner of a modest but successful animation company. Lately though, his performance has begun to wane in response to various pressures, events, and the place he's been at in his head as of late. Perhaps you've just switched to being a live-in assistant because of his recent performance troubles.
This could end up developing into a Dominant/submissive relationship, but of course doesn't have to. In fact, I think this has a lot of potential to develop into a relationship that's predicated on a finely-tuned balance. Perhaps there are certain situations/scenes where a 'simple' Dominant/submissive dynamic might suffice. But then another possibly would require you to take the upper hand. This really could prove to be a very powerful dynamic.

Star Wars - Sith of the Old Republic

“Always two there are. A Master…and an apprentice.”
You’re the apprentice to a Sith Master. One who has discovered a small cache of long-forgotten holocrons in an abandoned Sith temple. The holocrons end up unlocking ancient Sith sexual practices and rituals. But as you discover and probe deeper, are they taking a toll on your Master’s mind…? What about your own?
This is very obviously a strict Dominant/submissive relationship, but also has the potential to be taken in different directions as you delve deeper into the practices, and what they mean exactly. There’s a lot more going on in this one as well, but for brevity’s sake, and not to get too ‘spoilerish’, I’ll leave it at that for now.

A really good Western maybe...? Something WestWorld or FireFly would be great. There was a little thing we did for FireFly a while back, but it fizzled fairly quickly. You can check out my character for it here though, if you'd like:
Old FireFly character

Something with a lot of 'teen-angst'. I love it, and I haven't had any in a while. This could even be mixed with something else like a young superhero team or anything like that.

Thanks for looking, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Ons and Offs
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One swallow does not a summer make
~ Aristotle
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