Nou's Dark Corner and Ideas [F looking for M, darker settings]

Started by Nouhime, May 05, 2022, 06:06:47 PM

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Hi all!

I’m relatively new around here but not necessarily new to RP. I have already had some incredible interactions, and I am looking forward to many more. I have not set up a request threat yet, so here I go! Before you read any further - I have been recently in the mood for darker stuff (NC, blackmail, general violence, the list goes on) so if you are looking for something cuter or you are faint of heart, I'm sorry this is not what you will find here.

You can find my O/O here . If anything catches your attention and you have a story idea, I will be glad to chat! I do think I am easy going person, so please reach out!

In terms of current cravings, there is something I have been thinking about for weeks, and MC is pretty outlined, but of course, YC is up to you, minus some key story points. Here is the idea:

MC is an escort, mainly working for the crime world. She often gets called to work at ‘parties’ visited by politicians, law officers, etc - generally people the mafia wants to keep happy and have some dirt on them just in case. YC would be a corrupt cop (maybe a unit more involved in serious crime like homicide, vice…stuff that the mafia would be interested in) who gets introduced to YC. Eventually, he would get obsessed with her (it doesn’t necessarily need to be romantic, that’s up to you, could be from just mentally unhealthy obsession to using her or just a very twisted need for a romantic relationship) and start stalking her and blackmailing her. The twist is that she comes from a very traditional, conservative family, and they have no idea how she pays her bills (which is where the blackmail will come). I'm open to suggestions and discussions about how that develops and the end.

That is the one plot that has been on my mind for some time now. If anyone finds that interesting, PM me, I’m happy to discuss it, and there are very few plot points I am attached to, so I could be flexible based on YC and your references.

I am always interested in darker and taboo topics, so if you want to write with me, let me know.

Just a note - I do prefer to write an F character against an M character (your actual gender doesn’t matter to me that much as long as you can write a believable male character in whatever the setting is). I can also RP here, PMs or Dicsord.