Started by WhatLiesAbove, March 01, 2022, 08:26:07 PM

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Kamala Harris looks SO proud of the President, despite a couple of hiccups in the speech thus far. Anyone else watching?


What, Biden slip his tongue?

The Ukranian ambassador looked like she was tearing up at the standing ovation she got introduced with.

Man that was a lot of applause, even from the Republicans.

I suspect a major reason Pelosi and Harris look so pleased is because Biden has effectively gutted a major hostile actor. He has handled the situation with Ukraine masterfully, getting ahead of Russia's disinformation and isolating a major source of division in the West. NATO is suddenly more powerful than it ever has been.

They may find some way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, but I imagine morale is quite high. It may even enable Biden to get some things done that he wasn't before.