The Next Legends of Runeterra (Dice, League of Legends, 5e-based, Discord OOC)

Started by MyttraDW, February 17, 2022, 02:22:49 PM

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Runeterra appears to be a world very similar to our planet in several aspects, however, it possesses some secrets and creatures that you may one day have seen in your most playful dreams.

As much as it is only a planet, Runeterra is closely linked with magic, possessing unknown relationships with other realms of existence that remain untouched by human hands, yet full of dreadful creatures or extremely social beings who would not think twice about giving shelter to an unprotected traveler.

A few nations separate this world, they share certain characteristics, but all are unique, differentiated in their histories, cultures, geographies, governments, and their relationships with magic. Although they exist worldwide, several intelligent creatures of the same species may be completely different in their behavior depending on the region where they grew up and may be the target of contempt, depending on where they were born.

Hello! I was hoping that I could find some people interested in a game using the 5e ruleset in the world of Runterra, where League of Legends and Arcane takes place. The sourcebook will be provided but is also free to find online (Search for "Runarcana") if you want to take a look first. The players will not be canon characters from the game or show, but may be allowed to be related to them - I am planning for my game to run somewhat in the future, where many of the champions may have settled down.

Thank you! If you are interested, please drop a  message below and I will send you an invite to the Discord server where the OOC will be held!


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)