Fall of the West (LOTR): Freeform, Rolemaster II and MERP-inspired, Recruiting !

Started by mainsnoires, February 09, 2022, 10:01:26 AM

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he proposition for this game is based on Middle-Earth, and will take place during the Third Age, i.e. between the events of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings books.
Hence, all Rings of Power have been forged, some are lost and some were taken by the main antagonist, Sauron, the Dark Lord.
This will be a freeform sandbox game, in which GMed narrative arcs will be proposed. From political intrigues to attempts of countering the Shadows rising East and South, the characters will be encouraged to create their own adventures, in agreement with the GM.

To participate you will have to follow a few guidelines :

l First of all, god modding is not allowed. Do not control a character (PCs or NPCs) that is not yours. Moreover, your Character has limits and is not unbeatable at everything.

l Characters will be accepted by the GM only, based on the player's creativity and writing. Although there could be growing questions concerning the liberty one can take with the LOTR lore (see 4), in terms of creativity regarding the playing characters, this game will be fairly open to adaptation/discussion.

l Player vs Character knowledge. You may know more about the LOTR universe than your character could ever grasp. Take this in account since you write for a character that does not have your entire knowledge.

l Respect for the Lore. You cannot play a canon character in this game. Creating your own will allow freedom of writing, however to enter the game you’ll have to agree in respecting the Author’s creation. That means, you will not kill Gandalf, nor the Witch-king, you will not be Galadriel's secret brother ...you may meet with them, survive or defeat an encounter with a canon enemy, but the lines of the official story will be respected.

l No hybrids of any kind (race or profession) will be accepted as playing characters at the beginning of the game. If such things are to happen, it will have to be written, motivated, learned...during the game.

l This game is for epic adventures and will contain adult themes. It will be in the LIGHT section. Importantly, do not hunt other players for sexual connections without approval of all parties. Respect the Ons and Offs of your partner. Dramas or controversy will not be tolerated, please respect and be polite to everyone.

l Posting rate : one to two posts a week. Reasonable English level, third-person writing, and a minimum of two para-answers are expected.
If RL issues are going to slow down this pace, please let the GM/Player know, so it can be decided whether your character should be placed "on hold" until things settle down.

l Characters limit : A maximum of two characters for one player will be allowed at the beginning of this game.

l Players should be ready to seek connections, plot together and create scenes while respecting all rules above.

The timeline concerning this game is indicated below :
Second Age

-3434 :          
-3441 :    

  • Elendil and Gil-Galad are slain in battle.
  • Isildur slays Sauron by taking the shards of his father's sword Narsil and cutting the One Ring from Sauron's finger, destroying Sauron's physical form and winning the war.

Third Age

- 2 :       

  • The planting of the Second White Tree at Minas Tirith.
  • Death of Isildur by orcs in the Battle of the Gladden Fields.
  • Isildur himself loses the One Ring in the Anduin.

- 3 :      

  • Ohtar brings the shards of Narsil to Imladris.

- 109 :       
- 130 :      
- 241 :      
- 420 :      

  • King Ostoher rebuilds Minas Tirith.

- 861 :       

  • King Eärendur of Arnor dies, his sons dispute over the Kingdom.
  • Arnor is divided into three smaller Realms. Arthedain, Cardolan and Rhudaur.

- 1000 :   

  • The Istari come to Middle-earth.

- 1050 :   

  • Gondor reaches the height of its power.
  • Sauron takes up his abode at Dol Guldur.
  • Greenwood is renamed Mirkwood.

- 1300 :   

  • The shadow over Middle-earth lengthens.
  • The Realm of Angmar is formed north of Rhudaur under the rulership of a Black Nûmenorian, later revealed to be the Witch King.
  • The Nazgûl begin to reappear.
  • Orcs begin to infest the Misty Mountains.

- 1409 :    

  • Cardolan and Rhudaur are conquered by the kingdom of Angmar.
  • Weathertop watchtower, and fortifications are burned and destroyed.

- 1601 :   

  • The Shire is first settled by Hobbits.

- 1974 :    

  • The kingdom of Arthedain is conquered by Angmar.

- 1975 :    
- 1980 :    
- 1981 :   

  • Durin VI's son, Náin, is also killed, and the Dwarves flee Moria.

- 1999 :    
- 2050 :   

  • The end of the royal dynasty of Gondor.

- 2430 :    

  • The approximate birth year of Smeagol.

- 2460 :   

  • Sauron returns to Middle-earth and establishes himself in Dol Guldur in southern Mirkwood.

- 2463 :   

  • Smeagol (later known as Gollum) becomes the fourth master of the One Ring, after killing his cousin Deagol.

- 2510 :    

  • The alliance between Rohan and Gondor comes into existence.
  • The Easterlings launch a massive invasion of Gondor but are driven back by the people of Eotheod.
  • Gondor gives the now-uninhabited province of Calenardhon to the people of Eotheod.

- 2758 :   
- 2799 :   

  • The Battle of Azanulbizar is fought on Moria's East Gate, in which the Dwarves defeat Sauron's minions, but ultimately are defeated by the Balrog Durin's Bane.

- 2850 :   

  • Gandalf enters Dol Guldur and confirms that the evil thereby found is indeed Sauron Returned.

- 2879 :    

  • Gimli son of Glóin is born

- 2890 :   
- 2931 :   
- 2941 :   
- 2942 :    

  • Bilbo returns to the Shire with the Ring.
  • Sauron returns in secret to Mordor.
- 2944 :    

  • Gollum leaves the Mountains and begins looking for the "thief" of the Ring.

- 2948 :    

  • Theoden, son of Thengel, king of Rohan, is born.

- 2951 :    

  • Sauron declares his presence in Mordor openly.
  • Aragorn, comes of age and is told about his heritage.

- 2953 :   

  • Last meeting of the White Council.

- 2956 :   

  • Aragorn first meets Gandalf the Grey.

- 2968 :    
- 2978 :   

  • Boromir, son of Denethor II, is born.

- 2980 :   

  • Sam Gamgee is born.
  • Theoden, son of Thengel, becomes 17th king of Rohan after the death of his father.

- 2982 :   
- 2983 :   
- 2989 :   

  • A company of Dwarves, led by Balin, try to recolonize Moria.
- 2990 :    
- 2991 :   
- 2994 :    

  • Balin is killed. The dwarf-colony in Moria is destroyed.

- 2995 :    
- 3001 :   

  • Bilbo Baggins turns 111 and leaves the Shire.
- 3009 :   

  • Aragorn captures Gollum at Gandalf's request, and brings him as a captive to King Thranduil's halls in Mirkwood.
- 3014 :    

  • Saruman begins using his influence to weaken Theoden, 17th king of Rohan.
- 3018 :   

  • The Ringwraiths are given the task of retrieving the One Ring.
  • Thranduil is attacked and Gollum escapes.
  • The Council of Elrond is held at Rivendell.
  • The Fellowship of the Ring is formed.

- 3019 :   

  • The Fellowship parts after Gandalf falls into Khazad-dûm while fighting a Balrog.
  • Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took are captured.
  • Frodo and Samwise Gamgee penetrate the east part of Emyn Muil.
  • Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli depart in pursuit of the orcs that have taken Merry and Pippin by night.
  • Battles of the Hornburg, Pelennor Fields, Bywater, Dale, Mirkwood, and Black Gate.
  • Deaths of Gollum, Boromir, Denethor II, Saruman, Grima, Theoden.
  • The Nazgûl and the One Ring are destroyed.
  • End of Sauron.
  • Aragorn takes the Sceptre of the Reunited Kingdom.

3020 :       

  • Faramir marries Eowyn.
  • Samwise Gamgee marries Rosie Cotton.

3021 :      

  • Eomer marries Lothíriel of Dol Amroth.
  • Bilbo marks his 131st birthday.
  • Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Frodo and Bilbo depart from the Grey Havens.
  • The Fourth Age begins.


Click for interactive map

The setting of this game will take place in TA 3014, at this period of the Third Age :

The Kingdoms of Men could be summarized as follow :

  • Cardolan, Rhudaur and Arthedain, although freed from Angmar’s armies, are extremely weakened kingdoms, and subject of political battle for supremacy between the remnants of the Witch-King allies and the descendants of the Arnor nobility.
  • Rohan is under Saruman’s influence.
  • Gondor is growing weak under Denethor’s rule. Only Denethor’s sons are capable of leading an army against Sauron’s forces.

The Kingdoms of Elves are as follow :

  • Lindon: Lindon (Land of the singers) was an Elven Kingdom founded by Gil-galad at the beginning of the Second Age. It was the longest-standing Eldarin Kingdom in the history of Middle-earth, and the mightiest throughout the Second Age. It was ruled by its founder, Gil-galad, the High King of the Ñoldor (High-Elves), who, during that age, was the strongest and most powerful enemy of Sauron in Middle-earth.
    After the death of Gil-galad at the end of the Second Age, the lordship of Lindon passed to Círdan, the Ship Builder ; and the line of Noldorin kings in Middle-Earth came to an end.
    The population of Lindon (Noldor and Sindar) had been reduced by the long and bloody war with Sauron. With the loss of their king, many Elves began to come to the Grey Havens and sail to the West, to Valinor, further depleting Lindon's population.

  • Rivendell: Rivendell, also known as Imladris, was an Elven town and the house of Elrond located in Middle-earth. It was protected from attack by the River Bruinen, Elrond, and Elven magic. After the fall of Gil-galad, Elrond remained in Imladris.
    During the Third Age, it was a refuge and sanctuary; many Elves gathered there, and it was the chief dwelling of the Noldor (High Elves) in Eriador, but also of wise and powerful people of all the races. Elrond himself said that Rivendell was a place of peace and learning, not a stronghold of battle.

  • Woodland Realm: The Woodland Realm was a kingdom of Silvan Elves located deep in Mirkwood, the Forest of the Wilderland, beginning in the Second Age.
    Following the War of the Elves and Sauron, Thranduil of the Sindar ruled over the Silvan Elves. Those of the Woodland Realm were known to be less wise and more dangerous than other Elves, but were nevertheless one of the most powerful and legendary Elves of Middle-earth.

  • Lothlorien: Lothlórien, also known as Lorien, was a forest and an Elven realm near the lower Misty Mountains. It was populated by Ñoldor (High elves), Sindar (Grey Elves) and Silvan Elves (Woodland Elves) under Celeborn and Galadriel.
    It was located on the River Celebrant, southeast of Khazad-dûm (Moria), and was the only place where the golden Mallorn trees grew.

The Kingdoms of Dwarves are as follow :

  • Erebor: With the death of Smaug in TA 2941 Lord Dáin Ironfoot led his warriors in the Battle of Five Armies near Erebor. The battle was won, but Thorin II Oakenshield was slain and Dáin became the new King under the Mountain and King of the Longbeards as Dáin II. It is likely that the Iron Hills, from where Dain and his people originated remained inhabited after that point in time.

  • Khazad-dum: In TA 1980, the great Dwarven realm of Khazad-dûm came to an end when the Dwarves unearthed a Balrog which led to its desertion by TA 1981, after which it was known as Moria.

Kingdom Signatures

The Rings of Power:
The Three:
Elves possess Three rings of power forged during the second Age. These rings have not been touched by Sauron’s power, and are very rarely used by their bearer -whose identity is kept secret. As long as Sauron does not possess the One ring, the Elves Ring Bearers cannot be perverted and can appeal to these artifact’s powers.

The Seven:
Sauron presented the Seven Rings to the Dwarf-lords. The Dwarves used their Rings to establish their fabled treasure hoards (which in turn attracted dragons), but Sauron was unable to force the Dwarven bearers to submit to his will. Indeed, the rings did not even turn them invisible; and the Dwarves were immune to some of the ring’s more detrimental effects.
It is believed that the Dwarves' natural hardiness made them resistant to Sauron's control. For the setting of this game, four Rings have been consumed by dragon fire and the rest re-acquired by Sauron.

The Nine:
Nine rings were offered to mortal men. Those evil-hearted men became the Nazgûl, the Ringwraiths under the control of Sauron. Their leader is the Witch-king of Angmar. His second-in-command is named Khamûl, the Black Easterling.

The One:
The One Ring, secretly forged by Sauron in the heart of Mount Doom, had the power to dominate the other nineteen Great Rings. Sauron's intent was to command the minds of the other ring bearers through their rings of power. Had it succeeded perfectly, Sauron would have achieved dominance over the Elves with no military action required. However, for this plan to be successful the Ruling Ring would have to be significantly stronger than the other rings, and Sauron put a great amount of his own power into the ring in order to achieve this.
As the Ruling Ring, it had all the powers of the other rings, but to a far greater extent, and had some powers uniquely its own. While Sauron's plan didn't succeed perfectly, the existence of the One Ring on his finger meant that the other rings, with which many kingdoms had been built, could not be used safely.

The Characters in play :

Original Characters only.
Faceclaims are accepted for imaging the characters.
No canon characters can be used in this game, they may intervene in the various narrative arcs, as Non-Playing Characters only.

Races and culture :

Non Mannish races :
Elves (Noldor<Sindar<Silvan)
Common Orcs**
Uruk-Hai **
Trolls **
Olog-Hai **

Mannish races :
Beorning (“skinchanging into Bear”)
Black Numenorean (“Unfaithful”) **
Corsairs of Umbar*

* yes these are playable characters. In the game however, they will adopt the neutral or even good side of the war, for reasons to be developped. ** As far as the game is in its "interest" phase, these are considered NPC and GM only characters. It may evolve in the future.

Thief: Non-spell users, specialist of subterfuge skills, picking locks, they rarely wear heavy armors (examples : Bilbo Baggins).
Ranger: Semi-spell users combining the realm of weapons and outdoor based spells (example : Aragorn, Frodo).
Bard: Semi-spell users combining the realm of weapons and spells based on sound, entertainment and item use (example : Luthien)
Fighter: Non-spell users, skilled in the mastery of a weapon, capable of wearing heavy armor (examples : Gimli, Eomer, Bard, Legolas)
Mage: Pure spell users who have concentrated on elemental spells (earth, water, air and heat) (Example: Gandalf, Saruman).
Animist: Pure spell users specialized in living things (plants, animals and nature in general) (Elrond).

Spells : choose 1 out of 6, as the character is created.

There will be a very limited options regarding the mages in this game. Deploying spells without precaution is extremely dangerous in this setting as it could attract the "Great Eye, lidless, wreathed in flame".

Earth Law.
Ice Law.
Fire Law.
Light law.
Water Law.
Wind Law.


Animal Mastery : Calming, befriending and affecting animals in various ways.
Herb Mastery : Finding, preparing and enhancing herbs.
Nature’s Lore : Gleaming information from the environment.
Nature’s Movement :  Enhancing abilities and senses.
Nature’s Protection : Resisting using the elements of nature.
Plant Mastery : Growing, restoring and affecting plants.


Inner Walls : Provide resistance to the elements of nature.
Moving Ways : Enhance the moving abilities of the caster.
Nature’s Guises : Providing hiding and disguises.
Nature’s Summoning : Summoning assistance in the form of various types of animals, assisting local plants for growing, praying for weather effects.
Nature’s Way : Surviving in wilderness (finding water, shelter etc…)
Path’s Mastery : Discover information about paths.


Controlling Sounds : Controlling a target in various ways.
Entertaining Ways : Provide assistance to a stage performance.
Item Lore : Discerning information about objects.
Lores : Affecting the ability to learn or know information.
Sound Control : Controlling sound to produce a variety of effects.
Sound Projection : Enhancing sounds to produce a variety of effects.

Examples of open position for male or female characters (all applicable) / Searching for -but not limited to as player’s propositions will be evaluated-

Lords and Ladies of Gondor
Captain of the White Tower
Captain of Gondor (Osgiliath)
Knights of Gondor

Lord and Ladies of Eriador (Rhudaur, Arthedain, Cardolan)
Knights of Eriador (Rhudaur, Arthedain, Cardolan)

Dunedain of Rivendell
Dunedain, Rangers of the North


Hobbits from the Shire

Lord and Ladies of Rohan
First Marshal of the RidderMark
Second Marshal of the RidderMark
Third Marshal of the RidderMark
Riders of Rohan
Haradrim Caravan Masters/merchants
Haradrim Warlord

Lord and Ladies of Umbar (Captain of the Havens)
Corsairs of Umbar
Head of the thieve’s guild of Umbar

Lord/Lady of the elves
Elf captain
Elf Forger/Smith
Elf Guardian/Warden

Update 02/10/22:

We have a discord channel !

Update 02/14/22:

We have a
character sheet

[center][U][B]Character Chart[/B][/U]
Character’s full name:

[float=left][img width=300 padding=15]https://avatarfiles.alphacoders.com/124/thumb-124470.jpg[/img][/float]

[b][u]Physical appearance[/u][/b] 

How old does he/she appear: 


Body Build:
Skin tone:





[u][B]Special skills (including spell laws)[/B]


[u][B]Personal History[/B]
[/u] (2 paragraphs min)

[b]Played by [/b]

Update 02/20/22

Hello all,
Concerning character creation, and more particularly the skills, I decided to rank skills using N (no-proficiency = average), B (basic-proficiency = good) and great-proficiency. All character application must pick from the list below : 4N, 6B, and 5G.
Skills are in bold, and then you'll find examples of what kind of action is included in the aforementioned skills.

- Academics: Alchemy, Astronomy, Herb lore, metal Lore
- Animal: Animal Handling, training, healing
- Athletics: Endurance, sprinting, athletic games, swimming, riding
- Crafting: painting, dancing, smithing, play instrument, sculpting, singing
- Combat: ranged, close, weapon-specific
- Concentration: Body damage, meditation, frenzy, Adrenal strength
- Evaluation: metal evaluation, gambling, trading
- Gymnastic: jumping, stilt walking, juggling
- Linguistic: lip reading, propaganda, improvisation, tale telling
- Magical: Lore, rune, spells, staves/wands
- Medical: diagnosis, poison/drug resistance, surgery, first aid
- Perception: detect trap, sense ambush, surveillance
- Social: leadership, seduction, empathy
- Subterfuge: stalk/hide, camouflage, bribery, traps, pick locks
- Survival: tracking, hostile environment, streetwise


This sounds awesome. Can I enquire as too a more concrete timeline for this game? For example if I were to choose someone from within Rohan as my character. Would I be serving under Eomer? Or will this be set before he leads the Rohirim?


Quote from: azzmeister89 on February 09, 2022, 11:52:16 AM
This sounds awesome. Can I enquire as too a more concrete timeline for this game? For example if I were to choose someone from within Rohan as my character. Would I be serving under Eomer? Or will this be set before he leads the Rohirim?

Hello Azzmeister ! Thanks for your comment.
Regarding Eomer, he will become the Third Marshal of the RidderMark in TA 3017. So this will take place before he becomes important for the Rohan.
It is to be noted that Theodred, son of Theoden, is still alive at the time of the game.

Cold Heritage

I am interested. A fighter of some sort - maybe a Beorning, or maybe a Ranger.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Consider my interest piqued. I can see myself playing a number of different characters here, though perhaps a shield maiden of Rohan or a plucky halfling.
If you meet god, tell him to leave me alone


I'm debating whether I can commit to another game, but this certainly looks interesting!  ;D

I'm curious about a couple of things: you list the three Northern kingdoms as options for character origins - with lords, ladies and knights potentially hailing from there.  Does this mean that there are significant surviving human populations in Eriador, who profess loyalty to the three realms?  Or is it that the Rangers of the North keep track of their family origins, and loosely organise themselves by their roots in the fallen kingdoms?

On the magic - it looks as if it's inspired by MERP.  :)  Would any of ICE's setting material be relevant (or appropriate) for a player to draw upon?

I'm tempted by the notion of someone with ancestral roots in Rhudaur, whose Item Lore (bardic) abilities helped to reveal the truth of her ancestor's deeds and misdeeds, leading to her seeking heroic adventure out in the wider world... though a Ranger specialising in Path Mastery is also appealing, among other options!
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)


If you cannot honor a No, then you certainly could never honor a Yes.


I am interested in this game. Thinking Noldor Ranger


Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting...
Ons and Offs


But in this case, I'd be happy to make someone from Gondor.



Let's go.


A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated


Thank you all for stating your interest.
This game will then turn to its second phase of development : recruiting !
I will complete informations in a later post, particularly regarding the character sheet code.

Quote from: Cold Heritage on February 09, 2022, 09:02:39 PM
I am interested. A fighter of some sort - maybe a Beorning, or maybe a Ranger.

Thank you Cold Heritage, Beorning are extremely interesting to play !

Quote from: Luciferia on February 10, 2022, 06:14:18 AM
Consider my interest piqued. I can see myself playing a number of different characters here, though perhaps a shield maiden of Rohan or a plucky halfling.

Hello Luciferia !
I'm sure you're gonna come up with some great idea for your character concept !

Quote from: Outcast on February 10, 2022, 08:08:07 AM
I'm debating whether I can commit to another game, but this certainly looks interesting!  ;D

I'm curious about a couple of things: you list the three Northern kingdoms as options for character origins - with lords, ladies and knights potentially hailing from there.  Does this mean that there are significant surviving human populations in Eriador, who profess loyalty to the three realms?  Or is it that the Rangers of the North keep track of their family origins, and loosely organise themselves by their roots in the fallen kingdoms?

On the magic - it looks as if it's inspired by MERP.  :)  Would any of ICE's setting material be relevant (or appropriate) for a player to draw upon?

I'm tempted by the notion of someone with ancestral roots in Rhudaur, whose Item Lore (bardic) abilities helped to reveal the truth of her ancestor's deeds and misdeeds, leading to her seeking heroic adventure out in the wider world... though a Ranger specialising in Path Mastery is also appealing, among other options!

I'd rather consider the possibility that there are surviving human populations loyal to the three realms, Cardolan, Rhudaur and Arthedain. There are possibilities for characters in play to be either survivors of the nobility, allies of the line ruling these lands or former knights of these kingdoms.
I imagine these kingdoms in fragile equilibrium, with spies of Angmar trying to take advantage of these weakened lands.

ICE material is appropriate, indeed ! It can be used for your concept character. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with.

Quote from: Vlexia on February 10, 2022, 08:34:34 AM
The answer is YES for me!

Welcome !!! Glad to sparkle your interest.

Quote from: Bowen on February 10, 2022, 09:18:23 AM
I am interested in this game. Thinking Noldor Ranger

We always need Rangers ! Welcome Bowen !

Quote from: Cosima on February 10, 2022, 09:46:24 AM
This looks fun! I'm definitely interested.

Glad to see you're interested !!

Quote from: Praxis on February 10, 2022, 09:53:15 AM

But in this case, I'd be happy to make someone from Gondor.



Let's go.

YES !!!

Quote from: Levi on February 10, 2022, 10:12:00 AM
I'm so in

Welcome aboard Levi ! I'm real glad to see you're interested !


Quote from: mainsnoires on February 10, 2022, 12:13:47 PM
Thank you all for stating your interest.
This game will then turn to its second phase of development : recruiting !
I will complete informations in a later post, particularly regarding the character sheet code.

I look forward to finding out what you want to see from us.  :D

I'd rather consider the possibility that there are surviving human populations loyal to the three realms, Cardolan, Rhudaur and Arthedain. There are possibilities for characters in play to be either survivors of the nobility, allies of the line ruling these lands or former knights of these kingdoms.
I imagine these kingdoms in fragile equilibrium, with spies of Angmar trying to take advantage of these weakened lands.

ICE material is appropriate, indeed ! It can be used for your concept character. Can't wait to see what you'll come up with.

I'll have to see what I can turn up of my old collection. ;)

It'll certainly be interesting to have some surviving remnants of the kingdoms still lingering in the North.  It certainly makes sense that there're more people out there than just the Bree-folk and the residents of the Shire for the Rangers to protect!
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)

Cold Heritage

I have access to a lot of the old ICE MERP books. Do you know off hand which one might be good to look through for material on the Rangers of the North, mainsnoires or Outcast? I skimmed through the Arnor book and didn't really have anything leap out at me. I'll give it a closer read since I think I want to play a Dunedain of Arthedain.

Maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself with it, but I've been thinking my character's the third son of noble house who became a Ranger. The eldest son is groomed to be heir and inheritor of their father's title and holdings, the second is son is in a back up position and has a promising military career and very promising marriage opportunities amongst other noble houses, allowing my character the unique 'freedom' to elect to become one of the Rangers. I'd love to do a plot where the eldest brother is corrupted by an Angmar spy or some other agent of the Enemy and it leads to drama.

Maybe we could collab, Bowen - maybe our characters could have adventures together and/or your character could be my character's teacher/mentor in the ways of the Rangers, woodlore, and so forth.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Layne Spooks

This looks really interesting! Is there a game system you were thinking of using(d&d, pathfinder, etc.,), or is it going to be a more free form thing?


Quote from: Cold Heritage on February 11, 2022, 10:11:00 PM
I have access to a lot of the old ICE MERP books. Do you know off hand which one might be good to look through for material on the Rangers of the North, mainsnoires or Outcast? I skimmed through the Arnor book and didn't really have anything leap out at me. I'll give it a closer read since I think I want to play a Dunedain of Arthedain.

Maybe I'm getting a bit ahead of myself with it, but I've been thinking my character's the third son of noble house who became a Ranger. The eldest son is groomed to be heir and inheritor of their father's title and holdings, the second is son is in a back up position and has a promising military career and very promising marriage opportunities amongst other noble houses, allowing my character the unique 'freedom' to elect to become one of the Rangers. I'd love to do a plot where the eldest brother is corrupted by an Angmar spy or some other agent of the Enemy and it leads to drama.

Maybe we could collab, Bowen - maybe our characters could have adventures together and/or your character could be my character's teacher/mentor in the ways of the Rangers, woodlore, and so forth.

Cold Heritage,
Not sure if you mentioned this extension :
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
I think that is what you're looking for otherwise.

Quote from: Layne Spooks on February 12, 2022, 12:47:53 AM
This looks really interesting! Is there a game system you were thinking of using(d&d, pathfinder, etc.,), or is it going to be a more free form thing?

Hello Layne !
This will be a freeform Game. I can't use the old ICE  (rolemaster) rules for this game, it's way too complicated, but it'll be largely inspired from this material. One can use it as a source of knowledge to build original characters, but in no way it should be mandatory. I can help players with the lore.



Quote from: Cold Heritage on February 11, 2022, 10:11:00 PM
I skimmed through the Arnor book and didn't really have anything leap out at me. I'll give it a closer read since I think I want to play a Dunedain of Arthedain.

There was a revised / expanded / compiled edition that built on several previous supplements: ICE #2005, "Arnor".  It's not actually one I've managed to get my hands on, though I own a few of the elements that it's based on.  Of those earlier books, "Rangers of the North: The Kingdom of Arthedain" is indeed likely to be the most relevant, and its material was apparently barely-changed during incorporation into the Arnor book.

The Arnor one's a big thing - over 400 pages, I think - and probably pretty comprehensive!

This game isn't exactly following the material in there (which has Eriador largely abandoned by Men more than a thousand years before our time), but I think I'm right in saying that we're free to use ICE's write-ups for geography, house names, the general sweep of history up to the fall of Angmar, and so on.
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)

Cold Heritage

Quote from: mainsnoires on February 12, 2022, 03:32:39 AM
Cold Heritage,
Not sure if you mentioned this extension :
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
I think that is what you're looking for otherwise.

Awesome, thank you! I do indeed have access to that one and I'm not sure how my eyes glossed over it.

Quote from: Outcast on February 12, 2022, 06:27:17 AM
There was a revised / expanded / compiled edition that built on several previous supplements: ICE #2005, "Arnor".  It's not actually one I've managed to get my hands on, though I own a few of the elements that it's based on.  Of those earlier books, "Rangers of the North: The Kingdom of Arthedain" is indeed likely to be the most relevant, and its material was apparently barely-changed during incorporation into the Arnor book.

The Arnor one's a big thing - over 400 pages, I think - and probably pretty comprehensive!

This game isn't exactly following the material in there (which has Eriador largely abandoned by Men more than a thousand years before our time), but I think I'm right in saying that we're free to use ICE's write-ups for geography, house names, the general sweep of history up to the fall of Angmar, and so on.

Thank you! That Arnor one's the one I've been reading over.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Layne Spooks

Quote from: mainsnoires on February 12, 2022, 03:32:39 AM
Hello Layne !
This will be a freeform Game. I can't use the old ICE  (rolemaster) rules for this game, it's way too complicated, but it'll be largely inspired from this material. One can use it as a source of knowledge to build original characters, but in no way it should be mandatory. I can help players with the lore.

Awesome, thanks for clarifying. Is there any sort of character sheet/template you'd like potential players to fill out?


First post updated, with a character sheet.

Please send your concept character(s) by PM for approval.
Only state in this thread the Race/profession of your submitted character, so that it can be "reserved".

Faceclaims can be real or art pictures.

Join us on Discord if possible, to exchange ideas and build connections.


Bookmarked.  :-)

I'm looking to play a female Easterling Dancer/Entertainer/Bard type, maybe a half-elf if that is allowed. Where is this game set to start?


Hello Kaya,
Welcome to the game ! I have received your character application, and will offer you a reply asap.
Half-elves are not allowed in this game (not at this point). Easterlings are fine, and dancer/dervish is a great choice.
This game is set to happen in Third Age 3014, so a couple of years before the events of the LOTR.

I have not settled the OOC page yet, you can either join our discord if you'd like to exchange ideas, or PM, I'll get back at ya  :-)


The first post has been updated : precisions about the Skills regarding character creation.

We are still open for recruiting players !
