Interest check: Werewolves pack game

Started by Spider, April 05, 2009, 02:11:32 PM

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Im checking if there is anyone wanting to play a werewolf game with oWoD system with some slight changes to the world.  (Leaning more towards nWoD in darkness level, no treehugging, no septs, and no Litany)

The story will mainly be about a werewolves, their attempt to survive in a hostile world while living together with other people who can understand them.... other ragefilled monsters who go bump in the night.... their pack.



I'm sold. I'm very familiar with oWoD werewolf, not familiar at all really with the nWoD fluff.


nWod pretty much mean, werewolf dont try to save the world, they only try to survive, spirit world is a dangerous and alien world, spirits are NOT nice, they are neutral at best, some you might be friendly with through a good bargain. Its alot darker. I personally prefer the nWoD over oWoD in almost every part but the shapeshifting and rage management.

If more come into the game we can talk about what we want in background and such


still sounds interesting, I am game (and I liked both oWOD and nWOD)


You should consider making an O/O thread roleplayinggrl18


Doktor Sleepless

I'd be interested in a proper oWoD game; which can be very dark too.


I'd be very much interested in joining up!  I'm not really very familiar with World of Darkness, but I've been rather interested in the idea of werewolves for quite some time...  Unfortunately my only experience with this setting was that Vampire-oriented PC game, Masquerade.  And the only werewolf there was a rather...horrifyingly large thing that tore me several new orifices.   I'd be more than willing to look at any pertinent information to get a better idea of the setting. 



The wiki page for Werewolf the Apocalypse is actually very nice and should have anything you'd need to know, since we're changing up the fluff.

I'd pay particular attention to Breeds, Tribes, and Auspices, as that'll give you a good rundown of character options.


Quote from: Doktor Sleepless on April 05, 2009, 04:08:12 PM
I'd be interested in a proper oWoD game; which can be very dark too.

This will not be a "proper" oWoD game. It will be a diffrent setting, with diffrent background. As I already said

Pumpkin Seeds

::: raises hand:: I'm interested but I'm not familiar with nWoD so much and rusty with oWoD.


I want to do werewolves but am intimidated by system games...
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Asku- Any fluff you need to know will be provided since I will make it myself, its more nWoD inspired then from nWoD

Inkidu - System games allow a fairness, specially in a game like this. Freeform could never allow to werewolves to go head to head mentally, physically or socially... it would be a pissing contest with words and it would all deteriorate with player egos and what not. With system you are all equal (Any min maxers out there will be warned... I want characters not numbers) chance and skill will decide how a conflict comes out. good rp give bonuses btw :D


Quote from: Spider on April 05, 2009, 08:41:25 PM
Asku- Any fluff you need to know will be provided since I will make it myself, its more nWoD inspired then from nWoD

Inkidu - System games allow a fairness, specially in a game like this. Freeform could never allow to werewolves to go head to head mentally, physically or socially... it would be a pissing contest with words and it would all deteriorate with player egos and what not. With system you are all equal (Any min maxers out there will be warned... I want characters not numbers) chance and skill will decide how a conflict comes out. good rp give bonuses btw :D
I know the difference and I happen to like free-form, but I don't think that should ruin the other half of the spectrum from me. I don't really know any systems that aren't automatically decided by a computer.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


I don't mind system when used to define a character's capabilities, but in actual forum RP I prefer consent and negotiation to die rolls.

For example, if Greenthorn's character has better combat stats than mine and we come into physical conflict, I've no problem at all losing without ever rolling a die, and yet, if I come up with a clever RP way to 'cheat' or negate some of her advantages, I'm sure I could discuss it with her via PMs and work out a resolution we both like.

And I feel the same way about PC versus NPC challenges.

Why yes, I am a fan of Amber Diceless. Why do you ask?


Look I've got no problem doing a system game but I'll need a mentor, or the equivalent.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


As participating storyteller I will have the part of mentor, if I feel you need to roll I will tell you what you need to roll and what you need to succeed. I do not know Amber unfortunatly but it sounds like a good idea I do find it slightly hard to implement though. For smaller issues I do not have a problem with players discussing it OOC of how things will turn out. However if the outcome is of greater importance or the players cant come to a conclusion. 2 chars wanting same thing both players think their char can make it... it boils down to the dice. Your skill brings you so far but sometimes when two equal meets, luck comes into play.


Have room for a militant lesbian black fury?  Every game needs one, and I've never been able to play that particular stereotype.


Sure I been pondering about 5-6 players lesbian militant furies might get a problem when all are hetrosexual though.

Ah yes speaking of sexuality though. One of the main things with the change is that the werewolves are not forbidden to mate and there are no side effects to mate with your own "race" there are no lupus or metis. Only Homids (There will be more fluff about that)

So the game will contain sexual content... Im thinking the game will go into the extreme section due to the nature of werewolves.... not to mention werewolves having sex with eachother or a none werewolf.... plus hunting, defending your territory, removing a threat.... gore is to be expected cause claws tear more then cut...  not to mention that humans are rather tastey... their laws forbid it... yours dont... not to mention the moral qualms that you yourself were once a human (more fluff to be added there)

Doktor Sleepless

Quote from: Spider on April 05, 2009, 08:33:07 PM
This will not be a "proper" oWoD game. It will be a diffrent setting, with diffrent background. As I already said

I pass, then. Thanks.


Quote from: Spider on April 06, 2009, 02:35:34 AM
Ah yes speaking of sexuality though. One of the main things with the change is that the werewolves are not forbidden to mate and there are no side effects to mate with your own "race" there are no lupus or metis. Only Homids (There will be more fluff about that)

D'aww, my favorite wolfie char's whole concept hinges on her being Metis :P  If it weren't for that, I'd totally be interested in such a game, I less-than-three oWoD to death ^_^


Quote from: Inkidu on April 05, 2009, 08:57:11 PM
Look I've got no problem doing a system game but I'll need a mentor, or the equivalent.

Inki...I am totally clueless on's a known fact...

Reminds me...

Who's making my character sheet....*looks at Spider*   O:)



Quote from: Greenthorn on April 06, 2009, 05:27:08 AM
Inki...I am totally clueless on's a known fact...

Reminds me...

Who's making my character sheet....*looks at Spider*   O:)
Well it's easy for you you're cute, cute people always get their character sheets filled out.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.