Let's build something together, yeah? [F for Any]

Started by sunbeams, December 27, 2021, 03:16:26 PM

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Oh boy. Let me preface all of this by saying... it's been a while. If you are interested in roleplaying with me, I do ask that you have some patience and/or understanding of me being a little rusty, perhaps? After not engaging in roleplaying or writing of any sorts for a few years now, I do hope I can return and flourish with little to no difficulty; I hope my words can still sing like they used to. We'll see! Come and be a part of my most fantastic experiment yet!

That being said, hello, I'm Sunbeams. I'm 29. She/her/hers. As of writing this, I am looking for some specific dynamics/feelings/experiences as opposed to specific pairings and plots. Ideally this will be long-term, we will have a general outline at the start which will be fleshed out and plotted as we go both in content and also OOC; talking about the story and planning new plot points as it unfolds and grows in complexity in a side chat (PMs, email, Discord, whatever) is what I would like to do. Let's surprise each other and create something dynamic that will grow and change with strong characters and emotions. A story that begs to be told. Something we can get excited about and look forward to the unfolding of.

I enjoy playing female characters, late teens to late twenties, primarily switches/subs. Young women who like playing with power, with their sexuality, with other people's emotions to variable extents, with questionable moral codes. I mean, everything on a sliding scale, from not manipulative at all to absolute sociopath. Fallible characters who can admit their mistakes, or even those that would rather abscond than admit. Perfectionists that would assert that they do not make mistakes. I am pretty flexible with the personality, but flaws will be an important component in any character I create. I guess the only thing I am not particularly interested in playing is the sweet, innocent, demure type--it is just a little blasé for me. I do quite enjoy flipping the script and having the role of the pursuer/aggressor being my character. Another preference is that my character would be 18-29, and that the opposing character would ideally be 40-50. I can play more than one character, but would request that we each only play one main character at a time (switching between sets of main characters is okay though).

Some fun dynamics I would like to play with:

Young, assertive woman pursuing an equally assertive older individual who is uninterested in their advances per some sort of personal moral code (e.g. a spouse, a recent death of a spouse or loved one, religious reasons, etc). Pressure, age gaps, coercion, the breaking of wills... chef's kiss.

Stoic, misanthropic, distant girl with a gregarious, gentle, big brother/sister type. Perhaps it is the goal of the extroverted optimist to shake the chill of the apathetic young woman's perspective.

An anxious, overthinking woman with some rough emotional baggage, distrustful and skeptical finds company in an analytically-minded, calculating person of authority (therapist, parole officer, doctor, so on and so forth).

Don't wanna flesh out too much up front, as I feel that stories and characters are better when created from more than one perspective. Suffice it to say I am most seeking one of the three general dynamics as listed, but am also open to hearing your ideas or concepts in that regard. Let's move on to some general pairings/ideas that could function as points to jump off from, listed in order of interest.

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It's 2121 and the biggest name in the media game has announced a new streaming platform: Dreamtube. Billions of dollars in funding finally led to the fruition of a way to watch people's dreams as they unfold. One of our characters, a deadbeat working a relatively low income job or unemployed sees an interesting advertisement for a job--one where all you had to do was sleep. This leads to a "job" sleeping and broadcasting their dreams for the world to see, and their dreams end up being wildly popular from the beginning.

Now a few things could happen with this. My original thought is that this character (let's call them the streamer) dreams of the other main character (MC), and MC ends up seeing this somehow (maybe a friend say the stream and tells them about it, or they see it on the news, idk) and tries to contact the streamer. They've never seen or heard of each other before the streamer has the dream with them in it. So I am thinking this could either go down a metaphysical/fate sort of scenario wherein there is a very real danger, and the two of them are the ones who must find and extirpate this danger. Or it could go down a more lighthearted route where it doesn't actually mean anything and it was chance, maybe they had seen their picture somewhere on the internet... yeah, I suppose I pretty clearly lean towards it being some cosmic anomaly with a very incorporeal/supernatural evil being or something, I guess. Haha.

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A female student (18+, also the character I would like to play in this scenario) takes a writing class and, as part of the curriculum, keeps a journal that the teacher said should be raw and honest and inwardly reflective about one's daily life and inner monologue. She emails the teacher and asks if the journals were going to be read, or if they were just going to be graded on completing them--to which the teacher replies in a way suggests the latter to be true. She gets too comfortable with her entries, the teacher does not live up to what they said and thoroughly reads her entries, and the student is then forced to see a therapist or school counselor as the teacher feels the student is either dangerous to herself, others, and/or a deviant.

So this one can go a few ways; this could either be a regular public high school or college, or we could go private, possibly even Catholic private, for the school as well. The student would also either be maybe be writing entries about pondering suicide, or perhaps its something obsessive, or enough violent and specific entries to garner worry, or, my personal favorite, entries regarding sexual deviance, which could be mild to pretty extreme, we can talk. It just has to be something to warrant concern. And the pairing could honestly either be the student and the therapist/counselor she ends up seeing, or it could be her and the teacher.

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These are just some pairings that sound grrreat, but I do not have any specific plot for so we can just talk about where we would like it to go and for how long so on and so forth. While my preference is a long-term role play, I don't mind the occasional one shot. It just depends. Also let me know if you like playing with themes of drugs/alcohol/intoxication etc because I am down with that, but it's never a necessity.

Addict in recovery x rehab staff (one of those 30+ day rehabs)
Uncle x niece or stepparent x stepdaughter (this can be combined with any pairing or idea so... yeah, let's do it if you're into it)
Therapist/psych x patient
Space explorer x humanoid alien (I have been playing a lot of Mass Effect... lol)
Parole officer x offender
TBE gonna add more soon


intrigued by your student / teacher story...

love the idea that she rights sexually deviant journal entries.
however instead of a principal or therapist I like the idea of the teacher taking advantage of her.

open to a senior in high school or freshman in college.

would love to build a detailed scene with you. 

interested? thoughts?


Happy New Year , Sunbeam, thanks for posting such interesting suggestions.

I won't wax too lyrical in this initial response to suggestion, but hopefully it will offer some flavor of where the RP may go.

Maybe a scenario of a young highly intelligent student, who has potential way beyond the faculty in which she starts off her studies. She is also beautiful, but as yet not aware of how that defines how some in the world see her. Her curiosity, intellect and hard work come to the notice of one of the Professors in the Elite School of the campus, a department known for its incredible rigors and given highly sensitive research to do by corporations and governments. He becomes both beguiled and excited by her. She slowly sees ways to use her full spectrum of talents and awakens her latent  physical charms to manipulate her entry into this Elite world ... the journey has many twists and turns - maybe some based on the story or Abelard and Heloise in French history.

Please let me know if such directions, character traits etc appeal? Thank you.


I have been reluctant to respond to role play suggestions here since I am brand new to the site and I am unsure where my skill set will be of the most use. But you describe characters, plans, and interests that match what I’d be looking for in a partner and in a story. I have many ideas that I think can be spring boarded off of yours. It seems like you want to flesh out your role and the story together and that is something I can appreciate. Typically I play older males that tend to be assertive and overtly masculinity. I like to play against submissive roles but like you I appreciate the idea that a great aggressive masculinity can be best explored with a female character that ‘flips the script’ and is able to act in a similar way.

Feel free to send me a message. For now I have no preference as far as how and where to proceed.