Hear My Pleas (Seth's Cravings)

Started by Sethren, December 20, 2021, 11:28:45 PM

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Officially CLOSED for Stories...

Please do not respond to this thread, message me directly if you are interested as I'd like to keep this area tidy so I can add onto it whenever I please.

If you find yourself interested yet nothing I've provided here tickles your fancy, feel free to check my O/O's link located in my signature or reach out to me directly to pitch your idea(s).


Direct links to each part of this thread (and then some parts in my O/O thread) for ease of access. If you hover over the words, a brief description pops up!

  • Character Specific Cravings
  • Story & Setting Cravings.
  • Fandom Cravings
  • Dark & Smut Heavy Cravings

    I will be the first to confess I can be a bit long winded. If what you've seen so far seems like too much to read into, I certainly encourage you to look at my O/O page instead then. But I'm generally a 3+ paragraph writer, just a heads up. Don't be discouraged by my character sheets. I get bored and sometimes have too much muse on my hands. I don't demand the same amount of detail from you in your characters. I just put this much info out there as a means to entice people.

                           I am accepting quilt commissions right now to make ends meet.


These Broken Pieces
Desiring a partner

Inspirational Music
Strictly Modern Day - Focus on Supernatural & Fantasy

Primarily inspired by my love of the shows: Supernatural, Lost Girl, Angel, Charmed, Being Human, Secret Circle, Vampire Diaries & The Originals but is not canon by any means.

I created two supernatural hunters who are sisters, the story didn't lift off the ground and that's okay it happens but I still have muse for the sisters and would like to still write them. It was a smut focused story but it doesn't have to be, can have a healthy dosage of story driven elements and even world building if you'd like or can be smut focused. I just really want to write these girls because I had a lot of fun creating them. Please note though, that one sister is more submissive while the other is a switch - for smut information.

Kinks & Interests Sought

Not all of these have to be used, but at least some would be nice~

  • Sadomasochism
  • Light or Heavy Dom/Sub - Both girls as the Sub or Kara as a Switch if with right partner
  • Noncon - preferred
  • Dubcon
  • Psychological Horror
  • Kidnapping, force, coersion / blackmail.

These are just a few of my kinks I want to play with these characters. Have some you think I would like to throw at the girls? Let me know! I am hoping for a story mixed with smut, just a heads up.

If only one of the sisters intrigues you, that is fine as well. I could write just one of them but if that is the case I am more likely to want her to be a submissive/switch type if the plot is smut focused.

The Everlark Sisters

Full Name: Kara Jane Everlark

Nickname: Larka, KJ (Kee-Jay)

Age: 27 years old

Height: 5'8

Weight: "Do you want to get punched in the face?"

Noticeable Markings: Littered in tattoos, gauged ears, hips pierced, random but small scars throughout body - most caused by debris, claws and teeth from fighting demons.

Occupation: Demon Hunter & Tattoo Artist/Piercer as well as an occasional bartender.

Personality: Kara is the ice to Iris's fire. Generally considered a bitch by most as she's rather antisocial. Unless she's drunk, then she's a fiery spitfire that is as quick to get into a barfight as she is to falling into a one night stand. She generally calls the shots although Iris is the more organized and sensible one who tends to subtly steer her sister in the right direction from time to time as need be.

She is a terrible singer and knows it - doesn't give a shit. Loves to sing karaoke and sings along in the car all the time, driving poor Iris nuts. She can dance though and loves to do such at raves and clubs when not working the hunting business. Generally while her sister does the research for a hunt, she's off in town blowing off steam. There is a method to her madness, foes tend to underestimate her.

History: Being the older sister is never easy, especially when your parents are killed by a demon. Kara and Iris have never had a normal life to begin with. Her mother having been a clairvoyant and her father a demonologist. The two of them traveling all over the United States to help people with restless spirits, poltergeist and demonic possessions. Children wasn't something they'd planned for so the girls had often been left with their grandmother to take care of them. Something Kara had resented her parents for, for a long time and to some degree still does.

If you can get Kara good and drunk, she'd admit to you that the only reason she and Iris got into the whole hunting business was because she herself wanted to prove she was better than her parents. That she wasn't going to be stupid enough to get killed. She'd also tell you that it was their fault they were stuck in the life anyways, their parents having made enough enemies in the Underworld that the girls were better off finding the bad guys first before the big bad's found them.

To that end, Kara has one big rule that Iris is forced to follow as well: No attachments. No dating, no friends and always tidy up loose ends.

Full Name: Iris Angelica Everlark

Nickname: Angel, Fluke

Age: 25 years old

Height: 5'3

Weight: "I'm not tiny, I'm fun sized!"

Noticeable Markings: Also littered in tattoos, pierced ears, lip pierced, random but small scars throughout body - most caused by debris, claws and teeth from fighting demons like her sister.

Occupation: Demon Hunter & Tattoo Artist/Piercer like her sister but is also a Psychic Medium and does Tarot & Palm readings.

Personality: Iris likes to say she is a lover not a fighter. She is the one who finds way to expel or banish demons if it can be done. Otherwise she finds out how Kara can go face to face with the demon and kill them outright. She can fight and will but she usually leaves the actual fighting to Kara unless it can't be violently murdered. If it can be expelled such as in exorcisms, that's her expertise. Having picked up on their father's demonology. She is the 'brains' of the operation while Kara is the brawns.

Outside of hunting, Iris is a gentle and sweet social butterfly. She's easy to make friends with and is usually smoothing over wrinkles that Kara's attitude causes. She's flirtatious but not as interested in one night stands as her sister. While Kara doesn't seem to have much in the means of hobbies, Iris loves to read and keeps journals to help steady her mind and heart. Funnily enough she is the opposite of her sister and can't dance but has a killer voice. At least she thinks she can't dance, she's too shy to learn how to properly. Not sure why she's shy about dancing, she just is.

History: Her parents were killed when she was 12 years old and Kara was 14. The two girls have been living on the road ever since because their grandmother passed away due to pneumonia not long after the death of their parents and Kara refused to deal with the piss poor frustrations of the legal systems that were likely to separate the two of them. Dodging the police and all that, had been difficult and stressful. But at least the girls had stayed together.

They can argue like cats and dogs but they always have each other's backs. The life they live is lonely though for Iris, not at all driven by revenge and spitefulness like her sister. Iris has stuck with this life because she liked helping people, because as it turns out there are a lot of people in need. She hadn't fully understood that as a child, when she was upset with her parents being gone all the time doing almost the same thing but not she understands.

Still, sometimes she does get tired of it all. But she refuses to give it up because she knows that without her, Kara will easily get herself killed.

A Dragon to Serve You
Desiring a partner

Inspirational Music
Preferably M x M (open to other)

Modern day or maybe futuristic - allowing for fantasy, horrific, supernatural and some Sci-Fi elements!

- - - Just a Random Prompt Below - - -

Imagine if you will, that you discover either a small, golden ornate egg or two! or perhaps a peddler sold you this egg(s) after being very insistent you take it for a startlingly low price. There is nothing extradoniary about the egg other than that when you picked it up, it was warm in your palms - smaller than a baseball! It is so light, you almost wonder if it is made of glass. It may of even been something you'd never normally consider buying, probably isn't something you regularly like either. Yet it calls to you. You intend to keep it for yourself or it's a gift for someone else, you decide! But you take it home and go about the rest of your day as usual. You unwittingly left it on the window sill and eventually went to bed.

The next morning, you find tiny golden pieces of egg shell strewn across the floor beneath the window sill. And as you begin to investigate - you realize there's noise coming from the kitchen! Carefully - or perhaps angrily - you investigate to find a slender individual of Asian descent, naked in your kitchen and making you an elaborate breakfast.

The breathtaking individual looks up and smiles at you, almost shyly so. "Good morning, Master! I wasn't sure what to make you so...I've made a bit of everything that I could with what you have. I hope this pleases you!"

You're probably thinking...Master?

Kinks, Interests & Elements Sought

Not all of these have to be used, but at least some would be nice~

  • It would be interesting if this was very 'Gremlins' inspired, the dragon whom I usually name Kader - is a creature no one in the world knows about except some rare individuals. He's a wish dragon, can grant YC's wishes but what YC doesn't realize is there is a price to pay for every wish. For example, YC really hates his awful boss that no one seems to like? Mistakenly wishes he was dead or got a life? Kader makes it so the guy dies in an accident or gets promoted to move onto a bigger better position elsewhere. There is usually some consequence to a wish, especially the bigger the wish.
  • Light or Heavy Dom/Sub - As a Wish Dragon, Kader thrives to grant the every wish, desire and whim of his Master. This could even potentially be him trying to be a Dom (as per his Master's wishes) to someone when otherwise he's a submissive/bottom type person.
  • Dubcon - I'd be willing to take a slightly more darker twist with Kader and he's a seductive type of 'Genie' who tries to seduce and control his Master.
  • Psychological Horror - Oh the horrible evil things the wrong person could do with a Wish Dragon...
  • I mentioned more than one egg because I may actually be willing to make twin dragons...dun dun dun!

Have some other ideas I haven't thought of? Please enlighten me!

I will mention that in Kader's original role play, his pairing dynamic was daddy x son. It was just his and his partner's kink and he pretty much lived in it - was deep in it. But our pairing doesn't have to go that route.

So Kader is a character I've played off of E on another forum a year or two ago. I miss him, he was a hilarious character to play with because he was rather naive. You could say 'childlike' but not because he was one or his mentality was that of a child but when you live the life of basically a genie? Then you're freed from a life of slavery? Also, not from modern times too, and hatch in a modern world? Ya it's kinda silly to see how he perceives the world. It's good for laughs.

Kader, The Golden Wish Dragon


Name: Kader (Kay - Dur)

Date of Birth (& age): Always between ages 16-21

Place of Birth: Kader is usually an ancient dragon from oriental origins (any world/universe version of Asia)

Place/Type of Residence: None, has always been a slave that is freed by someone (purposefully or accidentally) or sold to a new Master. So their home becomes his.

Species: Wish & Metallic (Gold) Dragon Hybrid

Gender: CIS Male (Sometimes he is Genderfluid with they/them/their pronouns - depends on the story)

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Kader was originally a submissive/bottom but with the right partner I'd be willing for him to be a dominant/top or power bottom.

High Craving: I would really like to have some good story to go with the sexual with Kader. Whether he's the first dragon that's been seen in ages to the point it's thought they're only myth or maybe he was even some families 'Guardian' and was stolen from them because of his 'Wish granting/Blessing' Abilities and the person who intended to turn him into a slave, falls in love with him - or doesn't and is a horrible monster to him!

Quirks/Strange Behaviors: I always try to make it painfully obvious that Kader isn't human (almost to a laughable extent). Clothes confuse him and are also uncomfortable so he's always putting things on wrong or can never match his clothes and tears up clothing that bothers him. I've even had him complain about his partner/Master wearing 'too much clothes' and sometimes he gets 'naughty' and burns all the clothes in the house.

Naturally because he is a dragon, he hoard things - not just gold, jewelry and shiny things. Anything that captures his interest, the movie Wall-E hasn't really helped with the ideas of what he 'hoards' either. The fucking Nifflers from Fantastic Beasts has made his hoarding antics in my brain even more overdramatic and ridiculous. He particularly loves anything with his partner/master's scent on it. So be prepared for toothbrushes to go missing all the time.

As a gold/wish dragon, Kader can shrink and grow in size. He can be as big as what you normally depict for an Asian dragon - bigger than a house - or he can be the size of a pencil. In fact, he can turn himself into literal jewelry that has dragon like elements to it. Like an earing shaped like a dragon that wraps around the earlobe (which can be hilarious when he's a chatterbox to his partner/master while they're trying to work or are out shopping, especially if the world doesn't know about dragons and the partner/master is like KADER, shush! Someone is going to hear you!). He prefers to be a ring or necklace around his partner/master's neck or fingers because of needing warmth.

His dietary needs have always been equally humorous to write, I typically have him needing to consume metals and precious gemstones which he melts with fire breath. Imagine the tantrum he would throw if, he's not been 'hatched' for a good couple centuries and doesn't realize plastic jewels are a thing...

The silly creature abhors coldness, to an extent he has to sleep with his partner/master or he will literally have to sleep in a fireplace or as a ring inside a lit candle. Getting too cold makes him sick and could kill him.

Language: Multilingual, especially good with oriental and or ancient and dead languages.


Family: I've never written Kader as having a family but I would be willing to take a 'Mulan' twist to it (I swear to God I'm not deliberately trying to throw Disney references in with this guy, it just happens lol) and like Mushu he's a guardian dragon to a family if you want to go the route of him being taken from them.

Romantic: Originally he is the sweetest living creature alive who would do anything for the person he loves, and not just because he was trained to do so as a slave. He's just a naturally compassionate person. He can get possessive of his partner/master though, showing hoarding tendencies over them.

Kader could be perfect for anyone really wanting a sweet romance story or a dark slave and master story.

Friends: Know how cats bring their people dead birds and stuff? Kader does this with trinkets when he's allowed to make friends in a role play. This could be a kite he finds because it's pretty and colorful or literally it could actually be money he finds on the ground - because Kader is weird and likes the smell of money...

Occupational: Does granting someone their every wish and desire count?

Other: Kader I swear could almost make anyone feel guilty for hurting him, he's so sweet. So bad guys beware, this dragon dork is going to try and melt even your iciest heart without even intentionally trying to. He just wants to make you happy!!!

Occupational and Social information

Social Class/Community Status: He's a slave so...

Education/Special Training: Kader is usually trained in a lot of things as a slave and being immortal means you have a lifetime to learn things. He has a short attention span though so a new master wanting to try and train him is going to have a challenge on their hands.

Occupation: Being the bestest slave money can buy?

Affiliation/Memberships: Depends on the story settings.

Occupational Skills: Depends on the story elements.

Weapons: Depends on the story elements.

Physical Description

Height: Depends on the face claim you choose. He's been short, average, and really tall. I like playing him as short. But it doesn't matter.

Hair: Kader with one exception, has always been blonde.

Eyes: Usually brown because of his face claims but his dragon form, they're teal.

Face Claim: Do not ask me to find beefier men, Kader is meant to be skinny or small.

First Image ~ Taeyang "T.O.P" from BIGBANG
Second Image ~ Hiroto from Alice Nine
Third Image ~ L.Joe

I have also used G Dragon for him before. He is usually an Asian pop singer face claim.

Detailed Physical Description: Kader has always been serene looking, he moves whimsically as if he were a cat. He doesn't move like a human does, there is a slight hypnotic sway to his movements given he is serpentine in nature as a dragon. He speaks softly, rarely raising his voice unless he is extremely excited - which when he's not rigid in a slave role, is very easy to have happen, him being excited and hyper. He thoroughly enjoys limited amount of clothing, because clothes make him feel restricted. What he does tend to wear is often revealing and not masculine for this reason which is why I've had him identify as genderfluid in the past.

If written as having had a long life as a slave, what scars he does have are faded and usually in places that are hard to see so as not to deter buyers such as the inner thighs. He does love to wear jewelry, being a dragon and as a 'typical' one he likes to hoard pretty things.

His eyes are bright and alert, he's very active and hardly ever sits still.

Typical Clothing: When forced into them he likes to wear white or light colors. He'd rather be adorned in elaborate body paints and have more Egyptian/Greek style clothes than modern style clothing on because it's too tight and constrictive for him. The only exception to this, with a lot of bitching and moaning, is in wintertime where he'll grab every article of clothing he can get ahold of and cram it onto himself.


A summary of his personality I've used before...

Usually a happy go lucky, can't get me down, fairly silly dorky sweetheart who only wants to make everyone else around him - happy. He has moments where he can be possessive but even those streaks of grrness are sparse. If I were to write him a bit darker, he'd be charming and easy to talk to but secretly conniving and cruel. He'd play the act of a 'fool' or a slutty needy minx but in actuality he's not someone you want to anger or cross. Having the wrath of a dragon is no joke.

Attitude: Usually a positive individual who doesn't dwell on the past. What would the point be in doing that? The past has passed, it's gone, it's over and cannot be changed. A very forward thinking creature which can be a little scary if he were to be a evil boy.

Skills/Talents: (Non-occupational): Would depend on the story.

Favorites/Likes: Again would depend on the story but he is usually obsessed or interested in the weirdest random things.

Most Hated/Dislikes: Usually doesn't like sharing his partner/master with someone else, can be rather bitchy and sulky when he has to. As stated several times he hates the cold.

Goals/Ambitions: Unless I make him an evil sneaky dick, his only ambition in life is to please others.

Strengths(Occupational or not): This would vary depending on your preferences for story elements...

Weaknesses (Occupational or not): Depend on the story.

Fears: Would depend on the story but typically being forced back into his version of a lamp (back into an egg state) As an egg, he can only watch the world trickle by and it's such a lonely state to be in.

Hobbies/Interests: Kader as you may have noticed by now if you've read this bio and some of the others - is not as fleshed out which is part of why I want to play him more. But in this section...Kader would be...crazy to try and list everything he likes because he is always going to have a short attention span, as a good or bad boy.

Philosophy of Life: You only get to live it once so go and live it!

Attitude Toward Death: It...Well. As a good boy? Makes him want to cry. If he was evil, he laughs in the face of it.

Religion/Beliefs: Haven't had him indulge in any religions so I'm not sure - would be interesting to explore potentially!

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: So at one point my old writing partner and I had wondered what would happen if Elijah felt he was the wrong person for Kader - Elijah having been his dom "Daddy" and lover in our story - and...It was quite heart breaking to write. Kader gets intensely attached to people and after being freed from a lifetime of slavery which, is forever because immortal, and falling in love only for that person to leave him one day and just vanish? Even tried to set him up with someone else? Oooof. The feels!

Additional Notes

Lost Kitten in the Rain
Desiring a partner

Inspirational Music
Modern day or maybe futuristic - allowing for fantasy, horrific, supernatural and some Sci-Fi elements!

There is a quiet computer hacker living a secluded life in his one bedroom apartment. Web Designer by day, one of the FBI's most wanted hackers by night. Caleb Valentine has a few secrets he does not share with anyone, sometimes will not even acknowledge them to himself. Will your MC unearth those secrets? Tempt him to accept them? Maybe even help Caleb discover more about himself than there is at first glance. Come indulge one of my kinkiest desires as a writer. ~

Kinks & Interests Sought

Not all of these have to be used, but at least some would be nice~

  • Sadomasochism
  • Light or Heavy Dom/Sub - Caleb as the Sub or Switch if with right partner
  • Noncon - preferred
  • Dubcon
  • Psychological Horror
  • Kittenplay - Ask if you're not sure what this is!
  • Potentially species wise, Caleb could be a Neko boy instead of ultizing kittenplay
  • Kidnapping, force, coersion / blackmail.

These are just a few of my kinks I want to play with this character. Have some you think I would like to throw at Caleb? Let me know!

I'd really like someone to find out about his hacking, uses blackmail to force him into some intense sexual scenes. Or perhaps he gains a stalker who just so happens to learn about the hacking and can use it to corral Caleb into their sexual fantasies such as Kittenplay, which is just one idea. More of a sexually driven roleplay than story based.

Caleb is basically my dark muse outlet.

Caleb Nicholas Ian Valentine


Name: Caleb Nicholas Ian Valentine

Date of Birth (& age): Always between ages 18-26

Place of Birth: Typically Los Angeles, or San Francisco California. Could do Seattle, Washington or New York City. He is always in a big city.

Place/Type of Residence: Crappy ass one bedroom apartment.

Species: I always make him a human, psychic or Witch.

Gender: CIS Male (Sometimes he is Genderfluid with they/them/their pronouns - depends on the story)

Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: I have always made Caleb homosexual due to a phobia of women caused by childhood trauma (note, I am not sexist, this is just a plot element!). However, I'm at a point where I would not mind if Caleb were placed in an M x F pairing. I would request he remains submissive, or becomes a switch. He does not possess the personality to remain wholly dominant.

High Craving: I really want to get into darker themes with Caleb such as BDSM, dehumanization, psychological torture, slave/master, non-consent, you get the idea. Caleb's always been my go-to character whenever I crave writing darker romantic & sexual themes with a tense story line that leaves me sitting on the edge of my seat for more.

Quirks/Strange Behaviors: Typically Caleb is obsessed with different cultures, and their religions - not because he is himself religious. In fact he is atheist or on rare occasion's I have him worshiping either the Egyptian Pantheon or the Norse Pantheon. He typically has a multitude of tattoo's displaying this fascination for different cultural beliefs. Or he incorporates their elements in comic books he designs. He adores Eastern foods, Asian, Indian. He has a strange fascination for Snake Wine. He loves anime & manga - very fond of Japanese folklore. He hates sweet things, with the exception of honey. He will often times if he is stressed out, dab some fresh honey on his wrist to lick it off. Or will eat honey combs soaked in honey. He also dislikes coffee, preferring tea - and is in fact a tea snob.

Caleb is an oddball out of my characters. He adores arthropod's as well as insects such as moth's, bee's, and spiders. He tends to own many of these whenever I write him. He is also fond of snakes, finding their company more bearable than the human presence of others. This is due to his severe anxiety, and depression. This love of snakes also makes him fond of other reptiles, even fish. He does not however tend to like dogs or many birds. Cats are a mammal he does like, but it is a secret he keeps to himself due to some kinks I often times give him -Neko boy-

He fidgets when he is nervous, gets snappy when he feels awkward or shy. Some people consider him to be an asshole considering he can have a foul temper which is a shell he puts up to protect himself from getting too close to people so they're able to hurt him as in most of Caleb's incarnation's he's been hurt, a lot. I love this character, and he is fun to play. There are many things he likes to do, or don't do. It's hard to put down in a bio page exactly everything about him, but I can promise you he is fun to write with as his depth adds detail to the stories I write with him as my MC.

Language: Multilingual, especially good with Asian languages. In some imaginings of him, he wants to go live in Japan and work as a manga or anime artist.



    Mother: Nadalina Crane Valentine (otherwise known as Madam Valentine)
             More often times than not I make her own her own escort business. She has always since I made Caleb, been abusive to him which is an element he needs to rise as a character.

    Father: Unknown

Romantic: Caleb is never a virgin when I play him, he could be potentially if we discussed an angle that works for me. Romantically though, he is shy - not so much sexually as he falls into a bad habit of having sex while high. Because sex is another escape of reality for him. (He doesn't have to be a drug addict if you're not comfortable with that, again another plot device I've used for him is him being addicted to heroin.)

I am highly craving with Caleb that I get him into emotionally deep plots again, yes some of which I'm craving to be more kink, and or horrific related but it doesn't have to be.

Friends: Caleb rarely, if ever has friends. I've discovered that sometimes he isn't afraid of genderfluid female bodied individuals. It has made me begin to wonder if it's dominant feminism that scares him more so than one's actual gender. Caleb is a good friend if you get past his occasional moodiness, reclusive nature, and otherwise shyness. He would do anything he can to help them. He strives to please people, often times his own downfall.

Occupational: Due to his anxiety, Caleb is oftentimes a professional hacker. Doing legal and illegal work from home on his computer. I blame the Matrix for this a bit.

Other: Random flings, druggie friends/dealers count?

Occupational and Social information

Social Class/Community Status: Poverty.

Education/Special Training: Caleb is a rare individual who thinks with both sides of his brain so he is good with all subjects of school - considered a genius. He has exceptional computer skills, as well as literature, and artistic skills. He has graduated from high school by the skin of his teeth.

Occupation: Graphic Gaming Designer & Professional solo Hacker (Struggling artist, sometimes a prostitute depending on the story.)

Affiliation/Memberships: Depends on the story settings.

Occupational Skills: Computer, technical/technological skills. Good with his hands in general as he sometimes likes to make model figurines.

Weapons: Depends on the story elements.

Physical Description

Height: Depends on the face claim you choose. He's been short, average, and really tall. I like playing him as short, small and or slender though. But it doesn't matter.

Hair: Caleb with one exception, has always been blonde.

Eyes: Face claim aside, Caleb has always had one blue eye - and one green eye.

Face Claim: Do not ask me to find beefier men, Caleb is meant to be skinny. Mikkel Jensen is the 'biggest' I will go muscle mass wise for Caleb. And he is not my first choice.

First Image ~ Emil Anderson
Second Image ~ Maurice Sinclair (Maurice looks young to some people but he's in his mid 20's, and was legal age in this picture)
Third Image ~ Kris Kidd
Fourth Image ~ Mikkel Jensen

If you want my favorite from most to least it would be: 2, 3, 4, 1 out of these four images I have provided you.

Detailed Physical Description: Face claim representation aside, I have always had Caleb littered in tattoo's although sometimes I've had it where he only has a few. The most body modification's I've given him is a pierced penis, and scarification artwork. I will vary on this, depending on what you like on a character. He very seldom has piercings though.

Usually Caleb has glasses, even if the face claim I give him doesn't. But I've had him wear contacts instead, or not need glasses at all. Up to you.

Typically Caleb has scars, from abuse or self harm. This varies depending on the story.

Typical Clothing: Depends on the story, and the way things go but typically he's very much a Spencer's and Hot Topic buyer - what people tend to call 'emo' or 'gothic'. He likes to wear band shirts, skinny jeans, and hoodies. This has been known to change a bit to casual jeans and button down shirts with jean jackets. Depends on how he develops for a particular story.


A summary of his personality I've used before...

Caleb is usually extremely shy to the extent that he is highly antisocial. If he feels nervous, anxious or cornered (scared) then he can become rude, short, nasty, or even unsympathetic towards others. He doesn't want to get too close, to anyone due to his past with his abusive mother. He's highly intelligent, and creative with a passionate artistic streak that he sinks himself into due to depression, and severe anxiety. He can be playful, hyper even, and loving towards people he trusts.

He is loyal to a dangerous fault to his own health. He isn't accustomed to caring for himself, or doing anything for himself. He has spent his entire life pleasing others. Pleasing himself or doing anything for himself feels wrong, and makes him extremely anxious to the point he has anxiety attacks. Or he falls into a guilty slew of depression where he sleeps all day, and is up all night playing video games or working on some comic strip or other art piece. Note, Caleb is a functional individual - he just doesn't know how to be happy.

His antisocial personality is bad enough that he can be holed up at home for awhile, which is fine with him given that he works from home - just the way he likes it. This keeps him from pursuing his dreams of being a recognized artist. Whether it's simply doing his own work or being a comic artist he isn't sure yet. He loves art, and does traditional hand comic artwork or will do digital artwork on the computer depending on his mood.

He's very shy about his artwork, but it is what makes him the most happiest. He doesn't take kindly to his art being made fun of. In fact his artwork is about the only thing he will stand up for if ridiculed. Otherwise he doesn't become vocal, or bold unless someone he cares about is harmed, ridiculed or otherwise threatened. He will do literally anything for someone he loves. This sadly makes him easy to manipulate.

Attitude: Typically Caleb is pessimistic with a sharp tongue, and sour attitude. This is not always the case, sometimes he's sweet in his shyness, or even cutely adorkable in a hyper kind of way in an attempt to make people he cares about happy.

Skills/Talents: (Non-occupational): He's an artist of multiple crafts, and a good writer. He's eager to please which makes him a welcomed sexual partner. He cares about people more than he reveals, and sticks up for his friends which makes him reliable.

Favorites/Likes: Seafood, Yaoi, Spiders, Moths & Centipedes. Honey, Lamb Curry. Soft blankets or other such materials. Hoodies that are too big for him, wearing his boyfriend's clothes when he's dating your MC. Sleeping in - thanks Insomnia. Scary movies, comedies, anime. Reading manga, drawing anime, pissing people off online. Sex, and cuddling.

Most Hated/Dislikes: His mother, Caleb will always hate her. It's so ingrained into him I can't not have her be an abusive element in his life.

He also hates being alone despite his hermit ways, it's why he often times craves the attention of anybody he falls hard in love with.

Goals/Ambitions: To become a published manga or comic book artist. In truth, to fall in love and not feel alone in this world anymore.

Strengths(Occupational or not): This would vary depending on your preferences for story elements...

As a human, Caleb possesses resilience despite appearances. He's stubborn to a fault, which means he doesn't crumble or break easily even if his anxiety or depression make him appear weak. He's actually extremely loyal, unfortunately sometimes he places that loyalty into the wrong hands by mistake. He can be manipulated to being loyal to someone to a fault, and to the sacrifice of his own health. On the flip side there is no limits to what he would try, and do for someone he calls his own. 

He is also a character that adapts quickly on an environmental level even if not emotionally. He possesses street smarts, and when he's not clouded in judgement under his emotions he can be very clever.

Ask me about Witches & Psychic's. There was one story where I turned Caleb into a Naga. His strengths as in abilities vary depending on what you want him to be.

Weaknesses (Occupational or not): Caleb typically when I play him, has severe anxiety along with depression that often times will make him either unsociable because he's a sarcastic asshole. Or he's afraid to socialize due to his past unless a person particularly interests him. He has occasions where he is bubbly, excitable and down right adorkable. People tend to get to see this side of him when he is high which he will do in public places like clubs.

Normally I make Caleb of a weaker mold in that he's easily controlled, used, naive and perfect to manipulate. He's my broken character. I like him this way. Some people like to write broken things - I am one of them. Typically he goes through a character growth because of a love interest or close friend where he gains a backbone. Or more so, he shows it as he has always had one. He is fiercely loyal, and protective of those he cares for. I tend to have courageous attributes come out eventually through play where he starts to stand up for himself, or for loved ones when necessary.

Fears: This often changes with my mood. I often times give him something to be afraid of in case someone wants to use it to control him...

A consistent fear is abandonment. Considering he doesn't know his real father, I almost always have his mother abuse him. His first boyfriend committed suicide unexpectedly so...

Hobbies/Interests: Caleb like Jakob is another one of my in depth characters. He loves fantasy novels like the Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. Plus nowadays he likes Game of Thrones. He is also a fan of Lovecraft, Stephen King, things of the horror ilk. He's a bit of a book nerd, and anime/manga nerd as well which is the kind of artwork he loves to do the most even though he's really good with water colors. He's never been encouraged, in any of his stories, to pursue his poetry or his water colors but he does both.

He's an avid video gamer, I've broken the fourth wall before and let him role-play online before. That was pretty funny. Clearly he watches anime, and reads manga's. He likes to draw them too but any of his heart he is really shy about it. In his first incarnation he mildly followed, and stalked his second boyfriend because he was shy. Plus he was the richest guy in town while he was the poorest so he didn't think he had a chance. He admired Aubrey from afar and put him in a comic book he made up for him called the Crimson Knight.

So obviously he puts his love of those close to him into his art. Caleb also loves Eastern foods, he drinks quite a bit - but not as much as he indulges in Heroin. Which if you're not comfortable with either, then I'm sorry you can't play with Caleb. He always has at least one kind of addiction he's dealing with; sex, self harm, drugs, or alcohol. It's an element I try to help him get over through play. You can choose which you'd rather deal with though.

Philosophy of Life: It sucks?

Attitude Toward Death: Rather than being afraid of it, he's almost fascinated with it given how much it is coveted in more pagan beliefs.

Religion/Beliefs: Caleb is atheist yet has a fascination for pagan beliefs purely out of curiosity.

Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: This would depend on the story, and what elements you want Caleb to bring into it from his end. Especially on the grounds of whether or not he's a human from the 'realistic' world or a psychic/or witch from a fictional magic based world.

Some details if you want them~

These details of Caleb's tend to have severe themes that are triggering to some, while not to others. Not always do I use every single element.

  • Prostitute for an abusive mother, in some incarnations his mother was a Mistress who owned her own Escort service that was a bit more on the lewder side of the sex trade.
  • Caleb has almost always been a victim of some childhood abuse endured under his mother; rape, emotional, verbal and other types of physical abuse.
  • Caleb grew up with a friend (often times a Romani) who was his first love, taught him how to draw. Got him into kink, and into drugs. This friend became his boyfriend - who when Caleb was sixteen. Committed suicide.
  • Caleb's drug use grew worse after his boyfriend's suicide. He did however, finally move out of his mother's house though, and into his own crappy one bedroom apartment.
  • In some stories, Caleb becomes a prostitute to make ends meet financially.

Additional Notes

                           I am accepting quilt commissions right now to make ends meet.


When The Wolves Come Out To Play
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Actually would like to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .

Modern day or maybe futuristic - Would like to stay within horror, fantasy and supernatural realms!

I would really like to delve deep into a world filled with supernatural creatures, focusing primarily on werewolves. I have always loved them and would like to see what kind of badass story we could come up with together that involves them - especially if we can explore pack drama and dynamics. Doesn't have to be just slice of life, there could be a feud with some vampires or perhaps their secret existence in a small town gets outed and hunters come in trying to destroy them. Think Teen Wolf, Blade and Blood Rayne for some inspiration. I wouldn't even mind there being some kind of big bad to deal with if we aren't going to focus on relationships.

I just really want to sink my teeth into some wolfy stuff.

Some Concepts I'm Interested In

~ For My Character(s) ~

  • I once had a CIS female character who was transgender/sometimes genderfluid - who didn't want to fit into the roles and traditions expected of a female alpha wolf. So he/they ran away from his/their pack, hopped states and wanted to never look back. He/They became a vigilante in a city that was becoming a playground for vampires. Lone wolves struggle to survive in the natural world, imagine the difficulties a lone werewolf faces. This specific character could have more action based story versus romance/smut focused - that's not to say that can't be in there!. Currently Fulfilled by Wistful Dreams

  • For some reason there is a sad male wolf in my head who used to be the alpha of his pack and was even mated/married to a woman whom he had once thought was the love of his life. Something tragic happened to his pack and I think the love of his life and he just spirals into a depression. He stops caring about the pack, distances himself so badly that eventually another male overthrows his rule and he just doesn't care. I'd love for a romantic plot with him where someone tries to make him see that life isn't over even though it feels like it.

  • I would love to play an over-dominating male who is the young alpha leader of his pack whose hatred for a rival is getting out of control. Just in the mood for some angst, piss and vinegar. An angry drunken, brazen werewolf sounds like just the remedy for muse restlessness. This guy would be a total asshole and writing with him would need a story that is action and smut based. You could try to romance him but he's just a mean douchebag in my head. A very rare blip of a dom/top muse for me.

  • Naturally I am always a slut for playing a submissive/bottom character and for this world, I'd even be happy to delve into a female. Wolves can be assholes and or fascinatingly romantic with their social structures okay? It's fun to play with! Nothing too specific for the sweet little thing, probably smut heavy unless someone is needing a sweet vanilla romance.

Have a wolfy need that hasn't been met yet? Let me know, let's make something awesome together!

The Traveler's Tales
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Willing to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .

Modern day or maybe futuristic - Would like to stay within horror, fantasy and supernatural realms!

So the general theme of this is my character is an inhuman traveler, be it he travels through time, space or both. And by space I mean think Jumper the movie. Can teleport from one place to another versus time travel is the obvious jumper through time, though typically the past. I've been watching the Butterfly Effect movies lately, always enjoyed Quantum Leap and Doctor Who along with The Time Traveler's Wife, so on and so forth. So this concept could be full of romance or it could be full of action and grit.

Either my character is a rare phenomenon who cannot explain how or why he can travel or perhaps there are others like him in the instance of 'Psychic's or Mutants' however you'd like to play that. Which means your character could be human or inhuman. I am open to there being other creatures like demons, werewolves, vampires, etc.

If my character is this rare fluke, this can have a modern slice of life with a twist taste to it.

You'll really pique my interest if there is a dark action/thriller/suspense packed element to it.

Some Concepts I'm Interested In

  • Ever watch The Lake House? The Time Traveler's Wife? Well I adored those movies along with the first Butterfly Effect movie which is a heavily romance driven angle as my first concept idea. This would be a very light hearted, probably more modern slice of life aspect where my character is known to be the only individual who can travel through time and space with the exception possibly being a parent who did it as well. This specific character could actually be a woman if that is more your tastes! I'm not saying that this story has to follow any of those movies, so don't worry this isn't a fandom. The concepts are just inspiration for myself. So likely our characters would be a couple, either already or will become one and are struggling to stay together. Be it because death keeps coming for your character and mine has to rescue yours - or my character cannot control their abilities and so our characters are constantly separated by periods of space and time.
  • Think about or look up movies like Jumper, Push, Gone In 60 Seconds, the 3rd Butterfly Effect, Looper and Code 8. All action and suspense filled movies where typically someone with a strange inhuman ability is persecuted or they're using their power to work in crime as a consulting 'psychic freak' who hardly anyone believes can really do what they say they can. This concept will probably be a bit more world building focused. I am certainly leaning towards the concept where my character is persecuted for their abilities, either by society as a whole so they're not the only person with powers and so there are hate crimes and stigmas against them or if my character is the only one or a rare few, bad people want to use my character's abilities or kill them for it.

I've never written anything like this before so I'm pretty excited to try this out!

Under The Sea
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Willing to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .

Modern day preferably but will consider the past (historically) - Would like to stay within horror, fantasy and supernatural realms!

I have always loved mermaids and it's a theme that I still never quite get to write. Remembering that I was watching Siren, hasn't helped my love and missing of mermaids.

I am willing to go into the past or into a high fantasy element with pirates if we aren't in modern times with either you or me playing the mermaid or merman even. In this concept, I am willing to consider playing a female character, even a dominant one but if I play a female I will be a bit pickier about how she is written - especially if the story is smut focused over story focused.

This could be darker themed as well, with a more siren angle (a monstrous creature of the sea instead of mesmerizing savior) or it can be lighter hearted and even adventurous. This concept is fairly flexible, much like my wolfy needs.

Some Concepts I'm Interested In

  • Of course, there is the classic romantic desire of a landlocked individual falling for a creature of the sea. I still prefer M x M but with this I am willing to do F x F or even M x F and myself playing either gender. With a romantic angle, I would prefer a healthy mix of story with the smut. So naturally there is the favorite, merfolk saves landfolk or vice versa and they fall in love as a result - paritcularly fun when such a thing is forbidden from the merfolks own people. Because who doesn't love drama? Merfolk could be the only inhuman race or there could be others, though in my opinion it's more fun when humans suddenly discover that the world is far bigger and stranger than they ever realized so I would prefer that there is only merfolk and maybe another species here or there but it's not a requirement.

  • There is this idea that merfolk are a fading race, going extinct due to human interference and destructiveness of nature. Perhaps your or my character who is the merfolk, gets this idea that the only way to survive is to either rise up against humans as a whole or they individually capture a human and are experimenting on how to turn them into a merfolk so that there is a way to save the merfolk race as a whole and possibly the worlds oceans as well. There could also be a war waging between merfolk and another oceanic creature of some sort so humans are vanishing to help create numbers for this war. Could even take a step further and merfolk have risen from the ocean to strike against humans, revealing to them that they're real. If you want something shorter than a long epic tale, we can focus on your or my character being abducted/pursued by a merfolk and we can see whether or not they're seduced/taken in the end.

I am vastly more open to ideas with this since really I just want merfolk in the mix!

A Witches Brew
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Willing to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .Preferably Story Focused & Possibly Multiple Characters

Modern day with a focus on Magic but willing to accept Supernatural Creatures!!

I have always loved magic, Charmed was something I grew up watching. Any movie or show that had magic in it, I have always clung to it and watched it to see if I'd like it. Same with books. So naturally I would love to write it as well! Magic is so much fun to delve into, especially with any lore or world building. We don't have to go extreme but with this I am really craving some epic creativity!

I am also craving some romance, doesn't have to be happy go lucky, there could be toxicity and drama and in fact, I'm hoping for it. Sex? Absolutely. I just want an epic story with magic in it and for once, I'm wanting to write a lady though I'm willing to consider writing a guy or both as I expect possibly multiple characters or at least background characters to help build onto the story. You can write whatever you want!

Some Concepts I'm Interested In

So I stumbled onto Nowherewoman's delicious thread and fell in love with more than one photo, ha!
So be prepared for picture spam here and you should check this thread out too!

  • Just A Girl In A Small Town
    This sweet image gives me vibes for a slightly more simplistic plot - possibly.
    I don't know why but I get very big Beauty and the Beast in a Modern twist sort of feel from her. She's a witch, that maybe humans in her town don't know about - don't know she's a witch and humans are ignorant. And so she's been hiding her magic, sadly, since she was little. Then a new guy or gal comes into town and she doesn't have to hide anymore! Or maybe, she gets kidnapped? Dun dun dun! With this image I'm feeling heavily romantic, dark and or sexual vibes. Not necessarily a long drawn out story if that's not your style. She just screams innocence which could lead to a nice lovely romantic tale or you can take, abuse and corrupt her. Take your pick! If she's a victim, I could see her becoming this!

  • A Streak Of Violence
    This girl just gives me trouble vibes!
    I get a strong pull towards a Stranger Things, Secret Circle, The Magicians, basically horror or action and thriller packed story with this lady. I would definitely want a story focus with her, something adventurous and on the edge of your seat and if smut is involved - the kinkier, wilder, rougher the better according to her. I would play her unless she were to dominate a character of mine because then I would happily submit to her command well a character would, not going to lie lol! I just love the sass, piss and vinegar of this image!

  • The Noble Coven Leader
    The Damn Coven Troublemaker!

    I honestly can see all of the gals above so far with these two as an entire coven but the two in this spot specifically would need to be in the story if not the others above. They butt heads, a lot. I have heavy inspiration for a Coven (that could have men or just be all women) that is either in a college town, small town or big city and is just trying to survive and practice their magic in peace and not lose control of said magic and alert witch hunters to their existence. Which the troublemaker seems hellbent on causing chaos for the Coven! Open to either of us playing any of the concepts or you can give me an idea of your own! I'm just musing. Certainly story based and would need to be comfortable writing multiple characters. Nothing is canon, I just watch a lot of TV and read a lot of books so I just drawn inspiration from a lot of places. I imagine a lot of angst with this and possibly drama, fun relationships and yes, sex.

I have far too much muse, send help!

Also if you don't really like any of the images for this, just offer up alternatives! Just try and match the vibe! <3
                           I am accepting quilt commissions right now to make ends meet.


The Last Of Us
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Actually would like to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .

Being as this is fandom based, modern day to near future for time & setting!

This is a fandom very near and dear to me. I am hoping to find some fellow lovers of the game to write in the world of this with. That being said, I am craving more than just romance and smut (I'd like those to be in this story as I love both) but I want to play with the whole survival and surviving the apocalypses as well.

I am not expecting nor demanding 100% knowledge of the fandoms since I am not planning on using canons but at least some knowledge of the fandom or willingness to do at least a little bit of research would be appreciated.

Luckily, this is zombie apocalypse based - fairly simple to discuss what is needed to know as there isn't much compared to a universe with complex story dynamics or powers (like the world of X-Men or Game of Thrones).

The Details

The Last of Us takes place in the year 2033, twenty years after a fungal-based, brain-altering pandemic has spread and infected over 60% of the world's population. There is no cure. All across the United States, Martial Law is established with Homeland Security and the United States Military Forces in control over designated quarantine zones that are meant to keep the pandemic survivors safe from the ever-changing, evolving infected. Life in the military run quarantine zones is hard, harsh even. Supplies are almost always too low to evenly be distributed and some zones are spewing with abuse of military power and crawling with crime. But most are too afraid to brave the world outside of the zones and so they stay and suffer.

There are those who live outside of them though: some good, most of them bad. One most notably known are the Fireflies (if we go with The Last of Us era before they are believed to have fallen 5 years later in The Last of Us 2 which takes place in 2038) - the Fireflies are focused on finding a cure for the virus. There is the Seraphites or SCARS who are cultists (In the Last of Us 2 era) and they abhor technology and believe that the pandemic was a means of humanity starting over and they are at war with WLF (WOVLES) a dedicated military based group but I won't go more into detail than this little brush of what there is in the world.

The point is, we ourselves can go away from canon if that would be easier, set up our characters anywhere - even outside of the U.S. and fiddle with groups if we want to play with them.

At this time I don't have any specific characters in mind so I am fairly open to gender and the pairing to go with my character. But I do want this to be story focused with romance and smut included (but not required).

I will add specific character sheets later if I come up with one but I am trying to be open with this concept.

Wolf's Rain
Desiring a partner (maybe more than one?)

Inspirational Music
Actually would like to explore multiple pairings of different types. . .

Being as this is fandom based, it is an alternate reality earth future for time & setting!

Wolf's Rain is another fandom that is special to me, it was one of the first anime's I ever watched. I would stay up late past my bedtime in elementary school to watch it. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me - before Naruto - growing up because my favorite animal was and still are: wolves.

That said, there is surprisingly not a lot you need to know about Wolf's Rain so it is fairly easy to roleplay. It's a future in which the world seems to be more or less dying, there are hardly any wild places left or animals for that matter. It is a dark, broken and sad world where humans are struggling to survive and wolves are all but believed to be extinct. Which the tragedy is, they were meant to be the ones that could lead the world to paradise - to salvation.

It is actually because of Wolf's Rain that I stumbled onto role-playing by happy accident. I was browsing DeviantART just looking at fanmade wolf characters and ta-da. I discovered something called rping and have been doing it for almost 20 years now.

Amazing what a little bit of inspiration can do, huh?

The Details

Wolf's Rain is extremely minimalistic, not a lot is revealed about the world in the anime. Such as how it became so broke and desolate. Which means, you don't have to watch it to RP it with me! You also don't have to use anime characters for picture references if you don't want to. I'd be fine with realistic ones. I just want the basic concept that Wolf's Rain provides.

The world is dying, nature has been overrun and destroyed by overpopulated cities. Places with wilderness and wildlife is scarce, most of the world seems to be trapped in an eternal winter. Humanity is basically waiting around waiting to die.

Wolves are believed to be exist but in actuality hide in plain sight amongst humans, using 'magic' to walk among them.

I'd rather not play the canon characters, although I fucking love Tobe and Tsume so if I were to dabble into the canon's it'd be for those two or Blue with Hige or Blue with someone else - like a human.

I'd even be fine if we took a step further and went to after the world is reborn from Kiba and Cheza's sacrifice. Which would bring us to our world - modern day - where humanity gets a second chance with earth in what seems to be an alternate reality. But wolves still hide among humans in order to avoid superstitious hatred and murder.

This request in some cases is a hope that I'll find a fellow Wolf's Rain lover but if not, that's okay too. Just be prepared for me to spazz about my favorite anime.
                           I am accepting quilt commissions right now to make ends meet.


A Virtual Drugstore
Desiring a partner

Inspirational Music
Modern or Futuristic

Primarily inspired by the movie Cam on Netflix - it doesn't have the greatest ratings but I had loved it.

The premise is about a girl who starts to make a living off of fetishing herself in front of a webcam, and she spirals into an addiction of it. At first she didn't start out sexualizing herself entirely - just being a thirst trap. But when her identity is stole, things take a dark turn.

I've always enjoyed a good story that takes fuel from the Dark Web genre, where there is hackers and people becoming victims of identify theft, blackmail and even falling prey to the sex trade when their real location is found and they're kidnapped. So naturally a face I found on here thanks to Nowherewoman has me wanting to write something dark, gritty and sexual.

Kinks & Interests Sought

Not all of these have to be used, but at least some would be nice~

  • Sadomasochism
  • Light or Heavy Dom/Sub - My character being the Sub or forced to become a Switch and punished if she doesn't Dom well.
  • Noncon - preferred
  • Dubcon
  • Psychological Horror
  • Kidnapping, force & blackmail.
  • Stalker - someone stalking my character or possibly mine was stalking yours and as it turns out your character is definitely not a good person at all...

These are just a few of my kinks I want to play with this character. Particularly if they're getting revenge for her hacking them and stealing all of their money or humiliating them.

I would primarily prefer using a Suicide Girl model for her appearance but am open to suggestions & for you, I'm open to a female character with her as I'm comfortable with F x F.

The Trinity (7R1N17Y) Girl

I don't actually have a character sheet for this girl which is why this plot/setting/whatever have you is down here and not in my character cravings. I could make her any kind of personality because people can oftentimes be different than how they seem online. So what could be a bratty, confident persona online could actually be a shy and meek girl whose just waiting to become a victim or vice versa.

Really I just fell in love with this girls images.

Her name is Fay Suicide.

I also really like Fishball Suicide who I would love to use too or even you could if you wanted an F x F story~

There is also GoGo Suicide~

I'm even willing to play more than one girl, like perhaps the girls are part of some secret pact, club or what have you and they all are involved in a plot together with your character or characters~

This Darkness Surrounds Me
Desiring a partner

Inspirational Music
Modern or Possibly Past 

Primarily inspired by the universe of Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring & Insidious

Love me some good old fashion cult, demons and monsters - particularly when my character is the victim of them. Sorry, I'm not much of a dom when writing. I can do it, will do it, can enjoy it but it's not favorite and I really, really love it when my character is the center of torment.

So that said, want the devil himself/herself to want my character? Be it as a new body, a bride, a breeding bitch - here she is! It's not something that would be a long plot I don't think, much less story focused and far more smut and darkness focused. I try to have a variety but with this one plot, I really just need to sink my teeth into some good ol fashioned mayhem.

Kinks & Interests Sought

Not all of these have to be used, but at least some would be nice~

  • Violence, Death & Gore
  • Monsters (Preferably Demons)
  • Enslavement, Possession (demonic and the act of claiming someone as their own), Breeding
  • Non-Con, Extremes

Please make this beautiful girl a victim!

Potentially open to discussing her appearance but I really like the photo I found since it is what inspired this.

The Blood Doll

There is just something about this image that screams at me to have it written into a character, especially one who is struggling against the forces of darkness and certainly never asked for her rotten luck in life!

I could even see her being the daughter of Lucifer or some great evil and is trying really hard not to be like her father - I blame Raven from Teen Titans for that inspiration...

                           I am accepting quilt commissions right now to make ends meet.