Walking Dead | Negan x OC

Started by Achilles, September 06, 2021, 01:44:36 AM

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Hello! It’s been a long time since I’ve immersed myself into the roleplay community. So please spare me some patience, lol.

What I’m looking for currently:
Negan x OC

I just love this complex man. Honestly, not looking for anything specific just someone who is willing to let me play against your Negan. I’ve rolled a couple ideas around; thought of maybe scenarios where MC is snooping around behind enemy lines and gets caught. Thought of perhaps slinging them both into a survivalist situation. One where Negan is on his own, lost, barely making it by the skin of his teeth in a hoard infested area.

In general I just enjoy gruff assholes with a raunchy sense of humor. It’s a guilty pleasure, lmao. So if you had any Oc’s you wanted to pair off with mine, that’s the general gist I’m always looking for.

Also! Something I’ve considered, but isn’t a MUST, MC is a survivor with a chronic illness of her own. A reminder of Lucille and a reason to get attached, something he might deny himself of.

I’d really just love to talk more about this, if you’re interested shoot me a PM!