F looking for Pokemon RP partner! - Psychedelia theme and Dragon jokes free!

Started by RelinaDarling, August 30, 2021, 09:55:23 PM

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Hi! I'm looking for an RP partner to help me write a pokemon themed story! It revolves around the Gym Leader Candice who enters a Pokemon race. You remember the race from the old pokemon show about Ash and Rapidash? Well this is a dragon race through the Galar Region! Fair warning, this race is much MUCH more adult than the one shown on Television!

Candice, after showing up late to the race, gets paired with a Drampa as her pokemon partner. The pokemon is obviously derpy and doesn't fly nearly as fast as the other dragon pokemon. After some coaxing and some verbal encouragement, Drampa's berserk ability activates and the Dragon of everyone's dreams takes Candice on an adventure through her soul, the universe, and everything!

I'm leaving this somewhat vague because I prefer the story to delve into really weird concepts, things I haven't even thought about! All I know is, I want the weirdness of the world to get so insane that having a Drampa talk directly to Candice isn't out of the ordinary.

Please feel free to PM me! I'm always open to talk about ideas with you!

Drampa photo for reference

Do something kind. Do something new. Do something special and do something lewd :3