Helpless desires (Dark doms required)

Started by Helpless, September 08, 2020, 04:29:26 PM

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So I decided to delete my other two requests and merge them and finally build a real request thread with more than just one option.

Mass Effect
So lets pretend the ending to Mass Effect 3 went a little differently. Shepard and the crew survived and are heralded as heroes. God tier celebrity class. But with that kinda fame comes a lot of fans. People go a long way to look and dress like their favourite saviour of the Galaxy. So when Shepard isn't in uniform or has N7 tattoed on them visibly, people might not notice. The Normandy gets invited to an anniversary party a year later at Omega. Of course everything is on the House, Shepard and Aria basically got along. You play a low tier Omega gangster at the party and I play a Shepard that gets a bit too drunk and had let her guard down. But to your character she doesn't notice, a little drunk too perhaps. Because Shepard has been able to relax she's wearing a lot of make up and a real hot dress. Obviously there is a lot of room for you too bring your own character to the board here too. I'm open to a lot of Mass Effect ideas. Normandy halloween party for instance. Perhaps Shepard is dating a core crew member and someone is pretending to be said crew member and it gets kinky. I may keep throwing out absurd, lusty mass effect RP ideas. I'm happy to go into more detail to tailor these pitches to our mutual interests and character preferences. I'm open to alternatives but for simplicity's sake I'd like the RP to take place Post reaper war. Mostly my interest is in playing a secretly submissive Shepard or at least a Shepard that isn't very in touch with what they like in bed so they're vulnerable to influence. Original characters are welcome as well as non Normandy crew characters. I'd like to talk a little bit about what I enjoy with the mass effect setting in RP.
Aside from the bdsm part of my interest, it's the character dynamics between the characters. It's up for debate but I found Mass effect's character development and their arcs to be diverse and engaging. I wanted to know more about all of them while I played. The romantic options were my first experience in video gaming that felt quite genuine. So when I want to pair Shepard with Jack there's a few things that I like about it. The jarring difference in their appearance is one. Their mutual attraction to danger and thrills, whether you play more of a paragon or a renegade, both are always ready to throw down. There's a lot of different approaches someone can take to Shepard, just through the sheer variety of choices the player has options to. But I think it stands to reason, that if the bdsm tag caught your eye and you don't mind playing someone with Shepard, I'm pretty sure that we will see eye to eye on the more vulnerable, post war shepard. The Commander would also inevitably find herself with a lot of influence over the development of the galaxy, and say for a seductive original character, that could be an ulterior motive or just a factor in any of the in-game characters. I enjoy things a bit dark but there's already a lot of character dynamics and characters in general to play around with that I'm somewhat flexible on that.
I'd like to talk a little bit about what I enjoy with the mass effect setting in RP.
Aside from the bdsm part of my interest, it's the character dynamics between the characters. It's up for debate but I found Mass effect's character development and their arcs to be diverse and engaging. I wanted to know more about all of them while I played. The romantic options were my first experience in video gaming that felt quite genuine. So when I want to pair Shepard with Jack there's a few things that I like about it. The jarring difference in their appearance is one. Their mutual attraction to danger and thrills, whether you play more of a paragon or a renegade, both are always ready to throw down. There's a lot of different approaches someone can take to Shepard, just through the sheer variety of choices the player has options to. But I think it stands to reason, that if the bdsm tag caught your eye and you don't mind playing someone with Shepard, I'm pretty sure that we will see eye to eye on the more vulnerable, post war shepard. The Commander would also inevitably find herself with a lot of influence over the development of the galaxy, and say for a seductive original character, that could be an ulterior motive or just a factor in any of the in-game characters. I enjoy things a bit dark but there's already a lot of character dynamics and characters in general to play around with that I'm somewhat flexible on that.

Love Stinks
I'd like to run an RP strongly inspired by work by the artist Albatross. In this request, there's more emphasis on what the dominant character is like to set the tone for the RP. I'm interested in finding someone comfortable playing an overweight, dark skinned, older tgirl. With the ultimate goal of corrupting a submissive character into enjoying all sorts of unconventional and particularly dirty fetishes. I will include some NSFW images to give an idea of what I'd generally like to see.
These are explicit images. Take care.
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My own character preference is femboy/trap. Open to discussion however. Also, I'm not quite as fussed on the hyper fetish in the first two images. But am open to it regardless.

DC Comics
The Joker is dead. There is a power vacuum in Gotham. Harley Quinn wants to fill it. She wants to be the next Clown Princess of Crime. But she understand Mista Jay's epic plans and hilarious jokes wouldn't of had nearly the punch they did if she weren't there to back him up. So she needs a good side kick. She needs her own Harley Quinn. She takes a liking to a batgirl. Or any superheroine or villainess  she can get the upper hand on. This is as far as the basic prompt goes right now. But there's a lot of options and a lot fun we can have with this. The idea is that she wants to break down and remold a sidekick in her image. -- Open to other DC comic ideas and pairings.



Another DC idea. Featuring an OC of the partner's choice. However, I'd still like this RP to head towards a bdsm direction. This is a gotham idea but it could be tailored to another super heroine or I could try and develop an OC hero as well.

The idea is that YC attends the same University as the super heroine's alter ego. I'm going to use an 18+ Stephanie Brown in this case, for those that aren't familiar with her she is a Batgirl in Gotham. I'm quite fond of playing her falling into toxic romantic relationships. Anyway, YC  is caught up in an ACE chemicals accident directly involving Batgirl. Previously YC wasn't much to look at. Fat or bad acme. Something that made them distinctly unattractive. YC is in hospital and fully aware of the casualty, Batgirl in her guilt went to visit in the dead of night and witnessed a miracle recovery. Not only that but YC wakes up different, superbly beautiful. Their flaws and blemishes erased by their new found radiance. Not only that however, YC has developed the ability to invade people's dreams. I'm thinking some other basic mind powers, the ability to feel what another is feeling. It would give them a lot of manipulative insight. A lot of this up for discussion. Still prefer the gender pairs on my O/Os.

I also have a character set for Elder Scrolls. Set in ESO.

Her Story: Hailing from Grahtwood she had ambitions to join the Aldmeri Dominion. She signed up for the Aldmeri College of Propiety. Where Bosmer and Khajiit alike are integrated into the Dominion's military. A fast track for their specialized skills in stealth and potential for work in the shadows. It wasn't long before she grew to hate the place, as beautiful as the nearby shore was on Auridon and as outwardly attractive as the Altmer were, she was subject to the cruel methods employed by corrupt instructors, secretly working for 'Queen of the veil'. Conspirators and cultists trying to damage ties between the mer of the Dominion and at her expense. She didn't know any better and after a time, assumed that most Altmer were racists. She had a love triangle between a Bosmer boy she'd immediately fell in with and a Khajiit girl that was a little more possessive. Their bonds were strong but students began to disappear, thrown into the cave and never seen again. One day she was caught trying to smuggle food that wouldn't violate the green pact in for her fellow Bosmer and she was about to be dragged away into the cave when Azata, the Khajiit that had fallen for her lashed out at the instructor and took her place in the cave. Her Bosmer love interest had disappeared the next week after it was discovered they had feelings for each other and she knew she was next. She fled in the dead of night, never to return to Grahtwood and searching for a way out of Auridon. In the mean time she slept under the largest trees she could find and used her bow to hunt for food. She has a misleading feathery, bubbly feminine voice that would make anyone think she isn't as hard done by as she is. She's small and cute, she's aware of it but doesn't want to think it should matter. Although she is an opportunist.

The College of Aldmeri Propriety has a quest line that really stood out to me during the low fantasy quest line in the region.