Re: Chronicles of the Firefly class ship 'Amorous' recruitment closed.

Started by Elven Sex Goddess, July 29, 2020, 07:27:55 PM

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Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Sailor Roleplay on August 02, 2020, 06:51:08 AM
Well, let me introduce you all to Connor "Cripply" Beaufort. Hopefully, I have gotten numbers and dices correct. Note on the pegleg, I used a crafted wooden club as a base item since this was the closest I could find, hope this is fine.

Let me know if I should redo something or if there is anything I've missed.

All good, approved

Elven Sex Goddess


tBeen kicking around an idea after reading this for a security/ scout type for the crew.  Pretty close lipped about his past but joined near the end of the Unification Wars with bright eyes of hope and had it dashed at the Browncoats crushing defeat.  Went full suit and got himself deep into Blue Sun's seedier parts pushing around Rim World settlers and other obstacles to their business.  His "just business" attitude took a turn when he found evidence of the evil they were truly capable of and went and got himself lost in the black and was one of the least surprised by the broadcast.  Possible Assets: In Plain Sight, Fightin Type, Nose for Trouble or Steady Calm  Possible Complications: Wisecracker, Creedo, Nosy. 

Marie Reynolds

That  actually ties  into my  next  question, Has  the signal already been  sent out by Mr  universe. Cool a  more physical security  type  to play against my  more Security System Analyst and Security and communications engineer type!

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: RegretNot on August 02, 2020, 07:27:25 PM
tBeen kicking around an idea after reading this for a security/ scout type for the crew.  Pretty close lipped about his past but joined near the end of the Unification Wars with bright eyes of hope and had it dashed at the Browncoats crushing defeat.  Went full suit and got himself deep into Blue Sun's seedier parts pushing around Rim World settlers and other obstacles to their business.  His "just business" attitude took a turn when he found evidence of the evil they were truly capable of and went and got himself lost in the black and was one of the least surprised by the broadcast.  Possible Assets: In Plain Sight, Fightin Type, Nose for Trouble or Steady Calm  Possible Complications: Wisecracker, Creedo, Nosy.

Sounds good,  look forward to it completed.   We have another entrant for Security.   One of you can slot First Mate.  Which think this character would be good for first mate. 

Quote from: Marie Reynolds on August 02, 2020, 07:37:59 PM
That  actually ties  into my  next  question, Has  the signal already been  sent out by Mr  universe. Cool a  more physical security  type  to play against my  more Security System Analyst and Security and communications engineer type!

To answer your question the broadcast has gone out.   Mr Universe is dead,  as well as Wash and the Shepherd.  Could you run or at least hear of the others of the Serenity crew,  just maybe. 

Now as far as the signal of the late Mr Universe goes, everyone will find out in the course of role-playing if it is up or not.  Of course that is a possible adventure.   Especially if the signal is up and running,  when Mr Universe is deceased.   


Was poked by someone and have been thinking about concepts and the like... The idea that I have is a medic/hacker type for the crew.  Fallen from grace medical student - don't worry, she's a doctor.... sort of.  Highly intelligent, got kicked out close to the end of her final year.  She found out some shady practices were going on and when she tried to shed light on it, she was the one who was kicked out because well.. money is power, and she did not have the power.  She was able to get licensed due to her rather uncommon but quite talented skills of hacking and has been patching people up out in the Black ever since.  Assets: Comptech, Sawbones, Reader Complications: Rebellious, Idealist and either Minor Phobia [ Spiders] or Loyal [Ship's crew]

Marie Reynolds

Cool  Elven was just making sure as I put together a timeline for my character.

Welcome to  the group Rebelle! look forward to  you hacker/doc. Maybe a friendly rival between my  techie security specialist and your hacker could be fun.

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Rebelle on August 02, 2020, 08:33:02 PM
Was poked by someone and have been thinking about concepts and the like... The idea that I have is a medic/hacker type for the crew.  Fallen from grace medical student - don't worry, she's a doctor.... sort of.  Highly intelligent, got kicked out close to the end of her final year.  She found out some shady practices were going on and when she tried to shed light on it, she was the one who was kicked out because well.. money is power, and she did not have the power.  She was able to get licensed due to her rather uncommon but quite talented skills of hacking and has been patching people up out in the Black ever since.  Assets: Comptech, Sawbones, Reader Complications: Rebellious, Idealist and either Minor Phobia [ Spiders] or Loyal [Ship's crew]

Well sounds quite interesting and welcome.  As with others look forward to seeing a completed character and there role-playing notes for the gam

For everyone,  I have updated the first post.  a second crew member has been officially added.  Also, as mentioned I've added another crew slot the first mate.   

I'am also going to move the links for the additional rule pdf's for game to that first post.   

Also added in more information to the first post on the speed of the game.       


Ace - First Mate

Agility   - d10
Strength - d10
Vitality - d8
Alertness - d6
Intelligence - d4
Willpower - d12

Lifepoints: 20
Initiative: d10 + d6

Athletics - d6
- Dodge - d10
- Stealth - d10
Discipline - d6
- Interrogation - d10
Guns - d6
- Assault Rifle - d10
Influence - d6
Perception - d4
Pilot - d2
Unarmed Combat - d6
- Brawling - d10

Weapons & Equipment

Duster, Armored ₡ 6, Armor Rating 4 W, Agility-Alertness-step penalty 1, weight: 4
Chameleon Cloak ₡ 36, Armor Rating 1 W, Agility-Alertness-step penalty 0, weight: 8
Knife, Combat ₡ 1.6, Damage d4 W, Weight: 1
Rifle, Assault ₡ 40, Damage d8 W Range: 150, Max ROF: 3 (40), Weight: 11
- Barrel Light ₡ 1.2 - Gun illumination
- Scope, Ocular ₡ 13.6 - Electronic sight
Pistol, Heavy ₡ 22, Damage d8 W Range: 120, Max ROF: 2 (12), Weight: 5
Harness ₡ 6, Weight: 3
Holster, Speed-Draw ₡ 10, Weight: 2

Grappler ₡ 8, Weight: 12 - Grapple gun and 50 feet of line
Multi-Tool ₡ 2, Weight: 1 - Multi-function pocket tool
Protein Chips ₡ 0.4, Weight: 0 - Many varieties, mostly salty junk food
Filtration Canteen ₡ 1.2, Weight: 2 - Holds 1 quart of water
Gas Mask ₡ 4, Weight: 4  - Includes spare filters
Goggles ₡ 1.2, Weight: 1 - Protection for eyes
Ocular ₡ 6, Weight: 4 - Includes leather carry case
Rucksack ₡ 2, Weight: 4 - Holds up to 60 pounds of gear

Shirt, Floral Print ₡ 1.8, Weight: 0 - Stylish tropical patterns
Uniform, Alliance

Credits: ₡ 587.00


Allure (Minor) +2 / You are physically attractive, either a handsome fellow or a lovely woman. When you desire companionship you generally don’t need to look far. Not only are you good-looking, but you know how to make your looks work for you in most situations.  Only rarely does your shwie appearance attract the wrong sort of attention.
Benefit: With minor Allure, you gain a +2 step Skill die bonus on all actions keyed to appearance, such as: seduction, negotiation, persuasion, or winning beauty pageants. If you are gorgeous enough to have major Allure, any Plot Points spent on such actions are improved as if you had spent 2 additional points. (For example, if you are spending 2 Plot Points to improve a seduction attempt, your additional die is a d8 rather than a d4. If you spend 2 points after the roll is made, your final result is improved by 4 instead of 2.)

Fightin' Type (Major) +4 / You know how to handle yourself in almost any combat-type situation—whether it’s a rough-andtumble brawl or a deadly shootin’ match.
Benefit: You may take one non-attack action each combat turn without penalty. For example, if you move and shoot in the same turn, your shot will not suffer the normal –1 step Skill penalty.

In Plain Sight (Minor) +2 / You have a tendency to fade into the background, avoid notice, or otherwise hide more effectively than most. Whether you make a living picking pockets in the streets of Persephone’s Eavesdown Docks or you’re engaging in corporate espionage, being able to keep your whereabouts under wraps is a valuable Trait. Gain a +2 Skill step to rolls to hide, avoid detection, or disguise yourself as another (nonspecific) person. As a Major Trait, any bonus die you get from spending Plot Points is increased by a +2 step. That means that if you spend 1 Plot Point to get a d2, it gets increased to a d6.

Intimidatin' Manner (Minor) +2 / You’ve got a steely-eyed stare. You have true grit. Something about you makes folk think twice before crossing you. Security guards call you “sir” (even if you’re a gal). Punks melt under your glare and confess everything they know and most of what they don’t.
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to Willpower on any action that involves intimidating, interrogating, bullying, frightening, and all manner of awing other folks. You can also use this on your rolls to resist similar attempts made against you.

Talented (Minor) +2 / Whatever it is, you’re good at it. You demonstrate a knack for a particular Skill and are able to perform better than others who have equivalent training. (You are a talented pilot, a talented dancer, etc.)
Benefit: Pick one Skill Specialty. You gain a +2 step Skill bonus on every use of that Skill. As a Major Trait, each progression to a higher die costs you 2 points less than normal. (The latter benefit applies only to advancement during play, not character creation.)
- Guns - Assault Rifle

Amnesia (Major) -4 / You just don’t know—and you don’t even know what it is you don’t know. As a Minor Trait, you’ve forgotten a significant block of time (months, or even years), but you still know who you are and you remember most of your life, though the “lost” portion is a complete blank. As a Major Complication, you have total amnesia. You don’t know your own name or remember your past. You have no memories except for vague little feelings urged by memory triggers. You have all your Skills and reflexes from your previous life, even if you can’t remember what that life was.
Note: Even if you pick an explanation for your loss of memory (head injury, corporate experimentation, etc), this is only what you think happened. The Game Master may weave your problem into the story however the GM sees fit.

Credo (Major) -4 / You live by a set of principles and you will not deviate from them without a damn good reason. And sometimes not even then! Not only are your principles likely to get you in trouble, people who know you can use your predictable behavior against you. (It might be worth noting that even though “Credo” might land you in hot swei, it could go hand-in-hand with the Asset “Good Name” or some such.)
Penalty: As a Minor Trait, pick a credo that will get you into minor trouble. Examples: You will always defend a lady’s honor, you never run from a fight. As a Major Trait, your credo is a sure fire way to put yourself in danger. Examples: you never leave a man behind; the Captain goes down with the ship; you always protect the weak.
- Never Leave a Man Behind

Easy Mark (Major) -4 / Someone back on Earth-That-Was said that a sucker is born every minute, and here you are. You believe what people tell you, whether it’s a get-richquick scheme, sob story, or other fay-fay d’pian.
Penalty: You generally believe what you’re told. (At least the character does, and as the player you’ll be rewarded with Plot Points for going along with this Trait.) In situations where you are attempting to distinguish the truth from lies, you suffer a –4 step Mental Attribute penalty.

Second Class Citizen (Major) -4 / For one reason or another, you’re considered a second-class citizen (at best) by your society. Maybe you were born on the wrong planet (core worlders on the Rim or Rim worlders in the core), or you wear the wrong color of coat.  You are still looked down upon by some folk.  Perhaps you’re of a certain political or religious persuasion from a planet where those things matter more than a bit. Whatever the case, you’re not given the respect and due consideration that others might be given, and some folk take open and aggressive action against you. As a Minor Complication, your status applies against you only in certain areas: a few planets, a swathe of the border, or similar. As a Major Complication, you receive poor treatment almost everywhere you go.
In social situations where it matters, your Trait applies a –2 Skill step on social rolls against those who look down on you.

Things Don't Go Smooth (Major) -4 / Lady Luck hates your guts. For as long as you can remember, things never have gone smooth for you.
Penalty: Bad luck follows you around. Coincidences never work in your favor. Once per session, the GM can force you to re-roll an action and take the lowest of the two results. As a Major Trait, the GM can make you re-roll two actions per session.

Role Playing Notes:

Ace couldn't remember anything beyond a few months ago.  He didn't even know his real name.  The name 'Ace' was given to him by Captain Jigs.  The only thing he remembered was being a member of Captain Jigs' crew.  Meeting her a few months ago and joining her crew was about as far back as he could remember.  For some reason, he was heavily injured and wearing an Alliance Trainee uniform at the time.  Another clue about his past is the tattoo on his left forearm, which for some reason causes most people who see it to become hostile toward him.  He has made efforts to hide it, but for some reason, perhaps due to his bad luck, it always seems to get exposed at the worst of times.

Although he does not remember his past, he appeared to have retained some remarkable skills, included firearm proficiency, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth tactics.  Whatever his past may be, it most likely involved a lot of violence and/or military training.  It was apparent, however, that he's not very attentive of his surroundings and may end up lost from time to time.  Perhaps because Jigs was the first person he met after losing his memories, he has become somewhat attached to her and, by extension, the rest of the crew.  His loyalty to the crew has caused him to go out of his way to ensure their safety and that no one gets left behind.

In spite of his amnesia, Ace is generally a friendly and optimistic individual. He is very considerate of others and always tries to help or encourage those who need it.  He can be very earnest and approaches any task with some eagerness, even if the task itself may prove daunting.  He makes an effort to be friendly to other people and displays loyalty to those he's closest to.  With an adventurous spirit, he's willing to give (almost) anything a try.

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Handed: Right


Ooh! I am definitely interested in this is you are still accepting new interest. I do not have time right now to write up a character tonight but will do so tomorrow.

"When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of their beloved sports teams, because they didn't want to appear muscle-y, when at 18, my male friends were unable to express their feelings, I decided that I was a feminist." - Emma Watson

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Deathnote on August 03, 2020, 01:20:23 AM
Ace - First Mate

Agility   - d10
Strength - d10
Vitality - d8
Alertness - d6
Intelligence - d4
Willpower - d12

Lifepoints: 20
Initiative: d10 + d6

Athletics - d6
- Dodge - d10
- Stealth - d10
Discipline - d6
- Interrogation - d10
Guns - d6
- Assault Rifle - d10
Influence - d6
Perception - d4
Pilot - d2
Unarmed Combat - d6
- Brawling - d10

Weapons & Equipment

Duster, Armored ₡ 6, Armor Rating 4 W, Agility-Alertness-step penalty 1, weight: 4
Chameleon Cloak ₡ 36, Armor Rating 1 W, Agility-Alertness-step penalty 0, weight: 8
Knife, Combat ₡ 1.6, Damage d4 W, Weight: 1
Rifle, Assault ₡ 40, Damage d8 W Range: 150, Max ROF: 3 (40), Weight: 11
Pistol, Heavy ₡ 22, Damage d8 W Range: 120, Max ROF: 2 (12), Weight: 5
Harness ₡ 6, Weight: 3
Holster, Speed-Draw ₡ 10, Weight: 2

Uniform, Alliance


Allure (Minor) +2 / You are physically attractive, either a handsome fellow or a lovely woman. When you desire companionship you generally don’t need to look far. Not only are you good-looking, but you know how to make your looks work for you in most situations.  Only rarely does your shwie appearance attract the wrong sort of attention.
Benefit: With minor Allure, you gain a +2 step Skill die bonus on all actions keyed to appearance, such as: seduction, negotiation, persuasion, or winning beauty pageants. If you are gorgeous enough to have major Allure, any Plot Points spent on such actions are improved as if you had spent 2 additional points. (For example, if you are spending 2 Plot Points to improve a seduction attempt, your additional die is a d8 rather than a d4. If you spend 2 points after the roll is made, your final result is improved by 4 instead of 2.)

Fightin' Type (Major) +4 / You know how to handle yourself in almost any combat-type situation—whether it’s a rough-andtumble brawl or a deadly shootin’ match.
Benefit: You may take one non-attack action each combat turn without penalty. For example, if you move and shoot in the same turn, your shot will not suffer the normal –1 step Skill penalty.

In Plain Sight (Minor) +2 / You have a tendency to fade into the background, avoid notice, or otherwise hide more effectively than most. Whether you make a living picking pockets in the streets of Persephone’s Eavesdown Docks or you’re engaging in corporate espionage, being able to keep your whereabouts under wraps is a valuable Trait. Gain a +2 Skill step to rolls to hide, avoid detection, or disguise yourself as another (nonspecific) person. As a Major Trait, any bonus die you get from spending Plot Points is increased by a +2 step. That means that if you spend 1 Plot Point to get a d2, it gets increased to a d6.

Intimidatin' Manner (Minor) +2 / You’ve got a steely-eyed stare. You have true grit. Something about you makes folk think twice before crossing you. Security guards call you “sir” (even if you’re a gal). Punks melt under your glare and confess everything they know and most of what they don’t.
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to Willpower on any action that involves intimidating, interrogating, bullying, frightening, and all manner of awing other folks. You can also use this on your rolls to resist similar attempts made against you.

Talented (Minor) +2 / Whatever it is, you’re good at it. You demonstrate a knack for a particular Skill and are able to perform better than others who have equivalent training. (You are a talented pilot, a talented dancer, etc.)
Benefit: Pick one Skill Specialty. You gain a +2 step Skill bonus on every use of that Skill. As a Major Trait, each progression to a higher die costs you 2 points less than normal. (The latter benefit applies only to advancement during play, not character creation.)
- Guns - Assault Rifle

Amnesia (Major) -4 / You just don’t know—and you don’t even know what it is you don’t know. As a Minor Trait, you’ve forgotten a significant block of time (months, or even years), but you still know who you are and you remember most of your life, though the “lost” portion is a complete blank. As a Major Complication, you have total amnesia. You don’t know your own name or remember your past. You have no memories except for vague little feelings urged by memory triggers. You have all your Skills and reflexes from your previous life, even if you can’t remember what that life was.
Note: Even if you pick an explanation for your loss of memory (head injury, corporate experimentation, etc), this is only what you think happened. The Game Master may weave your problem into the story however the GM sees fit.

Credo (Major) -4 / You live by a set of principles and you will not deviate from them without a damn good reason. And sometimes not even then! Not only are your principles likely to get you in trouble, people who know you can use your predictable behavior against you. (It might be worth noting that even though “Credo” might land you in hot swei, it could go hand-in-hand with the Asset “Good Name” or some such.)
Penalty: As a Minor Trait, pick a credo that will get you into minor trouble. Examples: You will always defend a lady’s honor, you never run from a fight. As a Major Trait, your credo is a sure fire way to put yourself in danger. Examples: you never leave a man behind; the Captain goes down with the ship; you always protect the weak.
- Never Leave a Man Behind

Easy Mark (Major) -4 / Someone back on Earth-That-Was said that a sucker is born every minute, and here you are. You believe what people tell you, whether it’s a get-richquick scheme, sob story, or other fay-fay d’pian.
Penalty: You generally believe what you’re told. (At least the character does, and as the player you’ll be rewarded with Plot Points for going along with this Trait.) In situations where you are attempting to distinguish the truth from lies, you suffer a –4 step Mental Attribute penalty.

Second Class Citizen (Major) -4 / For one reason or another, you’re considered a second-class citizen (at best) by your society. Maybe you were born on the wrong planet (core worlders on the Rim or Rim worlders in the core), or you wear the wrong color of coat.  You are still looked down upon by some folk.  Perhaps you’re of a certain political or religious persuasion from a planet where those things matter more than a bit. Whatever the case, you’re not given the respect and due consideration that others might be given, and some folk take open and aggressive action against you. As a Minor Complication, your status applies against you only in certain areas: a few planets, a swathe of the border, or similar. As a Major Complication, you receive poor treatment almost everywhere you go.
In social situations where it matters, your Trait applies a –2 Skill step on social rolls against those who look down on you.

Things Don't Go Smooth (Major) -4 / Lady Luck hates your guts. For as long as you can remember, things never have gone smooth for you.
Penalty: Bad luck follows you around. Coincidences never work in your favor. Once per session, the GM can force you to re-roll an action and take the lowest of the two results. As a Major Trait, the GM can make you re-roll two actions per session.

Role Playing Notes:

Ace couldn't remember anything beyond a few months ago.  He didn't even know his real name.  The name 'Ace' was given to him by Captain Jigs.  The only thing he remembered was being a member of Captain Jigs' crew.  Meeting her a few months ago and joining her crew was about as far back as he could remember.  For some reason, he was heavily injured and wearing an Alliance Trainee uniform at the time.  Another clue about his past is the tattoo on his left forearm, which for some reason causes most people who see it to become hostile toward him.  He has made efforts to hide it, but for some reason, perhaps due to his bad luck, it always seems to get exposed at the worst of times.

Although he does not remember his past, he appeared to have retained some remarkable skills, included firearm proficiency, hand-to-hand combat, and stealth tactics.  Whatever his past may be, it most likely involved a lot of violence and/or military training.  It was apparent, however, that he's not very attentive of his surroundings and may end up lost from time to time.  Perhaps because Jigs was the first person he met after losing his memories, he has become somewhat attached to her and, by extension, the rest of the crew.  His loyalty to the crew has caused him to go out of his way to ensure their safety and that no one gets left behind.

In spite of his amnesia, Ace is generally a friendly and optimistic individual. He is very considerate of others and always tries to help or encourage those who need it.  He can be very earnest and approaches any task with some eagerness, even if the task itself may prove daunting.  He makes an effort to be friendly to other people and displays loyalty to those he's closest to.  With an adventurous spirit, he's willing to give (almost) anything a try.

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Handed: Right

Loaded up with the max in points from complications with all of them at 4.   Such has the prospect of being crippling.  However, if you're fine with such, character is approved and been listed on crew.   

Quote from: ElayneTrakand on August 03, 2020, 06:33:17 AM
Ooh! I am definitely interested in this is you are still accepting new interest. I do not have time right now to write up a character tonight but will do so tomorrow.

Yes at this time still open but is closng submissions after you.   


Hey there.

My character is done and in my Google docs.  I have to work tonight and tomorrow night (630p to 630a) but I will get her posted on Wednesday.  I'm sorry for the hold up but I want to post the sheet from my computer


Should have my sheet finished tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

Thinking of
this image
as while the western looks lacking it's the least fantasy based I'd found.

And on the six shooter and spaceships pdf does that automatic shotgun work for a pump action as the only other one I've seen in the files was the two barrel one?

Marie Reynolds

Character Image

Character sheet

Name: Amy Clover Beckett
Nickname: Clover Beckett

Agility: 1d8
Strength: 1d6
Vitality: 1d6
Alertness: 1d8
Intelligence: 1d6
Willpower: 1d8

Initiative: 1d12(Agility w/lightning reflexes)+1d8(Alertness)
Life Points: 14


Athletics:  1d6
Contortion 1d8
Dodge: 1d8
Covert:   1d6
Lock Picking 1d8
Discipline:    1d6
Mental Resistance: 1d8
Linguist:   1d6
ASL 1d8
Mechanical Engineering: 1d6
Fix Mechanical Security Systems 1d8
Perception: 1d6
Technical Engineering: 1d6
Communication Systems 1d8
Technical Security Systems 1d8
Unarmed: 1d6
Credits: 5
Boxing GlovesX2 ₡ 2/5p 4 E Recreational versions
Goggles ₡ 1. 2/3p 1 E Protection for eyes
Multi-Tool ₡ 2/5p 1 E Multi-function pocket tool
Cuffs(Plastic) ₡ 6/15p 1 E hands and arms For binding of  hands and arms
Cuffs(Metal)   ₡ 6/15p 1 E hands and arms For binding of  hands and arms
Tool Set, Electronic ₡ 138 / 345p 45 C Used for computer and electronic device or circuit work
Tool Set, Mechanic’s ₡ 284 / 710p 130 E A moderately well-furnished workshop
Tool Kit, Basic ₡ 14.4 / 36p 15 E A full set of basic hand-tools
Lock Picks ₡ 14 / 35p – I Required for mechanical locks
Lock Picks, Electronic ₡ 35.4 / 88p 1 I Required for electronic locks
Dedicated Sourcebox ₡ 154 / 385p 30 C Allows access to Cortex, but also acts
Ballistic Mesh 1W * – ₡ 46 / 115p 4 C
Ballistic Mesh: Used much like the bulletproof
vests of Earth-That-Was, ballistic mesh is a finelywoven cloth of metal and plastic over polymer
sheeting. In basic dummy-talk, the mesh stops
bullets, and it isn’t as heavy or bulky as other armors.
The mesh was often used by the Independents
during the war, since it was hard for them to find
heavier body-armor.
Ballistic mesh is meant to stop bullets and that’s
about it. The mesh absorbs 1 Wound point from any
attack on an area covered by the suit (torso, arms
and legs, usually), but it doesn’t do much more than
that to protect against knives, bombs and so on.
Against normal bullets, however, the mesh converts
all Wound damage to Stun damage (and Shock
Points, if the victim takes too much Stun). This
effect doesn’t apply to arrows, bolts, or explosive
Restraints(Manacles) ₡ 20/50p 10 C For binding entire body
Restraints(Straitjacket) ₡ 20/50p 10 C For binding entire body

Allure Minor -2
You are physically attractive, either a handsome
fellow or a lovely woman. When you desire
companionship you generally don’t need to look far.
Not only are you good-looking, but you know how
to make your looks work for you in most situations.
Only rarely does your shwie
appearance attract the
wrong sort of attention.
Benefit: With minor
Allure, you gain a +2
step Skill die bonus
on all actions keyed to
appearance, such as:
seduction, negotiation,
persuasion, or winning
beauty pageants.

You know how to handle yourself in almost any
combat-type situation—whether it’s a rough-andtumble brawl or a deadly shootin’ match.
Benefit: You may take one non-attack action
each combat turn without penalty. For example, if
you move and shoot in the same turn, your shot will
not suffer the normal –1 step Skill penalty.

You react to danger quickly. Folk rarely get the
drop on you. In a quick-draw contest, your gun is
out before the other fellow can find his holster.
Benefit: You gain a +2 step Attribute bonus to
your Agility on all Initiative rolls.

You’ve got a mental alarm that sounds when
something’s about to go wrong with the plan. You
can tell when a no-good guay toh guay nown is lying his
ass off. You have a creepy feeling that someone is
standing behind that door.
Benefit: You can make an Intelligence- or
Alertness-based roll to sense trouble even when
circumstances might not normally permit it (you’re
dancing at a hoe-down), and you gain a +2 step
bonus to either Attribute when the circumstances
warrant (you’re sneaking into the hide-out of the
local crime boss).

You’ve got an ear for languages and can learn
a new one with remarkable ease. You can pick up
specific dialects and recreate accents with little
effort. This talent helps you blend in with the locals
no matter where you wind up. By listening to people
talk, you get a pretty good idea where they’re from
(which might come in handy when they’re not being
perfectly honest about such!).
Benefit: You learn Linguist Specialties at half
their normal cost. You can also imitate and detect
specific accents and dialects, giving you a +2 step
Skill bonus to Influence or Performance (and
appropriate Specialties) whenever you are trying to
pass for a native.


DEADLY ENEMY (Meghan Walters, She wants to recapture Amy Clover Beckett)
(MINOR) +2
You have made yourself a dangerous enemy—
someone who’ll go to great lengths to either capture
or kill you.
Penalty: Someone is out to get you. You don’t
have to specify the nature of your nemesis, though
your personal background may provide you or the
GM with ideas. Your enemy might be extremely
powerful and dangerous, posing a direct threat every
3 to 5 adventures, at the GM’s discretion. You’ll
never be completely free of the danger until you
buy off this Complication—so even if you think
you’ve gotten rid of your enemy, the threat remains
in one form or another at the discretion of the GM.
For example, if you kill a major enemy, his brother
or best friend will swear vengeance and take up the

You can’t speak. You can communicate to others
only through sign language and writing.
Penalty: You don’t suffer any penalties to
actions, though you must make use of non-verbal
communication to get your point across. Whenever
this causes you significant challenges, the GM
should reward you with one or more Plot Points.

(MAJOR) +4
Lady Luck hates your guts. For as long as you can
remember, things never have gone smooth for you.
Penalty: Bad luck follows you around.
Coincidences never work in your favor. Once per
session, the GM can force you to re-roll an action
and take the lowest of the two results. As a Major
Trait, the GM can make you re-roll two actions per

(MINOR) +2
You avoid black cats, dodge around ladders, and
refuse to pick up a mirror for fear you’ll drop it. You
believe in omens and harbingers of luck—good and
bad. You don’t take any chances. If you spill the salt,
you cast a pinch over your shoulder while counting
backwards from five.
Penalty: You have a wide set of superstitious
beliefs that affect your everyday behavior. Such
beliefs can be self-fulfilling prophecies, however.
Whenever you receive an omen of bad luck, you
receive a –2 penalty to all of your Attributes for a
set of actions (determined by the GM). Fortunately
the reverse is true as well; when you receive an omen
of good luck, the GM will determine a group of
actions to receive a +2 Attribute bonus.

PHOBIA (MINOR) +2 (Being  a Hostage)
Something scares the mi tian gohn out of you. Just
the mention of this object sends a shiver up your
spine, causes your knees to buckle, and your gut to
clench. You fall to pieces when having to deal with
Penalty: Specify your phobia. The object of
your fear is either uncommon and you have an
extreme reaction to it (going to pieces at the sight
of a corpse), or your phobia is more common (fear
of needles, guns, heights, spiders, etc.). You become
shaken in its presence, suffering a –2 step Attribute
penalty on all actions.

Role playing Notes

Gender:Female( Gender fluid)
Sexuality: Demisexual/panromantic
Height: 5'
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Handed: Right

August 17th 2492 born
2493 1
2494 2
2495 3
2496 4
2497 5
2498 6
2499 7
2500 8
2501 9
2502 10
2503 11
2504 12
2505 13
2506 14
2507 15
2508 16
2509 17
2510 18 Taken by  a slaver posing as a  representative of a   institute dedicated to training  young women to serve in the  houses and business of  Wealthy and connected individuals
2511 19
2512 20
2513 21
2514 22
2515 23
2516 24
2517 25
2518 26

Personality: Quiet and  polite  though once she gets to know people she will let her hair  down and  show her fun loving side.


Amy Clover Beckett, Born  and raised in Athens on August 17th 2492. The  Beckett's lived in rural Athens and had  two Neighbor farms. One family pure Chinese the Zhao family and the other neighbor traced its roots back  to London on earth that was an there name was Davies.  The Beckett's, The Zhao and the  Davies family  formed an extended family, each farm agreed to share their harvests and profits to help care for each other.  Thanks to  living  in  the rural areas as the unification war started the three families lives did not impact them as did some of the others.  Though money  did become tight eventually  a Meghan Walters came to the three farms and   made them an offer to become students  of  the Walter's institute for  women  The families agreed the offer would be good for the daughters to  learn new skills and have a future. Also the daughters were on board cause the family would receive  money as part of their agreement  to have the daughters enter the academy. Meghan claimed it was part of the  funds given to found this institute and bring in its first group of students. Biyu, Amy, and Emily. After two months of training each girl was sent to their first jobs. Amy was sent to Santos and her employer was not anything she expected  Kara Alister was a recluse to say the least and  her all female staff had unique roles to play in looking after her home. The others who worked with Amy  were not treated like employees but slaves.  They rarely were kept clothed and  were used for a variety of tasks and entertainment  for the whims of Kara Alister. I was assigned to  repairing maintaining  technical security  and communication and physical security equipment. She like the other girls where assigned a Handler that was actually payed staff unlike the other girls. Amy's handler was Tara,  she was kind to all the girls that where kept their even though she never  plotted escape or anything. Actually a lot of the time if Amy was not being shown how to repair things she was being tied up and testing new security measures  to prevent girls escape or to hold them while facing punishment for failing a task. All the girls also learned how to fight hand to hand but had to engage in fights with the arms or legs bound and to cause submission for the entertainment of Kara. As we worked it was Clear that  Kara was playing  double agent to the brown coats and the alliance forces feeding them both information and profiting. Just as  2511  to roll around the corner  Kara complex was raided by brown coats and it turned out that Tara was a private investigator that stumbled onto this case and infiltrated and  she  managed to reach out to  The Brown coats and the sent a team to apprehend Kara and shut down the  slave ring as well. However when the raid happened and the cornered Kara she took Amy hostage only long enough for Kara to cut her throat and threw her at the brown coats as she tried to escape. She was not successful and Kara lost her life. Thankfully the brown coats brought a medic with them  and saved her live but she was never able to speak again. Meghan was not at the complex so she is stil on the loose and Amy to this day has not heard or  found any leads on Biyu and  Emily. The brown coats did not have much time to find her friends to bring the ring completely to a close as the war was coming to an end. However Tara swore to keep investigating and try to find  Meghan and hopefully  Amy's friends.  Amy did send a wave home telling them she was moved to a new contract and was doing well and that it would involve a lot of moving but she would  keep in touch and told them she had not heard from Biyu and Emily as the have been sent to other employers and must  be very busy. She did not want to worry them till Tara could complete her investigation and hopefully turn up something about her friends. Until then she  tried to find work on  Santos in the mean while till she could find something a job to get her off planet and away from the memories of this place. She finally landed a gig with a crew to at least get her passage to their next port by repairing and maintaining the security systems of the ship and communication systems of the ship

This is  for where she will met Jigs and maybe other crew members when  that can be worked out.



Which do you think would work better?  A tattoo of the chinese characters for “nine dragons” or a tattoo of a nine-headed dragon?

Elven Sex Goddess

Marie Reynolds-Clover approved
RegretNot-Hannibal approved

Deathnote-Chinese characters nine dragons be my preference, but that's mine, go with what you like.

Marie Reynolds

I added a notation to the name of the Deadly Enemy and notated her goal is to recapture Clover.


Sorry it's late.

Here's Annabell
Roleplay notes

Annabell was born in the black, lives in the black, and will most likely die in the black. Born to spacers Jack and Jill, and yes they've heard all the jokes, on the ship Mail Call. The vessel was a cargo and passenger runner that spent most of it's time near the Core Worlds focusing on safe and profitable runs. She spent her early years roaming the ship and sticking her nose into anything she could find when not following Core approved lessons on a pad, her birth condition of being mute worrying her parents and ensuring them that 'homeschooling' her was the best option.  Her parents, and in fact the entire crew of Mail Call's protectiveness only grew with both the start of The Unification War and the fact that she never really grew up only out in certain ways. Despite being a bit of a clutz Anna put her small size to good use though and followed her in father's footsteps and focusing on mechanics and ship repair.

The uncertainties of the war led to Jackson, the security officer on Mail Call to teach her how to shoot, dry firing and maintenance upon the ship and actual shooting whenever they were on land where Anna also learned the horrors of large open areas and Illnesses. While the ship was called upon to make several delivery runs and had a few close calls with battle fields no one was pulled into the draft and they made it through the war relatively unscathed.

On reaching her majority she left Mail Call seeking her own path. A few runs with The Lost Thought led her out to the rim where she bounced from ship to ship trying to find one she could work with. Her most recent joining was an old Firefly class called Amorous that had recently lost their mechanic. The interview could have gone better as the Captain's garb left little to the imagination and left her quite flushed the entire conversation.

Annabell's a cheerful and bouncy little thing that's more comfortable deep in the black while buried in the guts of a machine then anywhere else. During free time she frequently plays an odd instrument called the hurdy gurdy or plays with paint, she's a decent player but her skills in painting are amatureish at best as shown by the lopsided and wobbly daisy painted on the stock of her shotgun.

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Hexed on August 05, 2020, 10:37:21 PM
Sorry it's late.

Here's Annabell
Roleplay notes

Annabell was born in the black, lives in the black, and will most likely die in the black. Born to spacers Jack and Jill, and yes they've heard all the jokes, on the ship Mail Call. The vessel was a cargo and passenger runner that spent most of it's time near the Core Worlds focusing on safe and profitable runs. She spent her early years roaming the ship and sticking her nose into anything she could find when not following Core approved lessons on a pad, her birth condition of being mute worrying her parents and ensuring them that 'homeschooling' her was the best option.  Her parents, and in fact the entire crew of Mail Call's protectiveness only grew with both the start of The Unification War and the fact that she never really grew up only out in certain ways. Despite being a bit of a clutz Anna put her small size to good use though and followed her in father's footsteps and focusing on mechanics and ship repair.

The uncertainties of the war led to Jackson, the security officer on Mail Call to teach her how to shoot, dry firing and maintenance upon the ship and actual shooting whenever they were on land where Anna also learned the horrors of large open areas and Illnesses. While the ship was called upon to make several delivery runs and had a few close calls with battle fields no one was pulled into the draft and they made it through the war relatively unscathed.

On reaching her majority she left Mail Call seeking her own path. A few runs with The Lost Thought led her out to the rim where she bounced from ship to ship trying to find one she could work with. Her most recent joining was an old Firefly class called Amorous that had recently lost their mechanic. The interview could have gone better as the Captain's garb left little to the imagination and left her quite flushed the entire conversation.

Annabell's a cheerful and bouncy little thing that's more comfortable deep in the black while buried in the guts of a machine then anywhere else. During free time she frequently plays an odd instrument called the hurdy gurdy or plays with paint, she's a decent player but her skills in painting are amatureish at best as shown by the lopsided and wobbly daisy painted on the stock of her shotgun.


Elven Sex Goddess


Elven Sex Goddess


Ack!  I was out of town and having a really hard time connecting.  Am I too late, ESG? 

If not, can you give me some ideas of ship's rolls that aren't filled? 

^_^;;  Just had the wierd idea of a Shepard type jump into my head.  No clue where i'm going with it, though. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Muse on August 06, 2020, 09:50:48 PM
Ack!  I was out of town and having a really hard time connecting.  Am I too late, ESG? 

If not, can you give me some ideas of ship's rolls that aren't filled? 

^_^;;  Just had the wierd idea of a Shepard type jump into my head.  No clue where i'm going with it, though.

No worries,  the slot open still is the socialite and of course as you mention a ship could do with a shepherd type.   Anyways don't fret.   I am doing up IC threads for Sunday night.    If not done you and ElayneTrakand are still welcome to make characters.   Just come in late.