Dark Fantasies. M seeking F for long term storytelling, worldbuilding, and plots

Started by Bohemian, July 07, 2020, 01:38:37 PM

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Earth has been transformed into a sprawling neon Hellscape of steel towers that reach past the clouds. MegaCorporations battle each other for supremacy over districts, profits, and the right to control Totalitarian Government Agencies from behind the scenes. Human lives, liberties, and freedoms are mere causalities as the corrupt and cruel live in unregulated excess. Dissidents are punished, sold as personal pets or sent to work in colonies off-world. Augmentations are commonplace, as techno-cults and other futuristic doomsday prophets take to the streets to try and stake claim in what little territories they can.

You Are
A Freedom Fighter

"Against the fucking wall" A man, dressed head to toe in TojiCorp Riot Geartm slams you into the building. Your head rings as a pair of heavy MagLev cuffs force your wrists together behind your back, the blare of sirens above contributing to the cacophony of brutality. Red and blue neon lights bathe the scene as you watch your companions, fellow rebels protesting the recent anti-humanity law passed by TojiCorp are tazed, cuffed, and shoved into vehicles to be taken in for processing.

A Corporate Leader

"You can't be serious" you say in disbelief, as a sharply dressed young man puts his feet on your desk, grinning like a wolf in the moonlight. "Oh I'm afraid I am. Your quarterly projects were far below what we expected, so they called me to take over." From behind, you can feel the metallic hands of your android personal assistant fasten a SubTechtm collar around your neck. Volts of electricity arc from the device through your body, sending you to your knees in front of your new boss, and owner.

Something Else
Feel free to send me a message with your own creative ideas.

In The Ashes

In The Ashes

The world ended, but we're still here. Civilization lies in ruins and ash, as bands of raiders and scavengers wage war across the remains. Water, food, ammunition are all in scarce supply, but for the young men leading Warbands, nothing is more valuable than fertile bodies. Women of promising or proven fertility (crudely labeled 'MILFs') are valued as slaves, prisoners, and paraded around as signs of wealth and power. The larger a Warleader's harem, the more formidable he appears, and the more viciously challengers try to dethrone him.

You Are
Freshly Captured
You had managed for so long to avoid the bands of raiders, the scavengers, and the young men who took to the abandoned city, trying to scavenge it for resources. All it took was one wrong step, one unintentional noise that alerted them to your presence, before you found yourself a prisoner. Freshly captured. Ropes binding your wrists together as you're forcibly marched to an encampment where you would likely spend the rest of your life.

A Defeated Queen
For years you ran one of the most powerful and successful warbands in the wasteland, to some a savior, to others a tyrant A woman without a collar around her neck, without tattoos and brands and piercings branding her body and signaling her as a claimed body was a powerful thing indeed. You inspired hope, defiance, and strength to those who needed it most. Or at least you did.

Now you find yourself dragged in chains into the encampment of your greatest enemy. Your base nothing more than a smoldering pile of rubble as you enter the tent of your conqueror.

Something Else[/i]
Feel free to send me a message with your own creative ideas.

The Magical Academy

The Magical Academy

Hidden deeply away from prying eyes, The Academy is a school for practitioners of magic. Only the most promising and precocious students are allowed admittance here, to a place where ambition is the only law of survival. Of course mages are a jealous and competitive group, one wrong step or misplaced tome could end you on the receiving end of a binding spell...

You Are
A Haughty Professor
"Comfortable?" My voice teases, as I lean against your desk twirling my wand. You struggled in response, thick tendrils of black rope-like material bindings your wrists and ankles to your chair. "Now that I have your attention I think we should discuss that failing grade you gave me for my last assignment... what was it you said? 'I'll never amount to anything more than an apprentice's whelp?' Well you certainly weren't ready for that binding rune I placed on your seat..." I got up. It was time for a little re-education.

A Summoned Succubus
I was desperate for more power. My spells were nothing compared to my peers, and at the rate I was going I was sure to be expelled or cast out. As I sat on the stone floor of the dungeons, my mind raced as I finished inscribing the runes on the floor I found from a forbidden tome in the study. A spell that would summon forth a Succubus. This was a dangerous proposition of course, a Succubus was a powerful magical creature, and if it wasn't properly tamed or controlled it could very easily destroy me, as it did to thousands of other overconfident mages in years past.

Something Else
Feel free to send me a message with your own creative ideas.