Breakthroughs (original supers / freeform ) [RECRUITMENT]

Started by Lyrical, June 13, 2020, 08:51:23 PM

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Quote from: Juggtacular on June 15, 2020, 02:39:58 PM
My guy is free to pair up as well. College student with a rapidly rising professional fighting career.
Looking forward to seeing this character sheet. PM me when ready so we can go over it.

For EVERYONE - A quick note that we have a lot of physical strong types in the works. So I'm really looking for other unique abilities.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Did you want us to post characters here Sarita? :D

I can post my lovely lady so we might form connections with our characters. XD



Additional Images

Alias: None.
Name: Derrick "Dae" Ernst
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Birth Place / Ethnicity: Brooklyn, NY/ Caucasian

General Appearance: Dae is a scruffy, down-to-earth, white male. His hair is dark-brown with natural lighter tints in certain lighting giving it a chestnut color. His eyes are grey, and his body type is average as though he works out occasionally but not all the time. He dresses casual most of the time: jeans and T-shirts. He has a few button-up, collared shirts. When he was 18-years-old, he got a black, vine-like tattoo on his left bicep and across it, reads “Believe.” He wears his watch on his right wrist and he wears a woven, leather bracelet with stone beads on his left.

Personality Traits: Dae is just trying to survive in this world. Every day his routine for him. He wakes up in the morning and does his morning ritual. He goes to work at an Italian restaurant called “Calabros.” He inspects the deliveries of fresh ingredients, preps them, and then he will attend a few culinary classes at Superior University. He will return at lunch hour to cook, and then in the evening, he is manning the bar as a bartender. Dae will stay until closing and head home for the night to repeat this process again the next day.

He likes cooking and being creative. He has studied more than just Italian cuisine and he can be a foodie when he dines at other restaurants. He hopes to one day open his own restaurant, but currently his job is paying for his college. Dae can be a little stingy with his money, and so doesn’t own a car and instead uses public transportation to get around cheaply.

Dae doesn’t like injustice. He doesn’t like being wronged or hearing about how others were. Deep down, he just wishes that there was something he could do to stop it. More than anything, he just wishes he could save people from others that would do them harm, but he is only human.

Powers/Special abilities:
None of these powers are passive. They all must be activated depending on the right mood he is in, and he has to believe he can do it. Dae is still learning about what all he can do and is unaware of most of these abilities.

  • Emotion Empowerment: Dae can become stronger and faster by his emotions or others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. He can draw sustenance from these emotions, which fuels his body in ways that slow his aging processes. Both positive and negative emotions can empower Dae. Positive emotions such as happiness, determination, confidence, bravery, laughter, love and even sexual arousal. Negative emotions such as all intensity levels of anger create his most destructive abilities involving fire and explosions, similar to the emotion. Emotions that depower him are sadness, doubt, and fear.
  • Superhuman Strength: Dae can perform feats of great strength, depending on his emotional state. Positive emotions allow him to control the extent and application of his strength. Negative emotions such as anger make his strength uncontrollable and destructive. At the start of the game, Dae can lift 800 lbs if his mood is positive, and 2 tons if his mood is negative, specifically, angry. He also has to believe he can perform the feat. Therefore, his powers aren't passively turned on, but are instead activated by his intent.
  • Superhuman Speed: Dae can perform feats of enhanced speed, depending on his emotional state. Positive emotions allow him to control the extent and application of his speed. Negative emotions such as anger cause him to shift into what is called "Pursuit." While in "Pursuit," the fastest Dae will chase his victim is 45 mph. Dae has to believe he is capable of this feat in order to execute it. Otherwise, if he doubts his abilities, then he cannot use them.
  • Fury: When Dae is angry, his body temperature increases and flames appear in his eyes and even leave his mouth. His skin becomes flushed, and his punches become explosive on contact, releasing kinetic bursts of energy. Anger can feel like a high, depending on the situation. Sometimes, he doesn't want to be angry, and the emotion is upsetting, adding to his anger and making the situation unpleasant. When Dae is angry, he can't focus, and it is difficult for him to listen to reason. He becomes destructive and reckless.
  • Heightened Focus: When Dae's mind is clear of negative emotions such as doubt, anger, or sadness, he can focus. His heightened level of focus grants him awareness of people, objects, and other significant factors around him. He is aware of where his body is and the state that it is in. He can then react swift and smoothly to situations faster than the average human. His actions would appear like fast reflexes to someone watching, allowing him to dodge a swift moving object such as a ball or lobbed object, catch a ball careening toward his head, or react to a spontaneous and dangerous situation safely.


Beep; beep; beep; beep!

The alarm clock announced the beginning of a long and repetitive day. The red, digital numerals on the clock face pierced through the pitch-black room. The light had been so bright that the clock had been turned to face away from the bed that comforted a slumbering form. The blanket molded about an “S-shape” that stirred and squirmed. A brown, cow-licked head emerged from beneath the blankets, pressing into a white, fluffy pillow before a hand emerged next, extending on an arm to clap down on top of the alarm clock’s snooze button. A low and long sigh escaped from the man’s nostrils as he brought his hand back to grasp his face. In the silent darkness of his room, he laid there unmoving. Another fucking day…

Derrick Ernst dropped his hand from his face and sat up in his bed. He threw aside the covers and swung his legs over to the floor as he rose to his feet. His arms stretched out, head tipped to the side to stretch his neck, and his chest expanded with a deep breath before he released it all in an abrupt gasp. He faced his night stand to cut on his lamp and grasping his white, T-shirt, he brought the garment up and over his head as he cast it against the wall. He then dropped his boxer shorts and stalked straight into the bathroom to prepare for his long day.

Dae emerged from his apartment wearing a black school bag, a gray, zipper hoodie, a dark-blue T-shirt, and blue jeans. Earbuds were in his ears, blasting a chill song as he locked his apartment door and headed to his first stop, work. He passed others on the sidewalk who were busy in their errands. People who crowded the bus stop and cyclists commuting to work. His grey eyes settled on the bike as he remembered how he had considered buying a bicycle once, but he didn’t trust himself to navigate the city. He would most likely get hit.

His commute brought him to a street corner with others who were gathered and waiting for the little green man to appear on the signal lamp. He kept his eyes straight ahead and not on the girl who stood next to him, staring down at her phone, and not into her tits that she openly put on display in her burgundy top. Nope. He wasn’t looking one bit. She was wearing sunglasses. Her cinnamon curls spiraled down to her shoulders. She wore dark stockings with her high-waisted denim shorts and black sneakers. That light needed to hurry up.

The signal was taking forever and Dae began to wonder if it was broken, which wouldn’t have been unusual. Annoying, but not odd. A few anxious pedestrians made a mad dash across the crosswalk, and the girl, still staring down at her phone started to walk. Dae watched her absently for a few seconds. Surely, she had known the signal hadn’t changed yet. As soon as she stepped off the curb into traffic, his dark brows rose, pupils shrank, and he felt a sudden tension in his chest.

“Shit!” the curse left his mouth as he lunged forward, shouldering through people. He didn’t mean to plow through them, but he wasn’t exactly thinking about apologizing in that moment. Dae stepped off the curve, his hand outstretched for the girl’s arm. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the approaching grill of a grey, 1991 Oldsmobile. His face paled. The Oldsmobile’s tires screeched as the driver finally took notice of his and the girl’s existence. The girl’s head snapped up from her phone. Dae’s body reacted. He turned toward the car and received the grill in his arms like a football. The rubber of his shoes ground until they peeled against the asphalt. He felt his ass push into the girl’s hips as she planted her hand against his back and fell against him. And then finally, the car stopped.

Dae was still hugging the hot grill when his knees slowly dropped to the turf. His heart was racing, eyes still large with shock. His arms were shaking, but what frightened him was that he had to slowly pry them off. The driver instantly threw open his door and stepped out.

“Are ya’ll all right? I’m sorry; I’m so sorry!” he panicked.

“You need to pay the fuck attention!” the girl roared. “You lucky your car stopped. You coulda’ ran us over!”

Dae was on his hands and knees with a thousand-yard stare. Yes; the driver had braked. He had braked in time. The girl rested a hand on his back, waking him from his condition. “Are you all right? Thank you. I can’t believe you put yourself in front a car like that. You saved my life,” she thanked.

Dae recovered to his feet, and his head immediately snapped down as he felt his socks through the soles of his shoes. He peered down at the rolled strips of rubber that were once his soles forming tracks upon the street.

“Hey; are you okay?” the girl asked again. She had stepped closer and looked into his eyes.

The green man flashed on the signal lamp and the crowd of bystanders started walking, clapping him on the shoulder as they passed. Dae still felt like his brain was in the clouds. The only response he managed to return was: “I need t' gota work…”

Personal Bio
To be filled in after we begin. For now you should keep this to yourself and your writing partner that you are paired with. At least until we begin.

Once we begin you can discuss with fellow writer's your character relationships as they meet and add them in at the bottom of the sheet. We'll get you to update this section later.


Cooking: Dae currently is a chef at an Italian restaurant and so specializes in pasta, sauces, baking, and wine pairings. He is, however, capable of cooking typical American cuisine and cuisine from other countries such as Asia and Europe. He experiments with cooking from the Middle East.
Bartending: During the day he is a cook, at night, he’s a bartender and applying his creative inspirations, he can create some interesting drinks. Every new drink, he’ll either ask his customer to name it, or he’ll name it himself and add it to the menu.




Relationships / Connections

  • Brandon Colter: He is pretty famous around Superior University. He has seen him in the gym.
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim: Andrew Stetson
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot


You PM her your CS and make whatever corrections she asks. She will then tell you when you can post your CS here.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot



Quote from: JessLowell12 on June 15, 2020, 02:59:16 PM
Did you want us to post characters here Sarita? :D

I can post my lovely lady so we might form connections with our characters. XD

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on June 15, 2020, 03:00:46 PM
You PM her your CS and make whatever corrections she asks. She will then tell you when you can post your CS here.
This is correct. And your character looks yummy. I mean great. That's what I meant.. :)

Quote from: GhostOfPatches on June 15, 2020, 03:51:35 PM
I'd like to face claim Nadia Mejia if possible!
Done :)
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


If you still have room, I would love to join this game.


Hi Dragon. Would love to have you join us. We have an infinite amount of room.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Quote from: Sarita on June 15, 2020, 06:59:23 PM
Hi Dragon. Would love to have you join us. We have an infinite amount of room.
Cool.  Was considering Allison Scagliotti as a face claim.  Not dead set on her but definitely thinking about her.



Additional Images

Alias: Terrae
Name: Maya Durand
Age: 30
Height: 5'6"
Birth Place / Ethnicity: Ontario, Canada / French/Hispanic

General Appearance: Maya is fit, incredibly so, painstakingly careful to maintain her level of fitness, and for that reason she isn't afraid to show off a bit of skin. Though you won't catch her in heels or skirts, and when its cool enough, she's wearing that signature leather jacket of hers.

She owns quite a few scars from her years on the force, most are hidden under clothing, others are more noticeable if looked for. Like that one above her brow when a perp hit her upside the head with a frying pan. Good times.

Personality Traits:

-Hard to please: Maya is a hard ass, for good reason. Without her strict policies most of her colleagues would be dead.

-Keeps Her Distance: Or tries to at least. Maya has seen a lot of death, and she is in no hurry to feel the pain associated with that. Though, one good hit to her walls, and she tends to let people in way easier then she wants to.

-Cares: Despite Maya's stand off nature at first, you won't catch her not jumping in to protect her team mates or colleagues. The woman is a force, and it often gets her in trouble. But as long as everyone gets out alive, she doesn't mind. No one is left behind.

Powers/Special abilities:

  • Seismic Blasts (minor):  Small pushes with her seismic energy are pretty easy, though this tends to only be enough to push things, or minorly push people. Useful for self defense against hand to hand combatants.       
  • Seismic Blasts (Major):  Maya can release major bursts of seismic energy, but it comes at the cost of putting major strain on the body parts she is using. For example her hands, if she uses a major blast like that, it could risk breaking her hand or wrist with its force.       
  • Enhanced Strength:  Maya's abilities have given way to stronger muscles, and a clear boost in her personal strength. Although it doesn't really go beyond that of someone who weight lifts regularly, which Maya definitely does not do. Who has the time for that?     
  • Seismic Levitation:  Now this one is not fun, Maya despises it, and it hurts to do this. But if she needed to for any reason, technically she could levitate with her powers. It leaves her utterly exhausted though, and if she goes too high? Not good news.       


It was cold that night, the night Maya's life changed. She would argue it was completely for the better, but who would she argue with on that? The team, SCPD's homicide team, had finally found the location of a man who had murdered three teenage girls in the span of a week. But he wasn't alone, and suddenly things made a lot more sense.

Six men had tried to drive them out that night, against her three. Things had gone poorly, at first, George had gone down, not lethally, but he couldn't fire back anymore. Andrew was pinned, and Maya was battling her own issues with this group of murderers. The team had quickly realized this had been an ambush.

Pinned down and no way to escape, watching her friend bleed out, and thinking this was how she died, Maya couldn't help but wish in that moment she had the ability to collapse part of the building around their assailants. Like that one superhero did, with those quake powers, what show had that been?

That was when it happened, in a fleeting thought, and suddenly, Maya could do just that. Except not as powerful, and definitely not as cool. She was clumsy, and uncoordinated with it, but it bought them time, and they were able to get George out of there, and to the hospital post haste. Eventually the murderers would be brought to justice. But the night had changed her life completely.

Personal Bio
Maya grew up in a family of police officers and fire fighters. It wasn't long before she decided to join the force herself, with the goal to become a detective one day. Her goal was met at the young age of 24, after five years on the force.

Her breakthrough however changed things for her, and after discovering her abilities, DVA recruited her to lead a team. That wasn't all that long ago, but as a seasoned officer, and former lead of a homicide team, Maya agreed. Figuring if nothing else these powers could be put to good use. Though she's still learning how to use them, she hopes that with team work and practice, together her team can achieve greatness and fight crime like no other.

Nora Young- Nora came to move in with Maya right after the younger woman's own breakthrough. Nora's parents asked Maya to watch over Nora due to the more eccentric woman's trouble making nature. They've been living together for some time now, and have bonded more then ever.

Tara Radclyffe- Maya had many instances of running into young Tara Radclyffe during her years on the beat, and then later as a detective. Every time Maya would attempt to encourage the young woman to go to a shelter, or would give her food, money, or both. During an investigation Maya would discover that Tara had a breakthrough during a fight at work, and would tell the tattoo artist that a new team of individuals with powers was being put together to work with law enforcement.


Martial Arts: Maya is skilled in a number of martial arts, given her police background and desire to always be able to protect those around her.

Marksmanship: Maya has taken great efforts to be a fantastic aim, both with guns and her tiny seismic blasts.



Gloves: A pair of specially designed compression gloves to keep her powers controlled. She doesn't need these that much, but when she's having a particularly odd or hard day, she dons them just in case.

Glock 19: Her standard issue fire arm as part of the DVA.

Beretta Nano: Personal handgun she keeps concealed in her boot. 


Relationships / Connections

  • Star:  Friend and Colleague       
  • Ms. Fantastic:  Colleague, Friend       
  • Spartan:  Friend, Colleague       
  • Nora Young:  Trouble-maker cousin, lives with Maya, Maya is trying to help her stay on the straight and narrow. At least marginally. Loves her to death.   
  • Tara Radclyffe:  Known since Maya was a cop, tried to help Tara get off the street.       

Face Claim: Alycia Debnam Carey


Here is Maya everybody! Let me know if you want connections, preferably over PM if you could please. :D


Additional Images

Alias: Vatten
Name: Robert Dexter Junior
Age: 20
Height: 6'ft
Birth Place / Ethnicity: London, England / Caucasion

General Appearance: Robert in his looks is a sexy calender dreamboat, he's tall, he's muscular about being flashy. He has a great head of dark red hair that he always wears a little shaggy. Piercing blue eyes and a dazzling smile make him a girl's dream come true. He has a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm.

Personality Traits:

  • Honest
  • Loyal
  • Competitive
  • Proud
  • Friendly

Powers/Special abilities:

  • Aquatic. Breathing  The ability to breath underwater and in the air for as long as he wants and reamurge ready to breath air again. 
  • Water Manipulation When on land he can control water. With it he can make a barrier between him and his attackers. The barrier can rise up to his full height but can only cover two people in length. When he has the barrier in place he can send small shots of water towards his opponent.
    Robert can also use the water like a weapon creating a powerful jet of water much like a fire hose. He can keep up a continuous spray for 10 minutes or he can use shorter blasts for around 20 minutes. With the water in this form he is able to adjust the temperature and can attack with boiling hot water or freezing cold water.
    • Animal Communication:  When in the water he can communicate with any animal under the waves. This only includes animals who live directly in the water all the time and does not include birds.     

    Before the Breakthrough Robert was a professional swimmer, incredibly fast with perfect form he was spotted at a local swim meet at just thirteen. Since then he has blazed a trail though the competitive world collecting trophies along the way. Just last year his coach told him that there were tryouts for the Olympics and he thought Robert was ready.  The Olympics themselves weren't to be held till the following year, so Robert set his sites on the biggest competition of his life. The training for such a race was grilling, his diet already watched down to the last carb was re designed. Months of training passed, with Robert also having to attend college and keep his grades up the young man's health came into question a few times.

    However finally the day of the race arrived,  Robert had been for a leasure swim in the morning and now he stood on the side of the pool, proudly standing besides some of the greatest swimmers of their time. Robert had never been so nervous, his emotions spiked as he saw his parents waving madly from the front row. The starting gun fired and he dived in and shot down the pool.

    Tall as he was he already had a slight advantage on the others easily breaking away towards the end of the pool, he reached halfway, he turned and pushed against the far end and that's when it happened. It was gradual at first, Robert noticed he could go steadily longer and longer periods without coming up for air. It was what came with that however that threw him completely. Much like hearing an out of tune radio, this noise started in his ears then steadily grew into an incessant chatter. The noise was so loud that it managed to confuse Robert completely and he swam out out of his lane which of course instantly dismissed him from the games. The worse part was he was that he had been perhaps two arm lengths from gold. NO. The absolute worse part was now he can breath underwater he can no longer compete professionally! His life fell apart that day.

    Personal Bio
    To be filled in after we begin. For now you should keep this to yourself and your writing partner that you are paired with. At least until we begin.

    Once we begin you can discuss with fellow writer's your character relationships as they meet and add them in at the bottom of the sheet. We'll get you to update this section later.

    (keep this list to just a few things or less)


    Professional Swimmer: Even before the Breakthrough Robert had good speed and endurance when in the water.

    none nothing out of the ordinary


    Relationships / Connections

    • Dan  Grenburg:  ex swim coach       
    • person's name:  description here       
    • person's name:  description here       
    • person's name:  description here       
    • person's name:  description here       

    Face Claim: Sam Heughan
A Working Progress.             Posting responses are: Slow.    Updated

Foxy DeVille

Additional Images - NSFW

Alias: The Queen of Spades
Name: Parisa Shahi
Age: 27
Height: 5’ 8”
Birth Place / Ethnicity: San Diego, CA / Persian

General Appearance: Parisa is an olive-skinned brunette beauty with hazel eyes and the best body that money can buy. As such she wears expensive attire that are form-fitting with daring necklines to properly showcase her investment. When in action as the Queen of Spades she dresses in a black corset, opera gloves, and a lace mask. Not the most practical outfit but definitely a memorable one.

Personality Traits: Parisa appears to be a superficial libertine addicted to materialism and attention. That assessment isn't inaccurate but she does have hidden depths. She genuinely cares about the disadvantaged and wants to make the world better so while a big chunk of her income goes to pampering herself, an even bigger chunk goes to charity and activism. Parisa doesn't publicize this, preferring to maintain a party girl image. She believes that there is a difference between right or wrong and legal or illegal, being much more concerned about the former. Parisa knows that people in power frequently exploit and abuse those less advantaged by them. By acting as the Queen of Spades she tries to balance the scales a bit. Her costumed career also gives her an adrenaline rush, something she had been lacking since achieving her level of affluence. Her successes only encourage her to aim higher and no target is too big. Parisa would also like to make her way into Superior City's upper crust. The club scene loves her but she would like to have actual influence in the city's affairs from outside the shadows. She feels this two-pronged attack could result in actual change. In the meantime, she just wants to have as much fun as she can while punching evil in the face.

As much as Parisa believes in justice, being the Queen of Spades also gives her an adrenaline rush that she craves. This thrill seeking means that even with her abilities she sometimes ignores the best course of action for the most exciting one. This attitude is responsible for her party girl lifestyle, including a small cocaine habit. It also has led her to a kinky personal life, one in which she might not choose the best partners to share it with. Parisa is pretty vain and cares a lot about her appearance. While no coward threatening her looks does have an effect on her. She also tends to be more theatrical than she needs to be. This is why she has to have her prey know that it was the Queen of Spades that brought them down when she could easily do so anonymously and be much safer.

Powers/Special abilities:

  • Intuitive Probability Calculation:  Parisa has an instinctive ability to see the outcome of multiple potential scenarios almost instantaneously. This allows her to pick a correct password, find someone's weak spot, and know exactly the right thing to say. This talent appears to be an almost unfathomable amount of good luck but what actually happens is Parisa extrapolates the best choice from numerous possibilities. Parisar's talents require her to be able to observe and understand the situation. She is less capable when she doesn't fully comprehend what is happening. Superhuman beings and paranormal events are more difficult to predict than more mundane happenings. Her calculations can definitely be fallible. The more information and understanding she has, the better her predictions are.       
  • Total Recall:  Her ability to make her uncanny deduction is aided by her photographic memory, allowing Parisa to remember important facts and learn new information easier.       
  • Card Throwing:  An on-again off-again relationship with a Vegas magician gave Parisa the opportunity to learn a variety of skills. Her favorite is being able to use playing cards as projectiles. When she learned how to do this Parisa simply thought it was cool but she discovered it adds to the Queen of Spades persona. Primarily used for things like nicking someone to trip them up or make them drop a gun and to intimidate them by embedding a card somewhere near them.       

Parisa Shahi was living in Las vegas… barely. The club she had been working at closed down. The shady real estate tycoon that had been supporting her got a little too shady and was now in federal custody. With no future in sight Parisa went to a casino to see if she could at least scrounge up some cash to get out of town. It didn’t go well and she was sitting at the blackjack table with an awful hand when she looked at the dealer and somehow knew he was going to draw the queen of spades. He did and went bust. Parisa discovered she could do that every time and with every game. She could even deduce the reactions of other players with one look. After making a nice chunk of change, Parisa cashed in her chips and headed to Superior City.

Personal Bio


Computer Hacking: Parisa learned to code while a teenager and over the years has picked up a lot of less-than-legal computer skills. Combined with her other talents she is a dire threat to any system.

Finance: Parisa audited several economics classes at UNLV. At first this was to help her make money but knowing how cash gets moved around has been highly beneficial in her vigilante work.

Martial Arts: While not a fan of physical confrontation Parisa decided it was important for her as a transgender woman to be able to defend herself. While living in Las Vegas she started taking classes in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. While she won't be taking down any hordes of ninjas she can take care of herself against one or two normal street criminals, especially if her assailant isn't expecting her to fight back with any level of skill.

Athletic: In addition to her martial arts training Parisa studied dance for two years. She stays fit by doing Pilates and yoga.

Performer: Parisa worked in burlesque while in Vegas and is a pretty good singer and dancer. She also picked up quite a few tricks from her fling with a magician.

Multilingual: Parisa grew up knowing Persian as well as English. She has also learned Spanish.


Magic Tricks: In addition to playing cards Parisa carries items like flash paper and handcuffs on her person. Where exactly she keeps them is a secret she won’t divulge.

Smartphone: Not just for selfies (but definitely for selfies), this device is linked to a network of other computers that Parisa utilizes. This makes it much easier for her to hack from virtually anywhere.

Wealth: A definite benefit for any party girl or vigilante. Parisa keeps one to four million easily available plus there's her condo and wardrobe. She stays in seven digits so as not to raise too many eyebrows.


Relationships / Connections

  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim: Yasmine Petty


Characters are looking great.

Just so everyone knows: 

We'll be increasing characters abilities and powers fairly early into the game. All characters are going to be considered of the "Progressive" variant types. Which just means your powers will grow. So we can make tweaks to them as we go along.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon

Callie Del Noire


Quote from: Callie Del Noire on June 16, 2020, 01:53:51 PM
Still got room? For. Reformed theif/messenger
We have an infinite amount of room. we'll be breaking up the players into approximately 4 person teams once we get going and each team will have it's own thread where I'll guide the events. Plus, you'll be able to intermingle and adventure freely in other threads.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Additional Images

Alias: None
Name: Brandon Colter
Age: 21
Height: 6'6
Birth Place / Ethnicity: Atlanta, Georgia/African-American

General Appearance: Brandon is dark-skinned, and very muscular from a life time of training, both from his father and at his gym. He stands at an impressive 6'6, and has a powerful frame that is the perfect balance between power and agility after his transformation. He has black hair that he keeps shaved on the back and sides, however the top of his head is covered in a mop of thick dreadlocks that he likes to style different ways like into braids or a crown of sorts. He also keeps a well-maintained goatee that helps bring attention to his pearly white teeth. He's got piercing hazel eyes, and a killer smile, as well as a bunch of tattoos he's gotten over the years. Brandon is pretty fashion forward and has some nice clothes in his wardrobe, but he has a "style" he tends to stick to. Things like ripped jeans, vintage or stenciled shirts, denim, vests, spikes, etc... It's kinda like grunge and hip-hop meeting vogue.

Personality Traits: Brandon has always been taught the difference between right and wrong since a young age thanks to growing up in a military family. This means he can't stand to see people being abused, oppressed, or bullied. It just triggers something in him and he can't stand by and watch. He's a focused individual, and highly self-driven, and has pushed himself harder at everything he's ever done even harder than his parents do.

It's because of that drive that he is fairly confident in himself as a person and who he will become, as he never quits, ever. Every day without fail, he's up before the sun doing his workout, then he has school, then another workout. That doesn't include actual training and fights, but he manages to keep his schedule somehow. He absolutely loves women and will find himself acting pretty silly just to impress a girl. It's a habit of his and his parents have told him multiple times that he can't focus on them too much or it'll throw off his game...he vehemently denies this accusation, even though it's 100% true.

Powers/Special abilities:
At first, Brandon will not fully understand his abilities, meaning he can't access his entire powerset, leaving him as essentially a moving, hard hitting wall in the beginning. As he learns more about his powers, he will be able to utilize his newfound strength and other abilities much more efficiently.

  • Metallic Transformation:  Brandon is able to consciously alter his physical composition, transforming his normal flesh and blood to an unknown, yet extremely malleable and durable metal. The transformation is complete in that not only does his skin become metal, but hair, eyes, etc... as well. His organs and the inner workings of his body become more or less a semi-solid, slightly less durable mass of metal within him to allow him to continue to move, but retain his overall level of durability and mobility. He can alter any part of his body at will, so he can simply shift his hand if he doesn't feel like fully transforming. As he is completely metallic, he becomes incredibly heavy and dense when in his armored form, and even gains a few inches in height.   
  • Classified:       
  • Superhuman Strength:  As of now Brandon doesn't know how to use his strength and doesn't even think he has any. Although he has discovered that being so damn heavy and made of metal means he can hit much harder with the exact same amount of force.     
  • Superhuman Durability:    As tough as he is strong, Brandon's metallic form is extremely durable and resilient to conventional forms of damage. As of now, he can take a damn good beating and walk off having a car run him over. He's even bulletproof, but a strong enough round to the forehead will knock him out like a punch.   
  • Classified:       

"You sure about this party, bro? I heard those Kilo Treys still got it out for you, and they gonna be there. You know they don't play." "Naaaah, it's all good. We squashed that beef a few weeks ago. Me and Jamal talked it out, we good. I give him a little cut of that new "Johnny Tsunami" I got comin' in, and he forgets about that little situation we had. Water under the bridge." "Okay bro, if you say so man, I'll see you there then," Brandon said to his best friends since Kindergarten Adrian, who was now a decently successfully dealer(mainly weed and pills so he didn't feel too bad about it). They said goodbye and Brandon looked at himself in front of the mirror, making sure he looked good after his shower, then as he dried he put on some nice deodorant and cologne so he could snag a hottie at the function tonight. Once he made sure he was dressed to the nines, he went outside and hopped in his car, sparking up a blunt on the way and just letting the music wash over him to help with the pregame.

When he got there, he wasn't surprised to not only see tons of people he knew, but just as many if not more that he didn't. Everybody and their mom got invited to these weekend warehouse parties in the bad neighborhoods; it was where the fun was apparently. After a while, he found Adrian and the two of them smoked, dranked, and just had a damn good time. He passed through a few girls, got some dances, got some numbers and selfies and fun shit like that. But later on during the night, around 2 or 3am when they were supposed to head out, he suddenly couldn't find Adrian anywhere. He tried texting him; got no answer. Calling; straight to voicemail. Video chat; no reply at all. And that just didn't make sense. So then he even called his other phone, which was strictly for business purposes, and even that didn't give him an answer. He knew something was wrong, because not only was Adrian his best friend and he would never ignore his calls, but he was a straight up drug dealer. What kind of dealer is away from his phone for more than a few seconds?

That's bad for business. Then he began to panic, and went around asking everyone he could if they'd seen him. Adrian was decently known as he got the best shit around and people knew that, so plenty had seen him, but almost no one could tell him where he was just five minutes ago. After nearly a half-hour of searching, he found one of the girls who'd been dancing with them, and had paid particular attention to Adrian all night long. She was looking jittery, nervous... It felt like he could smell her sweat and hear her heart beating out of her chest. When he asked her where Adrian was, she told him she didn't know.  He noticed her pupils contracting as she spoke, which he suddenly remembered was a tell when someone was lying. So he pressed her and she kept saying she didn't know. Finally, he grabbed her wrist and squeezed just a bit too hard, feeling just how tiny she was.

But it did the trick, and through a grunt of pain she told him he was in the back room...with the Kilo Treys. He let go and immediately rushed toward the back, empty part of the warehouse because he realized Adrian had been set up by the girl and was in trouble. He got to the back room and saw two guys even bigger than him standing outside a metal door with one of those old-fashioned mechanisms that could be locked from the inside. The room was supposed to be soundproof, but he could faintly hear the sound of Adrian groaning in pain and crying out as he was beaten. Brandon walked straight up to them, only stopping when a meaty hand touched his chest. "This is private property, homie. Nobody gets in there without Jamal's say so."

"So Jamal said Adrian could go back there, huh?" Neither of them even had a chance to respond before he could read it in their body language that he was right. And while he didn't know them, they knew who he was. "Look, 4-5.," the second one used his nickname in the ring since they said his hits were like getting shot with a Colt 45 round, "He got business in there, and he'll be out when it's done. That's it. But it's still business you not apart of, so no entry bruh." Looking between both of them, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. "He said the beef was done, man. He said him and Jamal was cool." "Well, he thought that...Jamal didn't. Relax. He'll be fine."

He knew he was lying. Everything about both of them screamed they were just keeping him from seeing the horrible state his friend was in, and Brandon couldn't take it. "Look man...he wants money? I can get him money. But I'm not gonna let yall just beat my brother to death and call it business, so either you let me go talk to Jamal and handle this...or I make you move." The pair looked at each other, then back to him and almost in unison crossed their arms. "Boss said no entry. And that's that. You got a good future, man. You can really make it in the fight game, but not if you try to do somethin' stupid right now. Your name ain't so big people gonna wonder what happened if you suddenly can't get in the ring no more, feel me?"

Until then, he'd been staying calm, trying to remain rational and composed, and talk to these guys like they weren't just thugs who could only listen to orders. But he was getting nowhere fast, and he had no idea how bad Adrian was getting it in there, but he had been hearing him the entire time and it didn't sound good. Finally, he heard a bone break and Adrian cried so loud even those two outsides eyes popped open in surprise from the noise. It was a slight distraction that only lasted a moment, but it was enough, and in that time Brandon rushed them both, punching one in the ribs and launching him sideways into the wall hard enough to bounce off, then scooping the other and yanking him off the floor then slamming him onto a rusty chair that folded under the impact.

They were both out for the count before they knew what happened, and Brandon felt something surging inside him; like raw power he'd never experienced before. He hadn't noticed that he was now seven feet tall and His adrenaline was pumping as he ran to the door, and when he couldn't get it open, he started shouting for Adrian and he got mad, and he punched the door...leaving a dent where his fist had landed. Knocking the guys out was one thing, but he fought for a living and figured that in the heat of the moment when he didn't give a fuck, he could do some serious damage. But he'd just punched a metal door, and not only was his first not broken, but the door had a fist print in it. He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't care.

He just knew he had to get to Adrian, so he kept punching the same spot, again and again, and after half a dozen hits, the entire thing flew off the hinges. Inside were a bunch of Kilo Treys, and at the back of the room on his knees was a bloody Adrian. His eyes were swollen, his lip was busted, his nose was broken. And his arm was hanging at a twisted, sickening angle. " found me. they..." Adrian could barely find his words and began to cry, his tears cutting through the blood like oil through water. And standing above him, covered in that same blood was Jamal, a buff, burly guy with a bald head and more tattoos than skin. "I said no company! Where the fuck are Tony and Ken?!" Brandon's large frame heaved up and down with pure malice, his eyes narrowing and locking onto the gang leader. "Sleep on the floor where I left em', and I swear to God that's where I'll leave you too if you don't back away from my brother."

The room erupted into laughter, then with no hesitation, Jamal backhanded Adrian from where he stood. "Lil bitch thought some weed was gonna make us square? Nooooooo. He made a big mistake, and big mistakes have big consequences. People gotta know that, otherwise they start actin funny. So no, I don't think I will back away. I'm gonna finish what I started, then I'm gonna run his pockets, bookbag, all that. Now you can leave, and pick him up when I'm done. Or you can get put down. I don't care which, but you not gonna disrespect me again boy." Brandon took another deep breath, then walked further in the room. "I said let him go." Jamal sighed, then waved his hand.

"Somebody fuck him up, please," was his dismissive command before he turned back to Adrian with a grin on his face. The first to approach him got a jab to the chin so fast and clean that he didn't realize he got hit until his knees went wobbly and he suddenly fell over. The next guy got a kick to the stomach that launched him across the room. "Let's go! I'll fuck all ya'll up!" Running on pure emotion and adrenaline, Brandon steamrolled the goons one after the other, even ignoring a pipe hitting him in the back of the head as he continued his rampage. When it was just him and Jamal left standing, he took a few steps and suddenly heard three loud pops. He also felt the impact in his stomach, and fell to his knees thinking he'd gotten killed and was just aware of it before the end. "You thought this was a movie? You just gonna beat up all my boys and then fight me one on one and triumphantly walk out with your friend?

Fuck outta here, this is real life, bitch. You not one a them breakthroughs or whatever they call em. You a normal dude, who had a few good fights and now you think you hot shit. Well...tell me how hot lead feels in your guts, big boy. Cuz I don't fight. I shoot mufuckas...gets shit done a whole lot quicker." Adrian, somehow still awake after his beating cried out as he saw his friend take rounds in the chest and fall over. All because he hadn't listened to him earlier, he was dead, and all he could do was cry like a baby. But then..."I honestly don't know...they didn't break the skin," Brandon said as he stood back up with a shit-eating grin on his face. In his hand were three smooshed up bullets, and in his shirt were three bullet holes, but there was no blood anywhere. "Ya know...I think I might be a breakthrough after all." The look on Jamal's face was priceless as he raised his gun and pulled the trigger again and again until he heard it click.

Brandon had taken a few more shots, dodged some, but was now standing face to face with Jamal. "Yoooo, you look absolutely terrified right now," he said before taking the gun from the stunned man and breaking his arm the exact same way he'd broken Adrians. Then he beat him for several minutes, making sure to make it hurt, but not kill him. When he was finally on empty, he took Adrian and left, but not before informing Jamal of the awful things that would happen if he ever came near either of them again. After that, he took Adrian to the hospital and stayed through his surgery. He still couldn't believe what had happened the night before, and asked Adrian what he'd seen. All he could tell him was that he wasn't sure what he saw, but whatever it was... it was superhuman.

Personal Bio
To be filled in after we begin. For now you should keep this to yourself and your writing partner that you are paired with. At least until we begin.

Once we begin you can discuss with fellow writer's your character relationships as they meet and add them in at the bottom of the sheet. We'll get you to update this section later.


Trained Martial Artist: Brandon has been training in martial arts since he was three, and has dedicated his life to fighting and learning the arts. While he is a master of none, he has trained himself to high levels in multiple fighting styles, and has several black belts. While he actively practices multiple styles, his primary styles that he uses the most often are Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Equipment: N/A


Relationships / Connections

  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim:  Harry Samba


Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on June 16, 2020, 02:26:39 PM
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Additional Images

Alias: Clique
Name: Francisco Giron
Age: 30
Height: 6'1
Birth Place / Ethnicity: Buenos Aires, Latinx

General Appearance: A description of character's appearance. What is their style and general esthetic? Hair color or styles, eye color, piercings, tattoos, scars, and other markings. Anything you feel is significant to their look.

Personality Traits: Write a list of a few key traits that define who they are. This can be written in bullet form, as a list, or whatever. Include a negative or flawed trait.

Powers/Special abilities:

  • Kinetic Duplication:  Clique creates an identical physical living duplicate of himself upon any physical impact. This process is spontaneous. Although he can create multiple duplicates, and the duplicates themselves can also replicate, each is only able to create one duplicate at a time; he has been seen to produce around forty duplicates before no more would be created. The duplicates think, feel, and act independently, though usually guided by the original. Each tends to manifest one aspect of his personality, which increases in strength with lengthier separation from the original. Clique is telepathically and empathetically linked to his duplicates, suffering severe, potentially fatal, trauma if one dies. Duplication Absorption: The original Madrox can absorb them back into himself at will, at the same time absorbing the memories, skills, and experiences of the duplicate. The only limit to this power is he can't absorb a dead dupe.
  • Duplication Experience Transference: :  When Clique merges back, he retains the memories, knowledge, and experiences of the dupe.  Clique doesn't have to absorb his duplicates to absorb information from them, he automatically absorbs information from any of his dupes if it kills itself.       

The brief story of what happened in the moments that lead to your character developing their power/special abilities. See section on Breakthroughs.

Some aspect of the story should directly relate to the power/special abilities that your character received. All breakthroughs follow a similar pattern, either they were effected by something that became related to the power they received, they were thinking about something/someone, or maybe they worshiped some fictional character hard enough that they developed powers like that fictional hero when in a moment of need. Maybe it was something they were passionate about. Whatever it was, it's effects on them are usually obvious.

Include how the powers were used in the story.

Personal Bio
To be filled in after we begin. For now you should keep this to yourself and your writing partner that you are paired with. At least until we begin.

Once we begin you can discuss with fellow writer's your character relationships as they meet and add them in at the bottom of the sheet. We'll get you to update this section later.

(keep this list to just a few things or less)


(example name of skill here): A skill is a learned or practiced talent that ordinary people can have. This is for any unique skill your character might possess.


(Equipment Name Here): Only special pieces of equipment that are necessary for your characters special skills or their Powers/Special Abilities should go here. No need to include ordinary or mundane items that most people carry on them


Relationships / Connections

  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim: Janis Ostojic
Hi Phantom, looks interesting. Send this to me in a PM and we can discuss the concept. I want to make sure we are on the same page before we start posting up the sheets.
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


All approved and everything.

Additional Images

Alias: Bohica
Name: Clarissa Copeland
Height: 5’2
Birth Place / Ethnicity: On the road/Caucasian

General Appearance: Prior to her breakthrough, she had shoulder length dark dyed hair, several random tattoos, and piercings. Approximately 120 pounds.  After her Breakthrough she ditched the piercings. Her powers and piercings don’t mix. Generally Clarissa tends to wear a hoodie and jeans, she doesn’t particularly care about her “secret identity” and spandex is money she doesn’t have. She keeps her hair trimmed short, less for people to grab onto in a fight.

Personality Traits:

She can be a bit sarcastic, brash, annoying, and talkative when on a job. She knows when someone needs something from her, and enjoys pushing their buttons, no matter what level of society they might be on. After all, someone in her position has to have fun where they can. She knows when to zip up though, and work through it. If it’s a coping mechanism for her life or she’s just generally a jerk for the most part, that’s for her to know.

Powers/Special abilities:

  • Magnetic Manipulation: Clarissa powers enable her to sense and control magnetism, including manipulating metals which are susceptible to magnetism. She currently maxes out at lifting a mid sized car with a fair amount of focus and even then it's fairly slow, but can “direct” larger objects       
  • Magnetic “flight” While she hasn’t mastered using her powers to manipulate the human body yet, Clarissa has become quite adept at surfing various pieces of metal to simulate flight of sorts. It’s her main mode of transportation, and currently she favors using manhole covers. (Fun fact, she’s stolen approximately thirty thousand dollars worth of them during her time.)     

When she was 26, her life really changed.  She was on a heist at a high end jewelry store house when she and her crew were ambushed by security guards. The ensuing fire fight, while she hid under a table, left her entire crew the guards, and a few unlucky bystanders dead. The trauma of the event caused her powers to  emerge, something she hadn’t noticed during the chaos. The bullets had altered their trajectory thanks to her new powers, which she didn’t realize until later, metal things started following her. 

Personal Bio
Clarissa was a bit of a sickly child growing up, and her parents, both current career criminals (one a former Air Force Vet, the other a Car Thief), feared that she might not make it too long. Put in an incubator as an infant, and always a frail timid thing up through the third grade, the only bonus points being that she could always win the “My mom and dad can beat up yours” argument. They weren’t particularly bad people, more criminals of circumstance. Both were legacy members of the Devil’s of Soca, a biker gang that ran up and down the west coast and a bit inwards with their actions. They often traveled through LA, San Diego, Vegas, Reno, amongst other places. Minor players sometimes, but getting bigger all the time.  Vegas was one of their more frequent stops, and it was where she ended up making a life long friend.

They rode frequently, so she never really developed much in the way of friends beyond other kids who were in the gang, and by the time she was 11 had to have “the talk.” Mommy and Daddy’s jobs were very different and if one of us disappears for a while, it’s not because we don’t love you, it’s because we’re criminals. Sometimes….well you really just don’t stand a chance.

She got into petty stuff pretty early on, shoplifting, then car jacking, and finally committed her first few breaking and enterings’. Her partners were always disappointed she didn’t have any of mom and dad’s powers or any of her own, but she made up for it with being the toughest and most determined of any of the crew, and popping anyone in the nose who got in her way.

When she was 17 she ran away from home...or left…she wasn’t sure they ever looked for her really or if they just got caught up in other schemes. She wasn’t sure she ever thought to look for them either. She always assumed that was the way things worked, after all it’s not like she had grandparents that she knew of. Plus, it’s not like they didn’t have ways of finding her if they really wanted.

Clarissa had a good long hard think after the night her powers activated, and while she’d been around violence her whole life, she’d never firsthand experienced that level of brutality. In particular it was the bystander’s deaths that got to her the most. She didn’t become an avenging heroine overnight or anything, but little by little, over the few months  she started doing good with her powers, stopping small crimes at first then larger ones. Clarissa doesn’t have what could be called a regular job, fighting for money, hustling pool, and mugging some of the criminals she stops, from worse crimes. She has to eat after all. She is trying to be a better person though. A guardian angel, with a dirty halo.


Boxing: Trained by her father from a very young age, she could probably make a go of it if she had a mind to

Breaking and Entering She’s not a master catburglar by any means, but give her a lock and a few minutes and you’re in.

Grand Theft Auto She can hotwire most cars, though she’s a bit out of practice these days as the need is growing less and less.

Knitting/Sewing Crochet is OK!


(Equipment Name Here): None


Relationships / Connections

  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim: Bry Jensen


Tara is approved and ready to start forming connections. :)

Additional Images

Alias: (none yet but soon)
Name: Tara Radclyffe
Age: 25
Height: 6 ft
Birth Place / Ethnicity: Kansas, Caucasian

General Appearance: Tara is a tall, busty woman who keeps herself in shape through general exercise, running, weight lifting, and recently T'ai Chi.  She has ink tattoos on her body which she draws on herself or have friends draw on her.  The pictures change depending on her mood when she changes her ink tattoos.  She has leather pants and latex outfits she wears occasionally for fun.  Her hair is naturally raven, but she dyes the top layer a bright scarlet, her favorite color.

Personality Traits: Tara is generally calm, cool and collected.  Nothing phases her anymore. 
She has seen the worst in people and after that nothing gets to her anymore.  She has a very pessimistic view of people in general.  The one thing she has learned is that standing by, allows people to be their worst.  If you step forward you can make a difference. 
She is not a very social person, but she does enjoy hanging out with a few people at a time. 
She likes pushing the envelope, normal is boring, 
Dancing is her escape, the harder and faster the beat, the better. 
Tara believes in learning and she is always reading or watching something educational.

Powers/Special abilities:
Energy Absorption: Tara absorbs Kinetic energy, giving her a supernatural durability that allows her to withstand extreme pressures, punctures, and concussive forces without sustaining injury.  As she absorbs kinetic energy she stores it inside of herself.  How much she can absorb and store is unknown at this point.   As she absorbs more and more energy, electrical sparks appear in her eyes and then spread out through her body.

With concentration, she can suppress her absorptive ability, but it takes a lot of mental effort on her part, leading to headaches and irritability.
Currently she is able to absorb Kinetic energy, but there is potential that she can learn to absorb other types of energy.

She can release her stored energy as electricity in a variety of ways:

  • Electrical Beam Emission:  Tara  can produce and project beams of concentrated electricity, which can shock or cause paralyzation, pierce through almost anything, or create destructive explosions upon impact. Unlike simple electrical blasts, these beams do not flicker, but instead travel in a straight line at high speed; they can also flow like water, allowing them to be guided.  High Drain on her storage.
  • Electrical Arc Emission:  Tara can discharge streams of electricity in the form of arc-strands, or single arcs that resemble lightning bolts, that can be used to attack multiple opponents.  High Drain on her storage.
  • Electrical Bolt Projection:  can create and project bolts of electricity and control the intensity/power of their projectiles, the bolts aren't weak but they aren't as powerful as a full powered attack. These bolts could be used to stun, burn, injure, or even penetrate/stab the enemy.[/i]   
  • Hand Blast:  is able to project blasts of energy/matter from their hands, being able to cause cutting, impaling, concussive, etc. damage. Depending on how the beam is composed, it can posses a variety of additional effects.

It started slowly, unnoticed by Tara or her friends.  She was able to pick up heavier objects easier, bumping into things didn't hurt, but everything easily explained away as just circumstantial.  Tara did exercise a lot, the changes must have related to that.  Life proceeded as normal until she was tattooing a customer late at night when a group of gangbangers burst into the tattoo parlor demanding all their money.  Tara immediately rushed into the parlor lobby, closing the door to the tattooing area behind her.  She tried to talk them down, but she didn't have much hope because she could see by the wildness of their eyes that they were hopped up on some drug and no longer listening to reason. 

Suddenly one of the gangbangers screamed about a spider that only he could see with his drug-addled brain and smashed his bat into a glass display counter, shattering it and triggering the other 2 drug out gangbangers into attacking whatever was closest.  Her being one of the things attacked, she raised her arms desperately to block the downward blow of an aluminum bat with her crossed arms.  The bat just stopped against her skin as she felt a surge of energy.  The gangbanger didn't stop, just started slamming his bat against Tara harder and more desperately, screaming "Why don't you fall down!"  This drew the other 2 gangbangers toward Tara as all of them swung their weapons at her, doing absolutely nothing to her and empowering her more and more.  Finally Tara recovered from her shock and started to fight back, she felt a growing energy inside of her and suddenly electricity was flowing over her body and she could focus it into her hand, stunning the gangbangers unconscious. 

After she knocked the three gangbangers out, she dragged them out of the parlor and into a dark alley, leaving them there to wake up on their own.  After that, she called 911 anonymously about overhearing a fight in the alleyway.  She reassured her customer that everything was okay, explaining away her ability to fight off the gangbangers with her training in martial arts.  There was a lot of glass broken, but the story she helped crafted with Tina and Amy's got insurance to cover the cost of repairs.

Personal Bio
Tara father was abusive, beating her and her mother whenever he got drunk and things at work went bad, or she got bad grades, or got in trouble at school, or any excuse that popped into his head.  Her mother was passive/aggressive and tore down everyone else to make her feel better.  At 15 she discovered she was attracted to pretty girls after kissing one during a drinking game at a sleepover with other friends.  She knew her parents view on homosexuality.  Tara knew that her family life was wrong/bad and that she would have to escape.  She never went home, she bought a bus ticket to San Francisco and never looked back.  She arrived in Superior City, no money, no family, no help, only the clothes on her back.  Things were bad for months, she escaped rape attempts, attempts to hook her on drugs and pimp her out.  She saw homeless people murder each other for cigarettes, alcohol or a preferred sleeping space.

While in Superior City, Tara met a cop that she kinda, sorta trusted, Officer Maya Durand.  Officer Durand was questioning her about a robbery, Tara knew nothing of course, even if she had seen anything.  No way was she talking to the police.  The thing that let her trust Officer Durand was that the woman didn't immediately try to find out who her parents were and where she was staying.  At the end of questioning, Officer Durand handed her a card to a Runaway Shelter and quickly explained that it didn't try to get you to go back home.  Tara took the card, although she wasn't sure she was going to follow up.  She ran across Officer Durand several times and each time the woman was kind, gave her some money for food or food directly and politely encouraged Tara to go to a shelter.

Things were looking bad, she was looking through the trash bin behind a tattoo parlor when she was discovered by the owners.  They gave her food and new clothes.  Slowly, over time, Tina and Amy got Tara's trust, like taming a feral cat.  Eventually Tara moved into a small room above the tattoo parlor and started working for the owners.  At first, she cleaned, as she got older she started helping around the tattoo parlor more and more.  Learning everything about tattooing and learning how to draw and paint.   Tina and Amy Radclyffe became her surrogate parents and she used their last name.  She got introduced to alternate culture through them, started wearing ink tattoos all the time, got lip studs and piercings.  As soon as she was old enough, she got a license to become a tattoo artist and works at the Chrome Cat Tattoo Parlor.

Tara kept encountering Officer Maya as the officer worked her way up the ranks.  After getting taken in by Tina and Amy, Officer Maya stopped trying to get Tara to go to a Runaway Shelter, but always checked in to make sure Tara was okay.  After Tara had her breakthough, Maya figured out that Tara was the one to take down the gangbangers with powers.  Officer Maya was the one to bring to Tara's notice that Superior City was forming a super team and that Tara.  Tara knew that bad people would get powers similar to hers.  Normal police were not going to be able to stop them.  It would take others with powers, she has powers, it is time to stand up and be one of the people to stop the abuse of power.

Artist: can draw and paint with various mediums
Tattoo Artist: knows how to run tattoo equipment
Fighter: Proficient in self defense, learned through experience

None:  Not at the moment


Relationships / Connections


  • Ms Fantastic:  Mentor (NPC)   She is training Tara how to use her absorption ability.   
  • Maya Durand: Recruiter to Superior City super team. Maya watched out for Tara when she first got to Superior City as a run away
  • Krystal Walkers:  Friend, swing dance partner
  • person's name:  description here       
  • person's name:  description here       

Face Claim: Starfucked/Scarlet Star
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



So who do we have with connections so far?  And who is in need of connections? I'll make a list.

Also, some of you may have noticed a lack of gender identity or sexuality listed in the character sheet. This was intentional. All are welcome to join the group. E is a wonderfully respectful place so I know you all will be as well.

Also, this game is not smut focused. But if characters want to discuss those subjects during role play they are free to do so. And there will be a thread for little bunny rabbits to get their rabbit on. I totally encourage it. Have fun :)
Ons & Offs
Status:  looking for solo RP or Discord RP
Storytelling:  Gotham Knights: Barbara Gordon


Callie Del Noire

I’d like to do a retake on on old character.. A burglar with remote viewing/teleporting.. not sure of the range/scope that would be relevant yet.. maybe it grows as she works her range?


Quote from: Sarita on June 16, 2020, 06:06:01 PM
So who do we have with connections so far?  And who is in need of connections? I'll make a list.

Also, some of you may have noticed a lack of gender identity or sexuality listed in the character sheet. This was intentional. All are welcome to join the group. E is a wonderfully respectful place so I know you all will be as well.

Also, this game is not smut focused. But if characters want to discuss those subjects during role play they are free to do so. And there will be a thread for little bunny rabbits to get their rabbit on. I totally encourage it. Have fun :)

I don't have any connections.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Tarot