Star Trek: Frontiers [d20 Lite] [Open] [Discord & Forum]

Started by GloomCookie, June 01, 2020, 12:18:37 AM

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It is the year 2223. Starfleet and the Federation at large are in the grips of a cold war between two rival star nations: The Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire. Peace with the Klingon Empire is maintained by the fragile peace treaty established by the powerful Organian species, while the Romulan Star Empire lurks in the shadows, kept at bay only by their internal politics and distrust of the Federation. Other powers are no less eager to cooperate, be it the openly hostile Tholian Assembly or the thread-bare non-aggression treaty with the Gorn or the outright distrust of the Orion Syndicates, there are numerous enemies to the Federation's way of life.

One region of space does hold promise for the future, but it is located in one of the most unstable political regions of the galaxy: The Triangle. Formed by the meeting of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan borders, the Triangle is a region of intrigue and constantly shifting political alliances. The Orion Colonies, eager to turn a profit, will trade with anyone willing to spend the money, but are wary of their nearby Klingon neighbors. Baker's Dozen, a loose coalition of worlds surrounding Baker's Planet, are warm to the Federation but are fiercely independent. The Imperial Klingon State is made up of Klingons who fled the Empire following a failed coup and must trade with the deplorable Romulans to survive. And the Mantiev Colonial Association chaffs under the political instability of the Romulans and Klingons funding a civil war within their space.

It is in this politically unstable region that the Federation must rely on Starfleet to help keep the peace. Following the devastating Four Years War, the Federation is not eager to get into another shooting war with the Klingon Empire, especially now that the Romulans are once more trying to expand their sphere of influence, even going so far as to engage in a limited alliance with their Klingon foes. Starfleet cannot sit idly by as two fierce neighbors attempt to claim such a valuable region of space, but they are also bound by policy and procedure. Whoever is sent into the Triangle region will need to be quick witted and cunning to avoid the traps, both physical and political, such a region holds.

So ask yourself, cadet. Are you one such person?

Hello everyone, Gloomy here, and I want to welcome you all to Star Trek: Frontiers. This has been a titanic project compared to many other works I've done in the past, so I do hope that you find it interesting and will join us for play.

So what is Star Trek: Frontiers? Well, it's a mixed format game taking place both on Elliquiy forums and in the custom Discord server. The mixed format is for those who want to play a longer game on the forums, a medium format using text in the Discord group, or even a voice game for fast action (this is still being worked out). It's all meant to let anyone play how they want, however they want, and to have fun doing it.

Useful links are below. If you have questions, please feel free to send me a direct message, reply to this thread, or ask on Discord or in the OOC thread.


Character Sheet:

Out of Character Thread:
Character Sheet Thread:
In Character Chapter 1:

Thank you very much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day.
My DeviantArt

Ons and Offs Updated 9 October 2022