Star Wars: Scum and Villainy (Star Wars D20) | Interest Check

Started by PhantomPistoleer, May 10, 2020, 12:06:47 PM

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Influences:  Star Wars, Weird Science, Charlie's Angels, I Spit On Your Grave, Bionic Woman

Premise:  A long time ago, you were a prostitute working the lowdown space port bars where grizzled spacefarers used and abused you.  One day, you met your end.  Whether you were caught in the crossfire between gangsters, or died when one of your Johns went too far, you lay in a pool of your own blood with one thought crossing your mind: that you would have your revenge.  Then, you died.

A lecherous and scheming tech specialist discovered your corpse shortly afterwards and proceeded to perform numerous illegal experiments on you.  His aim: to return you to life better, stronger, and faster, and utterly subservient to him.  You are no longer the woman you used to be.  You are a beautiful cyborg almost perfectly designed to kill.  You answer to no one but yourself... and your savior.

Obvious Kinks:  Prostitution, group sex, public sex, semen.  Characters are designed to need sex to heal and subsist.  Characters are also trained to obey their savior.

Rules:  Star Wars D20 gestalt with extensive character creation house rules and various sex-related house rules.  It's not necessary for you to know the rules to play.

Character Creation:

  • Agents are extremely beautiful.  They have an 18 Charisma, Skill Emphasis (Diplomacy), and Skill Emphasis (Gather Information).  Agents were initially chosen because they were attractive during life, but all agents have had numerous cosmetic improvements.
  • Agents are designed to fuck.  They have the Endurance feat and gain Skill Emphasis (Entertain(Sex)).  They do not need to eat or sleep, but must consume semen in order to be well-rested.  Additionally, they heal 1d3 WP or HP when they fuck.  Agents were previously sex-workers, but their behaviors have been altered to be functioning nymphomaniacs.
  • Agents have been rebuilt from the ground up.  They have nearly twenty different cybernetic systems inside of them.  However, they do not appear to be cyborgs at all.
  • Agents may be of any attractive alien species.
  • Agents are first level.
  • Agents may choose between Soldier, Scout, Scoundrel, Fringer, or Tech Specialist to gestalt.
  • Agents acquire stats by rolling 1d8+10.  Racial and cybernetic modifiers will be added later.
  • Agents start with 2000 credits and a sexy variant of a light armor, as well as a bunch of cybernetic upgrades.
  • Unlike ordinary gestalt rules, skills from different classes stack.

Traditions:  There exist various traditions within the savior's sex cult.  Agents always kneel subserviently before their savior when they speak to him.  They refer to him as "my savior" or "master."  They obey him unfailingly and crave his semen inside of them.  However, agents are not expected to be monogamous.  Their savior is a sexual deviant, and enjoys holovids or images of his agents having sex with others.  It is not uncommon for agents to take on positions in brothels between missions to support their master.
Always seeking 5E games.

Foxy DeVille


I would be very interested in the game.  My thought would be to play a Togruta.  I'm not terribly well versed in the rules system though.


Quote from: helvorn on May 10, 2020, 04:17:00 PM
I would be very interested in the game.  My thought would be to play a Togruta.  I'm not terribly well versed in the rules system though.

The rule system resembles 3.5 D&D.  A decent SRD can be found here:

And thank you for your interest everyone!
Always seeking 5E games.


I don’t think there is enough interest for this game for me to go ahead with it.  I will give it until this Friday.
Always seeking 5E games.

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on May 11, 2020, 02:38:34 PM
I don’t think there is enough interest for this game for me to go ahead with it.  I will give it until this Friday.

Hopefully you get some more nibbles. I got my character cooking in my noggin.


Quote from: Foxy Oni on May 11, 2020, 02:43:27 PM
Hopefully you get some more nibbles. I got my character cooking in my noggin.

Here's to hoping!


CYBERNETICS:  Although agents have been modified from head to heels, they always appear as if they were incredibly beautiful and voluptuous women with no cybernetic installations.

1.  CYBERNETIC LIMB PACKAGE:  Your Savior has modified your shell with a complex cybernetic limb package, modifying bones, muscle, and tendon with synthetic neural weaves that augment you with increased strength and dexterity and a host of other abilities.  Agents acquire the following abilities:
-- +4 to STR;
-- +4 to DEX;
-- +4 to balance checks;
-- +4 to climb checks;
-- +4 to jump checks;
-- +4 to tumble checks; and,
-- 2x land movement.

2.  TACTICAL SENSORY UPGRADE:  Your Savior has upgraded your senses with the following cybernetic modifications:
-- Optical Enhancer w/ Hifold Sensory Package: +3 to listen, spot, and search checks;
-- Flare Supressor: Agents cannot be blinded by bright lights;
-- IR Sensor:  Agents have darkvision 30 ft.;
-- Targeting Reticule: +1 on ranged attack rolls;

3.  SUBCUTANEOUS COMLINK:  Your Savior has installed a comlink that allows you to communicate with other agents just by whispering.

4.  NEURAL JACK:  Your Savior has installed a neural jack in the back of your throat that is connected to a hands-free computer system that allows you to access nearby computers.  The Savior has interesting ways to provide his agents information.

NSFW: Jacking to the Savior's system.
Always seeking 5E games.


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


funny. ive been working on an RP Discord server of this exact same name. Totally freeform though, and set in Old Republic flavor. :p

But yeah, ive been having a hard time drumming up interests in anything myself. I wish you good luck in this though. :)

(also a free bump to the top)


Hello, this game lacks the necessary interest needed for me to carry it forth.  Thanks to those who expressed interest.  I will now close this thread and present the idea anew sometime in the future.
Always seeking 5E games.