A Doomed planet. Extreme. M looking for F.

Started by GolGol, April 27, 2020, 07:59:17 AM

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I'm looking for a female writer to write as female characters. If you fit into that category, please feel free to send me a private message ^^

The following game idea was started a while ago but never really took off further than the intro post. The setting is sci-fi and modern with a big dose of smut, action and general fun stuff. It is heavily inspired by the computer game Doom and many other pop cultural ideas. This is not a story for character development or deep relationships...If you enjoy the basic idea but want to change something that is perfectly alright. I'm flexible ^^

In the far future Earth has been invaded by demons and humanity is losing despite the many super heroes and villains coming together to try and fight off the hellish hordes. It is only a matter of time before the entire planet is swallowed completely. In a desperate attempt to find allies in their fight against the invasion a group of humans send signals out into space, hoping to find something, anything that could potentially help. Something responds, but it's not what they think it is.

They send out an expedition only to find a planet overrun by demons. Only one man fighting in an endless bloodbath that never seems to end. They rescue him seeing his prowess in monster killing. He agrees to help but only if he is allowed to impregnate as many humans as he can in order to save his race...What follows is an action filled harem story with the doom guy killing demons together with any superheroes, celebrities, video games, literature and movies.

My game ideas: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=75040.0

Ons and Offs, the updated list,  and pictures. Updated 29/10: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=4506

Discord: Plasmapudding#3339