Mystery, Murder, and Magic- Oh My!

Started by Sukaretto, April 15, 2020, 05:05:07 PM

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Edit: Please note that this is an old idea of mine, from before I had to leave the site for a while for personal reasons. It's an idea that is very near and dear to me, and so now that I'm back, I'm hoping to resurrect it. So if any of my previous partners for this idea see it and are interested in picking it up again, feel free to let me know. I'm more than happy to talk about it! And of course, it is absolutely open to new partners as well.

Alright, I’m going to kick this off with a warning- this post is extremely long. As in, before I created this post I typed everything up on a word document, and that document is 28 pages, kind of long. So needless to say, it is a lot to read. This has been an ongoing project of mine for several months now, involving a lot of research and planning, and I’m finally ready to roll it out and share it with a writing partner, or finally several. Some of it was borrowed from a series I read that inspired this idea, but a lot of it is my own work. So yeah, this is kind of a big deal for me. And all of the information on here is relevant to the RP I’m proposing, so it is important that you read all of it. So sorry, but if you can’t make yourself get through all of this, I don’t think this is the RP for you. I didn’t plan all of this so my writing partner could skip over it. Ahem. So if you think this is something you can get through, by all means, read on and see if you’re interested! If you want to get to know a bit about my style as a writer, or the sort of things I look for in a partner, please refer to my Ons and Offs list.

In the distant past, the highlands of the British Isles were dominated by the fae. Some were heroes, some villains, and some even worshipped as gods. The one constant was their power. For it is true to say that they were immensely powerful, possessing magics that humans could never even dream of rivaling. For the most part, the fae left the humans in peace, keeping to themselves. But amongst the fae were two courts, the Seelie and Unseelie, and they were rivals. For long they were in a state of cold war, and every now and then full-blown war broke out between them. Both sides were close in power, and neither could ever triumph over the other.

   But the wars did not affect just the fae. As the battles raged on, the land was damaged, humans forced to take sides, and innocent bystanders injured, and the humans resented the fae. And so, when magic suddenly began to weaken and fade, the humans took the opportunity. For humans have always had one advantage over the fae. The fae may be long-lived and powerful, but the humans are by far more numerous. They made their moves after one of the many battles between the courts had drawn to a close, with both sides weakened by the conflict, and the humans demanded the fae leave their homeland.

   The fae could see the writing on the wall, so to speak. If they decided to fight the humans, they would certainly cause massive casualties, but in the end, the numbers advantage was overwhelming, and this was one battle the fae would not be able to win. And so, they agreed to leave, looking for a new place to call home. But all across Europe, everywhere they looked, the people turned them away. They had seen the trouble the fae had caused, and they were willing to fight to protect their lands from that strife.

   Just as all hope seemed lost, a solution appeared. For this occurred at a time when the United States of America had just become a nation of their own. Worried what more powerful nations might try to do to the fledgling country, the government made a deal with the fae. They would allow the fae to travel to the New World and make their homes in their lands. They would keep their status as independent of the US government and the ability to make their own rules on the lands they were given, but on US soil they must follow all rules of the government. In addition, if the country were to be attacked, the fae would be called upon to help defend the country that took them in. And finally, there was one last stipulation to the treaty- the fae courts were not allowed to battle with each other. Should they go to war with each other, even once, they would be expelled from the continent entirely. This was the only option left open to the fae, so they agreed to the terms, and set off to rebuild their culture in their new land.

   Now it is modern day, and the fae still live in their new homes in America. Preferring to live in wild and untamed areas, they were given lands in what is now Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest, and along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains, in areas that were too rough for humans to settle. The courts still mostly keep to themselves, preferring to avoid human contact, and especially major cities. However, some who are not part of the main courts try to live amongst the humans, and interbreeding is not uncommon.

   Recently, though, a baffling string of murders has been occurring right along the edge of the fae lands, on the US government’s side. The catch is, it hasn’t been humans who are being killed- the victims are all fae. Fae, which are extremely difficult to kill. Because this is on the US side of the border, it falls under the jurisdiction of the US government to solve these crimes, and the FBI has put several of their best agents on the case. But with the number of dead mounting, the fae want the crimes solved, and the FBI agrees to partner with one of the fae courts to solve these crimes.

   And that’s where you come in. For this joint group, there will be 2 or 3 FBI agents who are assigned to the case, and 2-4 fae from one of the courts, who will be working together to solve the murders. In addition, there is my main character, Elodie. She’s a junior FBI agent, but one who is familiar with fae culture, and so she is assigned to the group in order to make sure the fae and government agents work smoothly together.

   Now, as I said earlier, I will be writing as Elodie. I call her my main character because she is the one whose perspective I will be writing from. But she is not my only character. I will also be writing as all of the fae in the group. So, I am looking for a partner, or multiple partners, to write as the FBI agents. Now, we can do this three different ways. First of all, if I have 2-3 people interested in this who are willing to do it as a small group, each person will write as one agent. If we do it 1x1, there are two other options. First of all, you can write as multiple agents. Or, if you aren’t comfortable with writing as multiple characters, I can create a second agent to write with. However, considering I will already be writing as 3-5 characters, I would prefer not to have to do that.

   Now, there are only two things that I want in your character(s). First of all, as earlier stated, they are FBI agents, preferably experienced ones. And second of all, they should not know much about fae culture. Now, of course, they can know any and all information listed in this post- it gives the basics. But they do not need to know all of this, if you don’t want them to, and they won’t know more than this. Namely because you don’t know all of the nuances yourself. After all, I can’t list every little thing here- this post is already long enough, thank you very much. So the obvious option on this would be for your character(s) be human. However, if you would like your character(s) to be at least part fae, there are two options open to you. First of all, they can be part fae, but raised by a human character who doesn’t know much about the culture. Or two, they can be a rare changeling- a fae child who was left to be raised by human characters. As a note on that, some part-fae people inherit fae immortality (read up of this in my Lore section, because this version of immortality probably isn’t quite what you’ll first think of…), and some do not. Also, a changeling, who is fully fae, will definitely inherit this. If you want your character to be immortal, they can be. However, I’d prefer they not be too old.

   Ahem. And finally, I will address the last part of the group- my fae characters. For me, this is the fun part. Why? Well, you see, I don’t just have 2-4 fae characters. No, I have a total of 16 of them. That’s right, 16. Obviously, I’m not going to use all of them- just the 2-4 I was talking about earlier. And which ones will I use? You get to choose! Yep, you get to decide which of my numerous characters you would most like to write with. There is only one catch- all of my characters either belong to the Seelie or Unseelie court, and you can only write with characters from one of the two courts. After all, they may not be openly at war anymore, but they still will not cooperate with each other. But you get to decide which court you would like to write with, and which characters in the court. Keep in mind, they will be part of a taskforce meant to solve the crimes and apprehend the killer. This is potentially quite dangerous (read- it WILL be dangerous), so all of the option are warrior characters. They can all fight, not just with magic, but with weapons as well. Generally this means swords, knives, and bows (remember, they’re all quite old), although some may use guns as well. And yes, most of the characters are elven. That is because they generally have the strongest magic, and thus are considered some of the strongest warriors.

   Wow, this introduction got longer than I intended it to. But fear not, there is only one other topic we need to cover here- mature content. Now, I have this in the adults-only section for a reason. There will be strong language, violence, gore, nudity, and probably some sexual content. Now, the extent of that sexual content is up to you. If you want romance and/or smut in the RP, I’m all for having it, but neither one is required. Nor are they necessarily tied to each other- there can be romance without smut or smut without romance if you want. Or there can be neither or both. For pairings, well, anything goes! I tend to favor mxf, but I am more than willing to write fxf or mxm if that’s what you’re into. In addition, I purposely have not set a specific sexual orientation for any of my characters, so they are all open to both both hetero- and homo-sexual pairings. As far as less-than-conventional sexual practices, I am open to writing just about anything. However, keep in mind that, as explained later, the Unseelie Court is much more open to darker sexual themes than the Seelie Court. So if you want to go darker, keep that in mind as you choose your court. Also, certain characters may be better for different kinks, so if you know there is a specific kink/ kinks you want in the RP, ask me and I will be more than happy to point you toward the characters that would be best for engaging in that.

Edit: I just heard from someone who misunderstood some things about this thread. Since I wasn't clear enough, I'd like to take a moment here and clarify in case someone else thinks the same thing. I understand that there are a lot of characters involved in this story. My main character, Elodie, plus two other detectives associated with the FBI and at least 2 fae characters. That brings the total up to at least 5 characters. However, that is the number of characters, not writers. I will be writing both as Elodie, and the fae characters. So I will be writing as at least three characters for this. I am looking for a partner to play another detective or two for me. Perhaps two other people, each as one detective, but that is the max. I'm not looking for a group of more than three, and I still prefer 1x1. So this is not a group idea, nor am I looking for anyone to write as the fae characters I've already created. Anyway, I hope that clears things up a bit.

Species of Fae

    • Asrai: Beautiful aquatic faeries. They possess wings and appear young, with webbed hands and feet. They are generally very short, with the tallest being around 5 feet, and most between 3-4 feet in height. If they are ever touched by sunlight, they dissolve into water.
    • Boggart: A boggart is an offended brownie. They look the same as brownies, for their appearance doesn’t change, just their personality. They still stay out of sight, but they become malicious, often playing pranks, including violent and dangerous ones. Sometimes an apology or acts of kindness toward them will cause them to revert back into a brownie, but this is not always the case. If the owner of the house moves, sometimes the boggart will stay with the house, but there is also a change that it will follow the owners.
    • Bogie: This species of goblin lives in gloomy, dark, and forgotten places. Inside houses, this typically means attics, basements, and unused closets. They always remain out of sight, but they are clumsy and can often by heard moving around. They enjoy playing minor pranks.
    • Brownies: Brownies look relatively human, except for their faces. They have no nose, just two holes set on their face through which to breathe, and their lips tend to be very thin. Their skin is, as the name suggests, a rich brown. They wear very little in the way of clothing, but offering them clothing will often leave. They are very sensitive and good-natured. They live in the houses of others, staying out of sight. If the owner of the house treats them well and leaves out food for them, then at night while the humans sleep the brownies will do household chores for the family. If angered or offended, they will turn into a boggart.
    • Cluricaun: These fae are very much like leprichauns. They are perpetually drunk, and have a mischievous sense of humor. They are sometimes seen riding sheep and dogs, and they can turn malevolent if mistreated.
    • Dwarves: This race of fae looks mostly human, with the exception of the fact that they are much shorter, generally around 4 feet in height. They tend to live underground, and are associated with mining, metalwork, and craftsmanship.
    • Elves: This race is sometimes referred to as High Fae or Sidhe. They are the most powerful of the fae, and the most human in appearance, with the exception of their delicately pointed ears. They tend to be tall, especially compared to other types of fae, often reaching 6 feet, and are extremely slender, to the point that it sets them apart as not being quite human. They generally possess an almost unearthly beauty. Male and female alike, they tend to wear their hair extremely long. The elves are in charge of both of the fae courts, and have a wide variety of different magics, depending on the elf.
    • Flower Faeries: Very small fae with butterfly-type wings. The tallest of this kind of fae are around 6 inches in height. They are very gentle creatures. Each is associated with a certain type of flower, and they live near these flowers, tending them. They are rarely seen at either court or among the humans, preferring solitude or the company of others of their species.
    • Gnomes: This type of fae is small, generally ranging from 1-2 feet tall. They often appear older than many types of fae. They can be found in a wide variety of environments. They tend to live with and protect animals, and they are vegetarian.
    • Goblins: Generally, goblins are very short, and do not look at all human. Their skin is often various shades of grays, browns, or even greens. Many have deformities, such as extra limbs and other body parts. In fact, in goblin culture, these deformities are viewed as attractive, although they certainly don’t seem so to others. They live in groups of 10-50, with the strongest of the group leading. They live underground and are prone to violence, often preying on small groups or lone travelers at night.
    • Gremlins: These are small fae creatures, generally more like goblin than human in appearance. They are highly skilled in all things mechanical and technological, and are one of the only types of fae that can stand being around man-made things. They can be very beneficial, often helping out those around them, but when slighted they become a nuisance and often sabotage the various technologies around them.
    • Knockers: This type of fae is mostly human in appearance, although smaller. They live underground in mines and stay out of sight. They are slightly mischievous, playing pranks such as taking tools or extinguishing lights, but they are actually very helpful. They communicate with miners through knocking to show where to mine, or to warn of collapses and other dangers.
    • Leprechaun: These fae are smaller than humans, between the sizes of gnomes and dwarves. They generally wear green or red, and are known for making shoes. They are solitary creatures, and they also tend to hoard gold and other treasures, leading many to try to capture them to learn the locations of these stashes.
    • Nixies: Shapeshifting water spirits. They often appear as beautiful men and women, although another frequent shape is that of a horse. They are also known for being able to play beautiful music, particularly with a violin. They lure victims to the water and drown them.
    • Ogres: These fae are very tall. Even the short ones top 7 feet, and they can grow up to twice that height. They are ugly creatures, many sporting horns, tusks, and monstrous teeth. They are generally solitary, and they are best known for the fact that they feed on human and fae flesh.
    • Phookas: Phookas are shapeshifters. They commonly take the shape of horses of goats, and some can even take on human shape. They generally live in less developed areas, and are nuisance creatures, habitually tearing up crops and killing livestock.
    • Pixies: These are small faeries, around the size of flower faeries. Many, although not all, have light, gauzy wings. They live along the edges of forests and along paths that lead through them, and enjoy leading travelers astray. However, they are not malevolent.
    • Redcaps: This is the most dangerous and violent type of goblin. They are named for the wool caps they wear. Originally white, they dye the caps red in the blood of their victims, and they kill frequently in order to keep the blood on their caps fresh.
    • Selkies: These fae mostly live in the water as seals. However, when they emerge on land they remove the seal skin and appear human. They view losing their seal skins as a fate worse than death, and it is not uncommon for someone to steal a selkie’s skin in order to force the selkie to do what they want them to.
    • Spriggans: These ugly creatures are a subspecies of goblins. They are malevolent, known for stealing children and leading victims into danger. They also feed on human flesh, as well as the flesh of other fae, although this is less common.
    • Sprites: Another small winged species of faeries, they are on average slightly larger than flower faeries and pixies. Their wings are like those of dragonflies. They typically live deep in the forests, away from humans, but often live around other fae. They are very playful, and have very short attention spans. They are generally not dangerous, although they will bite when provoked.
    • Will’o’Whisps: These small, floating balls of light are known by many other names, most commonly faerie lights. At times they can seem almost sentient. They are best known for leading travelers astray, they can also be helpful, sometimes steering their followers away from danger or leading lost travelers back to the path. They also light most of the fae dwellings.

Faerie Groups

Seelie Court: Also known as the Glittering Throng, this is one of the best known faerie groups, and one of the best respected. This court is ruled by the elven King Cuchulain and his wife, Queen Venetia. While fae of some species other than elves belong to the Seelie Court, all of the nobles are elven. This court puts a huge emphasis on appearances, going out of their way to appear benevolent and helpful. Of course, like any other fae, they are easily offended and can be vengeful when slighted. However, they will retaliate in ways that will not be linked back to them in order to maintain their benign façade. They adapted their lifestyle more to that of the humans. They are unforgiving of imperfections, and are well known for exiling anyone who does not meet their exacting standards. They have long been rivals with the Unseelie Court.

Unseelie Court: Also known as the Darkling Hoarde, this court does not have as good a reputation as its rival. Ruled by Queen Morgane, they are known for being temperamental, easily offended, and violent when provoked. In honesty, the things that they do aren’t really much worse than the behavior the Seelie Court engages in. They simply do it openly and do not pretend to be different than they are, which is why they have a worse reputation. They take in any fae willing to follow the court’s rules, including those exiled from the Seelie Court. However, most of the nobles (although not all) are still elven, simply because here status is based on strength of magic, and elves generally have the strongest magic.

Wild Hunt: Once there were many Wild Hunts. However, as magic waned the hunts began to disappear, until there was only one left. It is a group of violent fae, and faerie and wild creatures, led by a huntsman. The current huntsman is technically currently a member of the Unseelie Court. The hunt only assembles when the huntsman calls them, and they gather for the purpose of punishing serious crimes, including oathbreaking, murder, and kinslaying. Once called, the hunt cannot be stopped until they have caught and killed their target.

Of course, this is just the main groups. There are many small groups, especially among the goblins, small winged fae, and aquatic fae, which do not belong to either of the courts and instead have their own leadership.

Faerie Lore

Immortality: Fae are immortal. However, despite popular belief, this does not mean they cannot be killed. It simply means that they do not age normally, do not die of age, and are immune to illnesses and infections. They also heal quickly and can survive some wounds that would be fatal to humans. But they can be killed when enough damage is dealt.

Weaknesses: There are several things fae are weak to, and chief among them is iron. Iron is literally poisonous to fae, and would make by iron do not heal the way others will. The touch of iron on their skin literally burns them, and prevents them from using magic. For someone who is only partially fae, their resistance or weakness to iron varies. For most, it is still uncomfortable, but not as dangerous. For humans or those who are only partially fae, having bare iron touch their skin can grant them some resistance to fae magic. The weakness applies to steel as well, although to a lesser degree.  In fact, they are weak to any man-made substances (for example, plastic), and are uncomfortable around modern buildings and culture. There are also certain combinations of herbs that will protect from certain kinds of fairy magic.

Glamour: Glamour is a type of magic that most fae possess to a degree. Depending on their strength, it can create illusions, usually only to the extent of changing the appearance of the caster, although more often than not once someone knows it is an illusion, the illusion breaks. For those with stronger glamour, the magic can even manipulate emotion. It is technically illegal to use glamour on the press and on government officials. In addition, among the fae it is a great insult to use glamour on another fae, because it implies that you do not believe they are strong enough to see through your magic.

Names: One thing that is important to note about fae is that it is not uncommon for fae to change the names they use. Generally this happens after a serious change in their lives. This is especially common since magic began to decline. Many fae chose new names because hearing their true names reminded them of the magic and power lost. Even if one knows that a fae went by a former name, it is incredibly rude to use that name, if you know it, or to ask about previous names. Also, fae do not use surnames. Instead, once they enter adulthood they are given a meaningful title, or sometimes multiple titles, that they use in conjunction with their names to set themselves apart from other who may have the same name as them. However, these titles are generally only used in initial introductions or in formal settings.

Lying: The fae are literally incapable of lying. However, they can use words to be misleading, as long as they don’t tell a direct untruth. In fact, most take great joy in tricking both humans and other fae. They are only able to make promises about the future if they intend to keep them. However, once the time to fulfil this promise comes, they can break it. Doing so, though, causes them to be an oathbreaker, one of the worst crimes in faerie culture. Most who are only partially fae, however, are in fact capable of lying, although doing so to fae is highly inadvisable, as they will not react well to the insult.

Thanking: To the fae, saying “thank you” is an insult. They believe that gratitude should be shown, and simply thanking them is not enough. Just saying thank you implies that you do not intend to return the favor they did you. Many of the younger fae are more in tune with modern culture and will not get offended over this, but the older ones will.

Changelings: Because there the fae population is relatively small, in order to keep their strength, when an apparently weak child in born to one of the more human-looking fae, they will sometimes swap it with a healthy human child. Both the human child raised with the fae and the fae child left to be raised by the humans are referred to as changelings. This practice was made illegal not only by the human governments, but also by both courts. However, it does still happen on occasion, when the fae parents believe they can get away with it.

Sithens: Also known as “Faerie Mounds,” sithens are hollow hills under which tunnels are dug. They are the homes of the fae. Both courts, as well as smaller groups, live in their own sithens, places with magical entrances that can only be found if the location is already known, or through magic. Each sithen has a ruler, and is essentially an underground palace where all who belong to the court live, although or course, some are grander than others.

Sexuality: The fae are more open with their sexuality than humans. For them, being scantily clad or even nude in public is normal, although the Seelie Court is trying to move toward more of a human view on these matters. In general, fae only get married if there is a child involved, otherwise they remain in open relationships. Once they do marry, though, they take their vows and the idea of monogamy very seriously. Marriages can only be dissolved if both partners willingly agree on it. The Unseelie Court is also very open to all manner of non-conventional sexual practices, although the Seelie Court does not have a friendly view on this.


For information of Elodie, my main character, refer to her spoiler below. The rest of this section is reserved for my fae characters that you have to choose from. They are divided into those from the Seelie Court, and those from the Unseelie. After all, in case you've forgotten, you can only choose members from one court, not both. There are a total of 16 characters, 4 female and 4 male from each court.


Name: Elodie Lynet
Gender: Female
Nicknames: El, Ellie
Race: Half human, half nixie
Age: 24
Body Type: Slim
Height: 5 ft 2 in
Weight: 120 lbs
Complexion: Pale
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Blue-gray
Handedness: Right
Relationship Status: Single

Elodie is generally very calm, cool, and collected. She always endeavors to act professional. However, she is secretly very insecure. Namely, this is because she has never really fit in among humans, even though she considers herself human. There are many people who are at least partially biased against the fae, and it has made things tough for her. Nor is going to the fae an option, because they are often biased against those with human blood. In addition, she is still new in the FBI, and is desperate to prove herself.

Elodie's fae heritage means she has some magical abilities. She lacks the glamour magic that all full-blooded fae possess. However, she did inherit some of the shape-shifting magic from her father. She can change her physical traits to any human form she wishes, although she cannot change into any non-human forms.

Elodie was raised by her human mother, but knowing that her father was fae, she was always interested in fae culture growing up, and learned as much about it as she could. As an adult, she went into criminology, and recently landed a job with the FBI as a detective. She is still a newcomer, but because of her background, she is one of the only agents who is familiar with fae culture. So when the FBI decided to partner with a group of fae warriors to solve new and baffling murders, she was chosen as a member of the team to make sure the group works together smoothly.

Of course, while I love all of my characters, I would be lying if I said I didn't have some favorites. Personally, my absolute favorite would have to be Mavelle- she's my baby right now. Cordelia, Fiacre, and Weylin are also dear to me. So I'll definitely love you if you let me write as at least one of them. But of course, the choice is entirely yours.

Seelie Court


Name: Aleena
Full Title: Aleena the Shining One
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 2,000 years, looks like early 20s
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Pale blond
Eyes: Turquoise

Personality: Aleena is a very cool and calculating person. She always makes decisions based on reason rather than emotion, and in fact rarely shown emotions at all. She is incredibly intelligent, and very good at reading people. She has no problems manipulating people to get what she wants, and is very good at playing whatever part she wishes to portray. If she has one downfall, it is that she is incredibly arrogant.

Abilities: Aleena uses a light-based magic, which includes manipulating light to make illusions, meaning her visible glamour magic is very strong, although she cannot manipulate emotions with glamour. She can also create light of her own, which can be used as a weapon as it gives off heat.

Backstory: Aleena is considered middle-aged by fae standards. She is neither very young nor very old. She was common-born, but she was always ambitious, and she used her charms and cunning to work her way to earn herself a noble title and official position at the Seelie Court, and she has since spent most of her time negotiating fae politics and working her way up through the ranks at court.


Name: Idelisa
Full Title: Idelisa the Bountiful
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 5,000 years, looks like mid 20s
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Rich brown
Eyes: Blue-green

Personality: Idelisa is calm and quite friendly. Although old even by fae standards, she acts quite young and carefree. Unlike many in the Seelie court who work hard to maintain appearances, she is beautiful in an effortless and relaxed sort of way. She is not the most intelligent of people, but she is extremely loyal and persistent. Giving up is not in her vocabulary.

Abilities: Once worshipped as a fertility goddess, Idelisa has earth-based magic, and is able to manipulate plants. She also has mild healing magic, although she can only heal minor wounds, or lessen more severe ones. Her glamour magic is neither strong nor weak, but rather somewhere in the middle.

Backstory: Idelisa was, as earlier stated, once worshipped as a fertility goddess under a different name. She is known for having had many different lovers and husbands over the years, and several children, although she has outlived all of them. She is a well-respected and well-liked member of the Seelie Court.


Name: Kennocha
Full Title: Kennocha the Enchantress
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 1,000 years, looks like early 20s
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Rich red
Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Kennocha is quite vain. Considered extremely beautiful even by fae standards, she values her appearance above just about anything else. She is extremely flirtatious, and generally is not part of committed relationships. She is quite intelligent when she actually takes the time to think things through, but she is given to being impulsive.

Abilities: Kennocha is an enchanter. In other words, she uses her magic to bestow magical abilities on objects, and she has quite a collection of artifacts with powerful magics attacked to them. She is quite formidable because of the versatility of her magic. Her personal glamour is very weak, although that doesn’t particularly bother her since she does not need glamour to be beautiful.

Backstory: Kennocha is the twin sister of Wynne. They were born to high-ranking parents, and they have both always been popular at court due to their beauty. They are both very close, and usually do just about everything together. They also have a bad habit of dating each other’s former lovers.


Name: Wynne
Full Title: Wynne the Sorceress
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 1,000 years, looks like early 20s
Height: 5 ft 10 in
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Wynne is very similar in personality to her twin sister, Kennocha. She is vain, flirtatious, and avoids committed relationships. She is perhaps less rash than her sister, and more inclined to think things through.

Abilities: Wynne uses spell-based magics. For example, creating spells by writing runes, or combining different herbs into potions with varying effects. She, like her sister, is known for the incredible versatility of her magic. Her glamour is stronger than her sister’s, but not my much.

Backstory: Wynne is the twin sister of Kennocha. They were born to high-ranking parents, and they have both always been popular at court due to their beauty. They are both very close, and usually do just about everything together. They also have a bad habit of dating each other’s former lovers


Name: Aodhan
Full Title: Aodhan Dragonborn
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: 2,500 years, looks mid 20s
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: ginger
Eyes: Green-gold

Personality: Aodhan can be rather unpredictable. He is usually cheerful and friendly, but his mood can change on a dime. He is quick to anger and easily offended, but unlike many fae, he does not hold grudges. He is a solid and dependable fighter, and makes a good ally and bad enemy.

Abilities: Aodhan is a fire mage. He can control any fire he comes across, as well as create his own. It is a fairly straight-forward magic. It is a powerful magic, if not particularly versatile. His personal glamour magic is very weak.

Backstory: Aodhan has been a warrior his entire life, and he spent a good deal of his life on the battlefield of campaign trail. While he makes friends easily, he is less interested in romantic relationships, and thus is usually single. He puts more emphasis on what is going on now than on the past, and thus rarely discusses anything about his history.


Name: Emrys
Full Title: Emrys the Eternal
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: 6,000 years, looks late 20s- early 30s
Height: 6 ft 6 in
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair: Honey blond with streaks of green
Eyes: Emerald green

Personality: Extremely old even by fae standards, Emrys is known for his wisdom. He is very calm, and never really shows much emotion of any kind. He is, however, easily offended- he just doesn’t generally show it. But once offended, he isn’t very helpful either. Above all else, though, he is always very fair and logical in his decision-making, and he is widely respected not just in the Seelie Court, but by the Unseelie Court as well.

Abilities: Emrys is a powerful healing mage. As magic waned, healing magic was one of the types that declined the most, so his abilities are in great demand. He can heal even serious injuries, as well as poisons. And while he cannot completely heal illnesses, he can help alleviate their effects. He has a strong glamour magic, although he rarely uses it.

Backstory: Due to the strength of his magic, Emrys was once worshipped as a powerful healing god. He is a noble of the Seelie Court by blood, but he was never very interested in court politics. In fact, for much of his life he lived outside, although still near, the court sithen. He is known for his willingness to heal anyone who comes to him in need, irregardless of their race or allegiances.


Name: Fiacre
Full Title: Fiacre Shadow-Cloaked
Gender: Male
Race: Half elven, half human
Age: Around 500 years, looks early 20s
Height: 5 ft 9 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: Black with white patch
Eyes: Pale green

Personality: Fiacre is very young by fae standars, and he is generally cheerful and easy-going. In fact, many view him as rather naïve. In actuality, he is much more intelligent than he appears. He’s quite cunning, and can be very devious in his planning, although he does have a strict moral code of his own that he will not break. He is slightly rebellious, and does not necessarily follow all of the expectations and beliefs of the Seelie Court. In fact, were he not so valuable to the king his behavior may have led him to get exiled already.

Abilities: Fiacre uses a particular kind of glamour magic that causes people to not notice him. This does not mean he is invisible, but rather, people generally simply don’t even realize he is there, and even if they do notice him they quickly forget he is even there. He can also use his glamour to literally blend into shadows, and as long as he stays still he is practically invisible, unless one looks very closely.

Backstory: Ever since his magic developed, Fiacre has always worked closely under the king of the Seelie Court, even though he has no noble title. He essentially acts as a spy for the king. He frequently gathers information from conversations he overhears when going unnoticed. In fact, people also aren’t as guarded around him, because very few actually know that he reports so much to the king. He is generally underestimated, but in reality he is a very dangerous enemy.


Name: Llewelyn
Full Title: Llewelyn the Warlord
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: About 5,000 years, looks mid-late 20s
Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair: Light blond
Eyes: Pale gray

Personality: Llewelyn is very charismatic. He is a natural leader, and easily inspires others to follow him. However, he is a bit distant in his emotions, keeping his feelings to himself and keeping emotional distance between him and others.

Abilities: Llewelyn has no magics beyond his glamour. His visible glamour is quite strong. On the emotional side, there are a few emotions he can inspire in people. He can cause people to feel confidence and bravery, something which contributes to his leadership abilities.

Backstory: As his title suggests, Llewelyn has long been the warlord of the Seelie Court. It was he who led armies into battle. The King may be the ultimate authority in the court, but on the battlefield warriors look to him for instructions. He is well-respected and liked, although he does keep his emotional distance between him and others. He finds it easier to lead others when he is not friends with them. In the Seelie Court, he is also well-known for being the best swordsman, as well as being familiar with many other weapons.

Unseelie Court


Name: Brangaine
Full Title: Tempester Brangaine
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 4,000 years, looks late 20s
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 160 lbs
Hair: Pale blond
Eyes: Storm gray

Personality: Brangaine has a cool personality. She is distant, and generally doesn’t show much emotion beyond calm disinterest. She doesn’t get angry very easily, but once she does, she has a tendency to hold grudges for a very long time.

Abilities: Brangaine is a storm mage. Her magic can call strong wind, rain, lightning, and hail. Her magic tends to react when she is angry or upset, so she occasionally calls up storms on accident. When magic was stronger, she was known for on several occasions accidentally summoning a tornado when she was angry. Her magic is very powerful, but also unpredictable, and can be rather difficult to control, and her glamour is weak.

Backstory: Brangaine was once worshipped as a storm goddess. She was also widely feared because of the devastation her magic caused, and her tendency to get vengeance when wronged. She’s one of the premier warriors of the Unseelie Court, and is well known for her prowess in hand-to-hand combat.


Name: Cordelia
Full Title: Moonlit Cordelia
Gender: Female
Race: Asrai
Age: Around 1,500 years, looks 18-19
Height: 4 ft 8 in
Weight: 80 lbs
Hair: Very pale blue
Eyes: Brown

Personality: Cordelia has an almost child-like innocence. She’s a very gentle person. She is slow to anger and quick to forgive slights. She is welcoming, and genuinely enjoys the company of others. She is naïve when it comes to the ways of court, and is easily hurt by the cruelty of others, though this translates to sadness, not anger.

Abilities: Cordelia can manipulate water. She can draw any water in a nearby radius to her, and can manipulate it into whatever form she wishes. She can also draw pure water out of any other liquid in order to manipulate it. Her magic is not necessarily useful in combat, but it can be quite versatile. Her visual glamour is strong, and she often uses it to appear human when in public places.

Backstory: As with all members of her species, Cordelia can never be touched by sunlight. If she is, she will immediately dissolve into water. Thus, it would essentially be her death. In fact, this fate befell her mother when Cordelia was young. She can technically go outside during the day, as long as she ensures that every inch of her skin, hair, wings, etc. is covered so that the light does not hit it. However, this is extremely risky because it would be quite easy for something to get uncovered by accident. So she only does this when absolutely necessary. After her mother’s passing when she was young, Cordelia spent much of her youth alone. Her species is very rare, and most fae and humans alike are active during the day, so she was deprived of contact. Eventually, though, she joined the Unseelie Court, and living underground allows her some semblance of a normal life.


Name: Deirdre
Full Title: Snowstorm Deirdre
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 3,000 years, looks early-mid 20s
Height: 5 ft 5 in
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: White, faintly luminescent
Eyes: Ice blue

Personality: Deirdre has a very subdued personality. She always seems vaguely sad, although no one is really sure why she would be. She never gets angry or raises her voice, and generally walks away from conflict rather than engaging in fighting. She is, of course, a warrior, and will fight on the battlefield, but it is clear that she does so out of a sense of duty, rather than because she wants to. She is not a very trusting person, and rarely confides in anything.

Abilities: Deirdre is an ice mage. She can freeze just about anything, and can cause it to snow. She can even create blizzards, although this is extremely draining. She generally does not carry any actual weapons with her. Rather, when she needs to fight, she creates blades purely out of ice. Despite her frequent reluctance to engage in violence, she is actually an extremely skilled fighter, even by fae standards. Her glamour is neither particularly strong nor weak, but she rarely uses it anyway.

Backstory: Although Deirdre is by no means young by fae standards, she joined the Unseelie Court recently, only a few hundred years ago. Her name is not recognized by members of the court. She does not speak of her history, and no one asks her about it, since for the fae that would be extremely rude, so very little is known about her.


Name: Mavelle
Full Title: Sirena Mavelle
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Age: Around 200 years, looks late teens-early 20s
Height: 5 ft 7 in
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Gold blond
Eyes: Green

Personality: Mavelle is a rather emotional person, and it is generally easy to read her mood based on the look on her face. However, because of her magic, she rarely if ever speaks. She is quite insecure about herself, especially due to the way she is treated around court. She tries to avoid trouble whenever possible, but she is more than capable of holding her own in a fight.

Abilities: Mavelle’s visual glamour is extremely weak. However, her main magic is emotion-based glamour, and it is very strong. Whatever she is feeling, her magic tends to cause those around her to feel the same way. She does her best to control this, and usually her magic does not affect others unless her emotions are extremely strong. But her magic is even more powerful in her voice. Her tone influences people’s emotions. A soothing tone will calm people, and an angry tone is liable to cause bloodshed. She can dim the effects that her voice has on people, but she can never completely eliminate the effects. Using glamour on another fae is extremely rude, and even though she does not use her glamour to manipulate purposely, her magic still offends and angers other fae, so she avoids speaking as much as possible.

Backstory: Mavelle was born to a noble family in the Seelie Court, and in the beginning, she fit in well enough. However, once she hit puberty and her magic manifested, she could not prevent herself from manipulating people’s emotions. It caused so many problems that she was exiled from the court. Soon after she joined the Unseelie Court and was accepted in, but people still do not take kindly to her magic, and she is very self-conscious and insecure because of it.


Name: Breanainn
Full Title: Breanainn, Prince of Blood
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: About 3,000 years, looks mid 20s
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 175 lbs
Hair: Jet black
Eyes: Steel gray

Personality: Breanainn is very arrogant. He is authoritative, and expects those around him to obey him or suffer the consequences. He also has a bit of a sadistic streak. Still, he isn’t exactly evil by nature. Rather, he was thrust into power from an early age, and adapted to what was expected of him in order to survive. He actually does care for others, although he rarely, if ever, shows it.

Abilities: Breanainn uses blood magic. He has the ability to worsen any wounds his enemy may have, as well as re-open and worsen old wound that may have already healed. It is definitely a fearsome magic to go up against, as it can easily kill a human. Fae do not bleed to death easily, but it will at least greatly weaken them. But as a downside, this magic also causes great pain to him when he uses it. His glamour abilities are very weak.

Backstory: Breanainn is, as his title suggests, a prince of the Unseelie Court, as he is the nephew of the queen. The court is not a gentle place, and those in power who are not cruel do not live very long, so he adapted himself to survive. His title did not ensure him a happy childhood, and he still has to struggle daily to maintain authority in the court. His own parents were killed by assassins when he was quite young, and the moment the court nobles stop fearing him will likely be when the next assassin is sent for him, so he always strives to avoid showing anything that can be taken as weakness.


Name: Cocidius
Full Title: Cocidius the Huntsman
Gender: Male
Race: Elven
Age: Around 5,000 years, looks late 20s-early 30s
Height: 6 ft 5 in
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark brown, almost black

Personality: Cocidius is generally cold and distant. He does not show emotion around others, except for occasional disdain. He often seems very harsh, although he isn’t really. He simply has a rough reputation to uphold, and he does so. He is much more kind towards those he knows and trusts, although it is not easy to earn his trust.

Abilities: Cocidius has the ability to communicate with and even to an extent control wild animals. He is also, as his title suggests, the huntsman of the Wild Hunt, meaning he can call on it to punish crimes when he sees fit, although that ability is rarely used. It is, however, a powerful threat that makes those around him wary of him. His glamour very strong, and he often uses it to hide the numerous scars he had in a variety of places.

Backstory: When Cocidius was young, he was relatively weak. His parents were nobles of the Unseelie Court. His older brother, wanting power, arranged to have both Cocidius and their parents killed. The assassin succeeded in killing his parents, but Cocidius managed to escape alive, although scarred. Wanting revenge on his brother but too weak to get it on his own, he managed to take control of the Wild Hunt, using it to punish his brother for the crime of kinslaying. He assumed his father’s former title, and ever since has been a widely feared member of the court.


Name: Kelwyn
Full Title: Kelwyn the Landbound
Gender: Male
Race: Selkie
Age: Around 2,000 years, looks late 20s
Height: 5 ft 11 in
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Bright blue

Personality: Kelwyn is a rather bitter and sarcastic person. He is hardly welcoming, and in fact purposely discourages people from getting too close to him. However, if someone is able to tough out his attitude and stick around long enough to earn his respect, he has a much more mild personality. He is even more caustic toward humans than toward other fae, because his past has given him a near hatred for humans, although he can get past this to become friends with them.

Abilities: Kelwyn has extremely weak glamour, and no magic of any other kind. He gets by solely on his strength and skill with blades.

Backstory: Kelwyn is a selkie, a race who live as seals in the water, but shed their seal skin when on land. When Kelwyn was younger, while he was out of the water humans found his sealskin and destroyed it. Among the selkie, this is considered a fate worse than death, and in fact many do not survive it, because it is a part of them that is being destroyed. Kelwyn, however, was one of the rare few who did live through the experience. Unable to return to the water as he once had, he left the sea and eventually joined the Unseelie Court. His past has left him with trust issues and a near hatred for humans because of what they had done to him.


Name: Weylin
Full Title: Weylin the Render
Gender: Male
Race: Half elven, half phookah
Age: Around 1,000 years, looks mid 20s
Height: 5 ft 4 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Gray

Personality: Weylin is a rather social person who greatly appreciates the company of others. However, he is not always the most friendly toward those he does not know well. He can be a bit of a handful, in a teenage rebellion sort of way. He enjoys joking around, playing pranks and pushing the rules as far as he can without ending up in serious trouble. He does have a vengeful streak when angered, and is not a good person to cross.

Abilities: Weylin has almost no glamour magic to speak of. However, he does have what is best described as magic claws. When he summons them with his magic, they are essentially invisible blades of pure magic that extend from his fingers, and while they can’t be seen, they can cause serious damage. And due to his father’s shapeshifting magic, he has the ability to change into the form of a large timber wolf, although this is the only shift he is capable of.

Backstory: The unwanted child of an elven noblewoman and a shapeshifting phookah, Weylin never really fit in well at court. However, he was always a fun-loving person, and gathered a loyal group of friends, namely other outsiders who, like him, don’t quite fit it. However, despite his cheerful demeanor, he is a highly trained soldier, and his title comes from his ability to literally tear his enemies to shreds.

Hmm... Oh, you're still here? I'll be impressed in anyone managed to get through all of that. But anyhow, if that sounds interesting to anyone, please post here or message me. I'd love to find someone to share this adventure with![/list]