Smutty Fantasy Dungeon Crawling! - Dungeon World Recruitment (System, Light)

Started by Nastara, February 03, 2020, 06:53:20 PM

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Quote from: Nastara on February 10, 2020, 05:13:51 PM
Yeah, I'm definitely going to be aiming to make a group that I think will have good chemistry as characters, players, posting styles, etc as best as I can!

All of the applications are fantastic. There's nobody who I wouldn't love to have in a game. For yhat matter, I'd love to keep everybody's names for possible later pokes in case of drop off, story completion, or being able to run a second game!

Don't envy the choices you have to make Nastara, lots of good characters. :)
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H



Yeah, I'm freaking dying here.

Also, dinner took longer to make than I expected!! Messages going out in
...45 minutes?
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Hello everyone!

First off, I want to thank you all again. These characters are amazing and I hope I get the chance to play with everyone. At this point, I just sent out a first round of invitations. It was REALLY difficult. I want to play with all of you and wish I could run a game with 12 PCs, but my brain would freaking melt.

However, I'd love to play with you all in the future. My intention is to keep Delvers Company going, both with (hopefully soon!) a second team and filling in slots if/when people drop out. I hope you don't mind if I keep this thread as a rolling recruitment board to pull people in when I have the capability.

When I am forming the next group, I'll post in this thread to do so, so that people can get an alert if they are interested!

Thank you so much again and may you have many adventures!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding