Pathfinder 1E Games that are 'Normal'?

Started by National Acrobat, January 19, 2020, 10:10:33 AM

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National Acrobat

Love Pathfinder 1e, but there seems to be a lack of games on the board that are just 'normal' fantasy Pathfinder games, i.e. they all seem to be heavily non-con or unusual in many aspects. I'd love to get into a Pathfinder game that is just a normal, fantasy game with a group of good guys who go out and defeat the bad guys, do good deeds, maybe have some political intrigue or go on a massive quest and have fun along the way. Any such games out there, that are looking for players?


I'm interested in a game like this; where the focus is something other than smut.
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


  Always fun.  Do you want a truly no smut game, or just one where it doesn't dominate, maybe is welcome but always gets side-barred?
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Muse on January 19, 2020, 05:30:50 PM
  Always fun.  Do you want a truly no smut game, or just one where it doesn't dominate, maybe is welcome but always gets side-barred?

This is a very important question. We are on E after all and if I want a smutless/non-romance PF game I could just call the tabletop group together.

National Acrobat

Quote from: Muse on January 19, 2020, 05:30:50 PM
  Always fun.  Do you want a truly no smut game, or just one where it doesn't dominate, maybe is welcome but always gets side-barred?

No, I welcome the smut. What I don't want is a game where smut is the constant focus, or there is non-con, or erotic slaves of party members that slow down the actual adventure. I like erotic games, but more along the lines of players hook up, have relationships, and the smut is resolved in side threads, while the actual adventure progresses in a typical, normal fantasy game manner.


Oh, sounds like just about what I've been looking to do.  If anyone is interested, I'll volunteer to GM a game set in the locale of Sandpoint and its hinterlands in the PF setting.  Is this of interest?


Quote from: nomadsoul on January 19, 2020, 11:03:57 PM
Oh, sounds like just about what I've been looking to do.  If anyone is interested, I'll volunteer to GM a game set in the locale of Sandpoint and its hinterlands in the PF setting.  Is this of interest?

I'd certainly like to hear more about the idea.
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


The basic idea will be that this is set in the aftermath of the Rise of the Runelords AP.  The characters (locals or new arrivals) may be looking to make their fortunes as Thassilonian relic hunters, or they might have other business in town.  Given that the town is undergoing economic boom, they could also just be there to start a new life.

The overall course of the adventure is a transition from struggles to get established to being caught up in the underlying issue that keeps on drawing problems to the region, so this would be a from level 1 to as far as we get (god knows the sourcebook on the region includes CR 1 all the way to a CR 20 threat).

In addition to bad guys that need to be smited, there's options for anyone that wants to become involved in the local politics of the region.  There's some realestate up for grabs too.


The premise sounds really good, nomadsoul.

How many players would you like to recruit and what kind of character guidelines do you have?
"The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything; now, is it not by means of the imagination one knows joy? Is it not of the imagination that the sharpest pleasures arise?" - Marquis de Sade


I'm thinking 4-6 players, though I haven't really worked out build guidelines apart from a level 1 start.



A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

National Acrobat

Quote from: nomadsoul on January 20, 2020, 12:08:14 AM
The basic idea will be that this is set in the aftermath of the Rise of the Runelords AP.  The characters (locals or new arrivals) may be looking to make their fortunes as Thassilonian relic hunters, or they might have other business in town.  Given that the town is undergoing economic boom, they could also just be there to start a new life.

The overall course of the adventure is a transition from struggles to get established to being caught up in the underlying issue that keeps on drawing problems to the region, so this would be a from level 1 to as far as we get (god knows the sourcebook on the region includes CR 1 all the way to a CR 20 threat).

In addition to bad guys that need to be smited, there's options for anyone that wants to become involved in the local politics of the region.  There's some realestate up for grabs too.

I’d be interested in this for sure.


It seems a hero was found and the name is nomadsoul.  ;D

Do tell whenever a recruitment thread is put up! I am definitely interested.


Quote from: nomadsoul on January 20, 2020, 12:08:14 AM
The basic idea will be that this is set in the aftermath of the Rise of the Runelords AP.
Could you summarize the state of affairs in the region in a manner that would keep the AP spoilers to the minimum?


Quote from: Tavarokk on January 20, 2020, 12:31:36 PM
Could you summarize the state of affairs in the region in a manner that would keep the AP spoilers to the minimum?
Basically, the region of Varisia used to be a sleepy backwoods country, littered with massive ruins of a long forgotten empire called Thassilon - previously it was assumed to belong to the ethnic Varisians before they became gypsy-esque nomads.  In early 4707 (present date mid 4708), an ancient wizard of Thassilon seemingly came back to life, causing various evils to stir in response to his presence, and made a bid to conquer the region to rebuild the ancient empire, using enslaved giants and dragons, as well as otherworldly creatures.  The attempt was thwarted by a group that had their beginnings in Sandpoint.  It has since been discovered that Thassilon was not an empire belonging to the Varisians, but to exiles from the legendary sunken continent of Azlant.  Infamously, it was an empire built on the concept of wizardry distilled through the seven deadly sins, and its rulers (now known as the Runelords) were among the most powerful (and evil) wizards of their day, who enslaved entire nations of giants to build their empire (and thus accounting for the massive size of the ancient ruins).  The defeated wizard has since been identified as Karzoug, the Runelord of Greed (transmutation magic).

Interest in this ancient culture has skyrocketed, and a budding industry based on relic hunting has started, whilst the Pathfinder Society has begun investing more into the region, basing themselves in Magnimar (the largest city in Varisia, situated some 50 odd miles south-west of Sandpoint).  As one of the settlements closest to the 'heartlands' of Varisia (as well as the reputation garnered for being the former of home of the heroes who defeated the awakened Runelord), Sandpoint has become a hub for would be treasure hunters, if not scoundrels.  The increased traffic has also caused the town to expand, thus creating a demand for a larger skilled workforce that has brought immigrants in.

Whilst this is a period of excitement, there is also an undercurrent of worry in the region regarding the fate of the remaining Runelords - are they dead or are they a threat that will eventually emerge like the last one?  Though Karzoug is dead, problems continue to arise in and around Sandpoint, making people wonder if another Runelord might be about to awaken.


Yeah, sound interesting, I'll think on a possible character.


What do you have in mind for restrictions as far as classes and races go?

National Acrobat

Having successfully played through Rise of the Runelords as a player in my tabletop group, this appeals greatly to me.


I'd like to play a character who is very open about sex and sexuality, like a sorceress flaunting taboos and wearing skimpy, fetish-y outfits... but it's not something she does in the main scene, since that's action-based.  And perhaps a good-aligned noblewoman who is presenting as a "bad" sorceress and acting this way while adventuring, since she can't in her stifling, upright, uptight noble lifestyle.  Or who just IS like that.  "Good" doesn't have to mean "goody-goody" after all!
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


This would be fun!  I'd like to play a rogue in this setting.  I've always wanted to play the Runelords AP but this would be a fun take on it in the aftermath.  It definitely seems like a setting where the characters can matter.


Quote from: helvorn on January 20, 2020, 09:45:15 PM
This would be fun!  I'd like to play a rogue in this setting.  I've always wanted to play the Runelords AP but this would be a fun take on it in the aftermath.  It definitely seems like a setting where the characters can matter.

Oh thank god, someone else willing to play rogue  XD I so often get stuck playing hte thigns for some reason.

As for races, I'm sure there's some sort of middle ground... like personally I like playing small races and occasionally delve into weird oddballs like Ratfolk or Goblins or whatever, but then it's always a little weird to have a random android or Triaxian show up or something.


Perhaps an Taldan noblewoman, stifled and bored by the decadent and sexist society, adventuring and fronting as a wicked Chelixan sorceress! 
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
Canon Character Roleplay and System-based Roleplay


Welcome to all newcomers!  On that note, I think there's more than enough interest here without needing to start up a new recruitment thread.  If anyone wants to invite someone else, feel free.

To once again, to reiterate Acrobat's wishes, the focus here is more on adventuring - there are no rampaging hordes of horny monsters looking to ravish and despoil, and practically none of the 'defeat-equals-rape' handed out in spades - if you're looking for the sexy, you're free to do it in your own time, as long as it doesn't disrupt the flow of the adventure.

My idea is to play this out by Adventure and Downtime modes.  When in 'Adventure' mode, there's a quest at hand and the focus should be there for the most part.  With the adventure done, we enter 'Downtime' mode and things take a more sedate slice-of-life pace and the PCs can enjoy lives a bit, sort out personal affairs, visit brothels or a local sweetheart, or what have you.  Until the start of the next episode of adventure.

I'm going to focus this campaign solely in Sandpoint and its surrouning area, so we have an unspoken agreement not to venture elsewhere unless that's where a quest is going (which will be relatively brief).

The final build guidelines will be as follows:

  • Ability Scores: 25-points buy.
  • Races: Core + Aasimar, Changeling, Dhamphir, Skinwalker, Tiefling
  • Alignment: Any non-Evil.
  • Classes: Any official Paizo. (Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, Summoner use unchained versions)
  • Starting Level: 1st.
  • Hp: Max at 1st level. 1/2 HD + 1 at every other level.
  • Traits: Adult (2). Middle-Age (5). 1 extra trait if Flaw is taken.
  • Background Skills: Yes.
  • Starting Equipment/Wealth: Average for class.

For any included backgrounds, best to keep it brief and humble at this point (as befits a 1st level PC), incorporating your traits and starting equipment into it.  I'm more interested to know the personalities of the individuals at hand and what I can expect from them - so, detail what they're like, how they react, and/or what they do during:

  • An average day in town.
  • During moments of severe stress (combat, sudden betrayal, socially ridiculed, etc...)
  • Motivation to get out of bed every day.
  • Things they hate/fear.


Quote from: nomadsoul on January 20, 2020, 11:07:50 PM
  • Races: Core + Aasimar, Changeling, Dhamphir, Skinwalker, Tiefling

This is what I secretly was hoping for! I've had a tiefling itch I have wanted to scratch for too long. >:) Consider me determined to make the cut! ;D