Pet's Ideas

Started by Petra, February 22, 2009, 06:08:29 PM

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Looking for a dedicated dominant male partner for each, though I don't mind females playing as males.


This is one I've started, my partner disappeared  on me.

A Night On The Town:
(IM or IRC preferably)
Would start with your character making a night long date. Dinner, movies, etc. There is only one set rule (though you can make others) No coming till sunrise. Teasing is allowed, but none can come. I've found this best played, and enjoyed, when toys are involved. The plot is really dependent on what you come up with as the locations for the date. Feel free to PM with ideas, though I have the authority to turn down offers.

The Teacher's pet: (Needs a dedicated partner)
You would play the part of a teacher at a local county High school. I am your student, and long standing neighbor. Publicly, that's all there is, though some people wonder at my intelligence, since I spend many hours with you in your home being tutored. What they do not know is that you are my Teacher, in and out of school, and I am the teacher's pet.

Mainly this would go through school days, and after school with the plot. I would like if you could devise different 'lessons' for me to learn while in school as well as outside. I'm open to ideas on this.

Another deviation I've liked, though never gotten to finish was a kitten girl. Having the teacher turn me, the student, into his little kitten.

Day by Day:

Maid and Employer's son.

Typical maid is accosted by the employer's son, cliche I know, but I really just want to play it. ^-^

Picture plots
Just PM me if you have a plot that pertains to one of these Pictures, I'll give a aye or nay.



I prefer Chat or IM play to forum posts with a few of these games, though some are better with forum post style.



Everything is open.



Petra, I would be interested in these scenarios, however you wished to play them out.  Im even newer here than are you, and so am looking for a place to start, without becoming overwhelmed.  If you'd like there is a story by me in the storytelling boards called 'Raven's Dare'. Read it if you'd like and let me know if youre interested in me as a rp partner.
ciao bella
But, if Perchance you be not mov'ed, And still will tell me me nothing...Worry not, (My dear),
T'is fine by me. For love will Stay alive inside, and there abide,
And to the world (and you), I say:  Hallelujah. Hallelujah, anyway.


Edited to my current tastes. ^^