Looking for a Female Writing Partner

Started by Bill525, September 23, 2019, 08:42:51 PM

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Hi all,

I am looking for a female writing partner who may be interested in writing a few of my ideas with me.  A few of them have been started before but never completed.  What I am really looking for is a partner that likes long-term, detailed role plays.  I enjoy building a story and plot with my partner, so if a scene interests you, I am open to adjusting to better fit you as  a partner as well.  I hope to hear from some soon, I will try and update as roles get taken or as new ideas get added!  Hope to hear from some of you soon!

The Therapist (Closed for Solera)

My character is a successful therapist that has help those with many different issues. He is successful and in a great place in his life. He has the perfect family, a great career, and is truly happy with the work that he has done. Your character has been referred to him because of multiple issues (sex addiction, alcohol, drugs, or a variety. Can be up for discussion). My character believes he is helping her during their sessions, however, he is really getting caught in her web of seduction and deception. Your character weaves her way into his life, creating havoc and making him risk his perfect career and marriage. (I see your character as the home wrecker type)

The Nanny

My character is happily married with a small family. He is a former college basketball player, but currently is working at a large marketing firm in the city. His wife is a doctor at the local hospital, the head of a department and often working late hours or traveling to conferences. They have two children, a girl that is three and a young boy that is just over a year old. With all the traveling his wife has been doing lately and with the late hours my character has to work at times, the couple decides they need a family nanny to help. After months of searching, the two cannot find a candidate they both like. The wife just left town for a business trip for a few days and my character interviews yours. You seem perfect for the position, but little does my character know that you are more interested in create havoc for the happy family. Your character enjoys the idea of seducing the perfect husband, creating a situation where the perfect couples world could get turned upside down.

The New Neighbor

My character and his wife have been living in North Hampton for eight years. They have been living in a family oriented neighborhood in the small town just outside a major city. My character is a teacher at the local high school, while his wife is working downtown at a large financial firm. The couple was enjoying their lives together and were beginning to plan on starting a family. They felt it was the right time and wanted to take the next step in their amazing relationship. At this time, their neighbors of eight years have sold their house. The house was on the market for quite some time, but it has finally sold. The couple expected the large house next door to be purchased by a young family, individuals like them that were looking to build a family in a nice neighborhood. However, little did they know that this new neighbor loved trouble, and once she met the new couple she was tempted to test the relationship between the husband and wife. (In this role the new neighbor can be married or single. The new neighbor could have moved to the neighborhood because she just got out of a relationship or to get away from a situation from her past. I can see her maybe getting her money in that manner, but all open for discussion).

The Enchantress

My character is engaged to his college girlfriend. Once they graduated, they moved to the city with my characters brother. Your character met my brother at a bar one night and you two hit it off. He was excited to meet a girl who liked to go out and party and have a good time. As my characters fiancé and him began to prepare for their wedding, your character and my brother began to date officially. Your character likes to is an enchantress, loving to put men under her spell to meet her needs. Even though she is with my characters brother it does not stop her from getting other men wrapped up in her web. My characters fiancé is not a fan of you, seeing through the mask that you wear when you are around us. However, my character thinks you are alright and he is happy his brother met someone. As the relationship continues, your character see's the success my character is having and wonders if he may be better suited to take care of her needs. Your character attempts to get my character wrapped up in her web, getting him under her spell to get what she wants.

Fiancés Sister

My character has been with your characters sister since they both graduated college. After college both moved away to a big city in order to find jobs in the fields they studied. Your character was younger when mine first started dating her sister. Now your character is in college or almost done with it. Your character is much different then her sister. She is the party girl and had always been more trouble then her sister. It is getting closer to the wedding and my character is traveling with his fiancé to her hometown for the wedding. Your character has always been jealous of her sister, since she was always seen as the perfect daughter who could do no wrong. Your character see's an opportunity to have some fun with her sisters fiancé, teasing him to see if the perfect relationship her sister has is really as strong as she believes.

The New Student (Currently Craving)

Mr. Lewis is a favorite of many of the students at his school. He is a history teacher and also the basketball coach. His life seems to be everything he had imagined. He has his dream job, is planning on proposing to his high school sweetheart, and is coaching a sport that he loves. One day a new student comes to the school with a troubled background. She has just transferred in, as she could not stay out of trouble at her former school. Mr. Lewis has been assigned as an advisor for the new student. The principal knows that he has a great relationship with most of his students, so he figures that the new student may benefit from having him help her transition into her new school. While Mr. Lewis attempts to help his new student, her past seems to catch up with her as she is presented with the opportunity to possibly create some havoc in her new school and have some fun trying to corrupt him.

The Man-Eater

My character has been a successful teacher at Lowden High School for years. He loves his job and has become a part of the school and local community. Everyone knows him and he is held in high regard by his co-workers, students, and the community as a whole. Your character is a new hire at the school (teacher, counselor, any other ideas). She has always been irresistible and used that to her advantage. When she starts at the school, my character is assigned as her mentor, to help her transition to the school and community. At first, the flirting is fun and innocent, however, the intentions soon change. Your character is weaving a web of seduction and temptation, attempting to trap my character to gain what she needs and wants.

The Detective

Detective John Lewis was one of the youngest detectives on the force. He had an amazing record, and was a fast rising star within the police department. He was a family man, and was seen as someone that could be the poster child for what the force was trying to become. The City was enjoying a break from the normal major crime that was common place in the past. However, a big case could soon break open. A beautiful celebrity was about to find herself in a media firestorm if things weren’t handled correctly. This celebrity had a reputation, she married another celebrity, but she was the one being photographed with other men. She was a night owl, always at clubs and the media loved rushing to her to try and catch her doing things that she shouldn’t be doing in public. When, the chief of police called John into his office, he knew something was wrong. The chief told Bill that this celebrity’s husband was found dead, and the main suspect was his partying, wild wife. John was put on the case as the lead detective, and now found himself attempting to investigate this woman. However, she was not the type of woman to allow a man like John to get information easy, without attempting to distract him from what his job really was. Could John keep his good image and do his job, or will this women ruin his career, while also may be getting away with a major crime?