Desperate for a DM (Will Double up and run a game for you)

Started by Saint Celestine, September 23, 2019, 06:32:04 AM

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Saint Celestine

Thank you for taking a look at this thread, I will try and keep this as concise as possible :D

What you can expect from me: I'm highly active so you can expect multiple replies a day, depending on the flow of the RP the length can vary.I much prefer a back and forth, though I'm okay doing play by post, though if it's 1 post a day I feel that isn't enough to get through a campaign. I WON'T be a yes man, and you can expect input from me regarding what I want from the RP.

Side Note: System wise I'm looking for Blades in the Dark , Pathfinder 1E, Dungeons and Dragons 5E

Happy to double up and run a campaign for you as well.


Quote from: Saint Celestine on September 23, 2019, 06:32:04 AM
Thank you for taking a look at this thread, I will try and keep this as concise as possible :D

Hey Saint Celestine.

We're slowly cobbling together a 5e group in another thread in "Role Players seeking GM/Groups" and as the person who stepped in to offer to DM, I'd like to extend you an invitation.

Of course "no thank-you" is a perfectly understandable answer. In that case I hope you find the GM you're looking for.



  Is there a Mutants and Masterminds edition that you favor?  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Mister Ugly

Hello Saint Celestine,

I have decided to GM again. I have never done anything much here at Elliquiy but have many years of experience. I have an idea for a story and adventure. Mid-level around 9th.

The idea came from researching a deck of many things. The basic idea is that YC [low level] draws last and chooses 2 cards but the effects would not apply until after all cards were drawn. The first is the 'Sun' a great card [50000xp and a wonderous item] the last though was the
Donjon. You disappear and become entombed in a
state of suspended animation in an extradimensional
sphere. Everything you were wearing and carrying
stays behind in the space you occupied when you
disappeared. You remain imprisoned until you are found
and removed from the sphere. You can't be located by
any divination magic, but a wish spell can reveal the
location of your prison. You draw no more cards.
a bad juju card. We start with YC being freed from the sphere now in the city of Sigil [the planescape City of Doors] naked but with a wonderous item.

I would prefer standard PBH races. Classes and subclasses I am open to discuss I have a lot of material but not everything.

I have no idea if this would appeal to you. Let me know.


"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."
"The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits"
Albert Einstein

What makes the ugly feel pretty ...
