A dark desire (M looking for F)

Started by Chynya, September 09, 2019, 03:34:28 PM

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Hello and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to stop by my request thread for something quite different for me.

I have always played the dominant male figure (personality, physically, D/s, etc) but have had a craving to try something new and unexplored. For me that is. Here is a general example of what I am looking for.

I am rich and powerful man, used to getting his way in life, in the bedroom, at work, in the coffee shop on the corner. I command and it is usually done with speed and without hesitation. Then you come along and for whatever reason, decide enough is enough. You will be the one to teach me a lesson and utterly destroy me and shape me into who you think I should be.

This can be anywhere from super smut oriented to mostly plot drive, and anywhere in between. The darker the better with this one, but all shades of dark are welcome. We can discuss specifics in PMs as I would say some things may contradict what my O/O matrix says, but that is where conversation is king. If you know what the Mord-Sith are, and Cara in particular, you will have an idea of what I am looking for.

Looking for: Literate writing partner who uses correct punctuation and capitalization. Mistakes will be made, I am not uptight, just sometimes it gets hard to follow a thought without these traits. Post length honestly depends on the situation and posting frequency, but I tend to write anywhere from 3-20 paragraphs (though usually in the 3-5 range on most things). Real life will ALWAYS come first, all I ask is a heads up if you are unable to answer for a few days. I am almost always at my computer or have my phone with me, so my responses tend to be frequent and right away. Please don't think this means I expect the same from you. You be you. Lastly, OOC chatter between us. Whether it's about the story and discussing your thoughts on the last response or about the crazy weather you are having, I like to try to become friends with the people I write with.

Genre/Setting: This is where I am completely open to any and all ideas. I tend to do medieval fantasy based RPs, with a few modern realistic ones thrown in here and there. I don't care if we are teleported to some strange dimension where the laws of physics don't make sense any more, as I am rather flexible in my writing.

What I bring: As stated above, typically 3-5 paragraphs with varying amounts of sentences. Mostly write in 3rd person, past tense, but can do 1st person as well. Laid back personality and understanding that life is unexpected and that responses sometimes have to be put on hold. With it being football season in the U.S., Sunday's will tend to be my slow days since I watch it all day long, with a break here and there to fire off a response.

I can do the Forums, Discord, PMs, Email, Google Docs, or any other medium available to do this, but have posted in here because I am not restricting it to any one in particular.

Alright, I think that is everything, but if you have questions, please feel free to PM me and not respond to the thread to keep it tidy for future edits/additions.

Thank you for your time if you made it this far and hope you have a wonderful day!


After real life has calmed down, reopening this idea.


Life has crept to a standstill and willing to see if this interests anyone yet again.