A Primal Desire

Started by eclipse613, August 16, 2019, 03:05:05 AM

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Hello Elliquiy, it's been a VERY long time since I lasted posted on here. But I finally got myself some free time in my life, and I'm looking to try out a roleplay concept that I've had my eyes on for awhile. So, let's give it a whirl shall we?!

A Shifting World

It's not for sure known how long the culture of warriors that were known purely as Shifters has been around. They've existed in cultures the world over, and have gone by different names. Whatever culture and whatever society spawned them, and from whatever reason, the Shifters have gone unnoticed. Simply passing along into myth and legend...that was until recently. With the actions of a few select tribes, Shifters have come into the public light, sparking intrigue and fear from several cultures. But...with this intrigue comes another facet of their lives. Shifters are primal beasts, with primal hungers and deep seated desires. And with those desires, comes those that they choose to be with. So...with that we follow a few of these shifters and their tales.

Marcus Cole - A Wolf shifter, having taken residence in Detroit as a bartender. Marcus is cool, confident, and lives off the air of being a real 'alpha' in his own circle at the bar. He is a smooth talker and a charmer, but what will those charms accomplish for you?

Darius Miles - A Lion shifter, hailing from Botswana, Africa. Darius was reviled in his home country, vilified as a demon and a monster by his people. It was only through the move to America and New York that he found himself being hailed as a king...of the underground. Darius is the kingpin of the local crime ring in downtown New York. And with that power, the king can have his pick of...anyone.

Aarav Khatri - A Tiger shifter, from Bengaluru, India. The world seemed to be great for Aarav. Considered by many of the people in his city as something of a celebrity, Aarav thought he would take the world of America by storm. With all the money he needed, and finding himself in Hollywood, Aarav has found himself in the land of sin and vice. And what will he gain from it all?

Sergei Markov - A Bear shifter, Sergei is an old man now...in a few senses. Considered by most of the Shapeshifter culture to be an Ancient, Sergei has kept himself in good condition. But his years of solitude in the wilderness of Siberia has begun to affect him greatly. Which is why he has finally allowed himself to venture into the city of Moscow, but with who he is becoming common knowledge, how long will his isolation prove to be his downfall?