Trapped on Earth! [F looking for M GM](NSFW)

Started by iridum248, July 07, 2019, 01:14:12 AM

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Inspired by Re;Creators.

There's a whole genre of fiction involving people - Usually your hapless everyman, or a high-school student - stuck on other worlds...But what if the reverse happened? What if the heroine of a popular anime / series of terrible Light Novels / Visual Novel was stuck in our world...And came to realize her *entire* life was fictional?

What would she do to go home? And...What if she wasn't the only one stuck here...?

And that's the concept, in a nutshell: Our heroine - Preferably with her skills and powers intact - has been dumped right out of her show / book and onto Earth. Can she adjust to massive culture shock, and find her way home? Does she even want to go home, given that she's finally free of the all-consuming narrative...Which might or might not include a milquetoast male love interest, who - If you think about it - is, ugh, really just the worst!

Maybe she's not the only one stuck on Earth. Maybe there are other characters, from radically different shows - Or old villains from *her* series that have (canonically) been defeated...And the only way back is to be the last woman standing.

And that's not even counting the many, many temptations Earth poses...After all, what happens on Earth *stays* on Earth, and don't let anyone tell you different! Let's not even consider the issues that come with looking exactly like the heroine of a currently-airing anime - Or what total perverts would do to get their hands on a vixen like her!

(tl;dr - Anime heroine finds herself inexplicably stuck on earth...And hilarity ensures as she tries to get home!)

You can probably tell the kind of heroine I'm talking about - The kind who's pure otaku bait!

(Guilty Crown is an example of a show with great character designs, but an awful, emotionally needy male lead.)

I'll be frank: I'm a huge fan of the hentai aesthetic, and I really like perverted monsters and fat lecherous bastards on hot women as compared to the more conventional alternative.

For instance, I find this super-hot:

I also take a certain enjoyment in now-defunct artist Mongo Bongo's otherwise terrifying CGI art, with strong elements of monster sex and NTR.

I - admittedly - have a *thing* for undead horrors too.

I'm certainly up to discuss the concept, of course! (I was thinking we'd make up our own unique anime series for this, instead of the girls being from an actual, real-life show.)

Note that I'm working on the assumption that they're the main heroine of their respective series i.e. the one you'd expect to hook up with the male lead, but this doesn't necessarily have to be true.

The concept doesn't have to be limited to anime, too - It's just the one that jumps to mind.

Well...Okay. Maybe there's a limit!


Quick addenum: I guess this is technically what we'd call a 'reverse isekai' series!

I'm certainly not adverse to a girl getting stuck in another world, of course, though that's a different kind of story.


Updated - I don't really know where she's from, I just like the design.


A quick clarification: It might be interesting if our heroine actually retains her powers on Earth, and has someone / something to use them on!  ;D


I'm sorry, but that's not really what I'm looking for.


Quick addition: I'm working off the assumption that our heroine's trying to get home, but with the intention of enjoying a lot of things along the way.

Note that I'm not referring to canonical girls here. I think it'd be much more fun to invent our own anime and heroine - Most shows are pretty cookie-cutter anyway.


Hi there, I love the idea. Just FYI, I just got approved and I am fairly new RP, then again hoping you can help me with the learning process. Let me know what your requirements are.
I also saw that you posted a video from Re: Creators, so like the anime, will she also have a need to meet her creator in the IRL world? Will she be evil? Or good?
Did the world she live in give her enough will to return?
Or is it completely new where she just assumes that this is a new world and does not have a realization that she is a fictional creation?


I am in absolute awe of your view count for this thread, surely up there in E's leaderboard?! An inspiration to us all!
~~ Be beauty before me, be it above me, below me, be beauty all around me, when I walk ~~


I think it's a bug, there should be no reason why it's so high.

edit: I've posted a bugfix thread, I think it's some kind of system error.


Out-of-Canon Island

Riffing off Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball:

Various anime vixens (As in, they've been snatched right out of their show or series) have ended up on a strange, luxurious island...For mysterious reasons. No-one's quite sure how they ended up there, but it's time for fun in the sun - And remember, what happens on the island stays on the Island! Who wouldn't want to take some time off from their dramatic plot-arcs to unwind (and meet the fans) in a beach episode?

More, if this island was brought into existence through magic - or it's some weird virtual overlap - maybe the rich, lucky (or really horny) can pay astronomical sums to have incredible bodies, too. Making it easier to seduce the gorgeous heroines! (To clarify, these are all 'made up' shows - They're not from a canonical series.)

Incidentally, I've been informed that this setup could work for a fighting tournament, too; A sort of sexy Warriors All-Stars thing, and I've included the fighting style of each respective maiden for the sake of completeness!

i) Saeko Amakusa from Samurai Soul:

In an alternate universe, the Demon Shogun Nobunaga rules Sengoku-era Japan - As the Imperial Princess, Saeko has to help a young samurai, Jin, defeat the Demon Shogun and restore order to the land! She's not quite sure why she's here, but it's a relief to be away from the burdens of court...

Fighting Style: When danger threatens, Saeko - a powerful miko - summons the spirits of ice and fire to protect her. She's a slow, almost lumbering character (she basically never walks faster than a stately glide!) with a weaker jump than other fighters; However, she has great reach, and hits like a truck. She's the powerhouse character, but has a fairly limited moveset. Notably, it's her guardian spirits that variously burn, incinerate and toss her opponents around. Saeko rarely strikes physically.

ii) Hecate from Joker Quest

Hailing from the gritty tokuatsu setting of Neo-Tokyo, she's the love interest of a vigilante known as the Red Joker, who battles cyborgs and genetic monstrosities. It's a dark, conspiratorial setting...But it doesn't mean the girls involved can't have fun!

Fighting Style: A reality hacker, Hecate is the premiere zoning character - She has a massive array of Codeburst projectiles, and can set floating traps and snares that inflict status effects on opponents. However, she's quite fragile up close, and her normal attacks (Striking at her opponent with code-scramblers and high kicks) are weaker than usual.

iii) Heavenly Guardian Etoile / Keiko Amagi from Heavenly Guardians - Girls x Heroines!

By day, she's a shy college librarian. But by night Keiko is the sexy Heavenly Guardian Etoile, defending the city from the monsters of the Negaverse!

She's got something of a body-image issue, as she actually prefers to be transformed. Normally the transformation runs out by midnight, but on the island she doesn't need to change back!

Fighting Style: A rather modern magical girl, Etoile fights with magic and her trademark staff. She's the classic balanced Shotoclone character (i.e. Like Ken or Ryu) and is a solid all-rounder in combat. Her Supers are powerful, but quite slow to startup.

iv) Arisa Ortensia from Valhelio:

A lovely mecha pilot, Arisa flies the Valkyrie Frame Zwei against the all-devouring Annihilation Wave (So it's basically Macross or Gundam.) Her love interest pilots the Valkyrie Frame Ein - Of course, she didn't bring him along on this vacation!

Fighting Style: With the benefit of actual military training, Arisa fights with a combat spear that she uses to great effect. She's an evasive character, her spear lending her range and multi-hitting attacks. Arisa can double-jump, and has a swift roll that gets her out of trouble - Outside of this, her attacks call in air support from her Valkyrie Frame, and her ultimate move has her leap into the cockpit to spray the entire screen with bullets.

v) Melodia Luxora from Legend of Vanadis:

In the war-torn fantasy world of Endoria, a lovely Sorceress must join the hero's party in his quest for the legendary Sword of Vanadis...The only thing that can slay the Demon King! (Now with a gacha-game tie-in, no less)

Caught in a surprisingly frustrating love triangle, she could definitely use this chance to unwind...Never mind her destiny to grant the Power of Light to the Chosen One!

Fighting Style: Melodia fights with her powerful ice sorcery, raining down icicles and blasts of frosts on her opponents. Unlike Hecate, her projectiles are more damaging but less subtle; Her most powerful moves (Particularly Cone of Frost and Ice Storm) have a clearly-delineated area before they impact. She can inflict a Frozen debuff that reduces the opponent's speed and jumping ability.

vi) Sylpha Vermillion from Asura BREAKER

High-school battle harems might be on their way out, but Asura Breaker has survived a startling two seasons (with an upcoming movie adaptation!)

In a world where magic and monsters lurk just beneath the surface of everyday life, is a Consort - the bearer of a powerful magical artifact that can be drawn from her (rather voluptuous) chest by the chosen wielder! Of course, given how profoundly dense the boy she's paired with is...Who could fault Sylpha from wanting to have some fun in the sun?

Fighting Style: When in trouble, Sylpha pulls her own artifact out of her chest, and fights with it! For those who played the Asura Breaker tie-in fighting game, she fights like a counterpart of the actual main character - She's got 'feminine' versions of all his moves, each impact resulting in an explosion of cherry blossoms.

vii) Aselia from X-Blades

Bound to the magic sword that bears her name, the lovely spirit Aselia is a young man's boon companion when he's thrust into a lethal clash of swords and sorcery! Unable to manifest for more than a few hours each day, she serves as both his keenest weapon and his closest friend...And maybe something more?...hampered by the fact that she doesn't actually have a body.

Except when she's on the island, of course - Where mysteriously, the usual rules don't seem to apply...And she's free to wander as she would! (In more ways than one, it has to be said.)

Fighting Style: Normally, Aselia applies her magic to her wielder, granting him enhanced speed, strength and a variety of magical powers (She's a sword, she's not very mobile). On the island, being a sword is a state of mind more than anything else, allowing her to summon ghostly replicas of her blade - They can be fired, rotated rapidly to form barriers, erupt from the ground as concealed projectiles, and she can hit people with them. She's a solidly well-balanced character, the Ken to Etoile's Ryu, with slightly less anti-air capabilities.

viii) Mei-Li Xiang from Grand Cross - Lethal Fight!

She's the childhood friend of the protagonist, a rookie fighter in an elaborate martial-arts tournament, who must find a way to defeat King Kaiser (the man who defeated his father years ago!) Obviously she's left very much in the dust as he gets stronger, but she's there for the babe factor...And moral support!

Of course, on the island, she's free to be whoever she wants...!

Fighting Style: Mei-Li fights like an SNK character...Particularly Mai Shiranui, who she was clearly inspired by. She's fast, with a lot of dashing attacks, and capable of long and deadly combos in the right hands. Most of her moves can be charged, for additional effects - However, that leaves her vulnerable, requiring exquisite timing to properly execute. Her hardest-hitting moves are all mystical martial arts maneuvers, with an improbably difficult-to-execute instant death attack.

ix) Cirilla De Lyonesse from Vanguard Saga

In the war-torn land of Eiron, Knight-Novice Cirilla De Lyonesse must join forces with her childhood friend to drive back the great darkness that threatens to consume the land! As the cover girl, she's a lovely blonde Paladiness of exquisite breeding, with a pedigree as long as your arm...But she's just one of many warriors (read: harem) that must muster behind the Chosen One to defeat the Abyssal Lord!

Fighting Style: Armed with her lance, her magic sword Starfall and light-themed magical abilities from her inexpressibly holy blood, Cirilla is a defensive rushdown character. Her moveset includes a mix of quick and long normal attacks and specials that allow her to defend against a wide range of attacks, making her very easy to use, and is very simplistic in her brute force. Her lance hits harder on the charge, but her sword is a more versatile weapon - Either way, Cirilla wants to get up close and personal with her opponent, and deal as much damage as possible.

Her ultimate mode briefly turns her into a Valkyrie, allowing her to fly freely around the stage and continuously dive-bomb her enemy.

x) Maya Ai from Brave Fighter RAI-OH

Cast your mind back to a simpler time, when men were men, women were women, and giant robots were more giant and more robot-y than ever. As the pilot of the Venus Queen, one of the inexplicably card-themed robots battling the Baldios Empire, Maya Ai is brave, spunky, lovely...And utterly outclassed by the actual main character, who pilots the invincible thunder god Rai-Oh!

What with secret organizations, mad scientists looking to conquer the world and claim her as their bride, radiation-powered dinosaurs and literal demons from hell, Maya does deserve a vacation after all that! Now if only there would be any progression at all in her relationship with the protagonist!

Fighting Style: Unlike Arisa, Maya comes from an era where mecha weren't limited by logic, basic science, or sanity. Undoubtedly the easiest character to play, her special attacks are backed up by the Venus Queen's giant fists, and her Super Moves call in ludicrous amounts of firepower from her equally ludicrous machine. Interestingly, a lot of her attacks are human-scale versions of the attacks the Queen used in the anime - Being a super robot is as much a state of mind as anything else.


Out-of-canon island looks like a lot of fun.  I'm mildly disappointed that the shows don't exist for me to watch.  I'm delighted that I wouldn't have to worry about breaking canon, and that I could invent episodes of the show as I went along, to justify whatever quirks I wanted to add to a character.

It's a bit unclear as to how you want to structure the story, though, as in "What/who would be written by whom?"

So, must take this opportunity to point you towards The Devil is a Part-Timer, which is a reverse Isekai in which a demonic overlord is dumped into the modern day, and becomes an assistant manager at MgRonald's.


And I'm still looking for players on this one!  ;D