Super-Rape [Superhero Setting, NC]

Started by TheVillain, June 29, 2019, 10:08:05 AM

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Just had a few ideas ticking around in my head that all have two things in common. They all take place in Superhero settings (usually OC but we can talk about that) and for smutty content all of them have some degree of NC inherent in them. Details negotiable, PM me if you're interested.

"Enemies With Benefits"

They consider themselves each other's Arch-Nemesis, they and many others. More then once their epic clashes have been the stuff of headlines and war stories between the heroes and the villains. The thought was that this time would be no different. And Yet -

The fight this time was interrupted by - someone. Neither really remember anything about the third party. All they remember is that a third person interrupted their battle, said a few things, and suddenly the two Arch-Nemeses were making wild, passionate sex instead of fighting. And it was good, let's not mince words - but clearly they only did it because this mysterious third party made them do it with some sort of power.

Even more troubling though is that they keep doing it. This third party keeps showing up and making these archnemeses make love and not war, like there's a long term plan in mind...

[Dub-Con to Light-NC]

Nobody really knows anything about this mysterious supervillain known only as "Him". There's theories about "Him". Whether he has a greater scale plan or not, who he is, if he's even human. All people really know for sure about "Him" is that he always appears in a nice suit and he seems to have some ability to influence the body chemistry of others around him. He has in the past used this to kill, yes - but he also has used this ability to sexually take advantage of women, especially superheroines. The pleasures are described as unimaginable, whether you want them to be or not...

"The Sword of the Ocean"
[Med NC to Hard NC]

His real name is Tig-Or-A-Arun, an Atlantean Eco-Terrorist who sees himself as at War with the Surface World for how they pollute his home in the Oceans. Known as "The Tiger Shark", he's a Shark-Man Monster with The Magic and the Might to get results. A ruthless, brutal, and cunning warrior - it's not known exactly if it's the case that there's different cultural values between the Atlanteans and the Surface Dwellers or if he's just sadistic by nature, but it's not uncommon for him to rape and attempt to impregnate any superheroine he defeats in combat. Because nobody would willingly dump toxic sludge into the nurseries of their children, not even Surface Dwellers would be so awful. Right?
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.