The Dominatrix is In (CLOSED and THANK YOU all Who Wrote and Read)

Started by Rabbit, June 17, 2019, 04:13:40 AM

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Her services in the city are unique. The Bondage Club where her services are offered claim that she’s a licensed mental health counselor with a master’s in psychology and thus, legally, patient confidentiality is a given. So, any rumor that she’s secretly selling the low-level secrets of her higher profile clients must be false. And while some clients see her as all-powerful and even deliciously terrifying, the club will quickly scotch any hint that she prowls the streets of the city at night as a super-heroine or super-villainess. Certainly, though masked, the men she accepts as clients will testify that she’s young—in her mid-twenties—and almost assuredly beautiful. Admittedly, there are rumors of terrible scars beneath her mask, but those are just rumors.

She starts out talking to her clients, getting to know them. Finding out what they need. Rarely, if ever, will she personally sleep with a client or service them sexually. She’s an artist with a whip. She’s terrifying with her set of acupuncture needles that stimulate oh-so many nerves. Sometimes, the club will send in another young lady to serve as an assistant and she may direct the assistant to provide sexual release to an appropriately penitent client. But generally, they leave frustrated.

Who are you? One of her many and varied clients?

A List of Potential Clients

The Police Officer
The Spy
The Estranged Adopted Father
The College Roommate who Stole My Boyfriend
The Ex-Husband
The Ex-Husband's New Wife
The Fiancé
The Married Man
The Professor
The Former (So-He-Claims) Serial Killer
The Super-Hero
The Priest
The Politician
The Nosy Journalist
The Author
The Athlete
The _________.

Potential Non-Professional Contacts

Perhaps, the boyfriend. Does he know what his beautiful girlfriend and perhaps fiancé does when she leaves for work? The owner of the club? Perhaps a client who has a relationship with her outside the club and has no idea that the girl who is _________, is also the same girl who walks her three-inch stilettos across his whip-striped back while he lays bound, struggling to maintain a sense of grace as she gently pushes his boundaries and limits? Perhaps you’re investigating her for alleged dark deeds and criminal acts?


I’m looking for a certain amount of fun in this role-play. Our story may go dark at times, but it’s not meant to be all dark and grey and angsty. I’m looking for a more consensual roleplay, though I could see the story straying into non-consensual or dubious moments, but those should be plot driven and ideally won’t take over the story.

I like to mix-up my dominant and submissive sides and this story could involve switch elements or it could be entirely dominant for me or even I could play the submissive if you were my non-client boyfriend.

Conversation and story ideas are appreciated. We can take it in a wild and unexpected direction. I am looking for something that is psychological and not just sexual. In fact, I could see a story where the sexual elements are low-key to nearly non-existent (at least in the traditional sense) or it might involve lots of over the top, physically demanding sex.

This could be a short-term story, or it might go longer. I do like talking about the story out of character and I like a story with dialogue in character. I’m not going to tell you who your character is or how he looks.

I want to find out about him. What makes him tic? Is he handsome or overweight? Am I going to help him or destroy him? Will I change him, or will he change me (I and me in this sense referring to my character)?

I am not looking for extreme sexual content. I might draw blood, but I won’t break bones. I or my assistant might penetrate you, but nothing non-human is getting near your trembling or brave naked body. I'm not going to destroy a person mentally. I'm not going to get into over-the-top no-limits sexual content. I want to develop characters, a setting, and I want to have some fun with my writing partner.

My preference is forum-based role play; but I'm not ruling out PMs. I like multi-paragraph role-play and am only likely to take one or two clients for this particular role-play.