My interests (Supernatural, MC, TF, TG, Other). LF any

Started by fireice, May 23, 2019, 01:36:59 PM

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I'm looking for a story or two involving some level or supernatural elements, preferably with an element of transformation and change, either to my character, the surrounding world, or both. I am especially looking for one of more of:
* Transformation
* Romance
* Transported into some alternative reality or different time/place
* Modern magic/Urban Fantasy
* Mind and/or body control
* TG transformation/genderflip (if this specific point interests you, I have an older, dedicated, post here)

My writing preferences:

I prefer 2-3 medium length paragraphs per post, but sometimes the situation calls for something much longer or shorter. In any case, I will to match my paragraph length to that of my writing partner.

I usually post at least every day or two, often more, but sometimes less. RL is a harsh mistress.

Communication is important! I love to discuss the scene and the details beforehand, and get feedback as the scene is ongoing.

I prefer to write in present or past tense, 3rd person (or 3rd+2nd person)

I enjoy playing the interaction between characters, exploring their relationship (whatever that may be)

I prefer playing a female character (or someone that ends up as one)

I strongly prefer forum posting to play by PM, mostly because I find it is easier to manage and to edit posts, but can do both.

I enjoy talking to new people and hearing new ideas. If you have one that is not covered by this post but think I may like, please let me know.


(please do not reply here but contact by direct message)


small editing + a quick bump as I would like to take up a new story or two