A little bit of violence, maybe?

Started by Vaudevillian, May 15, 2019, 04:58:33 PM

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Hi there! I'm new here. My profile is not totally set up yet, and I'm working on that today. But: I have a burning desire to write something... savage. I like rough stuff, like, really rough stuff. Like, maybe one or both of our characters (though I wouldn't dare limit us to only two!) don't make it out of it alive, rough stuff.

My basic idea is a sort of undergound sexual combat ring. We can play this a couple ways; one of us can be new to this lifestyle, caught off-guard by how much they love the thrill of their fists making contact, their genitals being stimulated, their skin being torn... I am getting ahead of myself! Alternatively, one of us could play an experienced veteran who wins every match, and either continues their uninterrupted victory streak or finds themselves terribly shocked to be defeated in gruesome fashion. We could each play a character, spend time building them up, maybe make it a stat-based thing; or, it could be totally free form; or, I could run you through a gauntlet of characters; or, we could each pick a character from a roster and make fun little custom match-ups; I do have a lot of ideas on this roleplay, but I am more than happy to build it with you!

Let me know if you're interested. <3
My ons and offs can be found here: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=304993.0