Looking for a Partner, for a Specific Story (F seeking M)

Started by Nightingayle, May 12, 2019, 01:11:02 AM

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Hello, Elliquians!

This is another one my one-off ideas that I am advertising to find a partner for. Before you get too far into reading this though, please keep in mind that I have no intention to make this a "traditional" request thread. I'd like to keep this simple and centered around this single idea. If you're interested in getting to learn more about me, what I write, and how I write, please feel free to check out my post history, or check out my O/O's.

Now, before I start detailing my idea, I'd like to also take a moment to lay out some of my requirements, in terms of what I am looking for in a partner:

- Literacy & Post Length - If you do your homework, and take a moment to search through my post history, you will find that I can easily flesh out quite a few paragraphs. I currently have one story I am involved with where I write at a minimum of two paragraphs, but that's not really my style/preference. I am definitely more of a quality over quantity type of gal, the grand scheme of things though. We all make mistakes. By no means am I some grammar nazi. I just ask that you at least try to make an effort to proofread before posting a reply.

- Frequency - I'm looking for someone who can, at minimum, reply once every couple of days. Preferably, someone who can post once a day. Keep in mind that I try to post at least once a day, but sometimes it does end up taking me a few days, depending on how crazy work has been.

- Characters - In case my thread subject wasn't clear enough, I am looking for someone to play a male, who will be paired with my female character. I don't care what gender my partner is, as long as they are willing to play this role/sex.

- Story over smut - I think this is pretty self-explanatory. I prefer to focus on the story. That's not to say I don't enjoy a good sex scene, but if we're constantly in smut, I'm going to get bored.

- Enhancing the story - Keep in mind that this idea is meant to be left vague in certain places. What I want is for someone to come in and add to the male character's history and personality. Everyone is different, and by no means do I want to restrict my partner to a detailed, set-in-stone character. I do have a few things about this male character that I prefer not to change, however, and I will explain those very soon.

My Character

So before I get to the actual story, I do want to talk about my character, since her background is super important.

Michelle Carson

Michelle was raised by her father, a single parent, after having lost her mother when she was very young. Too young to remember, in fact. Both her father and mother were later-in-life children, meaning both of their parents (Michelle's grandparents) also passed away when Michelle was quite young. Her mother was an only child, so there was no family left on her mother's side, and her father is the younger of two sons. So, for as long as Michelle could remember, her father and her uncle were the only family she had. Both men were plastic surgeons. Her uncle dealt more in the beauty industry of the field, while her father's expertise lay more in post-injury repair, which in his up-coming of being a doctor, was a rather ground-breaking field of plastic surgery. Both men were very well known by the medical community. People would come from all over the world, seeking out their expertise. It was no surprise that Michelle decided to follow in those same footsteps, though she chose to go the route of her father's profession in the field, having been inspired by her father's innovative work. Furthermore, as I am sure you can imagine, both her father and uncle made plenty of money. Michelle certainly grew up a spoiled little thing, without a single need in the world. Her uncle, having been a single, unmarried man all of his life, and having never had any children of his own, only contributed to lavishing his niece with anything and everything a young girl could possibly want.

During her undergraduate years of college, her uncle suddenly passed away due to a stoke. The loss was hard for both her and her father. Though her uncle left behind his entire estate to Michelle, including a multi-million dollar life insurance policy which named her as the sole beneficiary. Already having a wealthy background, Michelle became a multi-millionaire, overnight. She continued through college, and finally got into the best medical school in the country. Naturally, her father and uncle being well-recognized in the medical community, any college would kill to have her enrolled in their program. Though even with that kind of path forward, Michelle had the grades and the merit to prove her worth, and make her own way. Despite the wealth she was born into, she had a work ethic very similar to her father and uncle.

About half-way through medical school, however, her father passed away in a tragic car accident, on his way home from the office. Michelle was devastated. Once again, she was left with her father's entire estate, as well as another multi-million dollar life insurance policy. But she'd suddenly become alone in this world. She learned then that money truly couldn't buy happiness. It was difficult for her to move on after losing her father. She did her best to pick herself back up, and move on with medical school. In fact, she used that as a means to keep herself busy, and keep her mind off of her loss. She graduated top of her class, and entered the medical community with all eyes on her. She immediately stepped into her father's role, picking up right where he left off. In her first year as a doctor, the medical community was impressed. She became the youngest doctor to perform a number of successful surgeries, all of which her father was known for performing. But still, she wasn't happy. Still, she kept busy. Still, she remained lonely.

The Story

You character is a famous boxer, having just entered the professional level of the sport. He's turned a lot of heads, impressed a number of fans, and shocked a lot of opponents with his skill. I was hoping that we could give this character a much different upbringing from Michelle, in that he grew up in poverty, on the streets. He was always good at ending a fight, and eventually entered the sport as an amateur, simply for the pay-out. Now, having reached this stage of his career, he's no stranger to money, himself. He's got sponsors and investors behind him, all hoping that he's going to be the next titled champion. Life is good.

After leaving a match in Las Vegas, he ends up in a tragic multi-vehicle accident right outside the strip, in the interstate. He isn't the driver at fault. He is a victim, and a few other victims involved did end up losing their lives. He was lucky in that regard, but the accident left his right hand so badly injured that doctors tell him it will be impossible to ever box again. In an attempt to find a way, he goes through multiple surgeries over the months in an attempt to repair the injury, with little to no improvement. His entire dream has now been crushed, and the months that follow the accident are rather difficult and depressing. Sponsors have left. Money is getting tight, and still, he can barely ball his right fist.

Michelle happens to hear about this boxer's injury while at a medical conference. She's drawn to the case, simply because of how he received the injury. If anyone in this world understands what it is like to have a car accident change your entire life, it is certainly Michelle. So, she begins looking into his medical record, regarding the injury and his surgeries, and she comes up with a possible plan to help him. She reaches out to his through his agent, who passes information along to your character - explaining that this big-shot, young doctor from Chicago would like to take on his case, in the hope that she can actually help him get back to boxing. But there is one condition: she will be living with him and seeing to his everyday needs, including his diet and exercise routines. Desperate and ready to take any chance he can get, he agrees. And thus, our story begins!

Please message me if you're interested!

Thanks for reading!
