Stattick's Cravings [M for ?]

Started by Stattick, April 23, 2019, 11:02:56 AM

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Presently, two ideas posted for your consideration. Either could be played as one shots, though longer rp's are also possible.

Lonely Hook-Up [M for ?]

He was new to the city, having relocated for a new job. He didn't have any friends or relatives here. Worse, he's a bit socially awkward, and isn't great at reading people. He meet a girl at work that he liked in a friendly way, and she was attractive, so he'd be happy as either friend or more. What he failed to realize is that she found it obvious that he was attracted to her, and she didn't want that kind of attention. He asked her out a few times, and he didn't realize that he was being a bit of a pest. After he heard her and a few coworkers saying something about going out for drinks after work, he asked if he could tag along, and one of the other women in the group said that would be fine. He was given the address, and later that evening, he met them there.

It wasn't until he'd been there for a little bit that he realized that they were in a gay bar. As it turns out, the girl that he likes is a lesbian. He's fine with that, a little disappointed, but really, he's just lonely, and wants a friend more than anything else. So he sticks around with her, the other coworkers, and the people they brought with them. He's getting along with everyone, getting tipsy, and no one seems to be having a bad time. He figures that since he's in a gay bar, that none of the women around are going to be interested in him, he's not particularly interested in men, though he's not completely closed minded about the idea, so he's making no effort to hit on anyone.

Maybe an hour or two later, a woman he doesn't know, but that's known to at least some of the people at the table, join them. He and the new woman end up hitting it off really well. At the end of the night, the new woman ends up inviting him back to her place, and he accepts. He's not entirely certain if her intentions are carnal or merely friendly. Further, he's not entirely sure what her sexuality and sex are.

This is open for whatever you want to fill in, and I would rather be surprised while playing it out, but I do want it to be something grounded in reality (so I don't want her to turn out to be vampire or something). I'm willing to anywhere from light to extreme. My character is inexperienced d/s and bondage, though he's open minded and lonely, so you could probably talk him into it.

Fake Cop [M for F] [NC]

He's spent a long time putting together the right car and the right uniform. Now he's ready to go out and abuse the apparent power of his fake badge. He's going to target young and attractive women, driving by themselves at night. Pull them over. And then take advantage of them. I'm looking for someone to play the victim. Or better yet, a series of victims. If you want a longer RP, we could potentially go through his entire career, his escalation into doing more perverted and humiliating things to his victims, on through to his eventual capture by the police.
O/O   A/A