Star Wars Espionage (Fantasy Flight, NC/e)

Started by PixelatedPixie, April 19, 2019, 06:38:20 PM

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I seem to struggle with GMing, even though I do enjoy it.  As a result I am putting this warning here so that any prospective players know that my track record isn’t great, and that joining may end up being a waste of time.  I do always try to let people know if I have to end a game, but do struggle sometimes when a game slows down due to player attrition, confusion, absence, etc.

I want to do a relatively small and simple game, and I’ve been craving something focused on espionage.  I’ve debated trying to do something modern, but just can’t think of a system (that enough people might have) that would work, so I’ve settled on another option that I greatly enjoy.

This game will be run using Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars system, specifically Age of Rebellion though I will also accept Edge of the Empire.  I will not be allowing force users, so Force and Destiny will not be permitted. 

The game will be focused on a small, I am leaning 3 though may go up to 4, group of Rebel Operatives.  The group will operate out of their own ship mostly independently from the Rebellion at large.  They will be given missions, but left to decide how to carry them out on their own.

The game will take place during the Empire era, at an undecided time before the Battle of Yavin. 

The game will be rated nonconsensual-exotic, and will include such content. 

The characters can be made from the Age of Rebellion and Edge of the Empire books, with both Obligation and Duty.  A character will have both (though they can be at 0), but can only benefit from the bonus XP/credits once.  The details of this will be sorted out once I have accepted characters.

I am only looking for female characters, though I don’t care what the player is.  This is unfair but is due to my own on/offs.  I am not interested in M/M content, and not really into dom F sub M content, so the bulk of the (non-consensual) smut would be villainous M and character F, with maybe rare F/F.

I will be giving some bonus XP/money, but this will again be something sorted out after I accept characters.

I will permit content from splatbooks, but only with permission.  Please ask first.

I am not doing first come first served, and I will lock the thread once I have selected a group of characters.  If the thread is unlocked, applications are still open.  I don’t have a specific time-frame for how long I will leave applications open (either before giving up due to lack of interest or before accepting characters), so if you will be delayed but are interested please let me know.

I don’t want a full character sheet, I just want a species, specialization, and brief background.  I also want a statement of smut, but that will be explained below.

As mentioned this will be rated non-consensual exotic, and players do need to be interested and comfortable with that.  I have previously (and repeatedly) had players apply for games that listed much of the intended content in their offs, and I don’t know if that was miscommunication or something else.  So, to avoid frustration, I am asking that each player include a brief bit about what smut they are most interested in, what they absolutely want to avoid, and what they hope to see in the game.  I get that this may be repetitive if you have an up to date on/off thread, but it is to save me frustration and/or confusion.

In terms of what I intend to include: 
The characters can, though are not required to, use sex to achieve their objectives.
The characters will likely be pressured or coerced into sex to achieve their objectives, such as in a trade.  That said, it is up to the player/character whether to go along with it or choose a different path.
The characters will, if defeated or otherwise captured, face non-consensual sex, confinement, interrogation, enslavement, and so on.  This might include some pain and so on, but I will do my best to work with specific on/offs (within reason, if non-con at all is off the table this isn’t the game for you). 
I will be modifying the destiny points (or adding a new token system) to allow the characters to fail forward, to choose to be defeated in exchange for some limited benefits such as a bit of XP.  This is as the above entry, but with the failure eventually resulting in some progress in the mission goals.

I intend to include a large amount of smut, but I don’t want the characters to constantly be defeated and/or the story to be completely side-tracked.  So in terms of enemies and combat I will try to be fair, though this isn’t intended as a solve every problem with violence type of game, so enemies will often have an advantage over the characters.  I may also occasionally switch a scene to a secondary thread and decide on a rough outline of what will occur with the player, this is intended to deal with time discrepancies.  If one group has progressed to the point where they can rescue the captured character, I don’t want to make them wait, but I also don’t want to force the scene to fade to black.

With that said, the plot itself may occasionally veer into smutty territory and the players should be okay with that.  If the party is so badly defeated that they all end up enslaved, the plot will likely switch from whatever mission they were on to them simply trying to escape. 

My goal/desire is at least two posts a week from players (and myself).  I am also aiming to be somewhat draconian on absences without notification as it can quickly kill a game.  I get that there isn’t always much to post, but if you have nothing to post and think people might be waiting on you (such as if everyone else as posted), please either post in OOC or just make a somewhat pointless IC post (such as a more elaborate version of “Bob stares and does nothing.”).  I get that it can be painful to do, but hopefully it will help keep things moving.

The plot will focus on a team of operatives.  They will be assigned missions but largely left to determine the how by themselves.  The missions may be morally ambiguous (or downright evil seeming), and it is up to the players how their characters deal with that. 

The characters will need to be pro-active.  I will try to provide a reasonable set of ideas and options, but would prefer not to constantly nudge and prompt. 

The briefing for the first mission that I have in mind is:

Mission Briefing
An Imperial Scientist working on Teth contacted us with a request to join the Alliance.  He claimed to have stolen files on numerous Imperial secret projects and weapons.  He was to meet our extraction team in Peroon, but was arrested before that happened.  We believe he stashed the files before he was arrested, but we don’t know the location.  He is scheduled to be transported to Formos, why or where he goes from there is currently unknown.

Objective 1: Recover the files.
Objective 2: If possible, rescue the scientist.  If not possible, eliminate him once you have ascertained the location of the files.
Objective 3: The extraction team has gone dark, determine their fate.


Pumpkin Seeds

Mind if I start working on a Chiss Slicer?


Would you prefer concepts that actively use sex as a means to an end, or characters that do not and need to be in dire circumstances/pressure/coercion to do so?  I have a couple ideas, but I want to make sure I match the tone you are looking for.


Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I know it’s been done often. But who could go past a female smuggler with a ship?
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.

Pumpkin Seeds


Hired Gun - Mercenary Soldier - Human

I am thinking she came from a boring upbringing until she signed a contract to work for a Saw Guerra type force.  That is where she learned to use a pistol and fight as a soldier.  She didn't want to die for the cause though which is what their leader demanded so she eventually escaped, hiring herself out for money with her new found skill set.  She is a thrill seeker and will do anything to get the job done. 

Probably have an obligation regarding the remnants of the original group tracking her down as a defector.  She might have also taken some credits as "back pay."


Quote from: Eobelle on April 21, 2019, 03:29:02 AM
Would you prefer concepts that actively use sex as a means to an end, or characters that do not and need to be in dire circumstances/pressure/coercion to do so?  I have a couple ideas, but I want to make sure I match the tone you are looking for.

I don't have a preference either way, so whichever you prefer is fine.  A seductress could be fun as a character, but so could someone who finds it all repulsive. 

Quote from: Arcanist on April 21, 2019, 06:36:28 AM
I know it’s been done often. But who could go past a female smuggler with a ship?

A smuggler is fine.  The group as a whole would have a ship that was probably supplied by the Rebellion, so while the character could claim the ship is hers as cover, it wouldn't strictly be her ship.  That said for the purpose of some of the specializations and what not I am fine if she views it as her ship. 

If the entire concept hinges on it being her ship, I might could be convinced to change things so that the Rebellion hired her ship with her, but I'll admit I was thinking of having the ship semi-expendable and replaceable. 

Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on April 21, 2019, 07:53:10 AM

Hired Gun - Mercenary Soldier - Human

I am thinking she came from a boring upbringing until she signed a contract to work for a Saw Guerra type force.  That is where she learned to use a pistol and fight as a soldier.  She didn't want to die for the cause though which is what their leader demanded so she eventually escaped, hiring herself out for money with her new found skill set.  She is a thrill seeker and will do anything to get the job done. 

Probably have an obligation regarding the remnants of the original group tracking her down as a defector.  She might have also taken some credits as "back pay."

Your image doesn't seem to be showing up for me.  I'd consider a Chiss but they aren't my first choice of a species. 

What would bring her to work for the Rebellion?  Do you have any thoughts or preferences on smut?

Pumpkin Seeds

Money, thrill-seeking, glory.  I don't think she would join for the ideals but the Rebellion is less stuffy than the Empire.



Name: Carys
Face: Alice Kelson
Species: Human
Class: Smuggler
Specialization: Gambler

Carys had a very specific con: find someone in a gambling den, lose or win just enough to get their attention, seduce them, hide contraband on their ship, and convince them to fly to the location.  Never the same ship twice, never the same ID, never the same crew.  Almost the perfect con.

That is until a mark sniffed her out.  She played along beautifully, gave Carys fake names and IDs, and allowed herself to be "seduced".  Then Carys woke up stripped naked and restrained in the brig, to be sold to the Hutts after the "dilettante" ratted her out.  Her brazen capturer then left, with Jabba's cargo still in her hold.

At Jabba's, she given a choice.  Get the money back somehow or be raped by his guards until she died (which he assured her would not be that long).

She agreed to get the money back, but her first desperate heist landed her in the clutches of rebellion intelligence.  They gave her a choice.  They would protect her from Jabba and she would work for them, or they would take her right back to Jabba to start her new job.  She gets enough to pay off Jabba from coming after her, but her debt is still mounting.

Carys now in a rebel operative, but still relies on lies, cunning, seduction, and creativity to do the job, just like her old smuggling days.

Image Gallery


Quote from: PerpetuallyAnnoyedCleric on April 21, 2019, 03:54:38 PM
I don't have a preference either way, so whichever you prefer is fine.  A seductress could be fun as a character, but so could someone who finds it all repulsive. 

I think she is a seductress who doesn't put out.  She strings people along, tugging at heartstrings and teasing like her devil herself.  But once you put out, a lot of your pull over them is lost.  She gambles with her body, and if she wins, the loser doesn't get none.  But she is not a whore (at least that is what she thinks), it is just how the con works.

I also think she is gay, but almost exclusively preys on men, because she won't get sloppy with them.  She broke that rule once, and it bit her in the ass.

Pumpkin Seeds

I honestly hope our characters work together.  Sounds like it could be fun.

Thinking that she left the extremists to join another Rebel cell.  So might split the Obligation between a bad reputation with other Rebel leaders and being hunted by her old cell.



Name: Minako
Species: Human
Class: Spy
Specialization: Splicer

"What do you mean I have to go? Can't they just find the data and bring it home? But you know where my strengths are. Yes, Sir. I know its important to the Alliance! Yes, I owe the Alliance...for...Yes Sir. Got it, meet them at...Yes Sir...I will be there Sir." Sighing she puts her communicator back into her purse. She had been working months on pulling out information from Bultalk Industries. A known supplier of weapons to the Imperium, she had spent months working as a programmer, then lead in their weapons research and development team. Now the boss wants her on another mission. Something more important. Verification of data and extraction and who knows what else. She felt a headache coming on. She was good at what she does, probably the best. She was good at ong term infiltration, waiting patiently for the right time or even a more stealthy approach, definitely not going in hot. The last time she held a gun was back ..... Goddess when was the last time she held a gun? I am so going to regret this...
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


Also, my Smut Preferences:

Forced Prostitution
Forced exposure
Anal Gangbang
Monstrous aliens -- the less human, the better
Rough Sex

Sexualized mutilation


NSFW: Image
Twi'lek, spy:slicer
Duty: Intelligence, I guess
Obligation: Addiction (Gambling)

Starting her 'career' as a Hutt slave, Isoldia had little hope for the future. However, the impossible happened, and a group of rebels freed her. Having nowhere else to go, and feeling that maybe she could also make some difference, Isoldia decided to join the rebellion. Who would guess, that Twi'leks aren't good only for dancing! She had a talent with messing around with terminals - a talent she persued.

Today she is back to her old job...almost. She is performing as an independent dancer in cantinas all over the Mid Rim worlds, making a name for herself. However secretly, she works as a spy for the rebellion. First overhear someone talking about something, then tap his commling or break in his room and look at his datapad. Easy. And if caught? She was sorry for trying to steal, but she really needed the credits...'please I will do anything, I won't do it again, don't take me to the authorities'. Not easy, but it worked so far.

As her skills grew, so did the risks she was willing to take for the rebellion...

Smut: My offs are scat and gore. I am in for all the things you mentioned (and others I know you like from your prev game I had applied  :P). My O/O is updated with an F-list so you can also check it for a not-so small list of Ons.


Quote from: Eobelle on April 22, 2019, 12:21:05 AM
Also, my Smut Preferences:

Forced Prostitution
Forced exposure
Anal Gangbang
Monstrous aliens -- the less human, the better
Rough Sex

Sexualized mutilation

Mmm... the same?
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


The characters look interesting so far!  I will give it a couple more days to see if anyone else would like to express interest (mostly due to Easter) then decide how to proceed. 



Since we only have 4 applications, that works out. 

Eobelle, Pumpkin Seeds, Arcanist, Aenon, please feel free to begin creating a character.  The OOC thread is located here.  It contains additional creation rules.