Transhumanist RP (Any for Any)

Started by Transcendent Su, April 18, 2019, 08:28:28 PM

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Transcendent Su

The basic idea is that in the future where people have their mind-souls backed up on a cortical stack and the cloud, there are a lot of people who are dead who would like to be alive again. People languishing in a low res reality eking by doing infomorph work to pay the rent on their server space.

One character would a super rich person in need of a new (insert job) and puts out an advertisement on the mesh for any disembodied soul who wants to have a new life in a body of flesh. A body that they do not own. A body that they can only keep as long as they serve the owner of that body. Billions of souls reply, A.I.s sort through the candidates and give the rich man a short list.