Roleplay, perhaps? F searching for M/F

Started by LadyDragon8990, February 15, 2019, 09:32:24 PM

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Hello, and welcome to my thread! So, I'm new to the site, but not new at roleplaying; I've been on the roleplaying scene for years now, over a decade, in fact. Now, while I've got you here, I just want to go over a few things:

1. I roleplay exclusively in private messages. I'm just terrible at keeping up with forums, is all.
2. I play exclusively female characters. I don't mind if you're a female that plays male characters or vice versa, just don't expect that from me, please. The only exception I will make is with NPCs.
3. Please be at least semi-literate. A small paragraph works fine for me, and we can do more if the situation calls for it. I try my best to give my partner something to work with, so I only ask for the same courtesy. However, I do understand when Writer's Block takes hold. Just let me know.
4. I will do roleplays with smut for the sake of smut, but most of the time I prefer roleplays with a story to them. That doesn't mean I don't want smut involved; I just don't want it to be the premise of the roleplay.
5. Which brings me to this one: I will not roleplay with anyone under 18. It's nothing personal. I just don't feel comfortable doing so.

Now that we got that out of the way, let me tell you a bit of what I'm looking for, or at least give you ideas for pairings. These are not set in stone. In fact, I love brainstorming with my partner, so if you guys have ideas, let me know! Side note: I strongly encourage romance in my roleplays, so a lot of pairings will reflect that.

Medieval Fantasy (just general)
Orc/Human(Elf)-- I would LOVE to do this one.
Arranged Marriage (Medieval setting)
Knight(Commoner)/Princess(Queen, Prince, King)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Just PM me if you're interested. Can't wait to hear from you!