Armphid's One on One Ideas and Cravings (for any and all)

Started by Armphid, January 12, 2019, 09:31:16 AM

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Hi everybody!  Armphid here.  You can call me Arm, though.  I hope that you're all finding what you want on Elliquiy and enjoying yourselves. 

I'm in the mood to try and add another RP or two to my current roster as many of those that I was in have ended.  I don't have any very specific ideas at the moment, but more concepts/kinks I want to pursue.  Some have a bit more detail than others.  I'm always interested in talking about RP ideas though.  Please check out my newly revised My Ons/Offs (which are in the signature too) and see something that appeals, please reach!

I must mention that I have a super busy real life which means I am not the fastest poster out there.  I don't have a lot of time to write, though I try to make time for it as it is very good for me.  That said, the best I can try for is a post a week.  I will do more if I can, but that's just being honest and realistic.  There may be times where I can't do that.  I will try to let you know if that happens.

For the short version of the About me in my O/Os, I am a pansexual cismale who is comfortable writing characters of pretty much any gender.  My writing partners' real life gender identity/sex does not matter to me.  I am a sub leaning switch and my characters tend to reflect that but I can play a dominant character at times.  I write in 3rd person.  I do RP here on the forums, not in PMs or other places.  While I can play canon characters, I generally don't like to and prefer to play OCs.  But for the right idea or writing partner, exceptions can be made.  Please PM to discuss rather than reply here. 

As stated above, these are more concepts/kinks/themes I'm looking to do something with.  Many of these could even be combined!  Please take a look and PM me if you'd like to talk concepts.  In the concepts below, YC refers to my writing partner's character(s) while MC refers to my character(s). While these are concepts that I'm currently interested in, that doesn't mean I might not find something else engaging too.  Please reach out if you'd like!  Thank you very much!
F+ (YC) on Male (MC)
F+ is meant to indicate a character with a traditionally female appearance but with male genitals.  Such a character could be MTF trans or a more fictional kind of hermaphrodite or futanari.  What I would really like to do is an RP with a F+ character (or characters, depending) being the dominant partner in a relationship with a cismale character.  This could be something set in a modern world with fantastic elements, fantasy, sci fi, what have you.  Maybe in a fantasy world, there's a race (could be orcs or an original race or even just human-looking Amazon types) of F+ that enjoy taking males as lovers since they can't get pregnant and uses them as primary sexual partners.  Maybe in a superhero world, a F+ superhero has taken MC as a new sidekick but the partnership is going to involve more than he expected!  There are all sorts of possibilities here.

Arranged Marriage
YC and MC are forced to marry one another and the RP deals with our new life together.  Maybe we know each other but never got along, or maybe we're complete strangers.  This could be to unify a kingdom or prevent a succession crisis in a fantasy setting or maybe in a sci fi setting, this is how an alien species confirms and closes business deals.  This one could be a slow burn where we get more comfortable over time to genuinely fall in love or it could be a situation where we find ourselves to be sexually compatible but the rest of the whole marriage thing remains tricky.  There could be slice of life elements here.  Is there pressure for the two of them to produce an heir (if possible)? 

M to F Genderbend
MC starts the RP as a cismale but quickly is physically transformed into a cisfemale.  YC then introduces her to sex in this new form.  Will MC try to turn back?  Or come to accept and even enjoy this new body and what it can do?  In a fantasy world, our characters could be adventurers who find a magic item that transforms MC (like the old Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity in older versions of D&D) and then YC decides to take advantage of the situation.  There are lots of ways this could go. 

Captured/Enslaved (MC)
MC is somehow captured or trapped by YC and is forced into servitude that is explicitly sexual.  This could be outright slavery or some other variety.  Nonconsent or dubious consent/coercion would clearly be an element here at first.  Ideally, the two of them would come to a point of mutual care and respect, even if there is still a power imbalance in their relationship.  In a fantasy setting, this could be the raiding orcs/dark elves/goblins/etc taking a human/elf/etc female or male as part of their booty.  Or perhaps MC is an adventurer whose party is trying to steal something from YC or their people and they end up caught.  Something similar could happen in a sci fi setting.  I can even think of a superhero concept; YC is a supervillain who captures MC and decides to ravish them and try to turn them.  Or maybe the reverse!  What if YC is a hero, but with a rough side, who's had enough of MC the supervillain's antics and decides to teach them a lesson? 

[Enemies/Friends/Rivals/Etc] to Lovers
YC and MC know one another.  They might be long term friends or they might not like each other very much, but for some reason, they end up having to spend time together and become lovers.  This might be purely sexual at first; maybe it's done just to survive when they're trapped in a cold, isolated place and need to stay warm or maybe they're forced together by a government program to combat low birth rates.  Whatever their initial view of each other, they come to actually care for one another.  This one is particularly suited to being combined with some of the other concepts. 
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Added a few new ideas and a section for kinks that are itches I'd really love scratched right now. 
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


A bump a few months late.  A few edits and one idea added too.  As always, I'm willing to entertain ideas not listed here either.  Feel free to reach out! 
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Bumped with a whole new format and added a few new ideas/idea categories!  Please read and PM if anything catches your eye or just because!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Bumping for the first time in a few months!  Added some new ideas too; please take a look!  Thank you!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


A bump after a few months with a new idea that's a strong craving and a little reshuffling.  Please take a look!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Bumping this with a few new ideas and some rearrangement as cravings have changed.  Please take a look and let me know if there's any interest!  Thank you very much!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


A bump for the month and with a few new ideas!  Changed around some cravings also.   Please look and see if anything catches your eye!  Thank you!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Bumped for the first time in a while!  New ideas and some shifting around of others, as well as some new cravings!  Please take a look.  Thank you very much!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Monthly bump with some tweaks and a few new fantasy ideas.  Please take a look and feel free to PM on anything here or your own ideas!  Thank you!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


A bump!  After a long period of inactivity, I have reinvigorated my efforts at writing and am looking to maybe add a new RP or two to keep my edge sharp and scratch some itches. 
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]


Older Version
Current Cravings in Red

Superheroes - while this could be in a set universe, I'd prefer original characters in our own universe (though it can borrow heavily from others)

Fucked Heel-Face Turn  - There's some intersectionality here with my Interracial section below.  The base idea is that I would play a villain (female in my base idea, but it could be a male) who would be one of a hero's regular rogue's gallery, someone they clash with over and over.  After one last fight, the hero decides that they've had enough of just sending them to jail to escape again and that they need punished another way.  The hero and villain have sex, which starts out non-consensual but the villain becomes a willing participant by the end of it.  The story could end there or it could go on.  Does the hero try to rehabilitate the villain through sex?  Does the villain seek the hero out with an easily thwarted crime so they can be "punished" again?  Is the villain part of a group that captures the hero only to free them in the hopes of continuing their physical relationship?

The details, story, etc could all go in a number of directions.  I would love to have an Interracial theme to this also, having my villain character be a Caucasian person with racist ideology/leanings that a hero of color then helps see the error of their ways through fucking.  My initial idea for the villain was a woman with a Confederate flag themed costume and sonic powers who goes by Rebel Yell, for example.


Size Differences RP - I've been taken lately with the idea of playing a "small" fantasy race female (dwarf, halfling/hobbit, gnome) who ends up romantically/sexually involved with one or more physically larger males or futas (humans, orcs, elves, etc.  Maybe even larger possibly like minotaur, ogre, etc).  I had a pair of plotlines in mind for this but would be open to others.  I would also enjoy playing the other side of this tripe as a halfling male who is very well endowed, even by the standards of much larger races and has encounters with larger partners.  Here are some ideas but I'm open to more!  Please send me a PM with your own concepts!

-- Wintering Through To Tomorrow - MC is a young dwarf woman (no beards for female dwarves here, thank you) who gets separated from a settlement or trade caravan because of a sudden winter storm/bandit raid/invasion by monsters or enemies and ends up stumbling into a somewhat sheltered mountain valley where she meets YC (preferred male or futa but can talk F possibilities) who takes her in for the winter as there will be no passing back to her home until the weather breaks for spring.  It might be grudging on YC's part or more open, there may be negotiation and promised services (which could be sexual for a coercive element if we wanted), but they end up wintering together.  It would be fun or interesting if MC ends up learning some sort of adventuring profession/class (to use game terms) from YC or from some other source during the winter.  Of course, the point of the RP would be the two of them becoming closer and ending us as lovers.  The RP could end with the end of winter when they part ways or perhaps they end up going (willingly or not) on some sort of adventure or quest afterward.  Perhaps an old enemy of his threatens them during the winter and they go to seek him out or an old ally comes to ask him for aid, there are lots of possibilities!

-- The Male Halfling is Nature's Tripod - This one is meant to a lighter story, not that there couldn't be heavy moments or themes.  Inspired in part by this comic and by my fondness for halflings in general, I want an RP where MY is a male halfling who ends up surprising some of the women (and possibly men) in his life with his endowment.  Ideally, YC (maybe two or three if you felt up to it) would be a member of the same adventuring party as MC, but I'd also like for both (or all) of our characters to have other sexual encounters also.  Possible with grateful villagers/clients, monsters, curious royalty, etc.  I would like there to be a storyline that we follow, not just PWP, but with plenty of smut.  Very open to options here.

-- Red Dragon Inn Inspired - For those not familiar, Red Dragon Inn is a board game in which the players are a D&D-like party of adventures who are relaxing in a tavern after the adventure.  You try to avoid losing all your gold or getting completely trashed or you'll be thrown out of the inn to the stables (or just sent to your room in nicer groups).  The idea here would involve the party unwinding after a successful venture and getting a bit tipsy.  Maybe some dares are made from YC (or characters if my partner was willing) towards MC, a halfling (male or female) and they end up having to either pay the bet with their body or perhaps the sexy times are just part of the bet themselves.  This would tend more towareds being light-hearted, even silly, and would more likely be a short-term RP.

-- The Long Watch Of the Dunedain - this one is based in a specific world, Tolkien's Middle-Earth and would be based in that lore in the Third Age.  It is stated by Aragorn at the Council of Elrond that the Rangers protect Bree-Land and the Shire from threats from the North.  The peace of the Shire only existed, in part, because of the tireless protection of the Rangers, who but rarely interacted with those they protected.  Partly inspired by Lord of the Rings Online, a young and buxom hobbit lass (MC) would be trying her own hand at adventuring or at least working as a Bounder when she encounters some danger that is far more than expected.  She is saved by one of the Rangers (YC, male preferred) and becomes taken with them.  She wants to help her rescuer as thanks, or at least do something for them!  If rebuffed, she starts seeking him out and even following him, trying to assist in his endeavors.  The idea would be that the two would become friends into lovers, which could be a slow burn or even happen quickly if said Ranger is particularly lonely or just interested in her.  This could go beyond this initial plotline into the events of the Lord of the Rings books.  Maybe the Ranger is assigned a dangerous mission somewhere and she refuses to be parted from him or otherwise tags along.

While I wouldn't ask anyone to be an expert on the lore or anything, this is one where the feel of the RP and dialogue in particular would be very important.  The characters in LoTR talk in a very specific way, especially those of the older cultures like the Rangers.  Not to say that there couldn't be some spicy talk or swearing when things get sexual, I love my dirty talk, but I'd want to try and mimic the style of speech as much as possible.

Skyrim - a subset of fantasy but for some reason, I've had a real hankering for play in this world lately.  Open to ideas beyond those listed below!

-- Hearthfire Rekindled - This RP would be set 10-15 years after the start of the game and the Dragonborn will have completed the Main Story quest and killed Alduin years ago.  The status of other quest lines would be something my partner and I would discuss.  During the early adventuring days and after buying (or building) a house in one of the Holds, the Dragonborn adopted one (or more) of the orphans they met on their travels.  That orphan is now an adult, a rising star in their own profession/organization/skills/etc.  However, they've realized their feelings for their adopted parent aren't quite familial, little knowing that the Dragonborn feels the same.

I could play either role in this RP and both the now grown child and the Dragonborn could be any gender.  I'd be looking for M/F or M/M in this RP, though a good F/F pitch could get me.  I like reading F/F and having it in stories but have found that I don't feel comfortable writing it.  Futa characters would also be welcome!  The idea would be the the two characters confronting and giving in to their feelings, perhaps while going on a quest together or just having a quiet time at home, then having to deal with trying to have a relationship that would get even the Dragonborn in trouble and could cost them both dearly.  Details would be worked on from here, of course.

-- Mer Superiority - A proud Stormcloak warrior (MC, male or female) is captured by the Thalmor after some event but rather than torture or execution, one of the Thalmor (YC, male, female, futa, other?) likes the look of MC and decides to turn them to the "truth" of elven superiority and make them into YC's obedient ally/sex slave/asset.  This could involve a lot of elements that would be up to discussion.  This could stay cold or perhaps genuine feelings would grow between the two of them.  This idea and the one below would involve clear race play and I'd love there to be lots of dirty talk and talk of breeding (or using a male character as a breeder) but all is negotiable! 

-- Elves and Men - Pretty much the opposite of the idea above.  An elf (thinking High Elf but could be any of them, female ideally but could be male) ends up in a vulnerable position and somehow at the mercy of YC (male or futa, any human, orc, or even beast race) who decides they want to put this damned elf in their place after they've torn Tamriel apart in the last few decades.  I would like the idea here that the characters end up having a real fondness for each other, possibly even ending in the two of them having a family in an epilogue post.

-- "You're that new Companion.  You, what?  Fetch the mead?"  - The Companions were my favorite of the "guilds" in Skyrim (followed very closely by the College of Winterhold, unpopular opinion, I know) and I had an idea for an RP where MC is a new member of the Companions (not necessarily the Dragonborn) and their training and service with the group also ends up involving helping members of the group "relax" or "blow off steam" in a way that doesn't involve fighting.  I would ideally want to follow the Companion quest line, at least loosely, though things may change as they went along.  In this RP, my partner could have a "main" character of their own but I would also like it if they were willing to play the rest of the Companions (though some could be shared in non-sex scenes) as they put MC through their paces.  I would like to have some werewolf on MC unchanged at some point, possibly even some dub-con or non-con. 

Final Fantasy XIV

This game is what I always wanted an MMORPG to be.  To me, it is the ultimate and near-perfect expression of the genre, which is amazing considering it's lousy start.  Truly an incredible success story and that's just the game's development, rebirth, and such!  I love the world and the aesthetic, the characters and story make me care.  I would love to play something set in this world.  It could be taking a pair of characters and following the Main Story (I'm just at the end of Stormblood) and whatever side/job quests we wanted with sexy fun thrown in or just our own set of adventurers trying to make Eorzea a better place and make some gil while they're at it!  But I'm open to almost any idea set in this world.  Send me a tell (PM) and let's talk about it!

Fantasia's Expensive!  - This is the one idea that I have for an RP in this world.  My character would be a successful male adventurer (could be a Warrior of Light/connected with the story or just one of many adventurers out there) who is celebrating after a great victory and ends up getting incredibly drunk.  After finishing all the booze that his party/the inn/location has or is willing to give him, he still wants more!  Which is when he sees the strange bottle that someone left out, uncorks it and slams down the contents, only to immediately pass out.  The thing is that was a bottle of Fantasia, not booze.  In his sleep, he has strange dreams and ideas (perhaps someone whispers into his sleeping ears or otherwise influences him) and when the adventurer awakens, he is now a she!  And possibly not even a she of the same race that he was!  The owner of the Fantasia potion (your character, though they could be an NPC and your character is someone else that gets involved somehow) is unhappy that this idiot drank it and wants paid back...but looking at her new body, they decide that the adventurer could pay them back in more than one way.  The story could go in lots of directions from there.  This is another one that is explicitly sexual in nature.  The exact details can be worked out, but I'd like it to be more light hearted even if there are themes of exploitation, coercion, etc. 

That's all the new stuff for now!  I will add new ideas as they come up!

RP Resurrection
These RPs all ended prematurely for a variety of reasons but I like the premise and story ideas enough that I'd love to try them again.  AS with everything else, please PM if anything here sparks your interest!

Her Secret's Out - My character becomes the sidekick or protege of your character, an established and relatively well known female super hero.  Despite a likely age and experience difference, there is an attraction between them.  In a battle against your character's nemesis (or one of their "primary" villains), your costume is torn enough to expose a big secret; namely that your character is a futa/intersex character and has male genitals (big one) as well as female.  This causes lots of problems as friends turn away, the media lights her up, any teams they're on may ask them to leave, etc.  My character would stay loyal and openly confess their feelings at this point, leading to a romantic/sexual relationship.

This could end up to involving other characters as well and the details are all up for discussion. 

Kneel for Me - YC is a wealthy woman of middle age (late 30s at the youngest) who was the trophy wife of a rich man after being his mistress and causing his divorce from his first wife.  A few years ago, she discovered that her husband was cheating on her with a much younger woman and the process repeated itself.  Wealthy and on her own now, both with cash from the divorce and from her own businesses she started while married, YC has traveled the world and experienced many things.  She has gained both knowledge and experience in BDSM and has decided she wants a lover but she will not risk being betrayed by a man again.  She needs someone she can have utter control over.  So she finds a young man (no younger than 18 (my preference) and no older than 21) who works at one of the establishments she frequents (country club, restaurant, etc) is homeless and has been thrown out of his home for personal reasons.  She decides to offer him a place at her side, bound contractually and financially to her until he has completed his college education (which she will pay for) on the condition that he be her sex slave as well as other conditions.  Her intent is to have a loyal young plaything that she can mold to be exactly what she wants and have no emotional attachment to.  Of course, the two would come to have feelings for each other as the RP went along. 

Quest of Rebirth - In a fantasy world, humans and monsters clash often.  All humans know monsters lurk in dangerous and dark places, that they feed on humans, and that their women especially desire to corrupt and rape humans before killing them if possible.  What few know is that it was not always this way; once humans and monsters lived in peace and harmony under the watchful eye of the Great Goddess.  Once every generation (30 years), a human male would be chosen to travel the world to find the goddess and lie with her, renewing the world's life force and allowing the goddess to create new species.  But he could not do so along.  He had to first find five (this number can vary but at least 3) women of the monster races of high station who would journey with him to the goddess so that they may vouch for the goodness of his heart and his virility, having laid with him themselves.  Most humans now do not know this story, only scholars and others of that ilk, while most monsters know it but think that no human can have a good heart or wish them anything but ill.  But there are those who know that it it is more than a story and how benefit from the strife between human and monster.  They have worked to make sure no chosen one has completed the Quest of Rebirth in over 500 years. 

In this story, MC would be unaware that he was the chosen one and probably not even know the story.  This is a fantasy world with magic, so he would probably me a mage rather than a warrior like a typical fantasy hero.  He would somehow encounter a monster woman who would seduce (or outright rape) him to drain his energy, only for her to realize that he was this generation's chosen one.  The two of them would them embark to try and fulfill the Quest of Rebirth.  I'd be looking for a partner willing to play multiple roles of the monster women who end up in the party and as lovers to both my character and one another, though I am willing to play some of them also.  The idea is that the party would essentially be sort of a harem but more a polyamorous relationship between all of them.  "Monster" in this scenario would refer to any non-human race, so creatures like elves and dwarves would count, but I admit I'd be interested more in monster women like nagas/lamias, ghosts, minotaurs, and the like. 

These are RP ideas that are active now; links below if you want to read!
I'm always open to new takes so if one strikes your fancy, please PM!

Choosing the Collar - With the terrific and talented Roses of May - This RP could fit into just about any fantasy setting, including Exalted above, so long as that setting involved slavery.  The idea would be that my character is a young man (on the lower end of Elliquiy's allowance 16-18ish) who has ended up as a slave for one reason or another, which we would work out as part of planning.  I saw him coming from a background that normally doesn't end up as a slave so having an education as well as being physically fit and good looking.  An adventurer of some kind (my partner's character) purchases him for service (sexual or to make use of his other talents or for his/her own reasons).  While there would be jobs/adventures, the story and conflict would come from the two of them getting to know one another.  My character would resent his slavery and chafe at it and would plan to escape.  Maybe he would actually attempt it or maybe the chance comes for him to escape but he doesn't take it to help out his owner after having come to have feelings for them.  The idea would be that eventually, even if freed, he would ask to serve them and submit to being theirs out of his feelings for them.  The adventurer could be male, female, or otherwise, any fantasy race, even traditionally monstrous ones would be great!  I am open to a number of permutations of this concept.

The Hero From Beyond & The Good Prince with the fantastic and fanciful Ivory Dawn - A standard fantasy story, though I'd like to change things a bit.  My character is a prince or other young noble who is to be escorted to another nation for an arranged marriage.  Your character is the escort sent from that nation and to everyone's surprise is a woman.  Note that I'd love her to be a futa/intersex but that's not a must.  She would be physically strong and powerful, more than most men, and a well known bad ass in her own lands.  It would be good if there was initial attraction between the protector and the prince that would grow during the journey.  The trip would be perilous and could go off the rails entirely even; maybe a powerful magical being who doesn't want the marriage to happen teleports them to a far away land or a coup occurs and assassins are now hunting the prince, there's a lot of options.  The two of them would become sexually (romance is also my preference but it could be more base than that) on the trip.  More fantastic elements could be worked in as well and it could be as plot or smut heavy as we liked.  The prince would not be useless or fully helpless, just not a warrior.  He could be an expert archer or use magic but more protective/healing magic rather than destructive.  Of course, a lot of this is open to discussion.

We're Superheroes; What Could Happen? with the mighty Gannameade - Both our characters are established heroes (solo or they could be partners or on a team), as well known as we'd like them to be.  During a battle with a villain (male or female), some device or magic artifact in the villain's lair or that was part of their plot is used on my character and transforms him into a her.  There is an attraction between our two characters (maybe there was before the transformation too) but even as my character struggles to adjust, your character makes the move to seduce.  Whether she can be turned back into a he would be part of the plot as well as other heroics and the conflict of whether she wants to change back even if there is a way.  I'd prefer a male or futa character to play opposite but a female character would be great too, though I hope she likes to use a strap-on or other toy.  This could also be done in a fantasy setting with something like a Girdle of Gender Change or other magic item or spell.  It might start as a curse but end up being a blessing!

Too Nice For The Apocalypse with the sweet and sensual fantasylver - A survivor (my partner's character) in the apocalypse is out hunting/scavenging and finds a beautiful young person (my character) passed out from exhaustion/injury by the side or a ruined road, chains still on them as well as some gear and supplies.  Despite knowing that the smart thing to do would be to rub them and leave them to die, the survivor instead is too good a person to do it and takes the unconscious person back to their home/hideout/etc.  It's clear that my character is on the run from someone and given their appearance, that someone is going to be looking for them.  The survivor would be tempted to wash their hands of it, but just can't bring themselves to be that cruel.  The two begin to bond and become close, despite initial friction, and must deal with the challenges of survival in the Wasteland as well as whoever is coming looking for their valuable escaped slave.

Adventues of Nova & Comet with the brilliant and bonafide BlueEyedBard - This idea is light hearted and smut oriented, with an assumption of superhumans having super libidos and a more casual view of sex.  My character is a recent graduate (or current student) at a training school/program for super heroes. Your character takes them on as a sidekick.  In addition to all the training, crime fighting, and such, there's an additional duty the sidekick needs to handle; their mentor's sexual needs and desires.  This could be something that wasn't initially disclosed leading to some initial awkwardness or even non/dubious consent based on our preferences and planning.  The sidekick would eventually become a very willing participant.  This could include other characters; maybe your character shares with some other heroes or their super team.  Maybe they pimp out the sidekick to villains as a bribe to stop their crimes/schemes for a while.  It could go different directions.  Your character could be female, male, futa/intersex.  I am fine playing either gender, though I prefer a male.  While the power dynamic is part of the point here, this is meant to be more light hearted and not leave either character with overwhelming guilt or any of the other mental issues that such a relationship could foster.   

Bonus points if the mentor hero is of a different ethnic/racial background than the sidekick (Caucasian) but not a need by any means.  I'd love to open this up to other supporting characters to participate as well, maybe the superhero set is full of sex fiends!  Kind of like The Boys (which I have never read nor watched) but without everyone being an asshole.  Maybe the hero shares their sidekick with their superteam or bribes a villain to lay low or go straight for a while by whoring the sidekick out to them.  All kinds of ideas!

He Gets More Than Adventure with the wily and wondrous Wandering Mind - A less experienced adventurer (my character) is recruited to join a well-known party of adventurers that have a strong reputation for success but also for having a good time and causing a bit of trouble on the downside.  While the party does think MC will be a good fit and helpful in their adventures, once they're out away from civilization, they reveal the real reason was that they want someone to slake their sexual appetites when they're out adventuring.  This would not be strictly PWP or pure smut, but it would have a high concentration of it.  I would ideally want a partner to play 2-3 characters in the party but it could also work with just a single great hero if that's more comfortable.  The party member(s) could be any genders and most fantasy style races would be welcome as well.  I would prefer to play a male character but could play female.  If comfortable, there could even be both, as maybe one of the party's spellcasters can cast a spell that changes MC's gender so the party can use them however they want.  Looking for this to be more of a light hearted romp where the characters gradually come to genuinely care for each other and essentially form an open polyamorous relationship.

Love in Crisis with the sensational and superior Soveliss!- One of our characters is a hero, the other player's character is a villain.  They've been at odds for years but there's also always been an attraction between them that may have almost flared into something more than once.  They're both well known and respected in the hero/villain communities and are a part of teams that have often clashed as well as having their own one on one encounters.  Then a great cosmic or mystic evil threatens the entire world and a number of villains team up with the heroes to fight it.  Our characters end up teamed together since they know one one another's abilities well.  But not every villain is taking Earth's side and even those who don't might view the villain who helps the heroes as a sell out.  During the conflict the two end up isolated somewhere and the mutual desire blows up and they end up confessing their feelings, perhaps being intimate, and decide to actually try and make a go of having a relationship once the crisis was over.  This one could go a lot of ways.  I have ideas for both the heroic and villain roles here, though I'd prefer the hero side, I'm open to either.

Less Immediate
These are RP ideas that I still like but are less immediately my fancy.
That doesn't mean I wouldn't go for it though, please PM if you're interested!

Trespasser - In this fantasy world, the local nation (kingdom, city-state, can be decided upon) is on hard times.  There's been a drought for years which means food and water are scarce.  The one place that's still verdant and lush with animal and plant life is the Forbidden Forest, but everyone knows that to go there would mean a horrible death and possible retribution from the force that dwells inside (an ageless sorceress, elves, a dragon, all possibilities and more).  One young man (MC), seeing his little sister falling ill and knowing that she might recover with herbs as well as foraged food from the forest breaks the taboo and goes in to get what will save her life.  Inside, he is confronted by the guardian/one of the guardians of the forest (YC).  The young man admits his trespass and begs for help from the guardian, promising to return to face their judgment but begging them to allow him to take what he needs.  For character reasons that we would work out, the being(s) he has spoken to decide to make a deal.  It may be the one previously mentioned or it may be something, but it would involve the young man coming to the forest again (or possibly just once and then staying there) and becoming a servant/slave to this being. 

This is intended to be explicitly sexual servitude as well as a more normal kind and I am looking for BDSM elements.  However, I would want YC to value MC, though they may not immediately admit it, and have it develop or even start as a more loving and gentle dominance, even if there are times of sadism/masochism as part of it.  I would prefer to play against a female character for femdom but a male being or one that was futanari or could change/combine gender at well would be fine as well.  I will say that I do want this to include MC receiving anal sex, so if YC is female, I would like there to be pegging.  This could branch out to other characters being involved as well.  Perhaps the little sister (who would be properly old enough, of course) comes to the forest once she is well enough to share her brother's burden.  Perhaps YC shares MC with friends.  There's a lot of room to work with here.

My Hero Academia

I don't have an idea in mind for this setting, I just think it would be a lot of fun to create a game set in it.  My thought would be that we would make characters who would replace members of Class-1A (and age everyone up a year or two) and go through the events of the manga/anime with our own twists and turns that would result from our characters being present.  This is definitely one where both partners would need to be comfortable writing their "mains" as well as sharing a wide cast of NPCs, including in sexual encounters and fights.

It could also be fun to play as a pair of heroes who are just starting out in joint agency or perhaps one is an established pro and the other character is coming on a new sidekick.  The superhero plots mentioned above could also be set in this world too.

Modern Mythology/Fantasy

The Best Revenge - This would take place in a modern type setting that had mythological elements.  Specifically, gods, monsters, and other supernatural elements are real.  My inspiration comes from both the role-playing game Scion and from the books of Rick Riordan.  I also freely admit to seeing a version of this idea on someone else's thread but it really inspired me.

In this idea, a demigod son of Zeus (my character) is doing heroic things on Earth.  Hera, angered as always at at her husband's infidelity but unable or unwilling to strike back directly, goes after this demigod but rather than torment him in her usual style, decides to seduce him to show Zeus how it feels.  And, hey, if he gets jealous and thunderbolts his bastard, so much the better!  But he's not what she expected and offers her genuine sympathy while also unexpectedly standing up to her.  During her time, she ends up getting involved in some of the heroics and...enjoys it.  The plot would be the two of them interacting and coming to terms, perhaps developing deeper feelings than just lust and payback, and Hera creating a new legend for herself in the modern world.  Plot elements that I would like to include would be recognition of the incestuous nature of the relationship (Hera would be both his stepmother and aunt) as well as the cheating aspect.  While it wouldn't be necessary, having Hera become pregnant in the story would be a big turn on and story given that she's goddess of marriage and motherhood.

Scion - a table top RPG by White Wolf Games/Onyx Path Publishing, I mention this as a possible setting for the idea above.  However, just doing a Scion RP itself would be fun.  I would prefer to play a Scion with my partner's character being a fellow Scion or even a God in an Incarnation/Avatar form!  While we could come up with adventures for the characters together, some ideas might be things like having to try and play marriage counselors for heavenly couples to keep everyone focused on the Titan War.  Perhaps we take the classic heroes' journey and are charged with finding/recovering a long lost powerful artifact.  Maybe it's just a road trip across America, almost Supernatural-style, where our characters just keeping blundering into adventure, sex, and romance?  The possibility of mythical creatures and monsters getting in on the sex would also be something that would be a lot of fun.

To Save Two Peoples - A warrior nation with a proud matriarchal tradition and monarchy has been cursed that they can only bear female children.  To keep their people alive, they have used their military might to take men from other nations for procreation.  They raid and make war, having become feared by the rest of the world.  However, when they begin to encroach on one kingdom, they do not immediately invade but send an ambassador who offers a deal; a tithe of young men, chosen by the warrior women, who will be given to them every year and not only will they not invade and plunder the kingdom but will act as their allies in any military business.  My character would be the prince of this kingdom and end up being one of those chosen by the warriors when his father agrees to the bargain.  This could play out just as him getting used to his new life with whatever woman ends up owning him (the queen or a princess, perhaps a general, a high priestess, whatever type you like) or it could go in other directions.  Maybe there is a way for the curse to be broken but it would require a captive man from another land to willingly participate in some ritual or quest, or maybe just to truly love his captor. 

This could also work with a race of intersex/futanari who are unable to breed with themselves but can breed with men and women.  In this case, their deal would be for males and females both.  This could also be a Science Fiction story with the warrior women being replaced by aliens; perhaps they have modified their own genetic code so much that they can no longer breed normally but can do so with humans for reasons unknown when the RP starts.


The Zoo - Our characters would be a pair of humans who are essentially kidnapped by aliens to be part of a zoo exhibit on some distant world or space station.  They would live as prisoners but fairly well treated ones, however the zookeepers would want them to attract and keep visitors entertained and everyone gets amused (and some turned on) when the animals go at it, so they would manipulate and possibly even force the characters to have sex (by withholding food, introducing aphrodisiacs, shock collars, etc).  Maybe more humans are introduced which shakes up the dynamic that might have started between our characters.  Maybe the aliens decide that their humans should become a breeding pair.  Maybe sympathetic aliens break them out and our characters have to try and go on the run in an interstellar civilization they know nothing about!

Exalted - For those who know of it, the tabletop RPG Exalted is my favorite role playing game.  I have played it a few times in the past but usually I have been the one running it for a group of players who are not interested in exploring or even featuring any of the highly sexualized aspects of the setting.  I would love to do some RP here than let me play in that world and freely play with and explore the sexual parts.  Specific plot Ideas below but I am open to discussing others.

Sun and Moon - a classic but one I've never gotten to fully explore.  I would love to play the story of a Solar Exalt who's pretty new to his/her power encountering their Lunar mate who would be older and more experienced.  This could go in a lot of ways from outright romantic (I am a sucker for romance) to one of the characters being more manipulative and hoping to gain control of a powerful ally/asset through the connection, what have you.  I would want to play the Solar in this story.  While I'd have a mild preference for a male character, I'm fine with playing female too.  Ideally, I would play a character who had access to an Artifact that allowed for gender change and would switch between them for various scenes/situations.  For the Lunar, the character could be male or female.  Ideally if my partner was comfortable with it, the Lunar would be able to change gender to male, female, even intersex/futanari/whatever you want to call a female body with both male and female sex organs.

Dynastic Decadence - This would involve both characters playing Dragon-Blooded of the Realm.  Our characters would be Dragon-Blooded relatives; they could be close relatives such as siblings, parent-child, aunt/uncle/nephew/niece, first cousins or more separate cousins.  My ideal scenario is that my character would be introduced to the more sexually decadent side of the Scarlet Dynasty by their older relative now that they've come of age.  I picture this as my character being male and the older relative being female but that's up to preference and discussion.  It could just be a set of sexual scenes but I also like plot in my smut.  Perhaps one or both of them are getting set up or are already in arranged marriages they don't care for and they end up having more feeling for one another.  Do they keep up appearances and be together when they can?  Do they take off an a tour/adventure/inspection of the Threshold as an excuse to be together?

Interracial - Black/White

Reparations - I am interested in playing a story set in a fictional US that passes an unusual form of reparations law to give something back to African Americans for the horrors of slavery.  I had a few ideas but the idea would be that a young white couple would end up being put into servitude/slavery to an African-American man/family and become sex slaves to them.  It's also possible that rather than be assigned to a family, perhaps there is a specific reparations club or place they must to go to regularly and submit to any people of color there.  The trick here is that ideally I would want both the man and woman in the couple to participate in the sexual aspects, including M/M. 

Sins of the Past - This idea would be that a young white man who is ignorant that his ancestors were slave owners is targeted by an African-American man or men who are descendants of those slaves.  The young man is transformed by magic or super science into a woman and the men take their pleasure of her, possibly make her service others, all to get payback for the pain and suffering of their ancestors.  Other possibly themes could be mind alteration, bimbofication, risk of pregnancy/pregnancy/breeding, bondage, public sex, and more. 

And that's everything!  If you made it this far, congratulations!  Thank you all again for taking a look!
My ONs/OFFs and Other Info

One-on-One Ideas/Interests

Group Ideas/Interests[/td][td]     [/td]