Imagination. Invention. Progress. (Steampunk/Dieselpunk, FutaxF, FxF, FxM)

Started by SilkenVenom, January 05, 2019, 05:58:12 PM

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Always remember: the only time a person is defeated is when they give up on their dreams. -Xavier Faust
For Your Listening Pleasure and Inspiration

General Information:

With a bit of a revamp and the addition of new character, I'm hoping to give this idea a bit of a revitalization. Your own gender doesn’t matter. Your character’s gender, I’m primarily looking for Futa x F with my partner playing the female role. I will consider FxF and maybe FxM, but your characters and ideas better blow me away with how amazing they are. No pressure or anything. Worst I can do is say no thanks, right?  ;D

Couple of quick notes:

1) I'm not expecting the world. I'm just hoping for a relaxing, in-depth RP with a good story and plenty of erotic content. I'm not going to give a ratio because it will vary depending on idea and player.
2) While I do sometimes enjoy frequent posts, I don't really expect it. I'm extremely patient and hope you will be to. I suffer from frequent writers block, but I do try to maintain communication. I've been bad about it in the past, but it's something I'm trying to be better about. One post a week is fine, if that's what you need. Give me a quality post and that's all I ask. When it comes to sex scenes, my posting is sometimes slower than normal as I need to be in the right headspace, but again, I'll try to be in communication with you if this is the case.
3) I'm not going to rag on you for spelling mistakes or grammatical errors or putting a wrong word in. I make plenty of errors myself. That being said...spell checkers exist.
4) When it comes to kinks, my typical On/Offs apply, which can be found in the signature. However, if there is something you are really hoping for, we can probably at least talk about it. Your best bet is to ask me and we'll see what we can do.
5) I'm very open to changes at any point, so if you don't like something or things aren't going a way you would prefer, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm sure we can find a way to work it out!

Also, please do NOT post in this thread. Thanks!

On that same note, if there are any other questions or comments, feel free to PM me! I’m a nice person, I swear!

Name: Anastasia Morell

Age: 30

Height: 5'10"

Hair: Red

Eyes: Brown

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Alchemist/Engineer; Guildmaster of the Machine Guild

Background: Anastasia was orphaned at a young age, a victim of a brutal civil war that tore New Cog City apart. At the time it was known as Gallerheim, a trade city run by a greedy and corrupt council of nobles. The people suffered through many generations under magical oppression, scraping by with what they could while the nobility took more and more for themselves. It was inevitable that the people would eventually rise up and take their lives back. It was a fight they likely couldn't win. The people fought and died for their freedom, Anastasia's parents among them. She joined up with a group of other orphans on the streets, stealing and conning people just for meager food that was barely enough to feed the all. One day she attempted to steal from an old building on the edge of the city that looked abandoned. Inside she found a number of mechanical devices never seen before. Her curiosity got the best of her, taking things apart and trying to put them back together in a logical pattern. She went back several more times, toying with the devices and even coming up with a few things of her own from left over material. However, she ended up getting caught one night when the owner of the building returned. She was expecting him to be angry, but he simply looked at her work with a critical eye. And end in the end, he smiled at her. It was her first meeting with Doctor Xavier Faust that would change her life.

Faust took Anastasia home, impressed with her mind and her ability. She began to apprentice under him, learning alchemy, mathematics and engineering. The rise of knowledge and technology, lead by Faust and several others, had developed a way for the people to fight back against the oppressive ones. It would no longer be a losing war, and hope was what they needed to continue the fight. As the years went on, Faust grew ill as he withdrew to work on a special project he kept completely secret. By the time anyone figured out what he was planning, it was too late to stop him. Faust detonated a specially designed bomb, made of both technology and magic, at the heart of the city. It tore apart the magical lay lines and those with magic were either torn apart with them or rendered powerless. Much of the city was destroyed and many innocent lives were lost. The ability to use magic had been wiped out and the nobility lost their method of control. The war was over and the people had won, though the cost was far beyond what any of them had hoped for.

Nearly fifteen years have passed since that day and Gallarheim was rebuilt, reborn as New Cog City with the designs and dreams of Xavier Faust. Imagination, Invention, Progress; those were the tenants the people adopted. People came from all over to witness and be a part of the world's newest superpower. Under a Governor elected by the people, New Cog City grew into the dream Faust had hoped for, even if he would not be around to see it. Anastasia went on to become Guildmaster of the Machine Guild, a place where anyone could go to have their dreams realized and further the progress the city had made.

Name: Lita Sarabian

Age: 32

Height: 6'0"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Bounty Hunter; Employed by the Merchant's Guild

Background: Lita was born in the desert city of Jarnama, a medium sized trade hub between the East and South lands. They experienced rapid growth once airships became more common and the harsh desert was not nearly as much of an obstacle to travel; a prominent spot for merchants to stop and resupply. The Prince gained fame and recognition on the world stage as a man of the people whom his subjects admired. Lita was the daughter of a mason and a weaver, their family becoming well off through trade and sell of their products. She never wanted for much. Despite that, she had a bad case of wanderlust. Seeing the people come and go of other cultures made her want to see the world. However, the black mark on Jarnama was expectations based on who someone was, or their family.

By tradition, Lita would take the place of one of her parents in their trade and keep it going. This did not interest her. She wanted to work on the docks and learn from the outsiders, but her parents would not allow it. She had a choice to make: stay there and conform to what the city wanted of her, or leave. Refusing to let old traditions get in her way, she stowed away on an airship and left the city behind. However, she wasn’t there long before being discovered by the crew. She had expected them to take her back, but after hearing her story, they reconsidered. The Captain, named Carter, saw himself in her when he was young. He allowed her to stay, provided she help out. She agreed, but she hadn’t realized at the time they were not really a merchant ship. They were a group of sky pirates, which was made very clear when they were attacked by bounty hunters some time later.

Despite her initial misgivings at that revelation, she owed them a lot for taking her in and helped to fend off the attack. Over the years she grew into one of finest crew mates on the ship, earning herself the position of first mate. Carter took ill shortly after and died later that same year. The crew looked to her for guidance, and though she felt she was not ready, she took command. It didn’t take long before a sizable bounty was placed on her head. For several years they terrorized the shipping lanes, yet all good things come to an end. Their ship was badly damaged by the New Cog City military and much of the crew was killed. Those that survived were captured and imprisoned, including Lita. It looked like she was destined to rot there, however, the Merchant’s Guild of New Cog City had a better idea.

Using their considerable influence, they pulled enough strings to get her and her few remaining men released. The Guildmaster made her an offer; if she worked for them, they would bankroll her, even give her a new ship. While apprehensive to the idea, she had little choice but to agree if she wanted to get back in the air. As it turned out, her work didn’t change much from before, and this time she and her new crew made a lot more money.

Name: Sophia Bellatrix

Age: 35

Height: 5'10"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Orientation: Bisexual

Occupation: Law Keeper; Captain of the Ravenguard

Background: Before the machinations of Xavier Faust set the people free, many suffered at the hands of those whole wielded magic. Whether forced to labor in the mines or made to work in service to the elite, nobody avoided the harsh lives they lived. Sophia was the product of a violent attack on her mother by a young noble who refused to take No for an answer. Despite that, her mother never hated her. She did all she could to protect Sophia, even at the cost of her own well being. This became increasingly difficult as Sophia grew older. It wasn't until Sophia killed her father, if he could even be called that, in defense of a girl even younger than her that Sophia had gone too far. Her mother protected her one last time and took the fall for the murder. She was publicly executed and Sophia ran as much as she could. Revenge consumed her from that day, finding every opportunity to harm those who thought themselves better.

After an unsuccessful raid that killed many rebels, Sophia awoke in a makeshift infirmary where she met Xavier Faust. They spoke for awhile and after hearing her story, he reached into his pack and gave her a pocket watch that did not tick. He told her, "time marches on, even if our own stops. Life is about keeping those in sync." She didn't understand his words. When the war finally ended, Sophia found herself amongst the wreckage, a part of her wishing she had died with so many others. As she searched the devastated landscape, she came across a group of crying children. One of their own had been crushed under falling debris. Try as she might, she was unable to help them and found herself crying along with them. While she hadn't had a hand in the destruction, this was the result of her need for revenge. In that moment, she heard a sound. The watch Faust had given her was now working. It was only now that she began to understand his works; she couldn't keep living in the past.

With the reconstruction and rise of New Cog City came a need to maintain order. Though many were glad to simply be alive, that did not prevent others from trying to take advantage. Gathering a small group of like-minded people, she protected those that needed it. That group became the Ravenguard, New Cog City's group of police and law keepers, sworn to protect the people and ensure all are treated with respect.


After many months, decided to give this another shot, along with an added plot seed Smoke and Chains (probably craving this one more than the others at the moment).

PM me if interested!


After a year and a half, I want to give this a shot again. Even got updated with a brand new character!


